Germany: Police Powerless Against Middle Eastern Crime Gangs - "The clans simply have no respect for the authorities." by Soeren Kern

      A court in Hanover has handed suspended sentences to six members of a Kurdish clan who seriously wounded two dozen police officers during a violent rampage in Hameln. The court's ruling was greeted with anger and derision by police who said it is yet another example of the laxity of Germany's politically correct judicial system.

      The case goes back to January 2014, when a 26-year-old clan member, arrested for robbery, tried to escape from the magistrate's office by jumping out of a seventh-floor courtroom window. The suspect was taken to the hospital, where he died. Members of his clan subsequently ransacked the hospital, as well as the court, and attacked police with rocks and other projectiles; 24 police officers and six paramedics were injured.

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Save the Whale but Not the Nordic By Brian Simpson

     This title comes from a book written by a concerned Aussie about the race issue, which I unfortunately cannot now locate, and there does not appear to be an internet trace of it. But, the argument is, I recall: why bother about preserving natural diversity of species and races/sub-species, if this is not applied to humans as well? Does it really matter if the genetic integrity and purity of say, American bison, is preserved: If human races are a social construct, then so too would be breeds of animals, and with some plausibility, since many breeds were constructed by human-controlled breeding programs.

     Hence, if biology is to be discounted, doused and denounced:, there is no reason for concern about the “environment,” which is also a social construct. So must be global warming too. Even if it existed, as a social construct, we could just define it away. Easy.
Sociological relativism is such fun; far more interesting than reality, and almost as magical as Harry Potter.

No Go zones: The End Result of Multiculturalism By Bruce Bennett

     Champions of diversity and ethno-cultural pluralism are quick to point out that “diversity is our strength.” But, have you ever seen any scientific argument for this claim, that is, proof? Are arguments and counter-arguments carefully evaluated? Of course not; the claim is propaganda, and is enforced at the end of the bayonet of the Law, to keep us under control, until it is demographically too late. Some special, lucky people can seemingly say what they like:, but if the same, or even much less, was done by Whites, the moral outrage would never end. Whole cities would be rocked by unending protests, and the world would quiver on its axis in moral panic.

     With the cucking and deracination of the White population there was probably no need by the elites to use the hardball tactics; we could have been left to slowly die out, but no, the elites are impatient and want their New World Order, yesterday.

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Feminist Magazine Demands White Women Abort Their Babies to Solve Racism


Response from Wallace Klinck Canada:
     This “feminist” article just goes to illustrate how distorted and destructive these hate-filled Marxist agitators are and the lengths to which they will go in inciting animosity and violence in response to almost any concocted issue they can create and use as a target of their vitriol to perpetuate the “class war”. They are never satisfied until they cause resentment, conflict and civil war.  A nasty bunch.  
It is sad that some people actually fall victim to their noxious and deceptive propaganda which is designed not to build but to tear down.
      These are the anti-culturalists and anti-humans who are motivated by pure and perpetual envy.  Any advance to a new level of development is automatically branded by Marxists as exploitation of the “oppressed” and as “racism” or some other in an ever expanding list of allegedly antisocial “isms”.
     They are monomaniacs who seek absolute “equality” in an totally egalitarian society and anyone who rises above their static and frozen social order is automatically branded as an exploiter who must be “stealing” from others.
     These people are obviously suffering from a psychological and spiritual pathology.  They are incapable of love and are envious of anyone who is able to access or experience it, who they brand as “haters."  Their immediate impulse is to destroy the object of their jealousy.
        They posture as “progressives” but actually hate abundance and prosperity because they see them as a threat to their endless and consuming revolutionary struggle—which is actually a relentless struggle for power over the rest of humanity.

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John Howard on Free speech? A Little Bit Too Late, John By Ian Wilson LL.B

     Former PM John Howard – remember him? – wrote in The Weekend Australian, June 24-25, 2017, p. 20 about “Threats Anew to Freedom of Religion, Speech.”  Oh, the irony of someone, claiming to be a conservative, who did nothing to roll back section 18C, and who advanced the agenda of mass Asian immigration, to such an extent that he lost his own seat: Peter Wilkinson, The Howard Legacy: Displacement of Traditional Australia from the Professional and Managerial Classes, (2007).

But, that is water under the bridge now, as the once good ship Oz, slowly sinks, from taking on too much water. The pumps have long ago failed.

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There is Already Blood By James Reed

     Alt Right and White nationalist intellectuals such as Peter Brimelow, have said that the present cultural war will lead to blood, and in fact, it already has:

     Greg Sheridan, “Patriotism and Resentment Could have Us Seeing Red,” The Australian, June 22, 2017, p. 12,,  says that the “will be blood thesis” is a bit early, but the bulk of his article shows that it is already happening. Here are some extracts from an insightful article.
Note that the point of this is to show that some of the things said at this site are, after some delay, also now being said in the mainstream media, not because we are influencing them, or that they care a jot what we say, but because external circumstances make such matters impossible not to notice. I think the League writers have been the first in Australia to predict the “there will be blood” theme, while the mainstream media, and some freedom types were still thinking about economics and growth, and strategies and theories time-locked in an age that has now passed.

