Multiculturalism and the “Voice” Referendum By James Reed

Andrew Jakubowicz, a leading academic with specialisation in multiculturalism, feels that the success of the “Voice” referendum, to change the constitution to add what many conservatives (not him, of course) believe will be a woke third chamber of parliament, will depend upon multicultural Australia being mobilised to vote. What are the statistics now …everyone except the Aborigines is a migrant, and go back far enough and the Aborigines are migrants too. Anyway, the referendum will need to get the various migrant/diverse/ethnic groups interested in the Aboriginal issue. The handful of Anglo Saxons left, crawling around the floor, wailing in historical guilt, may be open to whatever Albo says, but why should migrant Australia care? No reason at all. I just asked the ethnic lady at the computer next to me what she thought about all this, and she did not care. She has just gone out the street for a smoke, and if she had her way, would happily smoke in the library; good for her. So, convince her, Albo and co. And, Albo, according to some reports hopes to pull this referendum of in November/December this year.  

Time is on our side.

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Russia’s Nuclear Tsunami Torpedoes By James Reed

As noted in many mainstream publications, such as a recent piece in The Australian Financial Review, January 18, 2023, Russia has moved ahead with its doomsday weapon of a nuclear torpedo, called “Poseidon,” which they say is “unstoppable.” The torpedo can be remote controlled, moving into position for attack, and can sit on the sea bed, and wait. When detonated, it would produce a tidal wave of radioactive water, to destroy a coastal city, which is most main Western cities. The nuclear bomb to be carried is 100 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Russia has already threatened to sink the UK under radioactive water.


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Dr Phelps and the Covid Injuries Issue By Mrs Vera West

This story dates back to late last year, but is still relevant to the Covid debate. Dr Kerryn Phelps, former Australian  Medical Association president, had made a submission to the  National Inquiry into Long COVID and Repeated COVID Infections, where she described her own Covid vax injury of dysautonomia (a failure of the automatic nervous system, that controls involuntary activities such as breathing), as well as that of her partner, Jackie-Stricker Phelps, who had a severe neurological reaction after her first Covid jab. This may have been the beginning of mainstream coverage of Covid vax injuries, and there are a lot of them: 137,141 adverse events following immunisation. While there have been 64.4 million doses of the Covid vax goo administered, we are only at the beginning of seeing what the extend of adverse effects will be, particularly upon female reproduction, which could be intergenerational. This issue has been covered extensively at this blog.


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Coming Soon: Direct Carbon Taxes on Individuals! By Richard Miller (London)

Where do all the programs of organisations such as the World Economic Forum lead? What will tie all of the suggestions, such as meat bans and fuel restrictions, together? The one thing that does it is a personal tax. Meat is, and will continue to be expensive, and soon it will be prohibitively expensive, so people will not be able to afford it. Farm profits will collapse, and farms will close without the heavy-handed moves made in the Netherlands to close down farms by government action. It can all be done by manipulated market forces. Likewise, with fuel. And then a tax can be placed upon use of a fossil fuel powered vehicle. Raising the tax level will lead to people not being able to effectively use the vehicle. With a cashless society it will be easy to put into place a “social credit” system, where carbon usage is measured, and once your limit is reaches, your ability to buy is cut. It is as dystopian a society as any in science fiction, and it is the direction that things are moving now.

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Thought Crimes: Woman Arrested for Silently Praying! By Mrs Vera West

This is where the UK has gone, far down the anti-Christian path. A woman was arrested for standing in silence outside of an abortion clinic, the BPAS Robert Clinic in Kings Norton, Birmingham, and praying. It appears that no other offence was committed, not even loitering, which is not merely being in a place, but looking as if one is about to commit an offence. Merely standing in one spot is not illegal, provided that one does not sleep outside, as proscribed by the Vagrancy Act 1824. Therefore, what we have in this case is a thought crime. Jeremiah Igunnubole, Legal Counsel has said on this: “ A mature democracy should be able to differentiate between criminal conduct and the peaceful exercise of constitutionally protected rights. Isabel, a woman of good character, and who has tirelessly served her community by providing charitable assistance to vulnerable women and children, has been treated no better than a violent criminal. The recent increase in buffer zone legislation and orders is a watershed moment in our country. We must ask ourselves whether we are a genuinely democratic country committed to protecting the peaceful exercise of the right to freedom of speech. We are at serious risk of mindlessly sleepwalking into a society that accepts, normalises, and even promotes the “tyranny of the majority.”


