Left-wing terrorist groups are firebombing pro-life pregnancy centres across the USA. Unlike 2020, which was just a warm up temper tantrum, this one is to use violence to intimidate SCOTUS judges not to over-rule the abortion on demand case of Roe v. Wade. Will it work? Maybe, the SCOTUS judges showed themselves to be gutless over the electoral fraud cases, rejecting the state of Texas as having standing. I am surprised the anti-abortion decision even got this far.
And so it goes on, and on. There is now a new Covid sub-variant, Omicron BA.5 sub-variant. This one defeats the vaxxes, and apparently natural immunity as well, but that just means, get it and endure it, as was done with Omicron. We have not received much information about how this will pan out, so we speculate. It could well be that this leads to yet another round of Covid-19, maybe even lockdowns, since the authorities know that they just have to say “Covid’ and they can do anything.
Ann Coulter seems to accept that 2020 election fraud did not occur, and she bases this on a critique of one movie, ignoring that the state of Texas had put a case to SCOTUS, where, incredibly they found that a US state did not have standing, meaning, no-one does. There are masses of other evidence that she does not seem to be aware of. But she does make a good point in a recent article where she states that Trump “used his "STOP THE STEAL" fundraising appeals to grift his supporters out of $250 million, none of which was, in fact, used to fight election fraud.” Well, election fraud aside, this is fraud, and trump needs to be prosecuted. I don’t care if the Democrats put this traitor behind bars. I have hopes that De Santis will do what Trump should have done; certainly, he has more guts.
This one is best read with a torch, under the covers, because … they are watching us! Even when I go to get milk, I look behind me and see someone in a trench coat, hiding behind a Left-wing newspaper. I am too cared to make any comment and have already made my plans to escape Australia as a refugee to South America, then to America, in a boat made of beer cans. Then I will live in welfare paradise in Biden land.
Son of Castro, whether genetic via pinko mom Margaret, or ideological, after banning handguns has said that no-one has the right to use a firearm for the purposes of self-defence. Just think about that ladies and the elderly. We have seen from the Texas shooting that the police simply cannot be dependent to come to your aid, and nor are they legally obliged to do so. So how are the physically disadvantaged supposed to defend themselves? Well, they cannot, so there is no right to the most basic of things, life preservation. A society which accepts this is insane, or has a genocide agenda.
According to a number of academic studies, the Covid lockdowns resulted in more lives lost than were allegedly saved. The National Bureau of Economic Research report by Casey Mulligan and Robert Arnott, Non-Covid Excess Deaths 2020-2021: Collateral Damage of Policy Choices (June, 2022), abstract and reference below, concluded that the lockdowns in the US resulted in at least 170,000 excess deaths from 2020 to 2021, although they believe that the number is closer to 200,000. This larger figure is consistent with other estimates, such as by The Economist, they note, who put the excess death figure at 199,000. These deaths are from numerous sources, such as failures to receive cancer screening and medical attention, given the freak-out of the medical profession.
The move is now on across the West, in those jurisdictions that have not yet conformed, to vaccinate young children (under 5-years) and babies. This is getting set in concrete now in the US, ever-eager to find new sources of funding for Big Pharma. Here is what the Australian government position is, straight from the horse’s mouths’:
As Steve Kirsch says, from viewing attorney Robert Barnes who is going up against Pfizer in a fraud case, a defence has been raised to Pfizer fraud claims, that it was not fraud because they cooperated with the government, which is true. However, is that a defence to fraud? Unless certain legislation protects them, which I doubt in this instance, all it means is the Pfizer and the government are joint partners in the enterprise. It is like a murderer arguing that he is not responsible for murder, from shooting a victim, as his partner in crime fired a hitting shot too. But, we will see where this goes, the attorney Robert Barnes, seems confident, which is a good sign.
