Don’t Knock Voodoo and “Illegal” Immigration, Until You Have Tried them! By Creepy Uncle Len

     Look, I would have rolled out this story for Halloween, but I forgot. Or, in the alternative, I did not have the story, having to learn Italian to read it (Google translation was beyond me at the time):

“I migranti temono il viaggio che li porterà verso l’Italia. Soprattutto i nigeriani. E così spesso si affidano ai maghi e alla magia per propiziare la traversata, con riti vodoo che si portano dietro anche durante la permanenza nel Belpaese.
A raccontare questa pratica è La Verità. I migranti si rivolgono alla Dea dell’Acqua, Mammy Water, chiamata anche Mami Wata. Il rituale propiziatorio prevede di girare a petto nudo con una gallina sgozzata in mano e una campanella. Poi stregoneria, ipnosi e altri rituali. In questo modo, si legge nel reportage di Alberto Cicala, si debellano “le paure durante viaggi in altri Paesi, rende l’ emigrante imbattibile, nel bene e nel male. Il rituale evoca gli spiriti che dormono nelle acque del fiume, avvertendoli che, se disobbedirai al giuramento rituale, ti indurranno alla pazzia fino alla morte”.
Un rituale lungo e minuzioso, che in qualche modo ingabbia i giovani in cerca di fortuna in Europa. “Il Native doctor - scrive La Verità -comincia chiamando per nome la persona che si trova inginocchiata davanti a lui e come in una preghiera chiede risposta a tutte le dichiarazioni recitate. Vengono gettati a terra conchiglie e sassolini, mentre con una lametta si taglia un ciuffo di capelli della ‘vittima’ e si preleva sangue da un dito poi raccolti in un fazzoletto. Il rituale continua finché l’ individuo cade in un trans indotto dall’alcol (gin e polverine composte da radici di alberi medicali) e dalla carica emotiva che si insinua progressivamente, tra fumi d’ incenso ed esalazioni alcoliche. Lo stregone sputa una miscela da lui composta in precedenza verso il viso della vittima e da quel momento il legame è stretto”.

     My God, Microsoft Word produced so much red text there that I am beginning to suspect cultural insensitivity, and pro-English bias. Good Italian words should not get red-texted like that. Who cares about the English language anyway, or even England for that matter? Certainly not the English, as we have read at this site in article after article.

     Uncle Len, you are showing off with your newly gained mastery of the Italian language, let alone Italian cuisine, gained from numerous years of dumpster diving at the back of leading Italian restaurants. Yes, fans, be impressed. And, as someone at the back of the class said the magic phrase, “please explain,” I will.

     What the article is saying is that voodoo and witchcraft are being used by migrants to help them get into Europe. Now, I know that the white cultural imperialist/racists will sneer at these people, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and it seems that the practice works fine for them. Who am I to criticise anybody? I don’t have a racist bone in my body, or many bones at all for that matter, such as in  my back.  I am just crazy old Uncle Len, who becomes more caring and  multicultural with every passing heartbeat:

“Migrants fear the journey that will take them to Italy. Above all the Nigerians. And so often they rely on magicians and magic to propitiate the crossing, with voodoo rituals that they carry with them even during their stay in the Belpaese.
Telling this practice is La Verità.  Migrants address the Water Goddess, Mammy Water, also called Mami Wata. The propitiatory ritual provides to turn bare chest with a hen thrown in his hand and a bell. Then sorcery , hypnosis and other rituals. In this way, according to the report by Alberto Cicala, “ fears “ during trips to other countries are eradicated , making the emigrant unbeatable, for better or for worse. The ritual evokes the spirits who sleep in the river, warning them that, if you disobey the ritual oath, they will induce you to madness until death".

"A long and meticulous ritual, which in some way cages young people in search of fortune in Europe . “The Native Doctor - writes The Truth - start by naming the person who is kneeling in front of him and as a prayer asks for answers to all the statements made. Shells and pebbles are thrown to the ground, while with a razor one cuts a tuft of hair of the ‘victim’ and takes blood from a finger then collected in a handkerchief. The ritual continues until the individual falls into a transtrusion induced by alcohol (gin and dust made up of roots of medical trees) and the emotional charge that gradually creeps between incense fumes and alcoholic exhalations. The sorcerer spits out a mixture he previously made towards the victim’s face and from that moment the bond is tight".

    One billion African migrants every year, for the next 500,000 years, would greatly improve Australia’s culture and environment, and make a small start to meeting our infinite human rights obligations!



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