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Get Ready for the Next Big Thing, Cannibalism! By James Reed

Sorry, a nasty topic, but this is the mean real world, and we need to confront it. Most of the crazy social Big Things we are being subjected to by the elites are founded around the alleged climate change crisis, such as the elimination of meat, and transport restrictions. One of the horrors to be flagged by the chattering class is cannibalism. While old school cannibalism, as practiced by numerous cultures, is problematic due to the possibility of disease transmission, what is being discussed now is lab-grown human meat! As to be anticipated, as detailed below, a number of academics are enchanted by the idea, probably because academia is today about deconstruction and re-defining boundaries. This scenario is very much out of old science fiction movies, such as Soylent Green (1973), with Charlton Heston, where there is the same over-population environmental crisis theme, solved by making people into food.


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Diabetes and the Vax By Mrs Vera West

Dr Peter McCullough has commented upon the present chronic disease epidemic of diabetes. Before the Covid plandemic, about 10 percent of diabetes was juvenile Type 1, and 90 percent adult-on set type 2 diabetes. However, after the vax there is now clinical evidence that type 1 diabetes can result from the Covid vax. There is not much by way of epidemiological evidence, but this could grow. It is yet another adverse effect of the vaxxes ranging from heart issues, to neurological effects.                                                            


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The Immoral Hunter Biden By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Even more dirt is coming out in the mainstream media now about Hunter Biden, the president’s son, and smartest man he knows, which says something about the company he keeps. It is no surprise that Hunter has had a sordid, debauched private life, with sexual licence and cocaine use. The UK’s Daily Mail recently noted:

“Hunter Biden threatened one of his cash-strapped young female staffers with withholding her pay if she didn’t FaceTime him for sex,” the report begins. “Shocking texts between the President’s son, 52, and his young assistant, who was 29 at the time, show Hunter asking for video sex sessions and sending her cash via Apple Pay after she pleaded that she was struggling to make rent.”

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Next Up: NATO Ground Troops in the Ukraine By Richard Miller (London)

The Ukraine situation is slowing sliding into a direct conflict between NATO and Russia. The recent decision to send tanks has not helped, but now UK Defense Minister Sir Gerald Howarth wants to justify NATO boots on the ground in Ukraine, that is, fighting troops. That, by definition means that NATO is fighting Russia, rather than engaging in a proxy war. That will be somewhat problematic for NATO, since, to taketh example of the UK, senior Tory MP Tobias Ellwood, chair of the defence select committee, said the army was in a “dire state.” Severe military budget cuts have decimated the British combat ability.  “You haven’t got a tier one” military, one unnamed senior U.S. general said, adding, “it’s barely tier two.” So, in a rifle to rifle battle, NATO is going to have problems, especially since the West recoils at the number of body bags.

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The True Confessions of Pfizer By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Mercola, in a now deleted post, confirms the authenticity of Project Veritas’ undercover video of Dr. Jordon Trishton Walker, director of Research and Development for Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning at Pfizer, who said thatr Pfizer is engaging in “directed evolution” of the Covid-19 virus tp allegedly anticipate the direction the virus wil take in mutation, and to make more vaccines, and heps of money. As he says: “I mean, either way, it's going to be a cash cow. COVID will probably be a cash cow for us for a while going forward [laughs].” While much can be said regarding the ethics of such research, the main concern is that making the virus more dangerous is, well, dangerous research, as there is always the possibility of the virus escaping, or maybe even being allowed to creep out.

