Burning Down Food Processing Plants: Coincidence or Conspiracy? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I have been keeping track of the phenomenon of the burning down of food processing plants. Here in the US, over this month, at least five major food processors across four different states have burned down or had planes crash into them. There have been similar incidences, mainly fires, in Europe, but no such events like this in Australia at present.

While it is true that fires do occur in food processing plants, what is odd is that so many are occurring right at the time of a food supply crisis. Further, as far as my research has gone, there has been no-one convicted of these arsons. That is highly suspicious as well. Therefore, I would put the balance of reason upon deliberate sabotage, done probably by Deep State agents, as part of the plan to collapse society and condition people to having even less freedom than under the Covid mandates, which was really just a test case for the Big Event to come, as the Great Reset moves into the “kill zone,” as an article at this blog depicted it yesterday.

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The Case Against Vaccination of Children and Infants: MIS-C (Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome) By Mrs Vera West

Dr Jessica Rose demolishes the alleged case for vaccination of children. There have been two arguments for the mass vaccination of children, a low-risk group for Covid: (1) The rate of myocarditis and pericarditis after an infection in children; and, (2) The dangers of MIS-C or multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. Regarding the first argument she shows that the statistics are flawed, and that the evidence indicates that the chance of being infected and then having a serious outcome from infection is less than the chance of having a serious outcome from the vaccine. This is seen by some jurisdiction halting the rollout of Covid vaccines because of fears of myocarditis and pericarditis, especially in young boys and teenage males.

Regarding the dangers of MIS-C or multisystem inflammatory syndrome argument, she points out that this danger is rare for Covid in children, and the few studies that disagree, she shows, or has shown in other posts, have methodological flaws. The dangers of MIS-C with the vax, has not be adequately studied, but the available data indicates that there is a greater chance of MIS-C with the vax, than relying upon the strong immune system that children have. There is no good reason for the Covid vax for children, but plenty of bad reasons, including a deliberate depopulation agenda.

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The Pandemic of Narcissism By James Reed

We saw, or should have seen this in the 1960s where so many pathologies were sown, the rise of narcissism, undue selfishness and self-concern. This is distinct from individualism, and regard for honour.  The narcissistic individual regards him/herself as more important than anything else in the universe, including the nation and God. If an atheist, the narcissist may believe that God has a personal phone line to him/her. This is a pathological view of self-importance that is encouraged by the transnational capitalist firms to cash in on consumer goods, such as cosmetics. And that is not a dig at women, as young men are fast catching up in the use of cosmetics, such as body sprays, and hair dressing, even body hair removal!

The problem here is that the narcissist lives in a protected consumer bubble, and when that bursts, as it is about to as cold hard reality returns, they will wake in fright and find themselves defenceless against the brave new world of depopulation. As the ultimate social conformists, all would be vaxxed to the hilt, and we have yet to see the full effects of adverse effects situation.

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The Manipulation of the Covid Data By Brian Simpson

Professor Norman Fenton, professor of risk information management at Queen Mary University of London, through the Covid tricky business, has called out health officials who were misusing data and misleading the public. Below is the transcript of part of an interview of Professor Fenton with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast.” He makes it clear that there was a misuse of data to exaggerate the alleged seriousness of the disease. This was to create moral panic, so that people would readily submit to vaccination, with lockdowns helping to soften them up of course. As well, relating to post-lockdown issues, of the existence of Covid vax injuries, Professor Fenton says: “Data adjusted to take into account misclassification show a peak in mortality shortly after vaccination, he said, cautioning: “Now, of course, it could well be that these are people who are indeed immunosuppressed seriously. Also … the vaccination might just be bringing forward the death, which would’ve occurred shortly afterward anyway. “But nevertheless, that’s what we believe is there in the data, but is of course being hidden.””


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Uvalde Mass Shooting a Planned Stand Down Operation By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The system itself has begun to criticise police officers for the Uvalde Texas mass shooting, although this could be another smoke screen. The police arrived soon at the scene but did not enter the school building for almost an hour. Distraught parents were willing to go in alone, unarmed, but were prevented, maced and handcuffed. One reason given was that they thought they might get shot! No, not the parents, the police were worried about their hides! Well, that goes with the job, but the general idea is to move quicker than the bad guy and take him out.

 Thus, I agree with Mike Adams, that behind the scenes something more went on, that from above, some directive may have come to hold back to give time for the psycho to kill the children, since this was needed for the Biden gun control push. But, what it shows is that the police, lower agents of the Deep State, cannot be depended upon to “serve and protect.” Well, serve and protect us, they do a splendid job for their masters, the ruling elites, as was shown across the West, form New fork to Melbourne, with the Covid plandemic lockdowns and suppression of protests.          

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Naomi Wolf: The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19 and The War Against the Human By James Reed

Feminist writer, now Covid plandemic critic, Dr. Naomi Wolf has a new book titled The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and The War Against the Human, released in the United States today. This is significant since someone from the Left, has offered a similar critic of the Covid plandemic as the likes of Dr Mercola and Dr Robert Malone. I have always said that in a world is disagreement and sharp political polarisation, when critics from different political perspectives begin saying the same thing, that is likely where the truth lies.


