Members of Congress Send Letter of Demand to FDA Commissioner Re Covid Vax Injuries By Dr Abigail Knight (Florida)

Three members of US Congress have sent a letter of demand to the FDA demanding full compliance with laws associated with the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting (VAERS) data and the Covid-19 vaccines. VAERS has an under-reporting factor of between 41 and 100. However, given that, 1.4 million reports of adverse events after the administration of the Covid-19 vaccines has been recorded. The letter is reproduced by Trial, and the demand is for the FDA to do what it is supposed to do, and investigate these injuries. Good luck with that, given the power and influence of Big Pharma.

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Did the US Blow Up Nord 2? Smoking Guns By Richard Miller (London)

Tucker Carlson puts the case that Putin would have had rocks in his head to blow up his own pipeline. He needs it to use leverage on Western Europe. But, Swedish scientists did detect explosions, so the pipeline was blown. There is a circumstantial case that the US did it, as Biden said earlier in the year that if Putin attacks the Ukraine, this pipeline will not go ahead. And, there is a non-Russian replacement too. If the US did do this, they were willing to allow masses of methane to enter the atmosphere from the vast leaks. All that from the climate change crisis Democrats. Tucker makes the good point that if the US did it, Russia might decide to blow up internet cables, which would be more than inconvenient for the world financial system. Indeed, it is the prelude to economic collapse, and nuclear holocaust.  

mRNA Vaccines and Cancer: One Story By Chris Knight (Florida)

The mainstream publication, The Atlantic, has just published a piece describing the plight of a medical elite, who was all vaxxed up, but unfortunately had cancer of the immune system—lymphoma. He received a booster, and it seemed that the booster kicked his cancer into overdrive. He was, and I think, still is, a true believer in the vax, but admits that there are rare cases like his where the poor unfortunates, who have pre-existing diseases, get even sicker. What is not discussed, even if it was true that this is rare, is why this might be so? One explanation, suggested by the Covid critics, is that there is an undermining of the immune system through original antigenic sin, discussed in a post at the blog today. If the immune system is weakened, then any such response to the cancer will be weakened as well. It all is but one more horror story in the land of the great Covid syringe.

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mRNA Vaccine Shedding in Breast Milk: JAMA By Brian Simpson

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12


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The Massive Threat of Communist China By James Reed

The head of the FBI, Christopher Wray, and the head of Britain's domestic intelligence agency, the MI5, Ken McCallum, came together in July 2022 to warn against the "massive" threat that both intelligence services consider China presents. One of the greatest challenges to Western economies is China's theft of Western technology. China's Ministry of State Security (MSS) uses its regional bureaus, according to Wray, to "key in specifically on the innovation of certain Western companies it wants to ransack.... companies everywhere from big cities to small towns -- from Fortune 100s to start-ups.... We've even caught people affiliated with Chinese companies out in the U.S. heartland, sneaking into fields to dig up proprietary, genetically modified seeds, which would have cost them nearly a decade and billions in research to develop themselves”: Christopher Wray, FBI Director, address to London business leaders on National Security Threats Posed by the People's Republic of China, MI5 HQ, July 6, 2022. There is also a massive problem with academia, where Chinese scientists have been found to filter back vital research to the motherland. Clearly there is a major philosophical problem here coming from the West’s inane acceptance of multiculturalism, something China has no time for at all; something these security directors dare not discuss. Diversity is a major security weakness, not a strength.

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The Safety of Gene-Based Vaccines By Brian Simpson

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, speaking at the 3rd International COVID Conference held in Budapest, Hungary, claimed that gene-base vaccines do not work, and may even be genocide, although the summary below is not too sympathetic to that. The key point is that by injecting the vaccine into muscles, there will be no activation of secretory IgA antibodies in mucous membranes, so the respiratory tract remains unprotected. This would explain how the vaccinated still contract Covid. Trial Site, dismisses Dr Bhakdi’s view that the vaccines evoke self-destructive processes and creates autoimmune responses in the lymphocytes of the whole body. While this may be something of an over-statement, the evidence for original antigenic sin, covered in another article at the blog today, does support his position over the mainstream.

