Global Ecosystem Collapse…That Must be Bad By Brian Simpson

     A number of sites are running the headline “the global ecosystem is rapidly collapsing”:

     The decimation of much of the world’s ecology is not new, but certain peak events are now beginning to stand out, like a 75 percent decline in insect biomass in Germany over the last 27 years, as one recent scientific paper documents:

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The Threat by Globalisers and Financial Speculators By Peter Ewer

     The globalists must be hungry for the fall of the prime Minister of Hungary, Victor Orbán.  Although he has warned Europe about the migrant threat, recently he singled out the globalists and speculators,  as threats as well:

“Commemorations help to deal with the realities of today, and the reality is that thirty years after communism, there is again a global force that would make European nations a standardized cluster. […] We wanted to believe that the communists’ dream of making Homo Sovieticus out of Hungarians could never threaten us again, and today we are witnessing with astonishment the globalist powers trying to force our doors and make us into Homo Bruxellicus.”

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The Inane Chant of the Antifa By Peter West

     If the Left were truly sincere about their opposition to “racism,” you would expect to see colour-blind behaviour, and strict adherence to universalist morality. Instead, we see the antifa, the street version of the Left, simply advocating White displacement, which by the UN definition is genocide, hence White genocide:

     The interesting thing is, that under sharia law, most of these people will not be singing the song they now sing, or maybe any song at all:

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Breaking the China Plate, Mate By James Reed

     If we belong to the West anymore, then we should be concerned, deeply concerned about the direction which modern China is taking, which is something quite alien to Western rational thought.

     Right next to a full-page ad celebrating an AFL game in Shanghai (The Australian, October 25, 2017, p.8), we have the story of Xi joining Mao and Deng in the Communist Party pantheon, with the elevation of Xi Jinping, Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, a strategy of building a modern socialist China. People will be required to conscientiously study this profound document, probably even us, down the track. Here are its key points:

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Hey, Want to Know Why Our Students are So Behind at School? By James Reed

     The answer my friend is political correctness, that flows through the modern Australian schools like a giant floodwater, which is discussed in general by Dr Bolton in Revolution from Above:

“English students face being drilled in the politics of class, race, gender and sexuality, as an influential teacher advocacy group seeks to push social justice issues into the classroom.

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Science is White Male and Therefore Racist! By Brian Simpson

     Have a good laugh at the latest piece of politically correct Californian madness, namely that since so much science is done by White males it must be sexist and racist:

     Giordano, S. (2017). Those who can’t, teach: critical science literacy as a queer science of failure. Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience, 3(1), 1-21

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Australia Should have had Nuclear weapons Back in 1946 By James Reed

     Fabian socialists in the Labor Party began the dismantling of the White Australia Policy in 1946, with a massive non-British immigration programme, under the guise of populate or perish. Even though nuclear weapons existed, and Australia cooperated with the British in the development of their nuclear weapons, Australia opted for migrants.

     Even back then, no doubt the elites knew that this would lead to Australia ultimately becoming Asian, but as good globalists, they just did what their masters told them. From what I can ascertain, opposition to this program was minimal because freedom movement types were too concerned about the communist threat, even though Dr Sutton had shown that it too was part of the plan. Consequently, Australia slid down the road to Asia, and who knows what else.

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Global Demographics and White Survival By Dr Peter J. White

     American Renaissance, a journal which presumably defends White interests, even though its core writer Jared Taylor  champions the East Asian IQ superiority theory “they are just so much smarter than us,” Taylor has said, in so many words. I would be cautious about following too closely someone who has embraced a position open to controversy and challenge, even within mainstream psychology, let alone once one begins conceptually deconstructing IQ, as I have done in many articles at this site, which you can follow via our search engine. As far as I am aware, Taylor has never done this sort of fundamental investigation of the IQ issue, but simply quotes some cherry-picked standard papers.

     I will comment here on his article dealing with the demographic threats that Whites face:

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The Uselessness of Academic Research By James Reed

“Spend the years of learning squandering
Courage for the years of wandering
Through a world politely turning
From the loutishness of learning.”
Samuel Beckett, “Gnome” in Dublin Magazine Vol. 9 (1934), p. 8

     More on my “close the universities” theme. If academic research was achieving anything at all, even if most of it is false:
then, at an absolute minimum, the articles should be read by the peer community.

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Sunday Book Club By James Reed

     In preparation for the end of the world, or more likely, the end of my world, I am cleaning up my books, and finding a home for them. Some will wind up sent to Uncle Len, who will use them for burning in his shed, in an old 44 gallon  oil drum. For warmth and light in winter, and maybe to keep the mossies at bay in summer.  Some, I imagine, he will tear up, and put on the dirty cement floor, to keep his tootsies toasty in winter. I am pleased that great literature always finds a natural home.

     So, what first to briefly note and throw out? Here is my copy of Alain de Benoist, Beyond Human Rights, (Arktos, London, 2011). De Benoist is a leading French New Right theorist, who likes being photographed with his cat. Me, I hate cats, being highly allergic to their fur which always seems to get everywhere, just like human rights.

