The Covid Jab Death Toll By Chris Knight (Florida)

A survey in December 2022 by mainstream poll service Rasmussen Reports, polled 1,000 Americans; 34 percent reported experiencing minor side effects from the jab and 7 reported reported major side effects. A December 2021 survey of 2,840 Americans, found that between 217,330 and 332,608 people died from the Covid vax in 2021. Of the respondents, 34 percent knew one or more people who had experienced a significant health problem due to Covid, and 22 percent knew one or more people who had been injured by the vax. Overall, the vax has proved to be far worse than the disease, and we have yet to see the full effects, particularly on fertility, which may impact upon future generations.

A global experiment indeed, and highly profitable. And, we saw where the loyalties of the governments, and the institutions lie. The generation which lived through the 1918 flu, and rejected the mask mandates, would be utterly amazed about what transpired today, and the level of obedience.

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The UN’s War on Christianity By Chris Knight (Florida)

It has been slowly happening, but now is fully out in the open: the UN globalist war against Christianity intensifies. The United Nations plans to release a report in June 2023 regarding “perceived contradictions” between “the right to freedom of religion or belief (FoRB)” and “sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI).” The aim of the report is to force governments to “fully comply” with international human rights law to “protect and empower” the participation of LGBT+ people in religious communities, to eliminate “discriminatory” practices. Religions such as Christianity have promoted a cis-gendered and heteronormative norm of sexual orientation and gender identity, and this is inconsistent with the woke ideology of the UN. Hence, the religion must change to conform to LGBT+ ideology. We can be sure that none of this will in any way be taken on-board by  Muslim countries, and why should it?

What do you think the Christian churches will do? Support tradition, or bend once more to the power of the woke globalists? No prizes for guessing this one right.

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Communist China Buying Real Estate Next to Military Installations By Charles Taylor (Florida)

With the CCP balloon being able to penetrate the US, and float around, getting whatever information Joe Biden’s traitorous tribe have not let the CCP already have, there is some concern about the Chinese buyups. It seems that there is an interest in buying land next to military installations. And, this has been let happen because … globalism … free markets … the usual nonsense. Imagine the West being able to do the same? No, Chinese land is simply not for sale, and likewise for much of Asia, maintaining national pride and integrity over economic promiscuity.  This fundamental difference does not seem to be comprehended by the mainstream Western mind, drenched with universalism. Not so for China, which makes them formidable. Diversity is not a strength, but a curse.


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Vaccine Hyper-Accelerates Ageing By Brian Simpson

Maybe some things a little science-like might be worth consideration, especially relating to health, life and death, and years of life lost to the vax. Consider: “We are seeing a 26-year-old die. But that 26-year-old has the organs of a 96-year-old. No surprise in rapid cancers, neurodegeneration or sudden cardiac death – for a 96-year-old.” This is the observation of one researcher who cites evidence that the mRNA vaxxes results in a mistranslation of proteins need for all organs to function. The result is vastly premature ageing. The science is a bit complex, and is summarised below, for those interested. But this take-home message is sobering; with all the other problems with the vax, such as fertility ill-effects, it is likely that we are on the verge of a radical depopulation scenario.

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The Failure of So-Called Green Energy By Richard Miller (London)

The United Kingdom, at the moment is cold, really cold as winter bites. Here in London, normally cold and miserable at the best of times, is now even worse, and without fuel for heating, survival itself is at stake. Consequently, natural gas has taken up the great slack left by the failure of renewables, and three coal-fired power plants, two at Drax in Yorkshire and one at West Burton in Lincolnshire, were ordered back into business, as cloudy days with little wind means that renewables fail. It is their intrinsic vulnerability.

Scotland also provides a refutation of the green alternative energy ideology, with dozens of wind turbines now being connected to diesel generators. This has led to hydraulic oil leaking into the environment, and it is all the fault of he environmentalists, pursuing a fantasy that will collapse civilisation.

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Carlos Conquers Carrington by John Haller

The Solar Storm of 1859.

Nobody living today can remember two significant events that occurred in September 1859.  These events were separated by a 24 hour break.  Our ever-dependable friend the sun, sent two "death rays" our way, sometimes referred to in technical jargon as CMEs, or Coronal Mass Ejections. Solar storms. 

