Inflated Covid Death Figures By Mrs Vera West

This is from a report in the Australian Financial Review, May 19, 2022, p.3, “Tenth of Covid-19 Fatalities Did Not Die from the Disease.” According to Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) death certificate analysis, from March 2020 to the end of April 2022, ten percent of the 5940 official Covid deaths, were from other causes. In fact, the ABS data shows that for the deaths arising from Covid, 93.5 percent had other conditions listed on the death certificate, and “[h]alf of the certificates had both a causal sequence and pre-existing conditions listed on the [death] certificate.” Thus, Covid was no Black Death, or Spanish flu, and seems mainly to have killed those who very vulnerable to begin with.

Further, the median age of those dying from Covid, was 83.9 years, 82.4 for men and 86 for women. The life expectancy for Australian men is 80.9 years. So, was this an adequate justification for locking down the economy and people? Wouldn’t the Japanese response of concentrating on protecting the vulnerable and elderly have been more medically rational? However, it was never about disease control, only people control.

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Pfizer Knew that Natural Immunity was as Effective as Their Vax! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Not only has research over the past two years established the superiority of natural immunity to Covid over the vaxxes, but the latest release of Pfizer documents shows that Pfizer knew that natural immunity was as effective as its vax. According to US journalist and political commentator Kim Iversen, speaking on a recent edition of The Hill’s “Rising,” “The clinical trial data showed those with a previous COVID infection had no difference in outcome than those vaccinated. In the limited trial, none of the vaccinated nor those with previous infection resulted in severe disease as defined by either the FDA or the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention].” “There were zero cases of severe COVID in the natural immunity group, whether they were vaccinated or not.” “Yet rather than say people with natural immunity don’t seem to need the vaccine — which is what they’ve been saying in Europe, for example — Pfizer instead spun their conclusion and said, ‘final efficacy results show that the vaccine provided protection against COVID-19 for participants with or without evidence of prior infection.’”

No, I do not trust the vax, even if the above was the only reason for doubt.

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The Foegen Effect: A Mechanism by which Facemasks Contribute to the Covid-19 Case Fatality Rate By Brian Simpson

A recent peer-reviewed article has given a critique of the wearing of face masks as a Covid-19 safety mechanism.  The author defines a “Foegen effect,” “deep re-inhalation of hypercondensed droplets or pure virions caught in facemasks as droplets can worsen prognosis and might be linked to long-term effects of COVID-19 infection.” In other words, one is breathing in one’s own filth, and all that has collected on the mask. At a minimum, masks need to be changed every few hours, but few people do that.


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World Economic Forum: Technocrat, Transhumanist, and Atheistic By James Reed

Dr Mercola at a now deleted piece, sets out what he takes to be the long-term vision of the World Economic Forum. Most freedom types have been busy focussing upon the New World Order ramifications of their moves, and tyrannical strategies, such as using supposed climate change to “justify” eliminating meat. But, as shown by Dr Mercola, the quest is much wider, and is the atheistic one of reshaping human nature itself, in accordance with the philosophies of these elites, namely transhumanism. Technology, such as genetic engineering and AI will be used to remake the human being itself, and while this seem outlandish, and fanciful, it has already begun with the gene therapy, redefined as vaccination, with the Covid mRNA vaccines. It is, as Dr Mercola shows, just the beginning of the creation of a technocracy and dystopic, dehumanised world.

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Leo Would Not be Impressed By James Reed

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) painted the Mona Lisa in 1503. But a mere 419 years later, we have a climate change activist try to break the glass protecting the masterpiece from fools like him, and then he smeared the glass with cake. Let them eat cake? And he did not even try to make a modern artistic statement about this, just a Leftist temper tantrum. Well, maybe he thought it would give oxygen to the climate change crisis situation, or is that carbon dioxide? But all it showed is how crazy thee people are. Didn’t some of them a while back superglue themselves to some structure? What if one had a call of nature? Did they think about that? Did they care about that environment?

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How About a 285 Percent Rise in Energy Prices for Starters? By James Reed

Oh shucks … I only wrote about a 100 percent increase in energy prices the other day, and now the MSM is reporting on the increase being up to 285 percent. Soon it will be 1,000,000 percent and rising. You will have to sell your home just to boil an egg. I thought I was accidentally on the satire site, The Babylon Bee, but no, sadly. Most people will simply have to turn off the fridge and maybe get an ice chest, or get food every day. No electric lights, candles, maybe the old hurricane lantern could make a comeback. I fail to see any justification for the price rise given Australia’s abundance of raw material, but, that’s show business.

