Radioactive Roads! By Brian Simpson

     You have to hand it to the Japanese, they have true samurai spirit and do not let little things like atomic bombs being dropped on them set them back. A truly great people, who are unfortunately facing all of the problems which we face, although they are holding back the tide on mass immigration by using their ingenuity to go robots. But… 

“When nuclear disaster struck at Japan’s Fukushima-Daiichi power plant, it was clear that the environmental impact of such extreme amounts of radiation would be immeasurable. Reports on just how bad the situation at the plant is have continued to reveal a devastating truth: Even in 2017, the amount of radiation being produced by the damaged reactors was lethal. In spite of the obvious risk, Japanese government officials are now looking to make use of the radioactive Fukushima — by using dirt from the site to build new roads. Roughly six years after the meltdown began, the radiation in and around the nuclear reactors was still being described as a “nuclear explosion that doesn’t end.”

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Cannibalised Humanism By Chris Knight

     Ah! The subtle desire for the headline, to have one’s name out there in lights for one’s 15 minutes of fame. What will peole do? What will people say? Richard Dawkins, first known for the ultra-Darwinist idea of the selfish gene (we are just machines for our genes), and later for his savage attacks on Christianity, now is saying that “meat’s back on the menu, boys!”

“Commenting on an article from the UK’s Independent newspaper, which touts the benefits of lab-grown “clean meat,” Dawkins tweeted earlier this month that perhaps something similar could be done with human flesh, which would assist western culture in shedding yet another irrational remnant of its Judeo-Christian roots. …Dawkins said that eating lab-grown human meat would provide an “interesting test case for consequentialist morality versus ‘yuck reaction’ absolutism,” which keeps people from doing things just because they seem morally repugnant.”

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The Fall of the Austrian Oak: The Bad Oil on Climate Change By John Steele

     Probably being the only person here who has seriously weight trained and been in the culture of body building and power lifting, I used to admire Arnie Schwarzenegger. But now, look what he is up to: 

     No need to go into detail here; the accusation is that oil companies are committing murder! Well, does Arnie still drive that big Hummer? Why, he has a whole car yard of cars, all fuelled by… you guessed it…oil companies. Talk about hypocrisy, but that’s the Left/Greens for you, never personally consistent. Here is a link showing Arnie’s cars:

False News about Alleged Russian Nerve Agents By Michael Ferguson

     The Deep State of the West must have a death wish, for they are forever obsessed with starting a war with Russia, perhaps because they see the last drop of symbolic resistance to their complete domination of the universe, in a way crazier than any 1960s James Bond villain. It is a globalist psychopathology of the most disturbing form, for unlike other killers and mass murders, the global elite are willing to destroy life on earth. Apparently, the elimination of anything higher than a virus would be a win for globalism, so long as all forms of nationalism are obliterated. The nerve gas attack in the UK on ex-spy Sergei Skripal, probably did not come from Russia at all:

“The substance used in the poisoning of Sergei Skripal may have originated from the countries studying the “Novichok” nerve agent, including the UK, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Sweden, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. “The most likely source of origin of the toxin are the countries which have been carrying out intense research on the substances from the ‘Novichok’ program, approximately since the end of the 1990s until the present time, and this project is not the creation of Russia or the Soviet Union,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Saturday. She listed the UK, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Sweden among the countries involved. The US should also “be put under question,” Zakharova said in an interview with the state broadcaster VGTRK.

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Who is Afraid of Global Cooling? By James Reed

     I, for one, am a global cooling man. I think a new ice age could happen, so the only thing to do is to increase one’s carbon footprint to try and heat things up a bit. I am not a climate scientist, or anyone very important at all, but this is my gut feeling. Here is an article which confirms more of my prejudices, of growing cold temperature across the world, extremes of cold and snow and ice, with the prospects of Canberra reaching -8C, which should freeze up Parliament House. This could only be for the good: 

Doomsday Camps By John Steele

     It pays to pay close attention to what the elite are up to, since, well, they are the evil masterminds of the grand global conspiracy to enslave us all, blah, blah etc. etc. Now it seems that the Washington elites are flocking to “doomsday camps”:

“A building network of backwoods doomsday camps around the country are pulling in members from affluent areas and even Washington national security officials as the threats grow from nuclear war, an EMP or virus attack. Called Fortitude Ranch, the outposts promise protection and a year’s supply of food for those unable to build their own bunker. What’s more, until a crisis strikes, they are being used for prepper training and vacations. “We’re seeing members from all the three letter agencies,” said Fortitude creator Drew Miller, a retired Air Force colonel and intelligence officer, in a reference to the Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation. He called an attack or even a weather-related electromagnetic pulse shutdown of the electric grid “inevitable,” and a driving force in his project.”

