Fully Vaxxed Aussie Women and Rising Miscarriage Rate By Mrs Vera West

Former Member of Parliament, George Christensen, has recently spoken to Alex Jones on “The Alex Jones Show” on Infowars. He detailed that the miscarriage rate among Australian women who are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 is 75 percent, which is five times greater than the 15 percent miscarriage rate for the rest of the population. That is well beyond statistical significance. Christensen quoted a doctor he knows who works in a specialist fertility clinic in Brisbane who noted that the baseline miscarriage rate among women who have been trying to conceive for over 12 months is around 13 to 15 percent. However, the rate increased to nearly 50 percent after the vax rollout, reaching now 75 percent.

Biomathematician Dr Jessica jones has done a detailed analysis of the statistics quoted by Christensen, and concurs that he is correct in his alarm about the miscarriage rate among vaccinated women. She went and checked all the data. This is yet another alarming threat that the vaxxes are posing. Again, the really important question is whether this rate will increase further.








“The miscarriage rate among Australian women who are fully vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is 75 percent, or five times greater than the 15 percent miscarriage rate for the rest of the population.

This is according to former Member of Parliament (MP) George Christensen, who discussed this grave matter in an interview with Alex Jones on “The Alex Jones Show” of InfoWars.  According to Christensen, who is quoting the Australian Bureau of Statistics, every month there are roughly 23,000 to 25,000 births. But this data only goes up to Oct. 2021. Since then, the number of children born each month has been dropping.

In Nov. 2021, Christensen noted that only around 18,000 children were born – or a 25 percent drop – and then in December of that year, the number of births dropped even further to less than 7,000. Similarly our numbers can be found in the succeeding months, which could explain why the Australian government has been reluctant to release official statistics from last year.

Christensen even quoted a doctor he knows who works in a specialist fertility clinic in Brisbane and noted that the baseline miscarriage rate among women who have been trying to conceive for over 12 months is around 13 to 15 percent.

But when the vaccine began being distributed, that doctor saw the miscarriage rate jump from around 15 percent to nearly 50 percent.

“He dug into the data a bit deeper … and what he found was, when he separated the vaccinated from the non-vaccinated patient … amongst the unvaccinated, it was the normal 15 percent miscarriage rate,” said Christensen. “Amongst the vaccinated women, that miscarriage rate went up to 75 percent.”

Infertility crisis affecting both women and men

John Aitken, widely recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on sperm biology and fertilization, noted that Australia is becoming more and more dependent on assisted conception therapies, which is indicative of a major fertility crisis in the country.

Aitken noted that approximately 20,000 Australian women in their early 40s undertake in-vitro fertilization (IVF) therapy each year, with less than five percent resulting in pregnancy.

Even before taking vaccinations into account, Aitken noted that one of the big drivers of the infertility crisis is the fact that women are more likely to put off having children until their early 30s or even up to their 40s. He added that the average age of women in IVF clinics is now 37 years old.

“We can do many things in modern industrialized society, but the one thing we cannot do is change our biology because we stop reproducing in midlife,” said Aitken. “People are just leaving it too late to have their families.”

Men are also having trouble getting their spouses pregnant. In 2020, male infertility was linked to about one-third of all IVF cycles failing. No analysis has been conducted since then, but given that less than five percent of all IVF cycles successfully result in a pregnancy, it is very likely that more and more men are becoming infertile the more prevalent the COVID-19 vaccine becomes in Australia.

Without significant changes, the country’s modern economy could head toward an “infertility trap,” with the country’s replacement rate being artificially propped up with looser immigration policies to make up for the shortfall of citizen birthrates.

“We need to wake up to our own biology,” said Aitken. “This is something that can’t be changed. We need to change the social structures around it rather than trying to force the reverse.””

The stillbirth crisis is part of the general Covid vax problem, with numerous health ill-effects, from brain and heart inflammation, cancer and infertility. The conclusion mad by Expose-News.com, is that we are well into the globalist depopulation agenda.



“We now have a wealth of evidence that not only proves your Government has been lying to you with the help of the mainstream media over the past three years but also proves they have caused untold devastation with the decisions they have made.

Because confidential Pfizer documents and official Government reports prove that Covid-19 vaccination is destroying immune systems, greatly increasing the risk of death, killing hundreds of thousands on a weekly basis, and causing infertility, stillbirths, cancer and a whole host of further devastation and disease.

Why are so many people dying?