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Original Antigenic Sin By Brian Simpson

The idea that the Covid vaxxes may result in a lower immunity through “original antigenic sin”/immune imprinting, has been advanced for some time by Covid vax critics. The idea is that an initial exposure to a virus shapes responses to latter exposures to related viral strains. Indirect evidence for this hypothesis, with respect to the Covid vaxxes, comes from data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),  that people who got two or three Covid jabs are more likely to get ill with Covid six to eight months after the last dose than had they gotten none at all, indicating some sort of immunological priming of the immune system. The push for continuous boosters will merely add to this problem.


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Suspicious Gas Leaks … No, Explosions! By Richard Miller

In both the Ian Fleming book, Goldfinger, and the James Bond classic movie, Goldfinger says to Bond: “Mr Bond, they have a saying in Chicago: 'Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action'.” Three gas leaks on the Nord stream gas pipes is beyond chance, and even the mainstream media are speculating about sabotage. Yet, while Russia is an obvious choice, why bother when they can turn off the tap anyway? And, most importantly, Nord Stream 2 was not yet operational. Could it be the US? Here is one point of view.

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The Blood on Biden’s Hands By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Shannon Brandt, 41, killed 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson early Sunday in McHenry with an SUV in an alley. He did so following a political argument, Brand being a Biden Democrat and Ellingson being taken by Brandt as belonging to the sort of “Republican extremist group,” that Joe Biden had warned against. So, he killed him. And, he is not under house arrest and has no curfew. Compare this situation to what happened in Charlottesville five years ago. James Fields ploughed through a crowd after having a rifle pointed at him, facing club-wielding Leftists. He hit a large woman, who died of a brute force injuries to the chest, officially. He received two life terms plus 419 years, while Brandt is free on bail. It is justice today, USA style.

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Institute of Public Affairs Video on the Indigenous Voice Referendum: Pass on the Message By James Reed

From Daniel Wild :

Dear All,

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Will the West Swallow Nuclear Attack on the Ukraine? By James Reed

Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, has said that even if Russia was forced to use nuclear weapons on the Ukraine, the Western elites would not want to die in a nuclear apocalypse for a country which is just a pawn in the game. He has a good point, but context is everything. If there was destruction via radiological pollution of much of Europe, maybe the pressure would build for something to be done, if not by the US, then by another nuclear power. But, this shows that Russia has crossed the once-existing barrier of not contemplating the first strike use of nukes. There is also the possibility of the use of a nuke setting off a reaction of panic, leading to the firing of a nuke by NATO and a chain reaction effect. It is a dangerous game of nuclear chicken to play.

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The Global Warming Pseudo-Science By James Reed

A great article is at the American, by US climate change critic Guy Mitchell, author of Global Warming: The Great Deception, detailing the main holes in the global warming sham, and how the ideologues are set to wreck Western economies. The very basic idea of a rise in the average temperature of the Earth is an absurdity, supposing some sort of thermal equilibrium which does not exist, since the climate system is dynamic, and undergoing constant change. It is little more than a statistical abstraction, and hardly sufficient to dismantle economies.

“In his book Unsettled, Dr. Steve Koonin uses publicly available data to refute all of the claims of the proponents of the global warming hypothesis as relates to increasing extreme weather events and rising sea levels.  In my book Global Warming: The Great Deception, I refute all of the pseudoscience employed by the proponents of the fraudulent global warming hypothesis, using proven first principles of science in the disciplines of thermodynamics, spectroscopy, atmospheric physics, and quantum mechanics.

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A 691 percent Increase in Excess Deaths Among European Children By Richard Miller (London)

The has a piece, complete with graphs and statistics, showing that the official mortality figures for Europe indicate that there has been a 691 percent increase in deaths among children. This corresponds to the May 2021 emergency use authorisation for the Pfizer Covid vax. And, supposedly, we have not seen anything yet.

