UK Data: One in Every 310 Covid Vax Boosted Individuals Died Within 48 Days of Being Jabbed By Richard Miller (London)

This is a pretty incredible statement to get one’s head around, that one in every 310 Covid vaxxed boosted individuals died within 48 days of being jabbed. But, that is the analysis of of the UK Office of National Statistics data. “The data set, published on September 8, 2022, is titled, “Characteristics associated with the risk of death involving coronavirus (COVID-19) among people receiving a booster vaccination.” In Table 1, the data shows that 62,801 individuals who received a booster shot by December 31, 2021 actually DIED. The average time between receiving a booster jab and losing one’s life was approximately 7 weeks or (48 days).”

What then is the significance of this? What we know is that the Covid establishment has not abandoned the drive for universal, continuous vaccination, except for a few countries. Australia for example, is up to four vaxxes, moving soon to the five jabs that figures such as Joe Biden has received. There is likely to be even worse statistics than this one in the future. Time to learn the meaning of the word, “stop”! 

“The national statistical institute of the United Kingdom — the Office for National Statistics (ONS) — has published horrific data on those who took the covid-19 booster shots. The data shows that 1 in 310 boosted individuals DIED within 48 days of vaccination. The covid-19 vaccines do not prevent infection, transmission, nor do they prevent death. Not only has this mRNA technology failed and caused an astronomical amount of debilitating side effects in the population, but it also poses a serious threat to the survival of the human race.

Boosted individuals dying off at horrifying rate in the UK

The data set, published on September 8, 2022, is titled, “Characteristics associated with the risk of death involving coronavirus (COVID-19) among people receiving a booster vaccination.” In Table 1, the data shows that 62,801 individuals who received a booster shot by December 31, 2021 actually DIED. The average time between receiving a booster jab and losing one’s life was approximately 7 weeks or (48 days).

Individuals who take just three doses of the Pfizer and Moderna covid-19 vaccines are causing excessive amounts of inflammation in their body, via unpredictable, runaway transcription of spike proteins in their cells. The vaccine-compliant are priming themselves for an early death, either through immune depletion or cardiovascular failure, among other serious health issues. An astronomical number of people are dying within a month and a half of getting vaccinated. News stories about young people dying “suddenly and unexpectedly” have exploded around the globe.

This is the same series of vaccines that the CDC just added to their ever-expanding childhood vaccine schedule. While Europe has made strides to stop covid-19 vaccination of children, these depopulation vaccines will soon be mandated on schoolchildren in states like California, New York, and Illinois. These deadly jabs are set to be mandated on children in these states specifically, because the governors in these failed states promised to do so, and the people of these states were unable, or hopelessly unwilling, to vote these lawless administrations out of office.

Vaccinated populations account for 90% of covid-19 deaths now

Out of the 62,801 post-booster deaths, a shocking 4,781 were determined to be from covid-19. Breakthrough infections after vaccination are not only common, but they are sometimes deadly and lead to mass fatalities. Every public figure who concertedly advertised “mild” covid-19 illness after vaccination seriously misled the public. The risk of death after covid-19 vaccination is now greater than if there was no vaccine at all.

Another data set from ONS compares the vaccinated population with the unvaccinated population. Between January 1, 2022 and May 31, 2022, the vaccinated population accounted for 9 of every 10 covid-19 fatalities! Most of the deaths (91%) were among individuals who were triple and / or quadruple vaccinated. As a matter of fact, mortality rates per 100,000 people are lower in every single unvaccinated age group throughout England. The politicians who promoted vaccines were wrong, and no amnesty should be granted. The authoritarians who locked populations down and destroyed lives; the abusers who threatened the unvaccinated and blamed them for mass death; THEY should be held accountable.

The authoritarian governments that bribed citizens and rolled out covid-19 vaccines in a hostile, coercive, and discriminatory manner are responsible for human rights abuses and cold, cruel democide. This should be the topic of concern in all political circles — locally, state-wide, and nationally. Any political leader, government official, or media pundit who pushed the covid-19 vaccine into existence and enforced mandates should be interrogated, and in many cases, charged with crimes. These investigations should most definitely include the “father of the vaccine” himself — Donald J. Trump, and it should include the head of the government’s “coronavirus task force” — Dr. Anthony Fauci. No one should be above the law.”



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