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Vampire Elites Harvesting the Blood of the Young! By Mrs Vera West

The elites have for a long time believed in harvesting biological material from young people in the belief that it will extend their lives. This was often by blood transfusions. Of course, organs such as kidneys were sometimes bought to keep the evil ones alive. But now there is scientific evidence for a practice that was done based upon myth. A Stanford University research team has found that “infusing cerebrospinal fluid of young mice into old mice improves brain function.” This has led support to the idea that young blood can indeed slow down the ageing process. We can see where this leads, as tyrannical elites with money to burn recruit a multitude of poor young people to yield their blood to the vampires of today.


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Iran: Biometric ID for Food Rationing By James Reed

This one was reported at the YouTube site Ice Age Farmer a few days ago, without written material on the web. Christian has his sources, who have documented how Iran is rolling out food rationing via biometric id. There has already been conflict over food shortages in Iran, including riots and the government is pushing through this item of technocratic control; the people have little freedom now, but what they did have will go as the biometric id is a perfect form of Big Brother social control. If the food crisis gets to these levels throughout the West, expect to see food passports, which will be even more tyrannical that the Covid passports. Control food; control people.


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UK Central Bank Warns of Apocalyptic Global Food Shortage … and They Would Know! By Richard Miller (London)

We have been reporting at the blog on the emerging global food crisis. I understand that Aussies are facing rising prices at the supermarket, which along with the increase in fuel prices is trouble. The same here, only worse in the UK.  The Governor of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey,  has said that a food shortage caused by the ongoing war in Ukraine poses an “apocalyptic” threat to the UK. “I’m afraid the one I am going to sound — I guess — rather apocalyptic about is food,” he said. Apart from inflation that will reach 10 percent then go through the roof, there are physical shortages due to the disruptions caused by the war in the Ukraine. A drought in India has also slashed wheat availability as well. David Beasley of the World Food Programme, agreed: “Acute hunger is soaring to unprecedented levels and the global situation just keeps on getting worse … Conflict, the climate crisis, COVID-19 and surging food and fuel costs have created a perfect storm — and now we’ve got the war in Ukraine piling catastrophe on top of catastrophe.” As I see it, this is all going to plan to push the world even deeper into communist style technocracy, which was begun during the Covid plandemic. Utterly frightening times are ahead, and it is remarkable that so many people are not preparing for surviving the dark forces which are about to be unleashed.


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How to Handle Radical Leftists (Spoiler Alert, No Violence at All!) By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The radical leftist group #ShutdownDC is planning to stop the judges of the Supreme Court of the United States from delivering the majority judgment over-ruling Roe v Wade, the abortion on demand case, you know, that the constitution gives a right to abortion, which was regarded as murder up until comparatively recent times. The plan is to stop the judges coming to their chambers. Now the corrupt system, run by Leftists is too rotten to stop this illegal action, but it does not matter. The judgment can be delivered using the internet, something that did not exist in the 1960s where this sort of action began to be cooked up. Let them blockade the courts; I can’t wait to see their faces when the judgment is delivered, and the holy grail of Leftism, is smashed. It is the first of many 1960s idols that must fall.


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Catholic Church, also Part of World Economic Forum New World Order Great Reset By Peter West

It should not be a surprise to anyone following the woke, communist proclamations of the present Pope, that the Catholic church, a globalist, universalist organisation in the best of times, is one organisation leading the charge to the Great Reset New World Order of the World Economic Forum. Father Leonir Chiarello, the Superior General of the Scalabrinian order, a Vatican cleric attending the 2022 Davos Summit, has said that the Catholic Church intends to “implement policies and programs to put into practice the issues considered by the forum.” This will be along the lines of the eight “fundamental themes” which the Davos forum is considering at its annual meeting, including “climate and nature, fairer economics …  health and healthcare, global cooperation, and society and equity.” This will give an enormous scope to put into place a wide range of policies set to undermine national sovereignty, and support ideals of globalist communism, most of which, such as the gender agenda, are quite contrary to traditional Catholic faith and teachings. But that matters little for the present postmodern woke Pope.


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The Loop of Doom By James Reed

Articles at American Greatness.com, which seems an unduly optimistic name to me, since “greatness” seems to have long passed for America and the West, has an article confirming exactly that, the loop of doom, the perfect storm of forces pushing America and the West to destruction. Not only is there high inflation, set to dwarf the 1970s, but a doom loop has been created by the US Federal Reserve, which has the printing presses running hot with money creation to make securities to subsidize the housing market. But, this has become as addictive as heroin to the over-heated housing market, which is now dependent upon this printed money. Stopping the flow will produce a crash, but continuing the flow, it is argued below, will keep generating inflationary spirals. It is an ill wind that blows, indeed.


