Action Hero Laments Rapes in Sweden By Richard Miller (London)

Sweden’s most famous action movie figure, Dolph Lundgren, best known for appearing alongside Sly Stallone, has upset the local woke for saying that Sweden cannot protect its women, which is true indeed. “Sweden has the highest rate of rape per capita in Europe and one of the highest in the world,” Lundgren said.  He could have really sunk himself by mentioning, which he did not, a Lund University study showing  that a majority of those convicted for rape in Sweden were either migrants or from migrant backgrounds.  Nearly half of the offenders were people born outside of Sweden, 34.5 per cent came from either North Africa or the Middle East and 19.1 per cent were individuals from sub-Saharan Africa. Yes, it is diverse.

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The Children of Men Scenario By Mrs Vera West

Children of Men (2006), is a movie about women not getting pregnant and the social collapse that follows, base in Britain. Not a very good movie in my opinion, but it does explore a theme, that of radical depopulation. There is some early thought that there could be such a scenario developing with the fall in fertility across the world, Germany being an example, but Taiwan even more severe, with a recent 23 percent decline in but one year.. There is not much quality critical material on this, only speculative substacks. Still, given concerns about the spike proteins from the mRNA vaxxes migrating to the ovaries, this could be a future concern. It is too early yet to know, but if it is true, then the depopulation agenda would be in full swing. What, then?


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Don’t Take Our Words for it, Satanists Lead the Pro-Abortion Charge! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Both myself and Mrs Vera West, whom I regularly communicate with via email, as does my wife, have contributed Christian attacks upon the pro-abortion ideology at the blog. Common to both of us has been seeing abortion as linked with Satanism and ancient pagan practices of child sacrifice, although no previous culture engaged in the commercialisation of abortions through the use of foetal tissue. We condemned this dark culture as “Satanic” and anti-Christian in the extreme. Some readers thought that this was metaphorical, but there is now concrete proof that the modern Satanic movement, literally, is working for the pro-abortion side. It is a disturbing development, but I am not surprised. The black cat is truly out of the bag today!

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The Insurrection of the Pro-Abortion Left By Chris Knight (Florida)

It has been noted by many that the Democrats have paused the January 6 inquisition about a proposed insurrection, to have their own insurrection, via their avatars, antifa and other Leftist cubs. Thus, these furry folks attempted to invade the Arizona capitol building in Phoenix while the state’s senate was in session. Democrat leaders have said nothing about this, and certainly have not condemned it, which one would have thought consistency would have demanded!

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The Liberal-Left Attacks the Family Once More By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Liberal-Left paper, The Washington Post, responds to the Dobbs decision of SCOTUS, overturning Roe v. Wade, by putting the Leftist case, almost straight out of Friedrich Engel’s (Karl Marx’s writing partner), The Origin of Family, Private Property and the State (1884), which took the position that the nuclear family was a recent social constriction arising from capitalism. The problem is, that a wealth of anthropological evidence gives an origin to the nuclear family much longer than capitalism, and in fact, the family is more fundamental than the state, and nation, which are indeed more recent political constructions.

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Germany Faces Energy Collapse By Richard Miller (London)

Germany is facing the real consequences of the Ukraine War, with gas restrictions from Russia. And, in the case of a full-on war, they can expect the supply to be cut off completely, meaning that in the bitter winters, people will freeze. But, the Economy Minister and Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck, while accepting that this will lead to the potential  collapse of the German economy does have some useful tips about what to do at bath time, which he thinks will help. Discussed, and satirised below.


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The Clash of Civilisations By Richard Miller (London)

Diversity is the new religion of the multicult West. But, the drive to increase diversity for the sake of being, well, diverse, has some diverse consequences, when the salad bowl causes social indigestion. It will only get worse with out-of-control mass migration. It will be interesting to see what is done with the nuclear bombs at the end of Europe.

