Spiralling into Uncivil War By Peter West

     The elites continue to pour out their pro-refugee, migration propaganda:
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/16/opinion/only-mass-deportation-can-save-america.html,  while the evidence from Europe is that mass immigration is having massively destructive effects, spiralling into an uncivil war.

     Each day, scores of horrific rapes are reported by the MSM, which are a drop in the ocean of misery, since most rapes go unreported, out of fear of “racism”: https://www.rt.com/news/393238-germany-asylum-seekers-rape/.
This is now common news.

     Sweden has recently seen Muslim migrants attacking police with stones, sticks and bats: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2017/06/sweden-100-muslim-migrant-youths-attack-police-with-stones-sticks-and-bats, as Muslim migrants have done in Canada: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2017/06/canada-muslim-migrants-fight-canadians-with-rocks-and-bricks. Sweden though, is further down the track than Canada, with police stations simply shutting down in migrant-dominated areas: https://www.infowars.com/last-remaining-police-station-in-migrant-dominated-swedish-suburbs-forced-to-close/.
The rule of law has ended.

     London has been in the news with the van attack by Darren Osborne, a rare white revenge attack: 
Tragic, of course.

     But, less publicised, are on-going machete, sword and bat battles, which indicate that a state of civil war is starting to break out:
The majority of British Muslims would not give police terror tip-offs, probably because of tribalism: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/659913/two-in-three-British-Muslims-would-NOT-give-police-terror-tip-offs.
So much for assimilation: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/survey-reveals-chasm-between-muslim-values-and-rest-of-uk-d30hl55lk.

     Even the Queen’s speech, soothing and reconciliatory, has drawn out antifa protests: http://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/day-of-rage-protest-demonstrators-marching-on-downing-street-to-bring-down-government-urged-to-be-a3569476.html,  from those seeking to topple the government.

     Peter Brimelow at vDare, has predicted that it will “come to blood,” and now confirms that it “has come to blood”: https://www.vdare.com/articles/it-will-come-to-blood-reflections-on-the-lefts-anti-trump-inauguration-tantrum?redirect=http://www.vdare.com/articles/it-will-come-to-blood-reflections-on-the-lefts-anti-trump-inauguration-tantrum.
The pattern is following familiar lines seen in other civil wars, argues Patrick Cloutier: http://www.unz.com/article/it-will-come-to-blood/.



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