Dr Mercola, in a post to be deleted quite soon, a pity since it is a great one, details why the collapse of the US currency is a mathematical inevitability, and is likely to happen sooner rather than later. This has been carefully planned by the global financial elite for some time, since knocking over the dollar as the world’s reserve currency will have, at least in the short term before a new CCP economic order is set up, exactly the sort of destabilisation effects that the World Economic Forum looked forward to with Covid for its Great Reset. Inflation, indeed stagflation, is now moving like a bushfire, with unemployment increasing while in some markets, prices have risen by almost 30 percent in the past 12 months. Across the globe, food prices have skyrocketed by almost 30 percent between April 2021 and April 2022. The globalists have set up an evil dialectic, where the problems have been created, the population broken by the lockdowns, and the solution of global communism in an updated form, will be given. Resist it!
After national criticism, and having time to prepare his bs, Uvalde school district police Chief Pete Arredondo, who was in charge during the May 24 mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, defended the actions of his police in waiting an incredible 77 minutes to enter a Robb Elementary classroom to kill a gunman, in a massacre that led to the loss of lives of 19 students and two teachers. It seems that he could not find a key to a locked classroom door!
Now we are not looking at high security bank vaults here, but a door of a classroom, in a rather poor school. Don’t tell me that it could not be broken down by hefty cops, or at worse a sledge hammer, or axe? This smacks of keystone cops. So indeed does the rest of the explanation, since he thought it was a hostage situation, not an active shooter. Well, hostage situations are best dealt with quickly before too many people are taken hostage.
“President Magufuli of Tanzania went missing in 2/21 by mid 3/21 he was dead. He challenged the WHO and WEF, tried to nationalize Tanzania's mineral wealth, expelled Gates and his GMO crops, revoked a license to a Mosaad linked mining company, refused rollout C-19 vax and exposed C-19 test failings. Two other presidents refused the C-19 vaccine: Haiti – President Jovenel Moise was murdered in July 2021 and Madagascar – President Didier Ratsiraka died March 2021…”
Must be a coincidence, otherwise, well, think Covid New World Order conspiracy.
Yesterday Natural News.com published photographs of lab work they had done to record what the alleged blood clots look like, taken from people who had suddenly died, almost all certainly vaxxed up, after appropriate treating for photographs. The biological specimens were supplied by the embalmer, Richard Hirschman.
Australia’s new ALP Government has gigantic green energy plans to be funded by electricity consumers and taxpayers.
They promise (with a straight face) that Australia’s electricity will be 82% renewable by 2030. They predict 43% reduction in emissions and “on track for net zero by 2050”. They threaten to litter the landscape with 400 community batteries, 85 solar banks and a $20B expansion of the electricity grid. This gigantic “green” electricity plan will need at least 150 million Chinese solar panels covering outback kingdoms of land, plus thousands of bird-slicing metal-hungry wind turbines, plus never-ending roads and powerlines – not friendly to grass or trees and with no room for native birds, bees, bats or marsupials - not green at all.
Mrs Vera West today at the blog covers the Covid vax effects upon fertility. As well as this, as outlined in a post by A Mid Western Doctor, there is mounting evidence that the Covid vaxxes are responsible for a spike in disability. The gist of the rather complex argument is below, without the graphics, so go to the original article for further statistical clarification. However, the basic conclusions reached are:
- There is a clear correlation between the percentage of the population vaccinated and those with disability.
•There is a clear correlation between the percentage of the population boosted and those disability.
•This increase in disability in all cases starts between 1-2 months after the vaccines begin.
This is not implausible even from the data seen at the US VAERS, reported here at the blog today. If VAERS does under-report by a factor from 41 to 100, which the evidence does indicate, then Covid vax injuries and adverse effects are vast. And many people may be vaxxed injured and not know it, or believe it. For example, when a university sent out an email to scare students into getting the vax, saying that they will not be let onto campus without it, one young lad I know got the vax, twice. He now has heart palpitations, and has to go to hospital if his heart beat gets over 100 beats per minute, for a regular time. But this did not go down as a vax injury, and the lad just accepts that for some reason his heart has given out, trusting the technocrats There would be many stories like this one.
Igor Chudov has covered in detail the growing issue of developmental disorders in babies born to Covid vaccinated mothers. Extracts appear below for clarification and development, but without the complex graphics, the basic points made are that there is evidence at one year of age, babies born to mothers who had Covid, had a roughly twice-higher rate of neurodevelopmental disorders. However, given high vaccination rates, and the likelihood of many expectant mothers having three Covid vax jabs during pregnancy, it is possible that the Covid vaxxes are mimicking the Covid disease. Big Pharma did not test for developmental disorders at one year of age, given Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed,” before the authorities approved the three vaccine shots for expectant mothers. And now, as Igor points out, at least in the US, no doubt in Australia soon, Big Pharma wants new born babies to be exposed to six doses of the mRNA vaccine. No stone is being left unturned.