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Japanese Researchers Sue the Government Re Vax Harms By Richard Miller (London)

Below is a translation, thanks to The Vigilant Fox substack, of comments by the Japanese researchers such as Dr. Masanori Fukushima, over the deaths and adverse effects from the Covid vaxxes. Dr Fukushima is an infectious disease expert from Kyoto University, and a leading Japanese critic of the Covid narrative. He saw no other option but to take legal action: “Today, it is a matter of fundamental importance for the Japanese government to continuously collect and disclose accurate data,” Professor Fukushima said. “However, I have witnessed the recent fraud scandal committed by the Health Ministry.”

“I have come to realize that this is a historically serious problem that threatens the very existence of the nation of Japan.” That is also true for all other nations, but there is much less activity opposing the Covid system.

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Dr Fauci: Covid Vaxes are Suboptimal! By Brian Simpson

It is very interesting that now that Covid king, Dr Fauci, has moved on and is doing motivational talks  for a hefty fee. It is what the retiring elites all do to keep bringing in the bacon, or is it smoked salmon and caviar?  But, what is even more ironic, is now that Fauci is out to greener pastures, he has said in a peer-reviewed article, that the Covid vaxxes are “sub-optimal.” Something either works, or it does not, and if the vax is sub-optimal, then contrary to all that Fauci has said before, the vax does not work, and do not prevent Covid. Yet, the Australian government is now authorising fourth and even fifth jabs for the helpless population. Go figure.

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South Africa, Going Sour on the Vax By Brian Simpson

A leading South African media outlet, eNCA, has broken the conventional norm, and called for an end to the Covid vax rollout due to the adverse effects of the vaxxes. The jabs were portrayed as a criminal scam, and Shabnam Mohamed, the CEO of Transformative Health Justice said, “We know the pharmaceutical industry has a long history of criminal behaviour … We are here to protect the public.” Fortunately, South Africans have been saner than the West, with 35 percent being vaxxed for Covid. And, the country has not fallen apart from Covid, but rather, it is falling apart from diversity and all that.

“One of South Africa’s leading media outlets is calling for an immediate end to all further covid “vaccination” due to the deadly side effects caused by the injections.

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The Pfizer Sponsored Grammy’s Satanic Ceremony By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Grammy’s this year excelled beyond every woke thing, combining trans, and Satan worship, with fire, whips and even an ageing Madonna, the 1980s music icon of decadence. The show has received lots of internet comment about, shock, horror, but really, there is nothing new here. Contemporary music star Taylor Swift, once a “nice girl” country singer has a new music video featuring a trans. Then, long before Sam Smith, there was devil themes in bans like the Rolling Stone, and Kiss.

So, nothing new here. I mean, what do people expect from a degenerate institution, surely nothing wholesome. It would be contrary to the agenda. And, the killer is that this Grammy’s was sponsored by Pfizer!  Does it get any crazier than that!

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EMP Attacks Via Balloons By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The spy balloon that passed over the US with gay abandon, has raised the issue of whether or not a similar balloon could be used to set off an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon, that would fry US electronics, and according to estimates by the late Dr Peter Pry of the CIA, kill 90 percent of the population from systems collapse.  Here are some thoughts that this may be so. Obviously, the systems need to be hardened against such attacks, especially the civilian power grid, and balloons nee to be stopped before entering US air space. I did an internet search about what the Australian government is doing about EMP attacks, but did not come up with anything. The CCP must be laughing.

