There are suggestions that Google’s LaMDA (language model for dialogue applications) chatbot development system, has become sentient and was thinking and reasoning like a human being. The claim was made by Blake Lemoine, who, as detailed below, has been placed on leave. Now, there are various takes to this, that it a hoax, AI propaganda, or even true, and that the leave thing was punishment for spilling the transhuman agenda beans. I do not know. But it does raise concerns about how there are no legal checks and balances to technological development which has profound human replacement consequences. But that is the transhuman agenda.
PM Albo, and his carbon unit buddy, Joe Biden have embraced with gusto and fervour, a new climate change religion, the net zero carbon target. Next to vaxxing everyone with experimental Covid vaxxes forever and a day, attacking the new public enemy, carbon, is hot on the menu. It means limiting fossil fuels, at a time when there is no room for wild experimentation, given the global crisis, and the threat of war with China. How would such a war be fought, using solar panels? Wind powered tanks? What has guru Elon Musk got to offer here? The idea of a complete decarbonisation of the economy is only likely to come from complete destruction of the economy, which is probably the Great Reset depopulation agenda anyway. Read on, that is not just my view.
Although coming from the Left, comedian Bill Maher on occasion says some things that the Left do not want to hear. Thus, whenever there is some bad event that can benefit the Demon-crats, Hollywood Leftists are quick off the mark to capitalise on it, particular B-grade actors, and music has-beens. Maher points out the elephant in the room, or rather, herd of elephants rampaging around the lots of Hollywood, that most of Hollywood’s movie profits, in this time of losing woke movies, comes from films with gun violence of some sort. Leading gun banners have made careers out of gun-totting roles, while off-screen advocating gun banning. No consistency here in the world of the post-truth Left.
According to anti-racist, so-called, academic trainers, “cancel culture,” the oppressive cancelling of the liberties of people opposing the current multicultural fascist regime, has its benefits. That goes without saying. Just as the STEM/ medical field is dependent upon Big Pharma for life sustaining grants, so the other areas of academia are dependent upon elites funding the Great Replacement, as part of their ideology. Universities are clearly enemy occupied territory, have been throughout the post-World War II period, and must be closed down, as many are now saying.
It is a bit like saying “fire” in a crowded cinema. Someone foolishly said at a crowed anti-gun rally shouted “I am the gun,” and people panicked and stampeded, much like a herd of nervous Leftist deer. Well, it was as pretty stupid thing to have done, shouting out the demon word “gun” and people could have been injured, if not killed, for maybe the word was loaded and could have gone off! Clearly shouting is dangerous, and so are mass rallies of Leftists. By gun-banning logic, such things should be banned, as should, by their “logic” saying the word “gun” and stampeding when the forbidden word is said.
It seems that every day there is some new horror arising from the Covid vaxxes and their adverse effects. There is evidence of a link between the prion disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) and the Covid-19 vaxxes. The hypothesis is that the prion region of SARS-CoV-2 was incorporated into both the mRNA vaxxes and the adenovirus vector vaccines. French researchers have identified a new form of sporadic CJD that occurred within days of receiving a first or second dose of Pfizer or Moderna Covid vaxxes. Normally CJD takes years to kill, but the vax-based CJD kills within months. One wonders how this will play out in the bodies of the billions that have taken the jab?
We have covered the technocratic implications of the Covid plandemic quite extensively at the blog. But, Dr Mercola in a now deleted piece, shows his excellence of joining up all the dots, and giving us the Big Picture. It is no longer about merely eliminating traditional liberal freedoms, and creating a world government. While this has not been formally done, most of the pieces are now place, and have been so for some decades, with minor hiccups occurring for the globalist plan such as Donald Trump, easily dealt with by the traitors within, and the hubris factor for self-destruction. The agenda now, which has begun with the experimental mRNA vaxxes, which have made most of the human race into genetically modified organisms, is the transhuman agenda, of modifying human beings with genetic engineering and advanced AI, or perhaps just junking human biology itself, and moving to thinking machines, as was recently announced by a now sacked Google worker, who said that the singularity has already been reached. The ordinary person living a 9-5 life, has no idea what is going on. Here is some helpful material to pass on. We are a heartbeat away from a dystopic global technocracy.
