Daniel Greenfield gives a good exposition of how the modern Left have embraced corporatism, the idea that corporations not only rule the world, but should, something not seen since Mussolini fascism. This is, at first glance, unusual since anyone familiar with the Left in the 1960s would have noticed a 180-degree turnaround here. Then, corporations were the essence of evil capitalism, exploiting the Third World. Once up until the 1970s one could do university courses on development and imperialism, where neo-Marxist in lengthy tomes, weighed in on this. But that was then, and now what has happened is that the Left has moved from being outright anti-capitalist, to woke, promoting politically correct agendas, such as transgenderism, as part of their “soft revolution,” and under George Soros, a coloured revolution. Corporations have also embraced this, wanting to get the progressive money, and not wanting to appear to be in any way opposed to the latest craze. As both the Left and the corporates are globalists at heart, one from ideology, the other from profits, the two forces of evil have gravitated towards each other.