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Long Covid Does Not Exist! By Brian Simpson

One argument that the Covid establishment used against those who did not take the Kool aid, sorry, the Covid vax was that they are open to long Covid, a vaguely defined set of ailments affecting the unvaxxed after the disease has passed, a type of rebound effect. It has been controversial, but a new study, abstract below makes the case that long Covid does not exist, and that it is a product of anxiety about Covid itself. That makes a lot of sense and is consistent with basic immunology.


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The Harm to Women of Abortion By Mrs Vera West

Selina Fall, in “Roe v. Women,” at the American, has done a great job documenting the psychological harm that abortion does to women. Numerous studies have shown that women who have abortions have significantly higher rates of psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, substance use, traumatic symptoms, sleep disorders, and other conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). So, how exactly is this supposed to be an essential part of women’s liberation? Surely what is at fault, behind the abortion issue, is the sexual libertarianism that came from the 1960s, first given by the evil contraceptive pill, which revolutionised life as we knew it. The social breakdown and anomie we now live in, all followed.


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Execution by Organ Procurement in China By James Reed

You will not find this discussed much in the Australian mainstream media, which is generally Leftist, and hence CCP worshippers. However, our great trading partner, who is stockpiling resources such as food from Australia and elsewhere in preparation for World War III, also does a roaring trade in organ procurement from prisoners, Falun Gong practitioners, Uyghurs, Tibetans, Muslims and Christians, in detention in China. Even the United nations is concerned about this. It should send a shiver of fear down the backs, that are not yellow of all Australians who have organs.

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How Bad Woke has Got! By Richard Miller (London)

This did not happen to a far Righter, but to a Norwegian feminist, Christina Ellingsen, a representative of feminist organization Women’s Declaration International [WDI], who now faces three years in prison for saying that men cannot be lesbians, or mothers! It is the endgame now, the product of nothing seriously being done to resist this radical deconstruction when it all began in the cultural revolution of the 1960s. Conservatives have been too much in their comfort zone, for too long, and now the spiral to cultural collapse begins. Soon, our entire world will be defined out of existence.

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Canada Goes from Bad, to Mad, to Sad By Chris Knight (Florida)

Canada is leading the world in totalitarian Leftist measures, to eliminate freedoms. It was seen with Trudeau, perhaps son of Castro, attacking the trucker’s protest with measures such as ceasing bank accounts. Recent Us Shootings have given him the excuse to take things to the next level, such as a total ban on handguns, continual travel bans against unvaxxed people, and digital ID, facial recognition, and biometric travel documents to air travel by 2023. However, consistent with 1960s philosophy, hard drugs in British Columbia, in limited quantities will be legalised, although that was a state decision, but one he supported! There you go; from bad, to mad, to sad.

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The World Economic Forum, the Metaverse and Transhuman Agenda By James Reed

The World Economic Forum, and the big corporations, especially Big Tech, are pushing the metaverse idea, of human life becoming fully digital, where “our online identities, experiences, relationships, and assets — become more meaningful to us than our physical lives.” They are not kidding about this, with, as outlined below, the advocation of people having digital children, who have an on-line life taking form. As real children are expensive, and are carbon polluters, digital children who exist only in cyber-space, save money, reduce the dreaded carbon, and supposedly are as good as the real thing, as far as satisfaction goes. It is the beginnings of the transhuman agenda, the replacement of the physical human race by AI, realising dystopic sci fi horror movies. It is not all done overnight as the Dr Frankensteins working in labs for monkey money, but big hubris, need to keep supplying the technological black magic to keep this evil going.


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Bill Gates Attacks Natural Foods Now! By Mrs Vera West

Dr Mercola, at a now deleted post outlines, Bill Gate’s latest mischief, to substitute breastfeeding with a cell-cultured human milk, BIOMILQ. This occurs along with the push for fake meats, all to save the planet from some supposed climate catastrophe. But the attack on breast feeding is difficult to make on carbon cutting grounds, as making artificial milk will use energy, and hence have a carbon footprint. Hence the media are running items such as breastfeeding hurts and other alleged threats to cosmetic appearance. In fact, breastfeeding is a good way of breast cancer prevention in later life, as well as being cheap and environmentally friendly as baby food can be.,eggs%20so%20often%20during%20breastfeeding

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The UN has Become a Parody of its Globalist Past By James Reed

It is one thing to be pushing for a one world government, but quite another to be silly about the whole thing. Not just silly, but over-the-top absurd, as in a Eugene Ionesco (1909-1994) theatre of the absurd play. For example, at the UN, Iran is on the UN Women’s Rights Commission, the UN Human Rights Council includes Libya, Qatar, and Venezuela, and the UN Conference on Disarmament will be headed by North Korea! If the UN was a chicken farmer, it would put foxes in charge of the battery cages. It would be hilarious if it was not real, but real it is. This alone is an excellent reason to close down the UN. It is a globalist joke, but still deadly.

