Australia Should have had Nuclear weapons Back in 1946 By James Reed

     Fabian socialists in the Labor Party began the dismantling of the White Australia Policy in 1946, with a massive non-British immigration programme, under the guise of populate or perish. Even though nuclear weapons existed, and Australia cooperated with the British in the development of their nuclear weapons, Australia opted for migrants.

     Even back then, no doubt the elites knew that this would lead to Australia ultimately becoming Asian, but as good globalists, they just did what their masters told them. From what I can ascertain, opposition to this program was minimal because freedom movement types were too concerned about the communist threat, even though Dr Sutton had shown that it too was part of the plan. Consequently, Australia slid down the road to Asia, and who knows what else.

     At this late stage, at one second to midnight, strategic experts are asking whether the present nuke stance is worth reviewing: The Australia, October 24, 2017, p. 12. Apparently, in the past our white mice politicians seriously thought that Washington would be prepared to risk a nuclear confrontation with the former USSR, if an attack was made on Australia. My God, what fools these people are! Why would America do that? Australia would be sacrificed, and still will be. It is possible that North Korea could nuke Australia to show that it means business, without risking a full-out nuclear exchange with the US.

     We are a nation of suckers not having developed nuclear weapons of our own. But, at this late date, one needs to ask, whether or not it matters, because there is not much worth defending today, because the Australia of the past has long gone.

     An old digger said to me a few years ago before he died: “If I could have seen where it would have gone, there is no way I would have fought.” For a long time I asked myself, why they did not see. But, that is wrong because even today, many people still do not see, and recoil at talk about unpleasant realities. As T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) said in “Four Quartets,” “Humankind cannot bear very much reality.”

     Oh, is this too pessimistic? Consider that the government is in chaos, yet Turnbull’s response is that he has never had so much fun in his life:

     Are there any old conspiracy theorists still out there?



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