Uranium One Scandal By Paul Walker

     This is something which we are not hearing about here in Australia, the Uranium One Scandal, involving the Left’s favourites, the Clintons:


  • Undercover FBI informant William Campbell has given written testimony to Congressional investigators after an “iron clad” gag order was lifted in October
  • Campbell was a highly valued CIA and FBI asset deeply embedded in the Russian nuclear industry while Robert Mueller was the Director of the FBI
  • Campbell was required by the Russians, under threat, to launder large sums of money - which allowed the FBI to uncover a massive Russian “nuclear money laundering apparatus”
  • He collected over 5,000 documents and briefs over a six year period, some of which detail efforts by Moscow to route money to the Clinton Foundation
  • Campbell claims to have video evidence of bribe money related to the Uranium One deal being stuffed into suitcases.
  • The Obama FBI knew about the bribery scheme, yet the administration still approved the Uranium One deal.
  • To thank him for his service, Campbell was paid $51,000 by FBI officials at a 2016 celebration dinner in Chrystal City
  • When it emerged that Campbell had evidence against the Clinton Foundation, a Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff (of FISA warrant application fame) slammed Campbell as a “disaster” potential witness.”

     Yet, with all of this going on, the mainstream media refuses to comment, and even Trump does not make use of the masses of ammunition that has been dumped on his lap. Clearly, our entire world is wrapped in the serpent of the Deep State One World Government conspiracy. Only the alternative media, until it too is censored, gives a window to the truth.



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