Children’s Health Defense (CHD), British filmmaker and activist Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have released a new film entitled, “Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda.” I have not seen the film yet, which is linked at their site, but based upon a report by the Children’s Health Defense, the issue pursued is the depopulation agenda of the New World Order through vaccines. The focus is not just on Covid, but the effects of a wide range of vaccination programs in Africa, including the World health Organization (WHO) tetanus shot programs. That being said, as I cover in another article at the blog today, there is accumulating evidence of the ill-effects of the Covid vaxxes upon fertility even in the West. So, the depopulation agenda is radical, and widespread in its agenda.
While this item relates to Isabella County in Michigan, there is a lesson here for us all if the fuel price crisis continues, kicked along by staggering stagflation. The police will not be able to respond to all emergency calls because they do not have the fuel for their cars! Much like doctors over the Covid plandemic, they will respond to most calls over the phone. Thus, a robbery via a home invasion is in place, police: please put on the crook so that we can have a nice chat with him!
Really, this is a knockdown argument for every citizen having the weapons for self-protection, guns, and for laws to back them up with doctrines such as the castle doctrine. The police have admitted, contrary to the leading anti-private gun ownership argument, that they simply will not be there. This is likely to happen in all jurisdictions if the present economic crisis worsens. The game plan is to cause an economic collapse of economies, a mild taste of which was done in the test-run of the Covid plandemic, then for the Dark Lords of the New World Order to roll into place their Great Reset agenda, at an accelerated pace.
Brazil has an electoral court, which now has the power to strip election winners of office, including the president, if the court deems that they have used “disinformation” in their campaign. There is apparently no explicit definition of “disinformation,” and the electoral court makes the decision on its discretion, making it more powerful, and even more dangerous, than government. Beware of this development elsewhere.
Peter Sands, the executive director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, believes a food shortage could be “just as deadly” as an airborne pandemic. Given what we have seen about Covid, I think we would agree. The stagflation supply crisis will hit us harder that that bug, which for most healthy, youngish people was not really a problem to deal with by natural immunity. And we all need food, and prices are rising, but you can be sure that the bosses will not increase wages to meet this. I read that back in Australia you are facing $ 12 a head for lettuce, a result of the flood disasters. The elites are conveniently blaming this on climate change, but classic Australian poetry often depicts Australia as a land of droughts and floods. In any case, we are at the very beginnings of the food crisis, and even we in the developed West are not going to escape its pangs. I suggest getting in a garden, which can be done even in flats, using pots. Be creative, survive and thrive in the hard times to come.
Jared Taylor has waded in on the present gun control debate, with some interesting observations about mass shootings which the media finds inconvenient to report on. As this is for highly censored Australia, I have omitted the racial punchline, which can be found by going to the original article. But the opening section shows that the real death by gunfire in the US is largely from criminal gangs in places with very restrictive gun control, but where criminal gangs freely obtain illegal handguns to wage war on each other, mainly over drug territory. If the media was to truly conduct an objective investigation of violence prone cities, such as Chicago, they would get answers that the Biden regime would not approve of, since guns are being portrayed as a white racist problem. In fact, as Taylor shows, it is the opposite.
Not that we would trust the globalist bakers, but this is worth adding to the information pile. The World Bank thinks that a global recession is likely. “Just over two years after COVID-19 caused the deepest global recession since World War II, the world economy is again in danger,” the World Bank president, David Malpass has been reported as commenting. There was a slowdown in economic growth due to the Covid dirty business, growth, which has now taken a further hammering from stagflation and supply chain crises, much due to the Ukraine War. Stagflation, which refuted the postulated (unaugmented) Phillip’s Curve of an inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment, is back. “Several years of above-average inflation and below-average growth are now likely, with potentially destabilizing consequences for low- and middle-income economies. It’s a phenomenon—stagflation—that the world has not seen since the 1970s,” Malpass is reported as saying. The financial experts are uncertain of where this will go, given the perfect storm of catastrophes that are sweeping towards us.