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Apollo Returns By Peter West

     I came across this interesting little story by French Alt Righter, Guillaume Faye. It is not great literature, and no doubt much is lost in translation, but it is still thought provoking. Western civilisation is collapsing and the protagonist, Jeane Riquetaut, seeks to preserve some trace of what was by putting in words on leather, humanity’s plight, and sealing the leather in a safe. This is what she wrote:

“To the men of the future: My name is Jeanne Riquetout and I am witness to the very rapid end of a civilisation that was born thousands of years ago. This civilisation slowly expanded to cover nearly all of the Earth, which was populated by eight billion people. (She tried to avoid technical or complicated terms.) We can travel all over the planet thanks to our flying machines, and earthbound machines that go at great speed.

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Robobees, What’s Next By Brian Simpson

     Sure, technology will solve every problem, because, well, humans don’t have original sin (and even if they did technology, especially IT would solve that one). Don’t you believe one word of it. With bee populations continuing to collapse from Colony collapse disorder, scientists have done what scientists do best, not attempt to solve the root cause of the problem, but give a high tech duct tape solution:

“Fleets of robobees could now be deployed if natural populations continue to collapse. A leading expert told the world’s biggest science conference the technology is now here to programme bee-sized drones to pollinate crops. Japanese scientists have developed a remotely controlled drone the size of a dragonfly which was able to pollinate lilies. US scientists have also joined the technology race developing a robobee about half the size and able to flat 120 times a second. Prof Shashi Shekhar is one of the world’s leading experts in state-of-the-art mapping and said robotic swarms could be the answer to catastrophic food shortages.”

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Climate Change is Sexist! By Mrs Vera West

     Get yourself a strong cuppa tea or coffee or even both, take a sip and consider that according to Hillary Clinton, climate change is itself sexist: 

“Failed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton recently spoke to a group of college students at Georgetown University as part of a panel on “Women & Human Rights.” At one point during the event, a student raised her hand and suggested that weather was somehow sexist. Of course, Hillary Clinton was quick to agree. “I would say that particularly for women, you’re absolutely right, they will bear the brunt of looking for the food, looking for the firewood, looking for the place to migrate to when all of the grass is finally gone as the desertification moves south and you have to keep moving your livestock for your crops are no longer growing, they’re burning up in the intense heat that we’re now seeing reported across North Africa, into the Middle East, and into India,” Clinton said.”

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Who’s Afraid of Planet X? By Brian Simpson

     There is a lot out there in the wilderness of the internet on Nibiru or Planet X: 

     This planet will, these sites say, cause cosmic disaster. The problem is, that any large planet close to the Earth can be detected by either telescopes, or, if it is hiding peek-a-boo behind another close planet, detected by gravitational effects. However there may be a Neptune-sized planet out beyond Pluto, but there is no empirical evidence of this, as yet.

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Letter to the Editor - Tomorrow’s Grim, Global, Green Dictatorship

     Greens hate individual freedom and private property. They dream of a centralised unelected global government, financed by taxes on developed nations, and controlled by all the tentacles of the UN.

     No longer is real pollution of our environment the main Green concern. The key slogan of the Green religion is “sustainable development”, with them defining what is sustainable.

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Those Spying Lizards By James Reed

     I thought that this one was false news, but apparently not. 

“Western spies use lizards and assorted small reptiles to “attract atomic waves” and spy on Iran’s nuclear program, the former chief-of-staff of Iran’s armed forces has claimed. Hassan Firuzabadi, senior military adviser to supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, made the revelation as he responded to questions from local media on the recent arrest of environmentalists, Ouest France reports. It is the latest in a long line of claims made in the troubled Middle East that include allegations western forces have also used an eagle, a dolphin, a vulture, and Mossad-inspired shark attacks on various Islamic foes – with varying degrees of success.”