I have worked on cattle ranches as a young cowboy, in Texas mainly. There were hot spells, and I have seen the weaker cows die from heat stress, but it was fairly rare. So long as there was plenty of water and some shade, the cattle took the heat better than the cowboys. Thus, the latest report of 10,000 cattle dying in the present Kansas heat is in my opinion, just bs. Mike Adams in comments reproduced below, said he has spoke to ranchers, who agree. This event needs to be placed alongside the burning down of food factories and processing plants in the USA, and elsewhere. There is a grand plan to cause food chaos, the details of which are not yet known. But, the warning shots have been fired.
The Covid critic, A Midwestern doctor, upsets the establishment, greatly, with his/her thoughtful deconstructions of the fads and follies of modern medicine, especially the Covid cult. He/she makes the point that vaccines have historically been linked with population control, and are now: “It is my belief that vaccines represent the ideal form of population control because they are very easy to administer, they can provide long-term or permanent sterilization and the blind public faith in vaccination prevents most people from ever questioning sterilization done under the guise of “public health.” I am not the only person who realized this and the Western Elite (currently led by the WHO and Bill Gates) have spent decades attempting to develop sterilizing vaccines.”
While there have been other agendas argued for, such as Dr Mercola and Mike Adams on the transhuman agenda, these things are not incompatible, for depopulation seems to be a necessary step in replacing humanity, since the elites do not want, at the end of the day, any resistance to their diabolical plans.
Here is yet another tragic report of a vax injured young person, whose career and life has been wrecked. The thing that struck me about the story of young Hayley Lopez’s injury, is how the multitude of doctors she saw assured her that there was nothing wrong, and that the vax could not possibly be causing her injuries. They did not report to US VAERS, the vax injury. This shows a level of corruption that almost defies belief, yet, modern medicine is little more than a spin off of Big Pharma, the wizard that supplies all of the magic potions that the lower priests, GPS, faithfully dispense.
I use the terminology frequently used by the mighty Epoche Times, to describe the bug, SARS-CoV-2, which looks like it was tossed out the back of the Wuhan lab, some think. They are conspiracy theorists, bless them, but now the mainstream WHO is having second thoughts on the lab origin hypothesis of SARS-CoV-2, and this has angered the communist Chinese who thought that they had WHO all nicely wrapped up. The WHO’s Scientific Advisory Group for the Origins of Novel Pathogens (SAGO), sees key pieces of information missing, such as:
- “The source of SARS-CoV-2 and its introduction into the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan, China.
- Information about environmental samples collected from specific stalls and drains at the market in January 2020, that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.
- Follow-up studies to identify possible animal sources from which the environmental contamination could have originated.
- Detailed mapping of upmarket trade of wild and domestic animals sold in Wuhan City and Hubei Province.
- Clinical history and seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in humans and animals from the source farms of animals sold at Wuhan markets.
- Further verification analyses of human samples collected through national surveillance programs, including influenza and other respiratory samples, during the months prior to December 2019, in China and worldwide.
- Genetic studies of coronaviruses in wildlife species in Asia and the rest of the world.”
Nice piece by a young writer, Lincoln Brown, a theology student at Tabor College, Adelaide, and a research assistant, who uses cool common sense to take apart the latest bit of Covid smoke screen, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). This is a highly suspicious “disease” even from its description: young, otherwise fit people under 40-years suddenly have cardiac events, and drop dead, with no explanation at all. Just like black magic. No, the most plausible explanation is that it is the vaxxes, but the medical establishment, in the pocket of Big PHARMa would rather eat a syringe, than admit this.
Countries such as the UK and US, have stockpiled millions of doses of the Covid-19 vax, but there are vast reserves of inventory. For example, the U.K. has only used 142 million doses, but stockpiled 650 million doses of Covid-19 injections during the pandemic. The goo only lasts for six months, going off, I suppose, like milk in your fridge, so this is a waste of around $ 5 billion, in US dollars. Just think of all the burgers and fries that could have been sent to starving Africans for that! And then there is unused protective equipment and ventilators to deal with, you know, the new “Black Death,” that did not happen, but may still due, not to the disease, but the vax. At least there has been the production of masses of plastic from billons of masks and other religious icons of the cult of Covid, to add to environmental diversity.