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Humans are Wired for Tribalism By Brian Simpson

     N. A. Christakis and J. H. Fowler, “Friendship and Natural Selection,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, July 22, 2014, present evidence that friends tend to exhibit “homophily” (“love of the same”) in their genotypes. Cutting to the chase, people in general tend to have racial kin as part of their friendship networks. Sure, there is variation to this, as there must be with any statistical generalisation, but, birds of a feather, really do flock together.

     US surveys show that Americans certainly choose racial kin as friends: As stated in an article covering this, “the average black person’s friend network is eight percent white, but the average white person’s network is only one percent black. To put it another way: Blacks have ten times as many black friends as white friends. But white Americans have an astonishing 91 times as many white friends as black friends.
There are a number of factors driving these numbers. Simple population counts are one of them: There are more white people than black people in the United States, so it makes sense that the average American is going to have more white friends than black friends.

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The Left Really Do Want To Kill Us By Charles Taylor

     The latest political shooting here in the US comes from the Left – and I am not referencing the on-going war in cities such as Chicago and Baltimore between black gangs, where in Baltimore, there have been nearly 160 homicides while it is only halfway through 2017:;;

     Look, I know that this issue is controversial for you Aussies, so let’s just quote the incident from a news service with more resources that you guys, and readers can then work things out:

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Prepare Now for the Financial Crash of Crashes! By James Reed

     Here is a good article with all the links dealing with the on-going bank collapses in Europe. For example, the sixth largest bank in Spain, Banco Popular, failed in early June this year, with emergency funds being offered, which were burnt through in a mere two days. A sale was eventually arranged by frantic EU regulators to Santander, which held off the evil day of financial reckoning for a time. Other Spanish banks are facing similar vulnerabilities, such as Liberbank.

    Spain is just the beginning. The Italian financial system is unhealthy, showing that all of that pasta and high carb food, really is not that good for you. That site is primarily a financial one, but it has this interesting observation about the ultimate breakup of that artificial construct, Italy:

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Letter to The Editor - Sabotage of Brexit

     Brendan O’Neill’s warning about the possible sabotage of Brexit (‘The soft lie that seeks to silence millions of voices’, 17-18/6) reminds us that not everything publicly labelled ‘democracy’ in fact happens with the genuine consent of the majority of the people.  If he is correct to construe the ‘Leave’ referendum victory as the rejection of ‘the entire establishment’, then it is no surprise to hear that that establishment is fighting dirty to preserve itself.  Human history is littered with such self-interested coups from elites.
     Britain needs another Archbishop Stephen Langton to fend off tyranny - or a homegrown Alexander Solzhenitysn to describe unequivocally what is happening and thus warn the masses. We in Australia could do with someone like them too!
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Tragedy and Hope

     It is good to see Maurice Newman’s invocation of forbidden author W. Cleon Skousen (‘Masks slip to reveal the ugly face of the future’, 21/6) and his 1960’s analysis of the danger of a future communist world presided over by the UNO.  As to that ‘brutal authoritarian face’ behind ‘the seductive mask of socialism’, it must be remembered that Skousen published a sequel to ‘The Naked Communist’ in 1970, entitled ‘The Naked Capitalist’.
     This was a detailed analysis of insider Carroll Quigley’s 1300-page book ‘Tragedy and Hope’, which exposed what former communist Dr Bella Dodd called ‘a much bigger conspiracy’ behind the communist conspiracy. Quigley’s book suddenly became almost unobtainable for several years. His thesis makes good sense: there is obviously enormous financial power behind the spread of the ‘cultural Marxism’ that Newman deplores.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Spiralling into Uncivil War By Peter West

     The elites continue to pour out their pro-refugee, migration propaganda:,  while the evidence from Europe is that mass immigration is having massively destructive effects, spiralling into an uncivil war.

     Each day, scores of horrific rapes are reported by the MSM, which are a drop in the ocean of misery, since most rapes go unreported, out of fear of “racism”:
This is now common news.

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I Was Not Surprised By Peter West

     I was not surprised to read that “ “Despite there being many illegal migrants and failed asylum seekers from North Africa and the Middle East, last year the Berlin government has overwhelmingly deported only migrants from the Balkan states”: For, after all, the future of Germany is to become part of the Islamic caliphate, aided and abetted by Merkel.

     I was not surprised to read that Merkel was in Mexico, saying that walls are bad, bad, bad, because, presumably, borders should not exist: She did not condemn Israel’s wall, which is working fine: After all, the future of the United States is to be, the Disunited States of Greater Mexico.