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This Gives the Covid Vax Game Away! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Hundreds of European elites have faked their Covid vaccination status, including this ripper, of Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa-Faro, president of European pharmaceuticals giant PharmaMar. So, of all people, why would this Big Pharma leader have such a lack of faith in his fellow Big Pharma techno-elite’s product? Could it be that he knew, as an insider, that there was something rotten about the vax?

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Russian Sources Say World War III Has Begun By Richard Miller (London)

This claim, that did the media rounds, was made by Russian TV by pro-Putin speakers, to no doubt deliver a message to the West on the Ukraine affair. The world is itching ever closer to world war, and Russia is not showing any intent to back down from this final game of “chicken” that is being played. Apparently, two Russian Satan II missiles, fired hypersonically, could destroy the entire US west coast. I imagine if that was done, the US would still fire everything it has at Russia. China might think that this is a good thing, taking out two rivals, like the old Chinese proverb goes of sitting on a mountain top watching two tigers destroy each other. But the old proverb knew nothing of radioactive fallout. Surviving Han Chinese will have to live underground for centuries if the final battle happens.


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Dr Naomi Wolf: The Genocide of the Babies By Mrs Vera West

Dr Naomi Wolf began her career as a feminist academic and writer, attacking things like “the beauty myth” (concepts of beauty are a social construction), but since 2020, has moved to become a leading social critic of the Covid narrative. She has a substack page dealing with this.

Her most recent entry at the time of writing this, is the announcement of genocide, a “baby-die off,” due to the vaxxes. She notes that critics pouring over the Pfizer documents, forcibly released by a court, has shown that they knew that the vax “waned in efficacy,” in the trial stage. They knew by may 2021 that 35 minor’s hearts had been damaged. And they were aware of biodistribution studies showing that the injected mRNA spike proteins, did not stay in the deltoid muscle, but migrated to organs such as the liver, the lymph nodes, and in women, the ovaries. Wolf then details the effects of the mRNA vaccines upon pregnant women: “It seems that there can indeed be a happenstance genocide. Reproduction itself is targeted, intentionally or not, by the mRNA vaccines. And if you know that reproduction is harmed, and babies and fetuses are harmed, and you know that this is at scale, which everyone at Pfizer and at the FDA who read these documents, knew —and if you do not stop — then does that not ultimately become a genocide?

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Individual Carbon Footprint Tracker: World Economic Forum Tyranny By James Reed

Enough evil came from the recent World Economic Forum talkfest to last a lifetime. We had calls for intense internet censorship, the elimination of meat and eggs, and also in the name of the climate change crisis, the individual carbon footprint tracker that will document all the carbon you produce each day, including, I suppose flatulence, perhaps, especially flatulence.

This research and development is being done by the Alibaba Group, a China-based corporate conglomerate. At first it will be voluntary for individuals worried about the climate to keep at tab on their lifestyle. Good luck with that one, since almost everyone, including the consumerist Generations Y and Z, over-consume according to the environmentalists. Then when this fails, as it must, the move will be to make it compulsory, and then control individuals producing too much carbon, or who are critics of the system. If cash is eliminated, the regime will cancel bank accounts, as was done by the totalitarian Trudeau government in the Canadian truckers’ protest.

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The Death from Shootings in Chicago By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The globalist tyrants are moving ever-quicker with gun control, with Trudeau, rumoured to be Castro’s son, now banning all handguns, even without any recent mass shootings occurring at all. Never let an opportunity go to a waste for pushing the globalist communist agenda. The passive Canadians will no doubt let it all happen. But what is not advertised in the mass media are dally shootings involving Black on Black gangs in Chicago. There we can see a refutation of all this liberal nonsense of gun banning, as these shootings, with illegal guns will go on anyway, as Chicago has some of the strictest gun control laws in the US.


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World Economic Forum: Controlling the Internet By Brian Simpson

Apart from pushing for an end of meat, a measure that would destroy a large part of the agricultural sector, and the replacement by insect eating, one topic that has not received the attention it needs, also pushed at the recent World Economic forum talkfest, was internet censorship. YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki detailed how “misinformation,” never defined objectively, but is essentially any thought which is contrary to the line that elites like WEF are promoting at the time, will be dealt with. YouTube showed what it will do with the Covid plandemic, where anything contrary to the mainstream narrative got struck down as misinformation and false news. Videos that challenged the mainstream Covid narrative were removed, simple as that. Other YouTubers received strikes before being put in the sin bin. Clearly one must use the alternatives to YouTube to get political messages out, maybe just keeping YouTube to advertise the alternative sites, like Rumble and Brighteon, and many others now. These sites will not grow unless people make the break from YouTube, and let it wither on the vine, and fall to deserved cyber-dust.

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