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Gathering War Clouds By James Reed

There has been little concern expressed in the mainstream media, and the alternative conservative sites about predictions made by General Mike Minihan, a four-star Air Force General who leads the Air Mobility Command, that America, and the West, will be at war with china by 2025. A take in The American, says that this claim made “shockwaves,” but I seriously doubt that. There is much evidence that NATO is a heartbeat away from war with Russia, which could go nuclear. China would almost certainly attack Taiwan when the West is divided, and would be crazy not to do so. And, the conflict with Russia continues to escalate, with a likelihood of either side backing down. At this point, the entire world will be engulfed in World War III well before 2025. How about this year?


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A Huge Dysfunctional “Family” By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a report from the mainstream media of a Fox News poll, about social unity in America. Americas was held to be a dysfunctional “family” by 81 percent of people in the sample, which is up 10 percent from a similar survey in 2020. It is not clear what the term “family” means, as the multicultural, multiracial mash of people poured into one geographical area is anything but a “family.” But, whatever it is, it is dysfunctional, and falling apart by the day.


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A Ban on Cheating is … Racist! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The ban on cheating in universities has been proclaimed as “racist’ by minority students, claiming that it targets them, and cheating is well, not really cheating but committee work, part of their collectivist culture. But, really, there is more here than minorities. East Asian, and indeed South East Asians have a different take on intellectual honesty than the Anglos, and the culture of paying agencies to do assignments is a flourishing global business.  And, this will not change as white, Anglo culture and peoples, are dismantled. But, if so, if my kind is swept into the dust bin of history, along with its cultural heritage, why should I care anymore?

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Race, Race, Racing, Everywhere By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The race issue is a hot one everywhere and will get only hotter, fuelled by mass immigration, as well as woke policies. Victor Davis Hanson laments that race-based politics threatens America, the only successful multiracial republic in history. The 2020 race riots, and protests over the Black police murdering fellow Black Tyre Nichols, which the media portrayed as “white supremacy,” are points to ponder. Indeed, conservatives like Hanson always have trouble recognising that what started out as a good idea, can go sour, and eventually self-destruct, as America’s multiracial experiment, one which has failed throughout history, will show.  The road to hell is indeed paved with multiracial intentions.

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Fantastic Diversity and Excitement in Merry Old, Multicult, Melbourne! By James Reed

How wrong were the critics of multiculturalism to even think that bringing in diverse cultures with massive differences, and a history of conflict in their home countries would be a problem. Read on and see how wrong people like me are. Not.

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The Undermining of Anglo Culture Continues By James Reed

King Charles will not be featured on the Australian $ 5 bank note. According to Greens First Nations spokesperson Lidia Thorpe,  the redesign was a step towards decolonising Australia. “This is a massive win for the grassroots, First Nations people who have been fighting to decolonise this country,” she wrote on Twitter.

Well, ok, but don’t stop there, complete the thought process dear radicals. Even having a parliament on the note is colonialism, as is having bank notes at all, as is having an industrial civilisation, modern agriculture and medicine. All this must be rejected to, since it is a creation of the sinful colonials. So, do it.

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Pfertilitygate By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Particularly for female readers, #Pfertility is trending on Twitter, since the release by Project Veritas of another video of Pfizer executive Jordan Trishton Walker openly admitting concern about women's cycles and their fertility due to the Covid mRNA vaxxes. The observed adverse effects, such as irregular periods, massive bleeds and other irregulates, indicate that something very wrong is happening to the ovaries. It is possible that developing foetuses could be rendered infertile, but this will not be known until over 20 years’ time. As Dr Roger Hodkinson has said: “These nanoparticles from the clot shot … are getting through the placenta and … could be attacking the ovary of the developing female fetus.” It will truly bring about an apocalyptic population crash.


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Great Move Lidia! Keep Up the Good Work! By James Reed

Senator Lidia Thorpe has quit the Australian Greens over the Indigenous voice to parliament as their support for the advisory body is “at odds” with community activists who want a treaty first. Now, I like this honesty as it is getting to the end point of the agenda with no more beating around the bush. Hopefully now she will push on these radical agendas which will be excellent for the “Voice” referendum debate. She cannot be too radical for my taste. Sure, put a treaty up on the agenda, along with the rent payment scheme that was dropped a little while ago by another radical group. I say: go for it! Self-destruction of the “Voice” will be assured!