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Soros and Gates Behind Attack on Elon Musk By James Reed

It should come as no surprise that the orchestrated attacks upon the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, has been done by groups funded by Bill Gates and George Soros. These 26 groups published a letter in May 2022, saying that Musk’s takeover of Twitter takeover of Twitter would “be a direct threat to public safety” and turn the platform into “a cesspool of misinformation.” All that propaganda from just claiming that there should be evenness and fairness in public debate. Clearly these critters have a totalitarian agenda, coming from their Leftist ideology. As detailed below by Epoch Times.com, there are a labyrinth of connections between these groups. Hopefully Musk has the incentive, having been bloodied by this dispute, to set up his own set of orgsanisations.  


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Klaus Schwab and Pfizer’s Albert Bourla have a Heart-to-Heart! By James Reed

We would be mistaken if we thought that globalist did not have “feelings,” Yes Jim, it is feelings, but not as we know it, to paraphrase Spock from the original Star Trek.


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World Economic Forum’s Algorithmic Approach to Suppression of Free Speech By James Reed

We know that the tyrannical globalist World Economic Forum are making the big push now to crush free speech, and have said so at their talkfest. But how exactly do they intend to do this? According to a “freedom of the press” panel at the World Economic Forum in Davos, this suppression is best done through use of social media algorithms. Kenneth Roth, the head of Soros-backed Human Rights Watch, said in a speech that algorithmic manipulation should be used in order to promote content from a “subset of society… journalists,” to convey information as “carefully as possible” to the public. In other words, manipulate information. “I don’t focus so much on what should be taken down, the overt censorship, but rather what is being promoted. If algorithms are promoting information that in essence is false or divisive because it is profitable, there I think there is accountability that is quite warranted for these companies.” And who decides that? In other words, IT will be used to prevent one from even finding critical content. This is happening now. For example, try using key words to find what the adverse effects of the smallpox vaccine was when first introduced. I found nothing. As well, articles at this blog, searched even by exact title, seldom come up. So, this censorship is happening right now.


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Guns Do Save Lives By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This story did not make the mainstream media coverage, as these members of the chattering class are, consistent with Leftism, taking an anti-gun agenda. It does not fit their politics to have cases of people with guns preventing massacres. The elites want the general population unarmed because an unarmed population, like Australia, can be easily brutalised and controlled.


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The Weekly US Covid Vax Deaths and Adverse Events from VAERS By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is the principal government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. New data shows a total of 1,277,980 reports of adverse events following Covid-19 vaccines were submitted between December 14, 2020, and May 20, 2022. The data included a total of 28,312 reports of deaths, an increase of 171 over last week,  and 232,694 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period, an increase of  2,330 compared with last week.


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The Evidence for Antidepressants Causing Mass Shootings By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A Midwestern Doctor, in the light of recent US mass shootings, discusses the role that antidepressants might have played in tipping the killers over the edge. If one Googles “psychiatric medications and mass shootings,” you will soon see from the search results that a lot of energy has been put in by the Left-wing fact checkers in debunking the proposition that psychiatric medications have influenced, if not caused mass shootings mass shootings. However, as documented extensively below, almost all of the young men who were mass shooters, had severe psychiatric problems, and were on these meds. Was it the meds which pushed them over the edge, or would their mental illness have done this anyway? The question needs investigation and free discussion, but the globalist agenda for private gun control is the main agenda.


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The Kill Phase of Globalism By James Reed

Technocracy News makes the case, the same on made by other thinkers such as Mike Adams at Natural News.com,  that the globalists have moved into the “kill phase of their New World Order agenda. Actually, this began with the Covid plandemic, both from the virus itself, if you believe like I do that this was all a deliberate creation and release from a CCP/American Deep State bio-lab, but most of all from the ill-effects of the vaxxes, the effects of which are in the early stages. The elites of Davos and the World Economic Forum this week have been openly gloating about the elimination of free speech, the end of meat, and everything that critics have said was their agenda, but which the Left-wing fact checkers denied. It is most likely that the perfect storm of disasters now unfolding is part of a depopulation agenda, to cull out the useless eaters of the population, people like me, so that the elites, with advanced AI, and selected slaves can live in their communistic dystopia. The battle of the human race is now on.


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Tyranny Unlimited: The Plans for the Apocalypse By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is doubtful that the Australian government has plans like the US does for apocalyptic scenarios, but given what the plans are, that is probably a good thing for Aussies, seeing what the oppressive states did with the Covid mandates and lockdowns. The presidential emergency action documents that have recently been disclosed show but some of the plans the US executive have in the case of a disaster, such as nuclear attack or an EMP strike that takes down the grid. The emergency and wartime powers will achieve in an instant what the Biden administration is doing right now, including giving wide powers of imprisonment, shut down communication networks (that are still working), impose martial law, and perhaps confiscate guns. This poses a temptation for the political tyrants who rule us, and lust for even more power, to set up a false flag, to make it all happen.


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