Those Spying Lizards By James Reed

     I thought that this one was false news, but apparently not. 

“Western spies use lizards and assorted small reptiles to “attract atomic waves” and spy on Iran’s nuclear program, the former chief-of-staff of Iran’s armed forces has claimed. Hassan Firuzabadi, senior military adviser to supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, made the revelation as he responded to questions from local media on the recent arrest of environmentalists, Ouest France reports. It is the latest in a long line of claims made in the troubled Middle East that include allegations western forces have also used an eagle, a dolphin, a vulture, and Mossad-inspired shark attacks on various Islamic foes – with varying degrees of success.”

     I wonder, though, how the lizards actually conducted spying? With the wonders of micro-electronics, were sensitive recording devices placed on their tongues, or frills? Were their eyes really cameras? And, with drone technology and nanotechnology advancing by the second, who would want to trust a mission to a lizard that would probably get eaten long before it found anything useful?



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