Communist China is giving communist totalitarian regimes a bad name, not that they needed any help. According to the CCP Global Times, which should be called the CCP Times, if America decouples from the Chinese mineral industry, then expect World War III. It seems that the threat of war comes rather easy from the communist Chinese, who are now pretty confident that they will win and are eager for a punch up, like some street punk. And, despite things looking in favour of the communists, the wind direction just might change.
More threatening talk from communist China, issuing a threat to the West about protecting Taiwan from inevitable Chinese invasion. Note that at no point has the opinions of the Taiwanese been consulted, as that would be not the dictatorial thing to do. Just ask Tibet. China's defense minister threatened all-out war while discussing Taiwan's independence during a meeting between top Chinese and American military officials, during the first face-to-face meeting of U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chinese Defense Minister General Wei Fenghe. Lloyd Austin, of course cucked, but what should have been said is that if China does start a war, the West will finish it, and they will never start another war.
This is a lesson that the West never seems to learn over the centuries, with its blind faith in universalism, deracination, and trade and money fetish.
With Labor governments being given their turn to wreck the country, the climate change agenda is being warmed up, as Covid fear takes a wee bit of a rest, no doubt to be fanned up again when the next variant is tossed out the back of a bioweapon’s lab, and Big Pharma comes to save the day with a vaccine which it just happened to have in the fridge.
Anyway, here is information about the climate agenda in South Australia. The common pattern is followed, as seen with Covid, of declaring a “climate emergency,” as is pushed by climate radicals in Europe. It will be used for a wide range of cuts the lifestyle of us ordinary people, such as use of cars, while the globalist elites fly in private jets, as seen at the recent Davos talkfest. We will eat, not cake, but insects, if we are lucky to eat at all, while the elites will enjoy the same lifestyle of luxury that they have had since the debt-bases financial system was created in the dark, distant past.
I have not been following my local hero Andrew Bolt much, as energies have been devoted to more global issues. Still, I am pleased to see him delivering it to the crazy Greenies who are wanting to abandon all fossil fuels, at a time when millions face starvation from food shortages, and fuel is needed as never before. How some transition to a world of sustainable, so-called, and renewable energy is to be made, is not thought through by said crazies, but is a religious icon as sacred as the Covid vaxxes. Bolt speaks of “climate primitives,” but this revolt against civilisation has always been a strong current in Leftist thought, which is parasitic, and seeks to destroy that which exists, rather than create. This innate destructiveness may explain the passion for abortion Leftist have, when one would have thought that conservation would have given a pro-life philosophy. Not so.
I don’t know much about pop music star Justin Bieber; these people come and go. Still, he is very popular with the young. And he has a tragic illness, Ramsay Hunt Syndrome (RHS) which has badly paralysed his face, and could end his singing career. He is fully vaxxed but has not joined up the dots, and probably would not speak out anyway. Steve Kirsch did an article arguing that this malady is most likely a product of the vaxxes. The article got censored by those in Big Techy who censor everything critical of Big pHARMa getting large numbers of hits. Ok, here is the article. Kirsch does amazing work.
Clarice Feldman, “The Democrats: ‘A Criminal Organization,’” puts the case that the US is now run by criminals. Well, I thought that most of my life, and the amount of underground literature on the criminal activates of the political class is astonishing, including the free use of assassination of people crossing them, drug connections, paedophilia (the Epstein connection), and outright treason, which is now as common as Covid among the vaxxed. There is with the Democrats a commitment not to play by the rule of law, the present example being some Democrats encouraging attacks upon conservative judges who look to over-rule the abortion on demand case of Roe v. Wade. The unstated hope in not dealing with the illegal protesters, while persecuting January 6 peaceful protesters, is for someone to kill a judge, and end the decision. I don’t know why conservatives choose to live like this and do not immediately secede.