Dr. Peter Vincent Pry is Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, and served as Director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, Chief of Staff of the Congressional EMP Commission, and on the staffs of the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission, House Armed Services Committee, and the CIA. He is he author of a number of books and reports, many dealing with the EMP (electromagnetic pulse) threat to the West from the high-altitude explosion of nuclear weapons. That being so, in the following material, Pry debunks some myths about nuclear weapons that the mainly Left-wing anti-nuclear movement have been pushing since the 1960s. It is not enough to make one into a Dr Strangelove, but does give balance.
In summary, nuclear bombs do not, with ground detonation, result in the sort of apocalyptic scenario depicted by the Left and in classic anti-war movies, such as On the Beach (1958). The real threat comes from EMP use against vulnerable electric infrastructure of the grid, which is what should be focused upon, once the enemies of the West have such EMP attacks as a key part of their coming war with the US and the West.
It has not happened so much in Australia yet, but just wait and see what surprises the Albo government has; as has recently been detailed at this blog, the issue of Aboriginal oversight of all laws, possibly with a Constitutional amendment, is back on the cards, with the usual elites pushing this for their agenda. However, here in the US, the attack upon traditional is quite out in the open, with the Biden administration openly declaring war on Trump America, MAGA folk, meaning conservative whites.
And, then here is the technocratic spin from the Covid plandemic, where everything human with a circulatory system, and deltoid muscle, gets jabbed to the max with experimental mRNA vaxxes. As detailed in this extract from Technocracy. News, such of the energies of the state are being channelled into weaponisation against its own people, even while with the open south border, the Great Replacement gets into full swing. The US aids the Ukraine, while creating a starvation and refugee crisis which will engulf Europe and end European civilisation, while leaving its back door purposefully open, all part of the diabolical plan of the Dark Lords of the New World Disorder.
Belgian psychologist Mattias Desmet has a new book coming out in English translation, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, which develops an approach to the formulation of totalitarianism using the phenomenon of “mass formation.” These ideas have already been introduced to a vast population from the popularising reviews by Dr Robert Malone.
In short, mass formation is a type of collective hypnosis “that destroys individuals’ ethical self-awareness and robs them of their ability to think critically.” We saw this, and continue to see it with the Covid plandemic, where, to take but one example, doctors cease to think critically, if they ever did, and refuse to accept that there are widespread Covid vax injuries. Many examples of this have been given at the blog. The birth of totalitarianism comes from this fail to think and question, but it does require more to grow into the poisonous flower that it is, such as anomie and loneliness, free-floating anxiety, frustration and aggression. These factors breakdown traditional liberalism, and open the individuals to technocratic control.
According to former generals, high ranking officers, military rights attorneys, military and civilian physicians, and America’s leading health watchdog, Truth for Health Foundation, the Biden regime is systematically destroying the nation’s military and national defence, with the replacement of experienced warriors with woke Leftoids, most no doubt with a stronger commitment to communist China than to the US, anything smacking of Leftism. All would have been imprisoned in the 1950s, a golden era I recall as a lad. But beyond this though, forcing the military to be vaccinated with the experimental covid vaxxes is leading to rising numbers of the vaccine injured. We do not know what injuries commo China has inflicted upon its military, but it would be surely much less, since it seems clear that Beijing Biden would be happy, in his senile ice cream licking way, for the Chinese military to surpass and destroy the US, and its military.
The Democrat’s show trial – not a “trial” since the rules of evidence, cross examination, and not made, and much evidence is corrupted and edited, and testimonies irrelevant – is set to recommend criminal prosecution of Donald Trump. What a joke! If anything, Trump completely cucked out on January 6. But, I hope for the purposes of accelerationism, that the Demons go ahead. That should put a cat amongst the pigeons! And, if Trump survives, as he did two impeachments, maybe he might go for his famous revenge when elected president in 2024, or better yet, America splits in half.
With Labor all the woke agendas are back, such as introducing a “voice” for Aboriginal matters in both State and Federal Parliaments, including in its strongest form, a constitutional referendum to give some kind of consideration role to some Aboriginal committee over all laws, relevant to them, which means, all laws. This is a thereat to the Westminster system, which does not give some special role to one racial group. Some see this as a deliberate move to destroy our parliament, and it will certainly create chaos, and be exploited by the power elites.
