Letter to The Editor - Traditional cultures around the world warn of the danger of ‘the headless man’, the quasi-automaton cut off from divine guidance

To THE AGE          John Warhurst wants us to ignore ‘furphies’ (‘Ignore republic-debate myths’, 26/1), but he ignores some of the best arguments in favour of our monarchy. Firstly, it is embedded in sacred tradition and fundamentally works for good on the people as a whole by encouraging us to ‘lift up our hearts’ and raise our vision towards the higher worlds and the divine creator and sustainer of all. A republic, by contrast, is too mundane and earth-bound. It is not, incidentally, ‘the people and society’ rather than the monarchy that have given us our rightly prized constitutional stability: both have.

     Secondly, Warhurst ignores the profound way in which our monarchy is linked to our history, so that its very existence causes us to be mindful of the legacies we inherit from our ancestors, whose wisdom and industry need to be considered and honoured by each subsequent generation. Traditional cultures around the world warn of the danger of ‘the headless man’, the quasi-automaton cut off from divine guidance. Communist totalitarianism is an example and it grows out of republics.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic

None Dare Call it Conspiracy By Charles Taylor

     Those timid souls who have maintained the idiot view of history, that there are no conspiracies by the power elites, will find recent US revelations, fascinating. First the FBI set out to create a ‘secret society” to work to undermine Trump:

     Important text messages just “disappeared”:

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Immigration Melts the Pot By Chris Knight

     The Australian people are more passive and apathetic than they should be about immigration, given the social harms that it produces. All criticisms are washed away by the government by saying: “we have border control!” Well, we do not, when tens of thousands of legal migrants arrive in Australia, to compete with locals for jobs, and if they create any jobs, they take more than they make.

     In the US, people support overall lower legal immigration, and want the rate capped at 500,000 per year, instead of the current annual rate of 1.3 million:

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Home Schooling: Resisting the Brainwashing of the State By Mrs Vera West

     The cultural wars start in the schools, and that is why many parents home school their children. But, does this harm children’s education, given that many parents are not professional teachers?
From America:

“In 1997, a study of 5,402 homeschool students from 1,657 families was released. It was entitled, “Strengths of Their Own: Home Schoolers Across America.” The study demonstrated that homeschoolers, on the average, out-performed their counterparts in the public schools by 30 to 37 percentile points in all subjects. A significant finding when analyzing the data for 8th graders was the evidence that homeschoolers who are homeschooled two or more years score substantially higher than students who have been homeschooled one year or less.

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Letter: We are under no obligation to recognise so-called ‘first nations’ – Aboriginal history and culture can be honoured, but not at the expense of national unity

As a native-born Australian proud of my British ethnicity, I happily agree with Fred Chaney (‘They were first, and they survived – we should listen’, 17/1) that ‘the original inhabitants’ of this continent have ‘a special place within the nation’ which is ‘unique’; but this does not mean that their descendants have any right to be regarded as ‘first nations’ in today’s Australia.

     On the contrary, and despite Chaney’s claim otherwise, they are indeed ‘just another ethnic minority’, entitled to ‘equal citizenship’ but not to favouritism in regard to their constitutional position. Those ‘first nations’ (a dubious phrase coined in our own times for special pleading with questionable motives) have been extinguished by history and are no more.

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Diversity Leads to Anarcho-Tyranny By Brian Simpson

     We are discovering that diversity in societies is not a blessing or a strength, but a curse. This screams out to us from the daily headlines, but the fact was well known to the ancient thinkers, as this excellent article reminds us:

“In his Politics, Aristotle realistically observes that diversity resulting from immigration without assimilation was a frequent cause of civil war and breakdown of civic solidarity within the Greek city-states…The importation and enfranchisement of foreigners, whether by democrats or tyrants, was also a common method to subvert the political process, destroy the constitution, and subjugate the citizenry. The archetypal example of this was the powerful and diverse Sicilian city-state of Syracuse, which was long ruled by a string of tyrants, making for a useful contrast with the homogeneous and free city-state. 

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Mad Max in South Africa By John Steele

     More bad news for Cape Town, which runs out of water in a mere 90 days:

“Cape Town, South Africa is in crisis mode right out of a Mad Max movie. Given current water consumption, the city has approximately 90 days until it runs out of water. The city recently pushed forward what they call Day Zero, where the city will be forced to shut off water supplies to all but essential consumers, such as hospitals. This would mark the first major city in the world to run out of water, a result of a prolonged 3-year drought. The city has mandated that every household limit their water consumption to 23 gallons per person per day. However, only 54% of households are meeting that target.