Let’s start by looking at deaths. One would have thought that deaths in 2022 would return to normal levels if we were past the worst of an alleged pandemic and had rolled out up to five doses of a “safe and effective” vaccine.

So why is it that there have been more excess deaths across Europe in 2022 than in any year since 2018? including the year 2020 when you were told to stay at home because of a “deadly” virus?

In the week ending 30th October 2022, EuroMOMO ( the official European mortality monitoring project) published its latest mortality dataset containing figures from 28 participating countries across Europe.

According to EuroMOMO and 28 Governments across Europe, the continent suffered 254,561 excess deaths by week 42 of the first year of the alleged Covid-19 pandemic.

Then, despite a “miraculous” Covid-19 vaccine being rolled out, Europe suffered a further increase in excess deaths by week 42 of 2021, with a total of 257,760 deaths being recorded.

Unfortunately, that “surprising” trend has then continued into this year, with Europe recording 283,457 excess deaths as of week 42, 2022.

This means Europe has suffered 28,896 more excess deaths in 2022 so far than it did during the same time frame at the height of the alleged pandemic in 2020, suggesting the Covid-19 injection has done the complete opposite of its alleged intended effect if we are to believe that Covid-19 was really to blame for so many people dying in 2020.

It’s the same story in England and Wales as well. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), since week 16 of 2022, the two countries have recorded excess deaths for 27 weeks in a row, excluding two weeks coinciding with the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee & the late Queen’s funeral. Two weeks in which reporting of deaths was delayed.

In all, there have been 34,237 excess deaths during this time-frame compared to the 2015 to 2019 five-year average, with 288,693 deaths in total.

Of these deaths, only 13,965 have been associated with Covid-19. This equates to 4.7% of all deaths, and 40% of all excess deaths. So, therefore, this extraordinary accumulation of excess deaths can not be blamed on the Covid-19 virus.

But let’s forget about Covid-19 altogether for a second and just take a look at non-Covid-19 deaths over the past few years in England and Wales.

The year 2020 only saw 1,490 excess deaths during this period. This then increased to 2,168 in 2021. But it has jumped to an astronomical 20,272 excess deaths in 2022. That’s a 1,260.5% increase in excess deaths this year compared to the first year of this alleged pandemic. And it’s an 835% increase in excess deaths this year compared to the second year of this alleged pandemic in which the experimental Covid-19 vaccines were injected into millions.

What on earth is happening to cause such a shocking increase in death?

It’s actually a similar story in terms of Covid-19 deaths as well.

Over the past 4 months (week 27 to week 42) of 2022, England and Wales have suffered 8,036 Covid-19 deaths. During the same period in 2021 that number was 9,677.

By that point in 2021 millions of people were considered “fully protected” as they were fully vaccinated against Covid-19. So one would expect Covid-19 deaths during this period in 2020 to be much higher.

Well, that’s definitely not the case according to this chart collated using figures provided by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) –

Between week 27 and week 42 of 2020, a period of 4 months, England and Wales recorded just 4,093 Covid-19 deaths. This is a period where not a single person was considered “fully protected” against Covid-19 because the vaccines had not yet been granted emergency use authorisation.

So if the Covid-19 vaccines are effective, how is it that Covid-19 deaths increased by 136.4% between week 27 and week 42 of 2021 compared to 2020, and 96.3% in 2022 compared to 2020?

The answer lies in the fact that not only are the Covid-19 injections ineffective, but they are also dangerous and actually increase the risk of suffering disease and death.

Covid-19 Vaccination is decimating Immune Sytems

Authorities keep telling you that the Covid-19 vaccines lose effectiveness over time and this is why you need repeat booster shots. But they are lying.

It is impossible for a Covid-19 vaccine to lose effectiveness. Instead what we are witnessing is the degradation of the immune system of most people who have had more than one dose of the Covid-19 injection.

The Covid-19 vaccine is supposed to work by injecting mRNA into your body, which then invades your cells and instructs them to make the spike protein found on the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Once your body has produced millions of spike proteins, your immune system is supposed to get to work, rid the body of the spike proteins, and then remember to release those same antibodies if you ever encounter the actual alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus.

How can the Covid-19 vaccines possibly lose effectiveness when they are a gene therapy that invades your cells and instructs them to produce the alleged Covid-19 spike protein? It is your own immune system that does the rest of the work once this spike protein has been produced.

The vaccine doesn’t hang around waiting to spring into action if you ever happen to encounter the actual alleged Covid-19 virus.

So, when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weakens over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time, and their own official data proves it.”





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