The blog discusses today, the futility of the US mission to tip the balance of the Ukraine War sending tanks. It is, so far not a tank war, but I would not be surprised that the tanks are being put in place for when this present battle escalates into World War III. I guess in these end times, it pays to be prepared. And that brings me to my man, Joe Biden, who gladly sent the tanks to his main man Zelensky, who dances in heels, and very well too. Joe can’t dance in heels, and has trouble walking around, but he can still sign, mechanically and unthinkingly, every piece of paper put under his nose.
In March 2022, Biden said that sending tanks to the Ukraine would start World War III. Now he has sent the tanks. So, we are to assume that, taking him at his word, that World War III will start? I think it already has, at least in the warm-up phase.