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Women Marching for the Left By Mrs Vera West

     My, the same old optics, the same old speakers, and the same politically correct nonsense; the woman’s march in the US, was just like the last one, one gigantic hatefest against Trump. There were all the stale themes, plus  immigration, the “Dreamers,” sand all of the agony issues of the Left:


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Fighting for Australia Day By James Reed

     Australia Day is coming up, and as usual the ever-angry politically correct are screaming for the day to be removed. Then they will work their way along their massive list and remove every aspect of old Anglo Saxon Australia, because that is just what a hostile elite do with their spare time. By way of update, here are some recent articles detailing what is being said about Australia Day, and by whom:

     I don’t think that I could sum up our perspective on this debate better than a recent letter written by our noble Deputy Director, Mr Louis Cook:

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Letter To Senator Bernardi

     Dear Senator Bernardi,
Thank you for your ‘weekly dose of common sense’.  I note your comments about Bitcoin and other ‘cryptocurrencies’, but what really took my attention was your comment that:

“Already around 83 per cent of all global transactions are digital in nature. Cash usage is in steady decline and it won’t be long before there are calls for cash to be withdrawn from circulation”…
“We have already had some government ministers say the $100 note should be withdrawn from circulation. That is just the beginning…
 “There are appealing incentives for government to abolish cash. Currency has associated printing and storage costs. It cannot be tracked and can be used for illegal activities.”

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If Japan Can, Why Not Us? By Mrs Vera West

     It is well known that birth-rates of primarily Northern European people (Nordics/Nordish), in the West, are below replacement level. The same problem exists in Japan. Unlike the deracinated West, the Japanese resist the immigration mania of replacing their people by foreigners, and good for them. However, now it seems that one town in Japan has reversed the trend of racial/demographic decline, doubling its fertility rate:

“A PATCHWORK of nondescript houses nestled at the foot of a mountain, Nagicho looks like an ordinary Japanese town. On closer inspection, something extraordinary marks it out: babies. Yuki Fukuda is one of many local mothers with three children. The bump under her winter coat indicates that another is on the way, part of a baby bonanza that has seen the town’s fertility rate double since 2005.

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Letter: Will robots undermine the value of living?

Dear Sir:
     I have written before about the impact of the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution, robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, on the job market. This revolution will increasingly polarise labour as low skilled jobs are automated and the same spreading to middle class jobs, e.g. financial services, business process outsourcing, areas that some are considering as diversification objectives.

    This revolution could yield inequity, particularly in its ability to disrupt labour markets – restaurants are already toying with the robots to replace service staff. The rewards of the revolution will shift even more so to the highly skilled, followed by investors and capital. These technologies will displace many workers so much so that full employment will not be necessary to produce the goods and services required by the economy.

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The Dark Clouds of the New Class Elites By Charles Taylor

     Each day the chattering class chips away at Trump, coming up with some new revelation which allegedly shows his unsuitability for office. This is illustrative of the real problems which Freedom Movement people face, if the road taken is through the front door of conventional politics, rather than an exclusive long-march style attempt to change society from the bottom up: the elites will destroy any of our people who make it into power, and work to neutralise them.

     Here is the latest Trump story, that he is having an affair right now in the White House:

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Shutdown the Government? A Truly Wonderful Idea! By Chris Knight

     At the moment the US government is supposed “shut down,” as the Dumbocrats use their fiscal voting powers to create more problems for Donald Trump:

     Fortunately, on this one, at least, Trump seems to be holding his ground, and working on an alternative strategy to get the money bills passed:

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Fear the Cashless Society By James Reed

     The trial run was in India, but across the world, the power elites are beginning the movement towards the cashless society, and Australia is no different:

“The Reserve Bank is introducing new technology this year which will push Australia even further towards being a cashless society. Later this year the bank will roll out a new system called the New Payment Platform (NPP). The NPP will mean money can be transferred almost instantaneously, even when the payer and payee are members of different banks. The technology will also support “overlay” services, meaning banks will be able to create their own payment services to entice customers. Professor Richard Holden, from the University of New South Wales, has been studying the rise of the electronic economy and said the NPP would make electronic payments “super easy.”