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Denmark Ends Vax Nonsense By Richard Miller (London)

At least there is one place on earth that has ended the vax nonsense. Denmark has ended Covid vaccines for most people under 50-years. There has not been discussion of why this is so, since most countries are still pushing on for people to receive the fourth jab. It could well be that the government is seeing the adverse effects unfold.

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The Lying CDC; Covid Madness By Chris Knight (Florida)

The truth is outing. Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has come clean and admitted that the CDC gave false information about its COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring. The CDC did not analyse certain types of adverse event reports at all in 2021, despite the agency previously saying it started analysis in February 2021. She did not elaborate on why this was so, perhaps feeling that there was no need to account for this behaviour to the public, who are too busy being Covid compliant.

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Bill Gates, King of Covid By James Reed

This is a rare gem; a mainstream media piece raising critical concerns about Bill Gates’ role in the Covid fiasco.  The key point is how was someone with no qualifications in epidemiology and medicine, able to put himself into a position of being a global philosopher of the pandemic? The answer is, it is the money, honey.

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Tony Abbott: The Government Made Covid Crisis Worse By Brian Simpson

Where was Tony Abbott when the Covid mandates were in full swing? I don’t recall him addressing rallies, but I could be mistaken, so much has happened, so sorry Tony if I am wrong. Still better late than never. As he says: “As of now, Australia has officially recorded about 14,000 Covid deaths. About 12,000 have been this year, after the abandonment of lockdowns and the slow easing of most other restrictions. Obviously, every death is sad; and no one should make light of a disease that can still kill the very old and the very vulnerable.Yet in contrast to the extreme anxiety that greeted every Covid death in 2020 and 2021, as a society we seem to have taken this year’s Covid deaths pretty much in our stride given that the average age of the victims has been 82 and they’ve invariably had a range of other health conditions.’

Given the government disasters, what will be done for justice for people who lost their jobs and businesses?

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Putin’s Philosopher: Prepare for World War III By James Reed

It is perhaps a sign of the times we should watch. While some deny that alexander Dugin has any sort of close personal connection to Vlad Putin, other say that Putin is still influenced by his ideas. In a recent speech Dugin said: “We are on the brink of World War III, which the West is compulsively pushing for. And this is no longer a fear or expectation, it is a fact. Russia is at war with the collective West, with NATO and its allies (though not with all of them: Turkey and Greece have their own position and some European countries, primarily but not only France and Italy, do not want to actively participate in a war with Russia). Yet, the threat of a third world war is getting closer and closer.

Whether it will come to the use of nuclear weapons is an open question. But the probability of a nuclear Armageddon grows by the day. It is quite clear, and many American military commanders (such as the former American commander in Europe Ben Hodges) openly declare it, that the West will not even be satisfied with our complete withdrawal from the territory of the former Ukraine, we will end up on our own soil, insisting on ‘unconditional surrender’ (Jens Stoltenberg), ‘de-imperialisation’ (Ben Hodges), dismemberment of Russia.

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Here Come Climate Lockdowns By James Reed

I have been following the idea that the globalist elites, excited from how they were able to treat humans like Pavlov’s dogs in the Covid lockdown - just observe the lockdowns in China even now -  will double down, and use the same tools for other parts of their agenda. Climate change is a vital weapon for them here, as it is a tool for collapsing economies and taking away from ordinary people like us, the basic things that make life, almost bearable, such as meat, and a car. Forcing people to live on bugs is the ultimate exercise in power and domination. We can be sure the elites of the World Economic Forum, and the likes of Bill Gates, will not be downing a grasshopper burger for lunch.

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Now it is the Threat of Deglobalisation! By James Reed

I have been fighting globalism for most of my life. It was not always called that, just as woke was once referred to by the better term, “political correctness.” Globalism was once “internationalism.” But now, in the strange times in which we live, globalists are using deglobalisation as a political weapon of mass destruction, such as separating Russia, and its needed energy goods from the world, especially Europe. The idea now is to collapse economies and societies so that the Great Reset ghouls can rebuild the world the way they want it.

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