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Senator Gichuhi Socks it to the Same Sex Marriagers By Mrs Vera West

     The papers have been celebrating the appointment of Senator Lucy Gichuhi, Australia’s first African-born senator. She held second spot on the Family First ticket, and received only 152 direct votes, but by the magic of our political system, when it was found that the election of Bob Day was invalid, she entered parliament, joining the Australian Conservative Party, as Family First no longer existed:

     Senator Gichuhi is opposed to same sex marriage and has this to say:

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The Flood from Africa By Paul Walker

     There are around 500,000 African “refugees” in Libya, who have now been given permission to flood into Europe:

     There is not much in the mainstream media about this, but the Russian press have covered it:

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The Rape of Europe By Paul Walker

     The rape of Europe continues, not just Sweden that everybody has accepted is now beyond doomed:

     Gangs are now ruling and the police are bowing, and kneeling.

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Turnbull Got Something Right on Recognition By Jim Jones, Your Local Butcher

     The chattering class have been screaming loud about Mal Turnbull’s decision to abandon the report recommending an indigenous advisory voice to parliament, along with a separate commission to oversee “treaty-making and truth-telling.” “Truth-telling”? That smacks of something out of South Africa, doesn’t it?

Let me quote from the above article:

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White Nationalism to the Rescue By Chris Knight

     The New York Times is getting heartburn about White nationalism and the Alt Right – that is, people like us:

     Face it, if you are White and make a squeak about race, immigration, and especially banking and the rule by the global financial elites, then you are a bad guy, according to the cosmopolitanists and globalists:

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Letter to The Editor - can all assist in a renaissance

     Kevin Donnelly comments (‘Barbarians at the door after the left’s long march’, 18/10) that ‘the cultural left controls the academy’. Judging by the likelihood of a ‘yes’ victory in the marriage postal vote and by the collapse of the Liberal Party as a defender of conservatism, it seems that the left is gaining control of the nation. Why has this happened and what should traditionalists do about it?
     The industrial revolution, the huge growth of cities, the squalid conditions of urban living, the development of mass education, the psychology and behaviour patterns of left-wing agitators (whose disgruntlement leads to a will-to-destroy) and the pseudo-religion of egalitarianism and ‘democracy’ have all combined to produce this tide of communistic barbarianism.
     The ruthless nature of the financial system and large corporations has provided ample targets for the leftist indignation.
     Only a revival of faith on a large scale can stem the tide. This does not mean adherence to antiquated beliefs and theologies. It means a rebirth of imagination, of attunement of human souls to the beyond, of renewed emphasis on a wisdom that comes from ‘the peace that surpasses logical understanding’.  Poetry, the culture of books, music and the fine arts, protection of the natural environment and the honouring of romantic love can all assist in a renaissance.
     NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Gun Control Hysteria By John Steele

     We are seeing a feeding frenzy that would disturb sharks, as the liberals go mad over gun control.  It is their time to strike while the barrel is still hot, and smoking.

     In London, with severe gun restrictions, the Royal London Hospital has seen a dramatic rise in gunshot wounds, exceeding knife wounds, with 50-60 victims per year, a 20-30 percent rise in just 2-3 years. The average age of the victims was getting younger, because these people are primarily gang memebers:

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From Swedish Child Brides to the Problem of Crime: A Financial Solution? By Paul Walker

     Here is how migration changes a culture, fundamentally:

     Sweden has legalised child marriages for Muslim immigrants, who have children wives.  This is due to the huge influx of migrants, and many girls, as young as 14, are pregnant:

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Dick Smith and the Reduce Immigration Write On By James Reed

     I have followed the media response to Dick Smith’s strategy dealing with immigration, which was to launch an attack on the growth economy. It has received almost no sympathetic response in the MSM: The Weekend Australian, September 16-17, 2017, p. 22. This is to be expected, since the MSM is pro-growth to the core.

     It has not been a wise use of money by Dick. The growth mad pro-immigration lobby accept none of his assumptions. They think that the more migrants that are brought in the more jobs are created. No matter about IT displacing jobs, migrants have so much magic that they can solve every problem.

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Sterilising the Population By Mrs Vera West

     This article:, straight from The New York Times,  is entitled; “A STERILITY DRUG IN FOOD IS HINTED; Biologist Stresses Need to Curb Population Growth.”

     Mike Adams discusses this 1969 article, arguing that an agenda of population regulation is well underway, with vaccines, Big Pharma, etc., etc.:
     The problem here is that it is highly unlikely that a deliberate conspiracy is at work, beyond the normal conspiracies, such as the great Given: destroy the White race. With the explosion of population numbers in Africa, it is unlikely that there is any globalist plan to eliminate Africans. All the evidence points towards the elimination of the White race. And, no drug in food is even needed. It is easy enough to do things politically, allowing Whites to simply fall on their own swords of political correctness.