Pilots from across the world have been concerned about Covid vax safety, with many pilots reporting injuries that threaten their work and the safety of airplane travellers. Here is their joint statement.
The arson attacks by pro-abortion terrorist groups puts a lie to Joe Biden’s claim that white supremacists, meaning good old Trump supporters, are the principal dangerous terrorists that need to be replaced by brown illegals from down south, seeking a welfare life, all for the price of a Democrat vote, or 5,000. The Left seek the total destruction of traditional society, as evident by all that we report, no other explanation is rational. But it is doubtful whether Karl Marx himself, as evil as he was, would have even contemplated half of what the modern Left is doing.
There have not been many human-interest stories in the mainstream media about vax injured people. When they appear, there are careful caveats made that the injuries in question are rare. Still, the following story is interesting because it is the first MSM account I have seen of a vaxxed injured scientist, who as an educated person, was unable to work for eight months due to many adverse effects he believes came from the vax. He has rigorously criticised the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s (TGA) adverse event reporting process, saying that was “simply uninterested” in investigating his symptoms despite submitting multiple reports. He reports getting medical examinations that allegedly showed that there was nothing wrong, when he clearly had multiple ailments.
This story shows that the recorded Covid vax adverse events Australia are likely the tip of the iceberg given the medical establishment’s methodological assumption that the vaxxes can do no harm. The mainstream medical establishment has discredited itself over the Covid business, and many of us, including myself, have ceased to trust their doctor, at least in this area, given vaccine biases. What you do is your own business, and no medical advice is offered here, only personal opinion, but I tend to research matters via the internet and published articles on PubMed, then, when better informed, see a doctor, and argue it out. Or, I go the alternative medicine way.
Many shock, horror aspects of the New World Order proposals by the World Economic forum at its recent talkfest have been discussed by critics, but their plans for universal tracking was a new one on me. It seems that they want radio-frequency tags (RFID) placed in all articles of clothing, and then, in everything. As explained below, that is just a test run for placing biometric ID inside everyone’s wrist, for complete Big Brother surveillance, the full-on Mark of the Beast, as discussed in the Good Book. These people are crazed, and highly dangerous to freedom.
One aspect of the Covid business not adequately discussed, apart from by Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, is where this plandemic will go with mass vaccination with a leaky vaccine, one which does not stop transmission of the virus. Dr Vanden Bossche goes back to basic evolutionary theory and shows that the mass vax programs have set in motion a breeding ground for highly resistance viruses. Add that to the decline in the immune system also produced by the vax, such as antibody dependent enhancement, and there is a medical disaster of epic proportions coming.
I have a suspicious mind, and any good detective would as well, not being content to sit back, rub their hands and say that it all a great coincidence. Food processing plants across the US and Europe (but not yet Australia) are being burnt down, even hit by small aircraft. It is difficult to find where these cases go; there is a report, but no coverage on whether the police nabbed the arsonist. I suppose not. It is clear that this would fit into a bigger agenda, since it is occurring at the same time as the global food crisis.
There is a literature, with many peer-reviewed papers, now acknowledging that the Covid lockdowns, in epidemiological public health terms, were a failure, with more people dying from the lockdowns than from SARS-CoV-2. For example, the most recent study showing this, and there have been cross benefit analyses done for many countries, including Australia and Canada, is by the US National Bureau of Economic Research. It found for the US, that the lockdowns produced a 26 percent rise in excess deaths among adults of a working age, even though the majority of Covid deaths, across the world, was among the elderly, especially those older than the age of average life expectancy. But, while Covid “overwhelmingly afflict senior citizens, absolute numbers of non-Covid excess deaths are similar for each of the 18-44, 45-64, and over-65 age groups.” “[T]here were more than 170,000 non-COVID excess deaths in the U.S. through 2020 and 2021, the researchers concluded. But they believe the actual number is closer to 200,000, taking into account as estimated 72,000 "unmeasured Covid deaths.’
This information was readily available to our political class, yet still they plunged into crazed lockdowns. It therefore cannot be a public health response, for this would be insane; it must then be a purely political move to achieve an agenda, and the one suggesting itself, is the well-discussed Great Reset of the World Economic Forum.