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Ghoulish Waves for the Future By Peter West

     Surfing through Natural, I followed a common thread of articles about our dystopic future, many hard to believe. To begin,

     A Canadian company which sought to have an “eco-friendly” approach to disposal of human remains, used the process of alkaline hydrolysis to dissolve bodies. The only problem was that the remains ended up in the sewage system, going out to sea. Human bodies today are rather toxic, with lots of heavy metals, so this was not fair on the fish. Bodies that are not liquefied may end up being part of a growing global market for such parts:

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Letter to The Editor - Planned Power Chaos

To ON TARGET          Seven Australian governments have made a mis-planned mess of Australia’s electricity industry. The federal government now plans to add more toxins to the mess – “five-year targets to cut emissions.”

     There was one big lesson from the 20th Century – coercive central planning always fails - it constantly destroys economic assets and human freedom. Just look at the human and economic costs of the grand plans of Stalin’s Russia, Hitler’s Germany, Mao’s China, Castro’s Cuba and Pol Pot’s Cambodia. Or compare East and West Germany when the Berlin Wall came down or North and South Korea now.

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Letter to The Editor - Junk all Junkets

     The climate catastrophists in the UN and Australia’s Climate Council claim that man-made global warming will hurt tourism. However tourists in planes, ships, buses, trains and cars all contribute mightily to man-made CO2.If the catastrophists believed their own scare-stories they would advocate bans on all government promotion and advertising of tourism expos and games, abandon the multitude of tax-funded climate conferences in exotic locations, and veto all government-funded “study tours” by academics, politicians and bureaucrats.

  Viv Forbes, Washpool, Qld

Uranium One Scandal By Paul Walker

     This is something which we are not hearing about here in Australia, the Uranium One Scandal, involving the Left’s favourites, the Clintons:

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Who Will Survive and Who Will Need to Learn Fast By John Steele

     So, the majority of Millennials do not know how to boil a light bulb or change an egg…wait, senile me, I got that wrong, change a light bulb and boil an egg:

     The British survey showed that most, quite capable in the use of IT equipment, failed at practical domestic tasks. The survey did not venture outside of the comfortable domestic sphere, but if one considered basic survival skills previous surveys indicate that Millennials lack these skills too: 

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Homesteading 101: Prepping and Beyond By John Steele

     In articles to come I will be dealing with the Plan C, or is it Plan D (?), strategy of prepping for coming disasters, collapses or just the Spenglerian processes of social entropy that have taken down all previous civilisations. I know that the great majority of us expect that the world which we see today, and enjoy with its technological creature comforts will continue into the future, forever. Yet, it may not, and breakdown in some places of the world has been rapid, and there is even argument that the fall of Rome was quicker than most scholars think, due to migration and barbarian invasions, rather than just some particular economic libertarian reason like more taxes:

     The strategy of many has been to go “off grid,” and to homestead, trying to be a self-reliant, if not self-sufficient as possible. The American sites celebrate this, but often are too preoccupied with firearms questions to produce in depth discussions of just how hard it is to do this, even to grow one’s own food. I have sorted through a long list of internet sites to now cite some realistic appreciations of these difficulties:

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Will China Destroy the Space-time Continuum? By Brian Simpson

     I think that we all should be worried if China can make a laser strong enough to tear apart the space-time continuum: 

“The Chinese are building a laser that is 10 trillion times more intense than the sun and could rip apart space. Physicists say that this laser could be operational as early as 2023. Physicist Ruxin Li and colleagues are breaking records with the most powerful pulses of light the world has ever seen. At the heart of their laser, called the Shanghai Superintense Ultrafast Laser Facility (SULF), is a single cylinder of titanium-doped sapphire about the width of a Frisbee. After kindling the light in the crystal and shunting it through a system of lenses and mirrors, the SULF distills it into pulses of mind-boggling power. The end goal is to create a laser so powerful it can produce 100-petawatt laser pulses or 100 million billion watts.

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Flipping Over the Poles By John Steele

     I might flip my eggs and bacon over the campfire out here in the Victorian scrub, but while I am doing this, something geophysically more dramatic could occur; a polar shift:

“Scientists from the University of Colorado in Boulder are sounding the alarm that the Earth’s magnetic poles are showing signs of reversing.  Although the pole reversal, in and of itself, isn’t unprecedented, the solar winds that would take out the power grid and make parts of the globe uninhabitable could cause widespread disasters. The Earth has a fierce molten core that generates a magnetic field capable of defending our planet against devastating solar winds. 

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