Goodbye Religious Freedom By Mrs Vera West

     The 61.6 percenters who voted for same sex marriage, must also have voted for the end of religious freedom, since at present the government does not seem very concerned about its pledge that no bill on same sex marriage would impinge on religious freedom. Before the plebby, 62 percent of voters supported legal guarantees for freedom of religion, even though numerous people strongly argued that this was naïve, and that once the same sex vote was secured, freedom of religion would be forgotten. And, it has. Even the mildest amendments protecting freedom of religion have been voted down:

     This is a parliament where the same sex legislation passage was treated like some sort of wartime victory, with pollies hugging in the parliament. What would the Founding fathers have thought if they could have seen that?

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Much Ado About China By Peter West

      My, my, anyone would think that suddenly, after decades of talk, and promotion of the policy of Asianisation (“we are a part of Asia”), our politicians are suddenly worried about Chinese influence! Treason laws? What?

“Malcolm Turnbull is escalating pressure on Bill Shorten to back a dramatic expansion of treason laws to curb foreign influence in Australian politics amid growing fears over the use of cash and covert activities to undermine the national interest.

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Why Do the Left Chew Up Everything? By Uncle Len, Dog Lover

     Many people have Leftoids as pets in their home and have the problem that apart from difficulties in house training them, as they tend to go do their toilet whenever the urge is great, and wherever, these strange furry, or fury, pets chew up everything. Well, this article explains that this is just the Leftoids way of exploring the environment, as they investigate with their noses:

     Wait! In my senility, I just made a terrible error and confused Leftoids with dogs. It was a bad mistake. Sure, in a metaphorical sense, Leftoids really do chew everything up, but your dog does it because he/she loves you, while the Leftoid just wants to kill you, maybe literally:

Don’t Knock Voodoo and “Illegal” Immigration, Until You Have Tried them! By Creepy Uncle Len

     Look, I would have rolled out this story for Halloween, but I forgot. Or, in the alternative, I did not have the story, having to learn Italian to read it (Google translation was beyond me at the time):

“I migranti temono il viaggio che li porterà verso l’Italia. Soprattutto i nigeriani. E così spesso si affidano ai maghi e alla magia per propiziare la traversata, con riti vodoo che si portano dietro anche durante la permanenza nel Belpaese.
A raccontare questa pratica è La Verità. I migranti si rivolgono alla Dea dell’Acqua, Mammy Water, chiamata anche Mami Wata. Il rituale propiziatorio prevede di girare a petto nudo con una gallina sgozzata in mano e una campanella. Poi stregoneria, ipnosi e altri rituali. In questo modo, si legge nel reportage di Alberto Cicala, si debellano “le paure durante viaggi in altri Paesi, rende l’ emigrante imbattibile, nel bene e nel male. Il rituale evoca gli spiriti che dormono nelle acque del fiume, avvertendoli che, se disobbedirai al giuramento rituale, ti indurranno alla pazzia fino alla morte”.
Un rituale lungo e minuzioso, che in qualche modo ingabbia i giovani in cerca di fortuna in Europa. “Il Native doctor - scrive La Verità -comincia chiamando per nome la persona che si trova inginocchiata davanti a lui e come in una preghiera chiede risposta a tutte le dichiarazioni recitate. Vengono gettati a terra conchiglie e sassolini, mentre con una lametta si taglia un ciuffo di capelli della ‘vittima’ e si preleva sangue da un dito poi raccolti in un fazzoletto. Il rituale continua finché l’ individuo cade in un trans indotto dall’alcol (gin e polverine composte da radici di alberi medicali) e dalla carica emotiva che si insinua progressivamente, tra fumi d’ incenso ed esalazioni alcoliche. Lo stregone sputa una miscela da lui composta in precedenza verso il viso della vittima e da quel momento il legame è stretto”.

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How Our Racist, Homophobic Society Harms Porno Actors! By Charles Taylor

     A sad story, indeed:

“Porn star August Ames was found dead of an apparent suicide Wednesday, one day after the adult actress was apparently bullied by social justice warriors on social media for explaining she would not perform in scenes alongside male actors who also perform in gay porn, due to health concerns.
Ames, whose real name is Mercedes Grabowski, “died of asphyxia due to hanging” in what has been ruled as a suicide, according to Ventura County, California officials. She was 23 years old.
Grabowski was bullied on Twitter after she announced her refusal to do porn scenes with gay porn actors, citing what she claimed was a higher likelihood of contracting HIV.”

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Execution by Cop By Charles Taylor

     Unlike many Americans, I am not a great pro-gun person.  I don’t oppose private gun ownership.  On the contrary, it is the guns in the hands of the state and criminals that worries me, and these forces are far more dangerous than armed civilians, as this case well shows:

“Philip Mitchell Brailsford, 27, a former Arizona police officer, was acquitted on Thursday of a murder charge in the 2016 fatal shooting of Daniel Shaver outside his hotel room. The body cam footage of the killing is very unsettling and shows Brailsford ordering a slightly inebriated and very distressed Shaver to exit his hotel room, lay face-down in a hallway and refrain from making sudden movements –  under threat of being shot if he failed to comply.  Brailsford’s panicked conduct in the footage is erratic.  He issues a hail of sometimes conflicting instructions, i.e. for Shaver to raise his hands and also to crawl along the ground.  Throughout, Shaver sobs as he begs police not to shoot, and displays obvious confusion at some of the conflicting commands he is asked to comply with.  As Shaver reaches down to pull up his falling shorts, a panicked and aggressive Brailsford fires several shots into Shaver’s prone frame, killing him almost instantly.
I’ve always felt that modern policing attracts the worst possible recruits, and is a breeding ground for narcissists and government lapdogs. Even the worst behavior of Black cop-baiters, in protesting at the alleged ‘institutional racism’ of police departments, has never convinced me to fully side with the police.  For those with any sense of lingering attachment to the boys in blue, Charlottesville should have been a wake-up call in terms of police co-operation with the government agenda.  Yes, some officers may be on board with our ideas, but as a corporate entity “The Police” are a major part of the problem — they are ground zero for the enforcement of the corrupt laws that silence dissent and pave the way for our destruction.  Brailsford was ultimately just another conformist cretin, consumed by narcissism, riddled with cowardice, and content to take a paycheck in exchange for being the government’s willing executioner.  Protect and Serve? More like “Protect yourself and Serve the State.”

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This Really Takes the Bacon! By Charles Taylor

     This is all true, I swear to it on a big breakfast of bacon and eggs: a man gets 15 years in prison, plus another 15 years’ probation, to be served after his prison sentence, for leaving bacon on the doorstep of a mosque in Florida:

“A man who broke into a mosque and left a slice of raw bacon has been sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Michael Wolfe from Titusville in Florida pleaded guilty to the break-in at the Islamic Society of Central Florida Masjid Al-Munin Mosque in January 2016.
CCTV footage shows the 37-year-old smashing windows and lights with a machete before leaving bacon by the front door.
Wolfe pleaded guilty to criminal mischief to a place of worship with a hate crime enhancement on Tuesday, after a plea deal was arranged with the mosque and the police.

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Bubble, Bubble, Toilet Trouble! By Mrs Vera West

     Relax, let an old lady handle this one. There is a growing cultural war over toilets, with something of a trend to create unisex toilets:

     Urinals are on the way out, with the sort of standard toilets we all have at home coming to the fore. Thus, men, being extremely poor aims, will make these toilets unhygienic for women.  Ladies, you know what I mean! All in the name of political correctness.

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More Sexual Enlightenment By Mrs Vera West

     Following in the aftermath of the glorious victory for human rights in the same sex marriage vote, something which the entire history of humanity has been building up to, there has been other noteworthy achievements in previously, somewhat slow Australia, namely:

“It’s a big win for transgender teens today in Australia.
Australia was the last place in the world transgender children needed court authorisation to receive Stage 2 hormone treatment, even if they or their parents consented to the procedure.
That’s now no longer the case thanks to a landmark decision in the country’s Family Court on Thursday, ending the need for the unnecessary and stressful legal process.
Since 2013, it’s been a requirement that courts need to approve Stage 2 treatment.
Stage 2 hormone treatment involves the administration of oestrogen or testosterone, allowing an adolescent to develop the pubertal characteristics of the gender they associate with. It follows Stage 1 hormone treatment, which delays puberty.”