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Letter to The Editor - The intense struggle between defenders and opponents of traditional Australia

To THE AUSTRALIAN          The Life in Australia Historic Events Survey, as described by Darren Pennay (‘Bright side of the past leaves a big impression on us’, 24/1), does not itself seem to be very significant or authoritative in cultural terms. How many of the 2000 respondents knew enough about themselves and about the world they have lived in to be able to provide truly wise and insightful answers? It all looks like another example of ‘the blind leading the blind’. Pennay states that the survey shows us ‘who we are as a nation’ (but does not specify what that is) and warbles about our ‘rich, multicultural history’, which, however, looks meagre compared with those of Britain, China and India. Likewise his term ‘our global identity’ remains opaque.

     The survey seems to have totally missed what is the most important event of all in our current history (perhaps because it is slow-moving): the intense struggle between defenders and opponents of traditional Australia, a war operating on many fronts and one very similar to that waged in Russia in the nineteenth century between authority and revolution as described by Turgenev and Dostoyevsky.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - All human beings have shortcomings (‘sin’) and we are wise to acknowledge our own

To THE AGE          Jenna Price asks (‘Day of atonement needed’, 24/1) why we should not change the date of Australia Day ‘if most Indigenous Australians want it’. One reason is that they are only a tiny minority and there is evidence, as in the recent Research Now poll, that the great majority of Australians support the present arrangement, being proud of our intrepid forebears who pioneered the land and of the culture and civilization they brought here.

     A second reason is that she provides no proof that most “Indigenous Australians” actually want the change; and a third is that her terminology is suspect, since many such Australians carry some settler blood, while we of British ethnicity who were born here are also indigenous, in the essential meaning of the word. Her comparison of Good Friday and Yom Kippur is interesting. All human beings have shortcomings (‘sin’) and we are wise to acknowledge our own. However, hijacking this spiritual truth to support one-eyed political propaganda, as Price does, is regrettable.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic 

Inconvenient fact: Native title can only exist if Australia was settled, not invaded By Sherry Sufi

     January is here and the invasion versus settlement debate is back making news headlines. The Prime Minister wants to keep Australia Day as it is while the Greens are calling for the date to be changed. We’ve all heard the generic talking points. Team ‘Invasion Day’ says 26 January is offensive to some Australians. Team ‘Australia Day’ says 26 January is a day for all Australians regardless. Yet there is a fundamental point which goes to the heart of this debate that literally no one, to date, seems to have picked up on. Hence, this article.

     Native title can only exist if Australia was settled, not invaded. Why? Because international law recognises all territories acquired through invasion and annexation by force, prior to World War II, as lawful conquests. This ‘Right of Conquest’ doctrine was first conceived by the International Law Commission of the United Nations and later adopted as UN General Assembly Resolution 3314. Provided that all citizens of a lawfully conquered territory are granted equal rights by the local law, international law doesn’t consider the descendants of the conqueror and the conquered as two separate peoples. This in turn invalidates any claims to separate land rights under the same jurisdiction. As one of the 193 member states of the United Nations, Australia is not exempt from this doctrine.

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Dear Editor: RE Australia Day By Louis Cook

     It is interesting to note the mutterings of a few people each Australia Day, giving vent to their ignorance of Australian History when they complain of the date, 26th January, as the day to celebrate nationhood. It is not the date that offends but Australia Day itself. They will not be happy until all of our cultural celebrations are consigned to the ‘black hole’ of ‘white’ memory. Australian history and the building of this Nation since 1788 is something to really celebrate!

     The early settlement was part of a deliberate plan, driven by pseudo economics, as European countries sought to protect and expand their trade routes. It is still happening today with Asian and other Nations. The early settlers brought with them, their political, religious and cultural beliefs and were ordered by the King of the day, George III, to befriend any indigenous people as they settled the new land – this they did! The convict element were also selected for the skills they could contribute to developing the new land … yes, it was a form of conscripted labour but many were far better off than they would have been in the old country. You would not think so reading the socially engineered history taught today.

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The Curse of the Baby Boomers By James Reed

     I am just a bit too old to be a baby boomer, but I grew up with them, went to university with them, and hated them in the 1960s, all their self-righteousness, selfishness and lack of humility. Indeed, it turns out that this generation, who have essentially set Western civilisation on fire with their greed, do not want to leave anything for their children at all:

“The majority of over-50s would rather spend their money now than give it to their kids, research by life insurer SunLife has found.
Fifty six per cent of those babyboomers surveyed said that they wanted to keep hold of their hard-earned cash instead of passing it on to someone else, and 62 per cent said that the money was ‘there to be spent’.
This is despite one in 20 people saying they are relying on their parent’s cash, with one in ten complaining that their parents are having too much fun with their ‘inheritance’."

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