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Joe Biden Opposed Roe v. Wade, Back in the Day By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Thanks to old commo Bernie Sanders, not to be confused with the old white bearded guy who created the delicious chicken, to remind us that Joe Biden, after the Roe v. Wade 1973 SCOTUS decision said, that he thought that it went too far, and that a woman does not have the sole right to decide what should happen to her body. My, times change. Notice how the argument that someone has a right to their body was completely discarded during the Covid plandemic, but is dusted off when abortion is discussed. Also notice how abortion is a woman’ right, but we still do not know, in this age of trans genders, what a “woman” actually is.

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Now, After Roe v. Wade has Fallen, the Left are Frantic! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Protests are in full swing in the US, and it is early days yet, but there have been incidents where flame throwers have been used against police. The main concern of the Left is that the potential is now open to revisit other sacred cases of the Left, since the conservative judges have opted for an Original interpretation of the constitution, meaning if it is not in the print, it is not a right. The Left judges held to the “living constitution,” meaning that Left wing values decide what is in the constitution, such as homosexual marriage, which would have stunned George Washington. Anyway, as Justice Thomas has indicated, a whole range of previous SCOTUS decisions can now be revisited. This will surely prompt the drive to stack the court with ten thousand communist judges, just to get things back to the hellscape that it was since the 1960s.

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Justin Trudeau, Son of Castro: The Optics By Charles Taylor (Florida)

People have speculated about Justin Trudeau being the son of Castro, given his mother, uber-leftist, Margaret’s gushing over the communist dictator. Here is some visual evidence. It explains a lot.

Joe Biden’s Cheat Sheets By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Clearly one would not need a cheat sheet telling someone what to do, that included sitting down and exiting, unless that person, the president of the United States, had cognitive impairment, by definition. And why have a senile president? Well, as Biden said when signing a pile of documents, I have no idea of what I am signing, making the documents invalid of course, if there was a rule of law left. But how politically useful is it to have a virtual meat robot!?

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Sex Strike is a Good Start By Mrs Vera West


    There are a lot of things about us women

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The Constitutional Argument Behind “Dobbs v. Jacksons Women’s Health Organization,” SCOTUS (June 24, 2022) By Ian Wilson LL. B

The decision in Dobbs, which reconsidered the 1973 SCOTUS decision of Roe v. Wade, is that there is no US constitutional right to abortion as Roe v. Wade, a political rather than legal decision, made in the days of ascendant Left-wing ideology held. The idea was based upon a particular jurisprudence of the “living constitution,” that terms and principles evolve with the society. By contrast, the conservative judges held to the doctrine of originalism, that the constitution is a historical document that has to be understood by the meaning of the founders. Naturally those from the Left opt for the “living constitution view” since they want to be able to impose their values upon society, which is what hey have been doing since the 1960s. but by this doctrine anything goes once one has the liberty to define words how one wants them. Thus, the Second Amendment “right to bear arms,” could become, not the right to firearms ownership, but to wear short-sleave shirts!

Fortunately, the conservative judges wound this back in one case, in one area. Yet, this does open the issue up of challenging a whole range of other woke decisions, such as Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), the SCOTUS case that found a constitutional right to homosexual marriage, even though homosexuality was illegal in America at the time of the writing of the constitution, and most of its history. Justice Clarence Thomas, a Black, wants to revisit this decision and others. Good for him; that will really upset the Left!

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The Target on Australia’s Back By Viv Forbes

Congratulations to Ted Dwyer in “Spectator Australia” (25/6/22) for asking why Australia has bet-the-house on the US/NATO adventurism in Ukraine.

There are few innocent parties in Ukraine today - an undeclared civil war has been simmering for this whole century.

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Roe v. Wade Now Over-ruled, and the Left Gears Up for War! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Breaking news, the holy grail of the Left, Roe v. Wade has been over-ruled by the Supreme Court of the United States, meaning abortion is not a constitutional right, and the matter is dealt with by state law. The Left wing Guardian, below explains the details. This decision happened a few hours ago, night is falling now, while you Aussies are having breakfast. The Left has promised a civil war on this, and we are watching now what they do. First cab off the rank is not a cab but a truck attack, so who knows what comes next? Chris and myself will report news your Australian MSM will not.