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Before the Ink dries…the Next Big Thing By Mrs Vera West

     First, the same sex marriage legislation, and then, almost instantly, we have this:

     Read all about it if you need more details than the headlines.

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Putin on the End of the Christian West By Charles Taylor

     Transsexuals will be able to serve in the US military, after courts overturned Trump’s ban, which shows who rules America:

     Russia, however, has built a superior military force, probably the finest in the world, with weapons and men, that could whip the West many times over:

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Health Roundup for Old folks By Mrs Vera West

     Here is a quick summary of some good health advice I have read, which is particularly relevant for older people.

     Cognitive decline can be halted, it is hypothesised, by a combination of omega 3, from oily fish or capsules, and B vitamins:

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Diversity is Not a Strength, but a Fatal Weakness By Chris Knight

     US Republican Steve King, said that diversity is not America’s strength in a pair of recent tweets. His comments were linked to an article by the Voice of Europe that quoted Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban saying that cultures shouldn’t be mixed, arguing that it’s “against common sense.” King said:  “Diversity is not our strength.”

“Assimilation has become a dirty word to the multiculturalist Left. Assimilation, not diversity, is our American strength.”

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The Incredible Ageing Child Migrants By Peter Ewer

     A while back, the media were all in a huff over child migrants who had to be admitted into Europe. When photographs of these “children” appeared, it was obvious that almost all of them were adults of military-conscription age. A big cover-up then took place:\

     In a nutshell, the vast majority of these “children” are adults, about 75 percent, allowed in on false pretences, but, well, they are here now, so they are good honest citizens.

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The Immigrant Overclass has Been Imported By James Reed

     The issue of the importation of an Asian overclass, who will move into professional jobs and become the new ruling class of Australia, has been discussed for some years, most notably by Peter Wilkinson in The Howard Legacy:

     American conservatives, who generally love Asianisation, also seem a tiny bit worried about this, maybe because their children and grandchildren may not get into Ivy League universities; here is a good article discussing all of the US issues:

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Discriminationism Self-Destructs By Chris Knight

     We have seen concern, and quiet murmurs issued by conservatives, about parliament’s complete failure to protect religious freedom.  Indeed, “our” politicians saw fit to vote down all amendments that would have protected religious freedom.  Even proverbial blind Freddy could have seen this coming, yet the 62 percenters went along with a “Yes” vote with no guarantee of any protections.

     As noted here:

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Aluminium and Vaccines By Mrs Vera West

     Natural, recently had an article about aluminium in vaccines:

     The mainstream medical profession holds that aluminium is an adjunct which boosts the vaccine’s capacity to produce an immune response.  But, what else might it do?

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The Insanity of Modern Analytic Philosophy By Chris Knight

     I studied philosophy for a bit over a year, before dropping out, when I did an Arts degree at a mid-level US university. As a freshman, I had hoped that this discipline would help with the big questions, such as the meaning of life, and the existence of God, but I was very disappointed. At best, philosophy was engaged in technicalities that led nowhere; at worst, it was just another attack on traditionalism, but going deeper than the Social Sciences, attacking our common sense view of reality, such as that we have free will, minds and souls. All of this is done to support the ruling ideology of reductionist materialism.

     Not all philosophers though, go for the establishment line. Richard Cocks has published two papers at, discussing the illogical nature of philosophers, with respect to the issue of determinism. If the thesis of determinism – that every event has a cause, sufficient for its explanation, running back in an endless chain of causes – and if this thesis is inconsistent with the existence of free will, then how is the reasoning leading to acceptance of the determinist thesis acceptable?

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Join the Club Club By John Steele

     The main close range weapon in the Neolithic age was the wooden club, probably the first human weapon. The spear involved a bit more engineering, and came later. The club could be a big chunk of wood, picked up off the ground.

     Archaeologists interested in head injuries exhibited in skulls of over 5,500 years ago, have investigated, using synthetic skulls typically used in wound ballistic tests of firearms, the likely types of injuries:

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How the Lawyers Destroyed California By Charles Taylor

     Here is some interesting reading about how the law class, of judges and socially active lawyers, undermined Proposition 187, which would have stopped welfare benefits to illegal aliens, and instead transformed California into a minority white state. There is a lesson in this for all people in the West, about how immigration changes a country forever.  California is now part of Mexico, and the elites love the cheap non-unionised labour: