Letter to the Editor - The choice of a new monarch is not something that happens ‘just by chance’

To THE AUSTRALIAN          Henry Ergas has provided a well-researched statement (‘Think before it’s Crown and out’, 12/1) as to why Australians may be prudent to retain the monarchy. However, his claim that ‘heredity confers so little political legitimacy’ can be contested. When Prince Charles becomes our next monarch, he will not merely carry on a royal blood line that stretches for over a thousand years, he will bear within himself and embody the history and culture of Britain as well as a profound knowledge of the duties and responsibilities of a British sovereign. That is something which in part ‘comes with the blood’ and is not transferable save to his legitimate successor.

     Tradition (and not merely British tradition) tells us that the affairs of this world are partly shaped by influences from invisible but higher worlds, so that, in metaphysical or mystical terms, the choice of a new monarch is not something that happens ‘just by chance’ but is a conscious and meaningful contribution to the national destiny by higher powers. Royal heredity thus contains deep mystery and an associated authority.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - ‘victimhood is a thriving industry’ and that ‘self-identifying minorities are demanding, and receiving, preferential treatment

To THE AUSTRALIAN          Alan Scott (11/1) rightly opposes the tyranny in universities of ‘dominant theories’ used ‘to control people for the benefit of those at the top of the particular professional tree’. At the same time, and very relevantly, Maurice Newman warns (‘We’d better start swimmin’ or we’ll sink like a stone’) that ‘victimhood is a thriving industry’ and that ‘self-identifying minorities are demanding, and receiving, preferential treatment.’

     The most egregious example of this cultural corruption is the continuing refusal to allow in public forums open and free discussion of the Holocaust. Last month John Wear published his essay on ‘The Chemistry of Auschwitz/Birkenau’, examining scientific claims for and against the accepted story, and concluded that the alleged gas chambers ‘could not have been used to exterminate hundreds of thousands of people.’ 
Is this likely to be discussed in the major Australian media? It should be.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic

More Proof of University Corruption By James Reed

     So much for university types respecting our institutions and the rule of law:

  “Diablo Valley College Professor Albert Ponce has come under fire after a video of him telling students that it’s acceptable to violate U.S. laws circulated around the internet.”

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Snowing on Global Warming By James Reed

     Guess what? It has been snowing in the Sahara desert, near the town of Ain Sefra in Algeria. About 16 inches fell.

     There is some thought, outside of the conventional global warming priesthood, that the sun is a solar minimum and that a new ice age is on the way:

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Trick Question: What is the Connection Between Bitcoin and Porn? By John Steele

     Yeah, this is a John Steele topic, for sure. The answer to the question is that according to the environmentalist priesthood, is that both of these things are causing global warming. Take time to scratch your head on that one:

     There are so many billions of porn viewings, that any savings by computer dematerialisation has gone, well up in a puff of smoke.
Bitcoin mining uses up even more energy than porn; if Bitcoin was a country it would rank 61st in terms of energy consumption, and is set to gobble up even more electricity. I heard one Greenie on the radio say something along the lines that given mining trends, Bitcoin would chew up all of the world’s electricity in a few years. sheer nonsense, of course.

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The War on Whiteness Continues By Brian Simpson

     A Georgie Soros funded panel has attacked white women, who the Leftoids are now labelling “racist”:

 “Appearing on the Sirius XM Progress Channel’s Make It Plain, three organizers of the anti-Trump “Women’s March” spoke about the need to confront white womanhood itself while attacking any white person who didn’t vote for anti-gun Democrat Doug Jones in the recent Alabama Senate election.
“More white women voted percentage wise for Roy Moore than did for Donald Trump,” the panel’s host breathlessly claims. “So this is why this is such an urgent conversation, such an urgent panel to have quite frankly.”
As Infowars.com noted, “The panel largely centered around making white women feel guilty for their alleged complicity in upholding white supremacy.”

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The Industrial Revolution and Elite control By John Steele

     Probably I will be in the minority here, but I am not one to really like technology and a world dominated by machines. Give me the homely self sufficiency of a John Seymour any day:

     In this context I came across a surprising essay by neo-masculinity writer Roosh, arguing that despite all the creature comforts industrialism and scientific progress have given us, it has resulted in more power for the elites:
“The industrial revolution has allowed for two key events:

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Letter to The Editor - Australians generally are not averse to having some of their taxes used to help those in genuine need

To THE AUSTRALIAN          Is it possible that ‘indigeneity’ should no longer be a category to be considered in the distribution of GST revenue to states and territories (‘GST rewrite for indigenous aid’, 10/1), but that only non-ethnic categories, such as ‘poverty’, should be used? Australians generally are not averse to having some of their taxes used to help those in genuine need, but doubts have persisted ever since the first Whitlam government brought in a new definition of ‘Aboriginality’ that rorting of the system has resulted in the provision of public moneys in various contexts.

     Is it possible that we have reached a stage where ‘Aboriginals’, many of whom are only part-indigenous in ancestry, should no longer be especially favoured over other Australians? Many indigenous Australians in the basic meaning of the word have no Aboriginal blood at all.  I am one such. Nor has anyone living in Australia today himself or herself been living here ‘since the beginning’. Another matter of concern is that ‘disadvantage’ caused by a person’s own unwise behaviour does not necessarily deserve any financial support at all.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Evidences of degeneration are all around us; and the fact that some republics function fairly well does not cancel out the horror

To THE AGE          Leo Gamble asks (7/1) for evidence that a change to a republic would be a ‘profound slipping into decadence’. There is a huge literature available about the decline of the West from Spengler on. Julius Evola’s book ‘Revolt against the Modern World’ is a good example and pertinent to Australia in its insistence on the importance to nations and peoples of sacred tradition and respected monarchs.

     Just look, for one thing, at the poor standard of public dress in our streets today, compared to that of seventy years ago. Or the appalling noise marketed as modern music. Evidences of degeneration are all around us; and the fact that some republics function fairly well does not cancel out the horror. Remember: after Kerensky came the Bolsheviks!
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - ‘Discrimination between’ is a good thing, frequently requiring subtlety of approach and vital for the wellbeing of society

To THE AGE          Perhaps not surprisingly, as she represents a rationalist group, Tosca Lloyd appears to be unduly unsympathetic to the interests of religious people and thus unfair to them in considering laws against unjust discrimination (8/1). In some contexts what she sees as ‘discrimination against people based on their sexual orientation’ may be justified defence of the right of religious people to practise their faith without being forced to dishonour their conscience.

     One wonders on what basis, having dispensed with divine authority, Lloyd can claim that there is something called ‘human dignity’, possessed by all, which is to be protected. Another problem is that zealots opposed to ‘discrimination against’ too often forget that ‘discrimination between’ is a good thing, frequently requiring subtlety of approach and vital for the wellbeing of society.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Fire and Fury: Stump the Trump By Chris Knight

     I have just sped read the new book on the Trump presidency by Michael Wolff, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, (Little Brown, 2018). The Trump inner circle hates this book, but really as a critique of Trump, it falls very short.

     This genre of investigative reporting aims to bring new insights via interviews about hot topics. While the book is an interesting read, and quite professionally written, indeed to the highest standard, it really does not measure up to the cut and thrust that I am used to in the wild world of the internet sites. Thus, while the book briefly deals with Trump’s womanising, it does not, unless I missed it in my haste, discuss the court cases against Trump on alleged sexual abuse issues. It does not relate this material to the ongoing moral panic of “zippergate,” the exposure of sexual misadventures of Hollywood movers and shakers, and other powerful men.

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Kill All Men? By Mrs Vera West

     Here is the next level of madness of feminism, as Jayson Veley notes:

“Recently, an editor for the Huffington Post declared on Twitter that she wanted to see women band together to kill all men. The tweet was deleted shortly after, but that didn’t stop some conservative news outlets from picking up on it. The tweet came from Emily McCombs, a radical feminist who serves as the Huffington Post’s “Editorial Director of Parents.” Even though McCombs deleted the post after realizing how sick and twisted it was to publicly declare her support for the murder of millions of innocent people based solely on their genitalia, The Daily Caller was thankfully able to record the exact Tweet before it was deleted.
“New Year’s resolutions: 1, Cultivate female friendships. 2, Band together to kill all men,” McCombs wrote on Twitter on December 29. Obviously, this editor for the Huffington Post is lacking a few brain cells, not only because she believes that the entire male population should be wiped out, but also because she thought it would be a good idea to announce such an extreme view on social media.”

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Paris Burns By Tom North

     The New Year saw more evidence, from Paris that migration and multiculturalism come at a great cost: 


     France itself is still under a state of emergency two years after terrorist attacks. It defies comprehension that this has been let happen, and continues with no end in sight.