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The Scam of Electric Vehicles By James Reed

There are numerous reasons why the present climate change hysteric response for electric vehicles will lead to failure and disaster, as detailed in a concise critical article by Natural The idea that electric vehicles are “green” and environmentally sensitive is shot away by the costs of producing them, and the batteries, with rare earth mining being particularly polluting. Most importantly, is the recharge problem with usage in California showing that the system cannot deal with what electric vehicles vehicles there are now, let alone the entire society going electric. The home run has been left too late, and technological developments were needed decades ago if some sort of transition was needed.

Instead, it is preferable to improve the fuel efficiency of diesel and petrol vehicles, which have proven reliability, and not destroy Western civilisation to be woke and global.

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Can’t Read or Write? Then Become a London cop By Richard Miller London)

After the murder by four black cops of a black Tyre Nichols, the issue has arisen, apart from racism, of police quality. There is a common sentiment that the type of person going into the police force are not the best for the sensitive job which it now is. At a minimum, we do not want the school bullies, but people with much higher intelligence. Yet, when we turn to the Met here in London, we are finding that officers are being employed who can barely speak English, are often illiterate, and worse, have criminal records. All of this is to meet race diversity quotas. It means that the new police force will be functionally useless, so one had better get out of London as the place descends into further lawlessness.


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Life Inside the Concentration Camp, that is Communist China By James Reed

I saw some interesting material at my favourite economic libertarian site,, a group that value freedom, about what life is like living in communist China. It is, from our perspective, terrible. Terrible because crackdowns by the government, mostly arbitrary, happen all the time. We saw what the CCP could do with its lockdowns, which basically tortured millions with the most oppressive penal colony in history. And, the really frightening thing, is that this sort of totalitarian society is what the globalist elites want to create for us, if good men and women do not put up the fight of their lives.


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Climate Guru and Communist China By Chris Knight (Florida)

At the blog, we have been long arguing that the climate change agenda is driven, not primarily from evidence about the climate, but by communist ideology. In particular, it is a dead give away that the West is to deindustrialise, but communist China, which produces more carbon emission that the developed countries combined, is given a free run to produce what carbon it needs to develop, as it is only “fair.” It totally undermines the claim that there is a coming climate apocalypse if this concession is given. If it was true, there should be immediate action required by all, not merely the West.

Another dead giveaway is the sweetheart relationships that leading Western climate change gurus have with communist China. As an example, at present in the US, House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., is probing Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC) John Kerry's secret dealings with his Chinese counterparts. "To date, you have failed to respond to any of our requests," Comer wrote to Kerry. "Yet, you continue to engage in activities that could undermine our economic health, skirt congressional authority, and threaten foreign policy under the guise of climate advocacy." We should not be surprised to see Kerry acting more in the interests of communist China than is own country, as that is the essence of globalism, as practiced in the West, with its white pathology. As well, undermining the nation state, and indeed, Western civilisation, seems to be the clear agenda of climate change activism.

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Fight Back Against the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty By Chris Knight (Florida)

There is nothing new to say here except to give the link to the World Health Organization’s proposed pandemic treaty, coming up fast for global signing in May 2023. The highlights are that nations give over pandemic control to this organization, heavily influenced by communist China, and who regard vax criticism as worse than global terrorism. They want universal vaccination regardless of how little Big Pharma has tested their gunk. Those who want freedom need to protest this one, legally, as loud as possible. Later will be too late.


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The Economist on Conspiracy Theories By James Reed

This week The Economist has a special edition on conspiracy theories, including vax scepticism and the Great Replacement. Of course, the starting point of all of the anti-conspiratorial positions, is that such theories could not be true. And, there is never a balanced, even-handed scientific evaluation of the evidence for them, and the case against the mainstream. Thus, the Great Replacement of whites is taken to be false, even though there are numerous publications by the Left, including Bill Clinton, celebrating it. Biden himself said that the demographic change is occurring. So, it is all a question of whether this demographic change is intentional, a product of policy. And, of course it is, immigration is under government control and is base upon Leftist and globalist ideologies. Hence, there is a conspiracy by definition. That this is not admitted is simply a product of cultural warfare.


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