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Britain’s Top General: Prepare for World War III By Richard Miller (London)

The West is sliding ever closer to World War III, yet most people seem obvious to the dangers, life goes on in happy consumer land, with mild grumbles from the mall shoppers about inflation, the shortages of some goods, and rising fuel and energy costs. Our top general here in Britain, General Sir Patrick Sanders, who assumed overall command of the British Army recently, has said that Britain must now prepare to fight Russia in a land war. Over in Russia, as detailed below, the Russian hawks said in reply that what will happen is that this time the entire British Isles will be sunk under water. So much then for a “land war,” when it will be water world for everybody. No, everyone just dies. Some Great Reset; all being done for the remaining radioactive British fish!

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Sudden Death by Vaccination By Chris Knight (Florida)

SADS, “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome,” or “Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome,” was once known, but rare among young adults. But that is not so now, and media coverage is now being made of it, saying that all young people, under the age of 40 years by their definition, are susceptible. It is not clear how the media can propose this, since they also claim that the causes of SADS are unknow. Of course, not to panic the sheeple who passively were shown, eh, vaxxed, no mention is made of the possibility, indeed likelihood, that this is yet another vax caused injury. The cases to gain media attention are young people dying in their sleep, often among the vaxxed elites, including health authorities.

However, science when done properly seeks unifying explanations for a range of related material. There is also the phenomenon of peek athletes collapsing and dying on the field, at a time when the heart is no doubt being put under pressure. International Olympic Committee’s data shows 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under age 35 between 1966 and 2004. This gives an average annual rate of 29 sudden deaths, for all sports. But in a single year, between March 2021 and March 2022, at least 769 athletes have suffered cardiac arrest, collapse, and/or have died on the field, worldwide. The common cause here is the covid vaxxes, but if the media said this, if their Big pHARMa owners allowed them to, it would create panic, as it would show that there are potential cardia time bombs within the young vaxxed that could explode at any time.

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The Evidential Failure of Most Medical Interventions By Brian Simpson

A major review paper has examined 1,567 medical interventions listed in the Cochrane Reviews data base, a key one for medical research findings. It was found that 94 percent of medical interventions were not supported by adequate scientific evidence. There was also less attempt to measure harms of interventions, than to stress the benefits. We saw this with the mask mandates, which were put in place with little supporting evidence, and no cost benefit analysis at all, being done out of moral panic and social conformity. Mainstream medicine is in dark times given its subservience to the profit lusts of Big Pharma.


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Monkeypox is Moneypox! By Brian Simpson

Monkeypox is indeed monkey business, or should we say, money business! No sooner did this disease, once rare outside of East Africa surface in the US and Europe, and now to some degree right across the West, there is a vaccine all ready to go. Talk about clairvoyance by Big Pharma! The disease has never spread in this way before, moving across the world, and critics believe that this is yet another deliberate spread. So far, it is being said that the virus is the same as the one that kills hardly anyone in East Africa, and is not a genetically engineered bioweapon, along Covid-19 lines, but we will see. Whatever happens, this is yet another money-spinner for big Pharma, who is on a roll. We live in the age of disease and money.

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More Masks; More Deaths By Brian Simpson

There has been much written now about the problems that masks have generated, including health issue from the inhalation of microplastics. However, evidence from many jurisdictions such as Kansas, indicates that counties with mask mandates have a higher death rate than counties without mask mandates, results that have also been found in Europe. As Dr Mercola discusses in a now deleted post, extracted below, masks are usually not replaced as regularly as they need to be, and collect pathogens, often leading to a condition called Mask-Indiced Exhaustion Syndrome (MIES), which in itself impacts negatively upon your immune system. As well, masks increase carbon dioxide retention and decrease cardiopulmonary capacity. It is a high price to pay for what is little more than a symbolic fetishism. I did see on the net that one wag got a mask with a respirator, and took out the inner mechanism, which must have been a crime at the time, perhaps punishable by hanging or being drawn and quartered like William Wallace (1270-1305)

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