Does the Deep State Plan to Murder Donny Trump? By Charles Taylor

     Articles are doing the internet rounds claiming that the Deep State is planning to assassinate Donald Trump:

“Longtime Donald Trump advisor and confidante Roger Stone is warning once again about the deep state. This time, he said that the deep state’s “plan C” is to simply murder the president, since plans A and B won’t work out.
With trust in the mainstream media at an all-time low, the global elitists are on the verge of losing their grip on humanity’s throat. And Roger Stone says emphatically that they plan to go down swinging. According to New American, the Deep State’s “Plan A,” is the imploding “investigation” into alleged “Russian collusion” by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, said Stone. If and when that fails, which Stone suggested was likely and soon, the establishment would move to “Plan B.” In essence, Plan B would involve trying to get a majority of Trump’s cabinet to declare him unfit for office. This would allow Trump to be removed under the U.S. Constitution’s 25th Amendment. This scheme is also going to most likely fail, Stone said. Last but not least, though, Stone warned of “Plan C,” which is killing the president.”

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Missiles, Missiles, Everywhere By Paul Walker

     While many fear that North Korea’s missiles may soon beat a hot, nuclear path to the US, and perhaps our white ant-eaten door, it is possible that these missiles could go…anywhere… since, North Korea has already accidently bombed one of its own cities:


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Turmeric and Cancer By Mrs Vera West

     A woman has eliminated stage three cancer, using only curcumin, one of the active compounds in turmeric:
the report occurring in the British Medical Journal:

“Myeloma is a haematological malignancy which typically follows a relapsing-remitting course. While treatment can control the myeloma and improve quality of life for given periods of time, remissions generally become progressively shorter with subsequent relapses, and patients ultimately enter a final refractory phase. To help control symptoms and enhance quality of life, some patients use complementary therapies as an adjunct to their conventional therapy. Here, we describe a myeloma patient who started a daily dietary supplement of curcumin when approaching her third relapse. In the absence of further antimyeloma treatment, the patient plateaued and has remained stable for the last 5 years with good quality of life.”

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Ethnic Composition Matters By Brian Simpson

     Satoshi Kanazawa has written on many politically incorrect topics and has got up the snout of the Establishment:

     In his article with Norman LI, “Happiness in Modern Society: Why Intelligence and Ethnic Composition Matter,” Journal of Research in Personality, vol. 59, 2015, pp. 111-120, he presents evidence that there is a correlation between life satisfaction and ethnic composition, with the increase ethnic fragmentation leading to less life satisfaction, particularly among people with average, or below average IQs:

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Be Careful What you Wish For By Viv Forbes

     In today’s crazy world, western politicians are wasting billions of tax-payer dollars force-feeding costly unreliable green energy in the bizarre belief that this will somehow change Earth’s climate.
Even more incredible, they fear global warmth and seem hell-bent on creating global cooling. They should study climate history. It is snow and ice, cold dry air and carbon dioxide starvation we need to fear, not a warm, moist, fertile, bountiful atmosphere. Climate change is natural and unstoppable.

     Just 20,000 years ago, Earth was in one of its recurring glacial phases. A thick massive ice sheet smothered Canada, Alaska, Iceland, Greenland, North Asia and Europe as far south as London. Much of the animal and plant life of the previous warm era was extinguished. Even in warmer lands not covered by the ice sheet, plants suffered as the cold oceans removed moisture and carbon dioxide plant food from the atmosphere.
Then, because of changing cycles in Earth’s orbit and tilt, reinforced by changing solar cycles, the sun warmed the frozen lands.

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The Coming Iranian Revolution By Peter West

     The elites in the West, such as Hillary Clinton, are excited about the “revolution” that is presumably taking place in Iran. The image of a woman removing her hijab is viral, and taken as a symbol of a new “Arab Spring.” Well, we all know where that one went, with civil war, a stronger ISIS, and masses of migrants flooding Europe. And, there is no “democracy” in most of the Middle East, with  Libya, merely a failed state, just the way they like it.
     There is little information about the real situation in Iran, but it is well known that the majority of people support the government, while the Western elites hope to destroy it:

     The real aim here is civil war, and that war will quickly evolve into a world war. The globalist elites are just itching for the rivers of blood, and if it is not caused through Iran, they will aim for North Korea to get the heads rolling:

Happy New Year Sexual Assault By Mrs Vera West

     I watched to see if there was a repeat of the mass sexual assaults in Germany on New Years’ Eve, which is becoming something of a tradition:

“At least 13 cases of sexual assault were reported in Germany’s capital on New Year’s Eve -- despite the city’s creation of a “safety area” for women to celebrate the arrival of 2018 near Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate.
Police made seven arrests, according to Fox News and multiple German media reports, but no information was released about the suspects.
A local police spokeswoman told Fox News that police were still gathering information about the night’s reported crimes, but did not disclose more information about the detained people.
As midnight neared in Germany, Berlin police tweeted that they were receiving reports of sexual assaults, but warned that the force does not tolerate such crimes.”

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