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Lo, The WHO Pandemic Treaty Approaches; Clear and Present Danger By Brian Simpson

The “free” world has until May 2023 to reject the World Health Organization pandemic treaty. Frankly, there is not enough action being done in Australia and America to stop this, as the World Health Organization for most politicians is a god-like entity; our hopes are with the African nations rejecting it, which may happen. The connections to the CCP, and its health policies pass them by, since today, frighteningly, most of our leaders are supporters of totalitarianism, although proclaiming “freedom” when it suits them. We have emphasised that there will be compulsory universal vaccination of anything that Big Pharma tosses out its back door, and front as well, but a surveillance system is going to be put into place that will be used to eliminate the last remaining dregs of freedom; the Covid plandemic gave us a taste of this. It has been sad screaming about this day by day, and watching the slide into a CCP New World Order happen, as the West falls, and is transformed into some mutant monster of its former liberal democratic self.

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Ukraine, Nation of Bioweapons By Richard Miller (London)

One might wonder why the US southern border is undefended, even in the time of Trump, yet the Ukraine, the most corrupt country in Europe, is defended, it seems to the point of nuclear annihilation. What is going on here? Well, it seems that the US has a lot to hide in the Ukraine, with  the Russian Defense Ministry obtaining  over 20,000 documents connected to a US biolab project in Ukraine called Metabiota. Ukrainian Zelensky had ordered all documents related to Metabiota be destroyed right before the Ukraine War. As well, the World Health Organization, a one world health government, had called on Zelensky to destroy all documents related to biolabs in Ukraine. The US embassy in Ukraine also removed all their Ukraine bioweapons lab documents from the web. And the reason for this, apart from international exposure, is that the Bidens are involved up to their necks, with Hunter Biden’s firm, Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners (RSTP), investing half a million dollars in Ukrainian biolab operator Metabiota, while exploiting his family influence at the White House to lock in business deals with Ukrainian oligarchs. No doubt, even though a clean-up operation was done, they have much to hide, and what better way than another senseless war?

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Climate Change Fanaticism Brainwashing By James Reed

The British government has set out on a huge brainwashing program to train people into accepting a zero net emissions society, because of the alleged climate crisis. No, the elites will still have their rich food and meats, and travel the world in their private jets. It is the general public who are targeted, with restrictions of diet, especially meat, and transport. At present, rising fuel and food costs are doing this. But, there are other horrors as well, such as the proposal to reduce medical services such as the amount of anaesthesia used in operations for the plebs. Have no doubt that the elites, even low-level feeders such as movie and music stars, undergoing plastic surgery, will get the full dose.

It can all be summed up that the price of “saving the planet,” a smoke screen if there ever was one, is the elimination of people like you and me; if the vax does not get us, climate change policies might.

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Thai Princess in Vax-Caused Coma By Mrs Vera West

Why be concerned about the Covid vaxxes … isn’t it all over, and its time to go back to more serious things, like, increasing levels of affluence? Well, that is all fine, if one is not in a coma, as at present the Thai Royal Family’s Princess Bajrakitiyabha now is. She fell into a coma days after taking the mRNA jab. While some reports say this is due to a bacterial infection, Thai doctors have shot this idea down, as reported below. And, the Covid issue is still relevant for Australians, as people aged between 18 and 29 will now be eligible to get a fourth jab of the mRNA goo, and people aged over 30, will be able to get a fifth. There is no end of this in sight, and given the coverage of the adverse effects of the vax, detailed here each day, we still need to be devoting attention to this. Conservatives, as usual, fail to realise that a civilizational threat has been sown here, and this is not the time to be in the old comfort zone. Just ask the Thai royal family. Just imagine if you realised that you had a ticking genetic timebomb inside you.

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At the End of the West; Normalising the Rape of White Women and Children By Richard Miller (London)

A Berlin university has told women being sexually harassed by a migrant male not to call the police because that would be racist. We should not be surprised about this, since the mass rapes of thousands, or more White British female children by migrant grooming gangs, was sidelined by the woke British police for a long time, because they did not want a racism stink. This is a sure sign of a culture being eaten away from within by Leftist ideology. Of course, it must be opposed, but first, the extent of the problem needs to be publicised.

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