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Australian Universities: Branches of the Chinese communist Military By James Reed

     Hey, that’s the sort of paranoid conspiratorial title readers have come to expect, and love, from me. But, the title is only a paraphrase of “Aussie Unis Boost Chinese Military,” The Weekend Australian, June 10-11, 2017, p.1.
     The story here is universities are supplying the Chinese military with technological leadership and knowledge which China needs for advanced military and industry superiority. The claims have been made by public intellectual Clive Hamilton. Here is how just some of this works, courtesy of your tax payer’s dollars, according to The Australian:

“For instance, last year the ARC awarded a $400,000 grant to Adelaide University for a research partnership with the Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, which is part of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China. Government-owned AVIC is the major supplier of military aircraft to the People’s Liberation Army Air Force.
As Mr Hamilton and Mr Joske say, “when the PLA unveiled its first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, it was loaded with Shenyang J-15 fighter jets built by AVIC”.
The Adelaide University project is intended to help develop materials and devices that, the ARC’s proposal says, “are comfortable, quiet and energy-efficient” for use in aircraft, motor vehicles and ships. The authors point out: “It will also enhance the PLA Air Force’s capacity to improve the performance of its most sophisticated warplanes.”

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A Bolt Out of the Blue! Andrew Bolt, Conservative Boxing Champion! By John Steele

     Our favourite mainstream conservative journalist Andrew Bolt has bravely fought back against what appears to be antifa attackers, who savagely attacked him on Lygon Street, Melbourne, which is full of nice snacky sidewalk eating spots:

     Bolt was cowardly attacked from behind by one thug, who threw some substance onto him, and then a second low-life joined the attack, hurling Bolt into tables and chairs. Bolt fought back, strategically getting his back to a shop front, and kicked one guy in the groin, then punched him in the face, and then punched another guy in the face. He must have done some damage because Melbourne Antifa were crying on their Facebook page that Bolt assaulted them! One needs to only look at the footage to see that Bolt could have been killed by the attack if the substance was something deadly, so he needs some more work on situational awareness:

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Enoch Powell's 'Rivers of Blood' speech

This is the full text of Enoch Powell's so-called 'Rivers of Blood' speech, which was delivered to a Conservative Association meeting in Birmingham on April 20 1968.

The supreme function of statesmanship is to provide against preventable evils. In seeking to do so, it encounters obstacles which are deeply rooted in human nature.

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(Own report) - On her trip to Argentina and Mexico last week, Chancellor Angela Merkel sought to use the tensions between US President Donald Trump and Latin America to strengthen German influence on the subcontinent, by expanding business relations. Berlin would like to knit closer ties to Argentina through a free trade agreement with the South American Mercosur alliance and is planning to expand bi-lateral trade with Mexico, on the basis of the existing free trade agreement. Already long before Trump's electoral victory, the German government had been seeking to strengthen its trade with Latin America. Trump's threats to fortify the Mexican border with a wall and the revocation of the NAFTA free trade agreement have practically driven the countries of this region into Berlin's arms. This was even reinforced, when Chancellor Merkel publicly criticized the wall project. The coup had the desired effect, despite the fact that the EU - under German pressure - is surrounding itself with wall-like border fortifications. The German effort to expand its Latin American influence is also directed at China.

London Bridge has Fallen Down By Peter West

     The three London terrorists shouted, “This is for Allah,” as they went on a rampage, with the new weapons of choice, a truck and knives. They killed seven people and hospitalised 48 others. One Queensland woman had her throat slashed. This is the third Islamic terrorist attack in Britain in the past three months. The mayor of the now non-white majority city of London (,  himself a Muslim, said that there was no reason to be alarmed and that London is one of the safest cities in the world:;   After all, as he said last year, terrorism is “part and parcel of living in a big city.”

     Mike Adams in the article referenced above, is spot on in saying that this is open warfare on Western civilisation: “Western civilization, you see, has become obsessed with self-induced idiocy and political correctness that’s so insane, its political leaders can’t even muster the will to engage in simple acts of self-defense against a cultural onslaught. Western Europe, in particular, is being overrun by radicals who practice an extreme, violent form of Islam that has zero tolerance for anyone who isn’t obedient to their narratives.

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It’s Hard to Even Keep Track of Terrorist Attacks Now By Peter West

     Another day, another terrorist attack. Although I know that global warming is a myth, it is possible that so many candle-lit vigils will be held, that we may find the poles melting and glaciers, well, turning into slushies!! Of course, I jest: global warming, as Don Trumpeter well knows, is just hot air, as conspiracy to stop the West enjoying the fruits of the good life.

     No sooner than I had completed my masterpiece article on the London bombing, sorry, truck and knife attacks, then we have a terrible terror in Melbourne, with an abduction and killing, with the police shooting the terrorist dead: All of this brought to you from the unfriendly people at ISIS Pty Ltd.

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In Defence of White Nationalism By Peter West

     Open homosexual Alt Right figure, Jack Donovan, who had previously defended white nationalism, the right of whites to defend their own identity,, has now written a piece: “Why I am Not a White Nationalist”:

     Donovan gives various loosely woven arguments, such as the one that white nationalists, at least in America, are disunited and fight more among themselves than the enemy. They are broken people, who “suck.” No statistical proof is offered to substantiate this, being, like most journalism, based on his gut feelings.

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