This is somewhat surprising given the sweetheart relationship the World Health Organization (WHO) and the CCP, communist China, have had, certainly with the WHO allowing itself to be neutered in the early investigations of the origins of SARS-CoV-2. However, now WHO has recommended that there be an investigation into whether a lab leak did occur in Wuhan. The suggestion has been met by howls of protest from communist China, saying that this is mere political manipulation. Communist China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian also claimed that the US had been, and still is, engaged in bioweapons production, in facilities such as Fort Detrick and the University of North Carolina. He carefully avoided mentioning the bioweapons labs the Russians claimed to have found in the Ukraine.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is the principal government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. New data for this week shows a total of 1,295,329 reports of adverse events following Covid-19 vaccines were submitted between December 14, 2020, and June 3, 2022, an increase of 7,734 adverse events over last week. The data included a total of 28,714 reports of deaths, an increase of 182 over last week, and 236,767 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period, an increase of 1,726 compared with last week. Of the 28,714 reported deaths, 18,638 cases were due to Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, 7,524 cases to Moderna and 2,483 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J). VAERS has an under-reporting factor estimated to be between 41 and 100.
When oil billionaires tell us that our nation is on the path to destruction, well, we should take note. New York billionaire and refiner John Catsimatidis sees the fuel crisis worsening and leading to rationing, and the Biden administration is moving towards recession. “Somebody’s on the path to destruct America, and somebody’s got to say ‘guys, enough is enough’. You know what the cost has been to the American people because of the rising gas prices – the cost of the rising food prices – it’s going to go even higher with $120 oil”, Catsimatidis said. In fact, there is plenty of local fuel, but the political decision has been made, under the guise of the so-called climate crisis, to self-sabotage local fuel production.
People outside of New Zealand, and those who are outside like me, but seek out the news from back home, may not be aware that there is a massive crime problem that is disturbing business, so much so that some business leaders are saying that they need guns. Next to abortion, making sure that only the oppressive state apparatus has guns, while everyone else are subjects, is the raison d'être of the left. The violence includes including ram raids by youth offenders, gang violence and shootings, and stabbings. “Firearms are not the answer; firearms are not the answer,” Ardern said. “They will never be the answer. We don’t want to see people put themselves at risk.” Wow, she said it twice, so she must be serious. All said by a feminist protected by men with the guns she bans, just like her comrades in the US. It was Biden who said to her that the US needs to learn gun banning from her. It is a disgusting world today; what would King Leonidas (died 19 September 480 BC), or even later adventurers such as Gustavus Von Tempsky (1828-1868) think of this? No surprises there.
Hello everybody, yours truly Uncle Len, has just been told that lockdowns are over, and has emerged from his shed where he lives with his pet rats and cockroaches. I do not know how I survived two years of being inside a shed, shaking in fear as the New Black Death, Covid monkey flu, killed off the majority of the Australian population, didn’t it? Still, isolation gave me time to think, about something I have had a lot of experience with, toilet rolls, and paper hand towels. People can say what they like, but I have observed that the toilet roll companies are gluing up the beginning/first sheet, so well that one needs to rip into the roll, tearing away great masses of paper just to get things moving. Paper towels are even worse. There is simply no need to glue up the beginning sheet, since toilet rolls are in packets, and do not uncurl like, I don’t know, barbed wire. I believe that the companies do this to gain by making the initial tears unusable, hence over thousands of rolls making a pretty penny. It is a terrible, sad thing, to see such waste of one of mankind’s most important products.
The Left are in murder mode, and always have been having had practice committing genocide over the 20th century, to feed the hungry dark god Karl Marx. Thus, their latest adventure, is that some raving Leftist, who was mighty upset about the supposed decision of the majority of the Supreme Court of the United States, to over-rule the holy grail of Leftism, the abortion on demand case, Roe v. Wade, thought it would be a good idea to shoot one conservative judge, so that the decision would collapse. You can see the warped logic here; no morality, just utilitarian mathematics. That is why the judges now need to stop sitting on their hands and get to work to press the send button on their computer and release the judgment and send a message to the Left. The enraged Left will burn down America too, and have already started burning down various Christian buildings, that they identify as being pro-life. After all, a group of people defending a doctrine that says women have a right to dispose of their unborn, and now, even born babies (infanticide), naturally would find murder the next thing to do.
Fantastic news for staff working for the ANZ Bank, who are gender fluid, if I have that correct, but don’t cancel me if I have not, because I am a really old guy, on the way out of this fantastic world. Here, see what I mean, I am too embarrassed to write about this one which is a big social media thing on Instagram, which I am not allowed on, being too ugly, all the rage with the young ones I am told by the guy with the skateboard who sells these things he tells me are lollies, in small brown paper bags, down the street: