US CDC Admits, Never Bothered to Check Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for Safety Signals for Covid-19 Vaccines By Chris Knight (Florida)

Children’s Health Defense made a Freedom of Information application regarding Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for safety signals for COVID-19 vaccines. The problem is that while the CDC claimed to have done such analysis, in fact, they did not, contrary to their duty. We should not be surprised given all that has been revealed about the Pfizer trials, which were rubber stamped, and not critically evaluated.

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Christian Philosopher on the neo-Marxist Strategies for Communist Takeover By James Reed

I generally do not have much time, or faith in philosophers, who seem either to be lost in abstractions and “problems” generated by the sciences, which they worship like little slaves, or else they are into Leftist cultural critique. But then there are some good old-fashioned Christian philosophers of traditional stripes, such as Professor Douglas R. Groothuis, who are calling out the neo-Marxist agenda. “If you have a generation that doesn’t know how evil communism is, and how dangerous it is to liberty, to life, to everything good, to faith, to religious freedom, and if the people who believe in the American vision are sleepy, or are just dying out, then I think America is in trouble,” Groothius believes. “A lot of our institutions have been corrupted by far-left thinking and by socialist thinking,” he said. Indeed, socialism is coming to town, right now.

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The Global Destruction of Food and Energy Infrastructure By James Reed

Mike Adams is right that something big and sinister is going down with the destruction of food resources, mainly in the US and Europe, but fortunately not yet in Australia to the degree described below. It would be folly not to join up the dots, given what we have seen with the Covid plandemic, and how that was manipulated by the elites for their Great Reset New World Order agenda. As Eric Butler always used to say, not to believe in a conspiratorial pattern of world activities is to opt for the idiot view of history, that things just happen by chance, without causality. But, even the sociologists tell us, that human social entities and institutions are comprised of social actions and actors, so the first step to understanding any social activity, is to understand who is doing what to whom. Too many bad things are going down for all of this to be casually dismissed as accidental.

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Antifa Turns Anti-Feminist By Richard Miller (London)

Women and third generation feminists have taken to protest against the transgender agenda, including things like trans athletes entering women’s sport, as well as over-turning the traditional definition of “women.” Antifa turned up at one such women’s protest and did their usual explosion of threats of violence. We have seen antifa take on all issues that the globalists champion, such as their attacks upon vaccine protesters. In this case, the women that they are attacking in protest are mainly from the Left, so we need to ask what the agenda is here. It is no coincidence that everything now shouted by antifa is directly in the globalist agenda. As I see it, these are the foot soldiers of the tyrannical regime, the green shirt equivalents of the brown shirts of the 1930s.

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Janes Revenge Gets, Well, More Revenge! By Chris Knight (Florida)

There has been an open advocacy of urban violence by domestic terrorist groups from the Left to attempt to avert the Supreme Court of the United States majority over-ruling the pro-abortion decision of Roe v. Wade. We have covered this before at the blog, especially the targeting of intimidation of the conservative judges by protests outside their houses, and one attempt of preparation of murder, that of justice Kavanaugh. Now, however, the temperature seems to have been risen, as Jane’s Revenge, among other groups, some of whom are probably working underground, prepare for violence, no debate, just violence. The violence seen after the George Floyd druggie death will be minor compared to the over-ruling of Roe v. Wade, which beyond all else is the holy grail of the Left. And, this could happen any day once the decision is released, assuming the conservative judges do not cuck out, which is likely.

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Joe Biden Says, Another Pandemic is Coming By Chris Knight (Florida)

Joe Biden often gives the game away, or maybe he is just the messenger. In any case he has said, with confidence, that there is another pandemic coming, and given his demand for plenty of money, it is likely to dwarf plandemic number1. So, best to prepare now as never before, as far as that is possible with inflation eroding our wages. Still, forewarned, fore-armed as the old saying goes.

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Feminism and the US Baby Food Shortage By Sue Anne Knight (Florida)

The Daily has given a take on the shortage of baby food in the US, linking feminism, by the tone, probably written by a man. Even as a traditional, but rational housewife, I have some doubts. There is no question that the shortages originated from supply chain issues with the shutting down of the largest distributor due to supposed contamination issues. I think that is the big issue that requires detective/investigative journalist work, to see if that fits into the pattern of the attacks upon food supply depots in the US, usually by arson. Still, the point made below is that there is an excess reliance upon this formula, which is vastly inferior to breast milk, being slammed together in Chinese factories. Some mothers cannot breast feed and deserve high quality products, which today via globalism they do not get. If there as not an all-out attack upon the family, it would be possible for many mothers to stay at home and bond even deeper with their baby by breast feeding. Having breast fed three girls now, I would like to write some time, when there is time a book, Breast is Best: The Joy of Breastfeeding, if I have time!


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Who is Afraid of Magnetic Field Reversal? Me, Now! By Brian Simpson

There has been speculation that the death of some 10,000 cattle in the US, was not due to the heat (you know, climate catastrophe and other nonsense), but rather due to radiation from the sun killing the cows by a rift in the Earth’s magnetic field, a hole that allowed in deadly radiation. I thought that this sounded like sensationalist bs, but I looked over the NASA site and accept that this is possible. Whether it happened or not needs investigation and that is not forthcoming. I figure that poisoning by cow assassins, just like the burning down of food depots was the main reason. Anyway, if holes are opening up in the magnetosphere, we will have more to worry about than this.

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Good News for the Right from France! By Richard Miller (London)

As times it seems that traditionalists are drowning in a sea of bad news. But, that may be taking a too narrow view of history. Perhaps the tide is slowly turning, as shown by France’s Right having great electoral success in the recent legislative elections. President Macron, who like his Great Reset buddy in Canada Justin Trudeau, has lost majority power, and now forms a minority government. It will limit the harms that he can commit. It is a pity that this did not happen in Australia, but keep fighting friends!

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If the Uvalde Shooting is Not a Conspiracy, I Will Eat My AR 15! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Further details are emerging about the massacre at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. At first the police authorities said that they delayed going into the school for 77 minutes as they lacked equipment, such as rifles and vests. But, that was shown by video footage to be false, with armed cops inside the school, simply waiting. And, not only were parents disarmed and prevented from saving their children from the gunman, but police turned on their own kind, and restrained even their own officers: “We got an officer, Officer Ruiz, whose wife had called him and said she [had] been shot, and she’s dying,” McCraw said, according to video of the hearing. “What happened to him was he tried to move forward into the hallway ... he was detained, and they took his gun away from him and escorted him off the scene.” The obvious conclusion is that orders must have come from higher up to wait so that a massacre could occur, which was needed for the present gun control push. Nothing else makes much sense. And, as I typed that sentence, my newsfeed tells me that the gun control bill has passed the Senate, surprise, surprise.

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Hugh White on Australia’s Involvement in US/China World War III By James Reed

Hugh White, Emeritus Professor of Strategic Studies at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, writing at The, puts his view that the likelihood of World War III, with the US squaring off against China is “probably higher than the government realises, because China is harder to deter than they understand.” The war very well could go nuclear, he says. He thinks the decision to join the US or not will be based upon reflection upon past decisions, such as joining World War I (wrong), and joining World War II (right). However, that is the historian’s fallacy, since those worlds are not our own, and the past is not always the best judge of the future.


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The Shape of Covid Plandemics to Come By Brian Simpson

A paper recently published in Science magazine, has shown that the mRNA vaccines offer no antibody and T-cell protection to Covid Omicron, only months after a booster shot. Worse yet, as Covid critic, Alex Berenson points out, the jabs are creating an immunological bias: “when vaccinated but previously uninfected people suffer breakthrough Omicron infections, their T-cell response is biased toward earlier versions of Sars-Cov-2 - not to the Omicron variant that has actually infected them. In other words, the mRNA shots appear to permanently wrongfoot the immune systems of people who receive and bias them toward producing T-cells to attack variants that no longer exist - even though they never were infected with those variants at all.” And there is more: “The study also provides additional evidence that the way the mRNA shots work may leave vaccinated people even more vulnerable to infection and reinfection over time. The jabs cause people to make one type of coronavirus antibodies. But the study suggested the immune system’s ability to beat the virus also depends on other antibodies - and the shots hamper the production of those.”

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US Gears for Civil War By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Mike Adams puts the case, and a strong one, that America is set for civil war. SCOTUS has recently delivered a pro-Second Amendment decision striking down New York’s gun control restrictions, and the Left are set to lose their minds, with some radical elements engaging in urban terrorism, to attempt to counter SCOTUS overturning the pro-abortion decision of Roe v. Wade. I do not see conservatives actually getting into a kinetic position as was seen in Civil War I, but are more likely to be the passive subjects of Leftist attacks, as we saw in 2020, with only a few exceptions. So, I am more along the descent into chaotic hell scenario now. As well, I do not see another Republican president ever being elected, as the election fraud machine is now ingrained into the system. Trump had time to fight this, but sat on his cheese burger.

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Biden Stealing Another Election … One Would Never have Predicted It! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Mollie Hemingway at The, tells us that Joe Biden, or rather the forces behind the man with the ice cream, is charging ahead with the take-over of election administration. That alone, as she shows, will be enough to put the Democrats back in a majority, but it is hardly the main event. We have already seen how the most elaborate election fraud scheme in history was rolled out in 2020 to steal the election from Trump. This machinery is still in place, and with but one viral scare, and Biden has said that there is another pandemic on the way, and he needs money to prepare for it, the 2022 mid-terms will also be stolen. Conservatives are always like animals caught in headlights, unable to deal with the fast-approaching threats.

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Virtual Children, the Next Level of Dystopian Alienation By Mrs Vera West

Virtual children are but one of the AI proposals of transhumanism that the Great Reset program of the World Economic Forum, and other globalists have in store. It is a symbol of the direction that they are seeking to go, with the desire for children, if it even exists in the future, being met by the metaverse of AI pets, that one interacts with in virtual reality. The path to this has been prepared for some decades, with video games brainwashing boys, who come to prefer these over activities that boys once enjoyed, like hunting and fishing in the real world. Apparently, these activities are not as exciting as the latest game. So, we can see how the virtual babies and children, and virtual partners will go. And, what happens if there is a power down, from an EMP event? Clearly, the end of the world for this generation. However, it is much more likely that the depopulation agenda will lead to a more radical culling of the population, so these high tech schemes of dystopia may not even get up and running, or be needed for the New World Order agenda.

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Covid-19 Vaccination BNT162b2 Temporarily Impairs Semen Concentration and Total Motile Count Among Semen Donors By Mrs Vera West

Covid critics have focused upon the ill-effects the jabs had had upon female reproduction, but until now there has not been much research on the effects of the shots upon male reproduction. One paper has found that there is a “temporary” impairment of sperm quantity and quality from the jabs. How will this pan out? Will the next discovery be that the effects are even longer? With all the threats at present to sperm, human sperm might become as endangered as any species, only this one, this time, affects our survival.

“Covid-19 vaccination BNT162b2 temporarily impairs semen concentration and total motile count among semen donors

Itai Gat,Alon Kedem,Michal Dviri,Ana Umanski,Matan Levi,Ariel Hourvitz,Micha Baum

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The Overall Harms of the Lockdowns By James Reed

Professor Sanjeev Sabhlok gives an account of the overall harms of the lockdowns, based upon Australian research involving Cost Benefit Analysis. Usually in health-related areas use is made of quality adjusted life years (QALY) to get an idea of what policies are costing in terms of the effects upon lives. More recently, in fact since 2019, there has been an advanced analysis given by Professor Paul Frijters, WELLBY (wellbeing year), which measures things such as anxiety, lost motivation, depression and other psychological qualities, all of which needs to be considered in a cost benefit analysis of lockdowns. School lockdowns impact upon the education of children and hence their future earning capacity, and this can be converted into WELLBY.


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The Mental Health Harms of the Covid Vaxxes By Mrs Vera West

The mental health ill effects of the Covid lockdowns has been covered now, even by more mainstream sources, but less so the mental health ill-effects of the Covid vaxxes. The Conservative site is an excellent pro-woman site. She covers the mental health aspects, being vaxxed herself, but becoming critic. For the Uk, here is a sample for just one of threw vaxxes: “Pfizer: anxiety 1,125, depressive disorders 482, mental fatigue 252, mood disorders 558, mood alterations with depressive symptoms 545, panic attacks 271. Seven people contracted bipolar, 2 schizophrenia, 36 psychotic disorders, 56 suicidal ideation, 9 suicide attempts and 2 suicides. in total there are 10,326 reported psychiatric conditions following the Pfizer vaccine resulting in 3 deaths.” Of course, spike proteins can enter the brain and cause strokes, so the division between menatol and physical ill-effects is not super-sharp.


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Texans, Bless Them, Want to Secede! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I see this as good news, since I have argued for the last two years that the US, and many Western countries are so crimpled by destructive multicultural pluralism, as well as a great political divide, that the Great Divorce is the only solution, for otherwise civil war, or the chaos of the coming anarchy. Now it looks like Texas Republicans want a referendum on whether Texas should secede from the Union. And, it is about time.  Let’s get on with the divorce proceedings. I don’t buy the line that the constitution prohibits it; hopefully not another civil lar to disprove it!

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A Peep Into the Diary of Joe Biden’s Daughter By Charles Taylor (Florida)

We would not mention such disgusting matters if it was not someone of great importance, such as the present president of the United States. Read on, but it is highly depressing that a president of all people is like this. More depressing still is that the FBI goes after the woman who found the diary, not the villain of the diary.

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