Makarrata Demands as Proposed by the National Aboriginal Conference By Brian Simpson

The Aboriginal treaty agenda is not new, and was discussed by the Commonwealth Parliament back in 1983, and enthusiastically endorsed:

THE PARLIAMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA TWO HUNDRED YEARS LATER ... Report by the Senate Standing Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs on the Feasibility of a Compact or 'Makarrata! between the Commonwealth and Aboriginal People:;fileType=application%2Fpdf#search=%22publications/tabledpapers/HPP032016001565%22

We need to examine Appendix 3 of this document to see what the Voice Makarrata elites may want, and would get, in a Voice world:

“N.B. The items listed below are as contained in telexes to
the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs dated 29 September
1981 and 1 October 1981.

  1. Land to be acquired by the Commonwealth for and on
    behalf of Aboriginal people and that all such land be vested in
    freehold title to the Aboriginal people and that such land be
    given in perpetuity and shall not be subject to mortgage and/or
    sale outside the Aboriginal community and/or communities.

  2. The development of self-government in each respective
    tribal territory to take due respect for the culture of the
    Aborigines and to ensure their political, economic, social and
    educational advancement, and by virtue of this, that they have
    the right to freely determine their political status and freely
    pursue their economic social and cultural development.

  3. The establishment of a national Aboriginal bank with
    branches in each state of the Commonwealth.

  4. The payment of 5% of the gross national product per
    annum for a period of 195 years to come into effect upon the
    date of this section being given assent and/or upon the signing
    of the agreement.

  5. The return of all national parks and forests to the
    Aboriginal communities whose territorial jurisdiction prevails.

  6. The return of all artefacts, artworks and items located
    by archaeological diggings from museums and other art centres.

  7. The rights to hunting, fishing and gathering on all
    lands and waterways under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth
    of Australia.

  8. The rights over all minerals and other resources that
    may exist on all lands given in perpetuity to Aboriginal people
    and/or communities and that these rights which include all
    minerals from the earth's surface to the centre of the earth,
    and that we reserve the rights to all the air space from the
    earth's surface to the outer perimeters of the earth's

9 . The recognition of Aboriginal customary law in those
territories which deem it necessary.

  1. The establishment of Aboriginal schools, that is
    pre-schools, infants, primary, secondary and colleges within
    those Aboriginal territories which deem it necessary.

  2. Freehold title and full ownership of all houses
    currently occupied by Aboriginal people throughout Australia and
    that such title to be given in perpetuity.”

 Some of the above items have already been achieved, but these, and many others will come up in the Voice/Makarrata Truth Inquisition of white Australia, and be sure, in such a world, white mice politicians will grant it, otherwise the magic racism laser beam might be used.



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