The Behind the Great Prison Swap Issue By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Among social critics there has been puzzlement over the Us/Russia prisoner swap, where Russian arms dealer, Viktor Bout, was swapped for Brittney Griner, an LGBTQ professional women’s basketball player who hates America. The comment was that she was the perfect image of woke America. But Natural has dug deeper and revealed that Bout has a history working with American covert operations, flying more than 1,000 supply missions into Iraq on behalf of U.S. forces there. So, Bout is probably of use to the globalists on both sides of the conflict, one which by definition, international finance, win. They have something planned for Bout.

“When news broke on Thursday that Joe Biden, one of the worst U.S. politicians ever when it comes to foreign policy — and that’s not our opinion, either, by the way — agreed to trade a notorious Russian arms dealer, Viktor Bout, for Brittney Griner, an LGBTQ professional women’s basketball player who hates America, the initial reaction in virtually all corners of Congress and the political commentariat was a combo of anger and disbelief.

Bout, convicted in 2011 of attempting to sell tens of millions of dollars worth of missiles to Colombian guerillas so they could shoot down U.S. helicopters, was dubbed the “Merchant of Death” at the time and sentenced to decades behind bars.

His release was so egregious, in fact, that even Democrats were critical of Biden, and that doesn’t happen very often at all.

“This should be a moment of deep reflection for the United States government to recognize we have a serious problem with hostage-taking of Americans,” Sen. Bob Menedez (D-N.J.), head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said after hearing the news.

“The Russians and other regimes that take American citizens hostage cannot pretend that there is equivalence between the Brittney Griners of the world and people like Viktor Bout, the so-called ‘Merchant of Death,’” Menendez continued. “Nothing could be further from the truth, and we cannot ignore that releasing Bout back into the world is a deeply disturbing decision.

“We must stop inviting dictatorial and rogue regimes to use Americans overseas as bargaining chips, and we must try to do better at encouraging American citizens against traveling to places like Russia where they are primary targets for this type of unlawful detention,” he added.

Other national security experts are equally perturbed and dumbfounded.

“I think there is a concern that [he] would return to doing the same kind of work that he’s done in the past,” a senior Defense Department official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive topic, told Politico after Bout’s release.

“Every Africanist who has been working on this for years and years probably will have a little piece of flutter of disappointment inside” that Bout was released, the official added. “If his network … were to come to fruition, then we would definitely share the challenges of what illicit weapons or illegal weapons could mean for their prosperity.”

Derek Maltz, a former DEA special agent in charge, described the release as a “blow to the rule of law.”

“Americans should be very careful traveling around the world,” he told Fox News. “This decision has put Americans at a huge risk.”

Well, it turns out that there was some rhyme to the deep state’s reasoning after all; it turns out that Bout has a history working with American covert operations.

Journalist Michael Tracey tweeted a screengrab of a story from 2008 noting that Bout flew more than 1,000 supply missions into Iraq on behalf of U.S. forces there.

“‘Notorious arms dealer’ Viktor Bout, freed today in exchange for Brittney Griner, flew an estimated 1,000 supply missions for the US in the Iraq War,” he noted.

The ABC News story reported at the time:

When U.S. officials announce the arrest of a notorious arms dealer and drug-runner this afternoon, the fact that his planes flew U.S. supply missions in Iraq will likely go unmentioned.

In a January 2005 letter to Congress, then-Assistant Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz admitted the Defense Department “did conduct business with companies that, in turn, subcontracted work to second-tier providers who leased aircraft owned by companies associated with Mr. Bout.”

At the time, Bout was already a wanted international fugitive. Intelligence officials had considered Bout one of the greatest threats to U.S. interests, in the same league as al Qaeda kingpin Osama bin Laden. Interpol had issued a warrant for his arrest; the United Nations Security Council had restricted his travel.

But that didn’t stop U.S. government contractors from paying Bout-controlled firms roughly $60 million to fly supplies into Iraq in support of the U.S. war effort, according to a book released last year by two reporters who investigated Bout. And it didn’t prevent the U.S. military from giving Bout’s pilots millions of dollars in free airplane fuel while they were flying U.S. supply flights.

None of this should surprise anyone, given that our government has been corrupt for decades and the deep state does nothing if not for itself at the expense of We the People.”

“The incompetent Biden administration decided to show how "benevolent" it is by proposing a trade deal with Russia, an adversary of the United States.

You would think this deal would unimpeachably benefit our nation.  However, nothing that the Biden administration has done has been salutary for the United States.  In this given "trade," Joe Biden offered Russia one of its most effective arms dealers, Viktor Bout.  For those not aware, Viktor Bout was imprisoned by the United States in 2011 on the grounds that he was threatening American lives.

One would imagine that the United States would be getting an asset, too.  Perhaps a Marine held hostage by Russia?  So whom did the United States get in return?  Well, we got a WNBA player by the name of Brittney Griner, who was imprisoned several months ago on drug charges.

Griner has been vocal about her disdain for the United States.  In fact, during several of her inferior games, Griner infamously decided not to stand for the playing of the National Anthem.  The anthem is something everyone should stand for; it represents the sacrifices that thousands have endured in order for us to be free.

Personally, I was content with Griner being in Russia.  After all, she hates our country.The Truth About the War in Ukraine

One might call my perspective "nationalistic."  I would say it is, unapologetically.  

Do you think President Trump would have allowed this calamitous deal?  Absolutely not!  Under Trump's administration, we would probably have gotten Griner and several of our veterans in Russia, without giving Russia anything in return.

This should tell you everything you need to know about the Biden White House.  This administration is not concerned about you or your family.  This "prisoner swap" was simply a means of Biden trying to show how "worthy" he is of your vote.

Rambling Joe must be so proud of himself, standing up to Russia.  It was such an auspicious idea to give Russia a notorious thug, whose nickname is the "Merchant of Death," while bringing back someone who despises our great country.  Viktor Bout will now continue to threaten American citizens, and Brittney Griner will continue to publicly disdain the United States.

All the Democrats want is to feel good about themselves.  "Look at us!  We are such nice people."  But the truth is, they are exacerbating the security and well-being of our nation.  Twenty twenty-four can't come soon enough!

“As you no doubt are aware, yesterday Joe Biden swapped a high-level Russian arms trafficker and former lieutenant colonel in the Russian army with a pot head LGBTQ basketball player who despises America. See The Gateway Pundit coverage here, and our own coverage here. The trade makes no sense at any level until you consider the following claim which has been presented to this author by two sources:

Biden and the Democrats are using Ukraine as a money laundering slush fund, according to two sources who spoke to me independently (and who are about to go public with this accusation, most likely today or tomorrow). Using the Russian Special Military Operation as a cover story, the U.S. has sent or pledged over $100 billion in military weapons and financial aid to Ukraine, and now they allegedly need a way to turn those weapons into cash to be laundered back into the pockets of the corrupt politicians who voted for the funding in the first place.

This is, by the way, business as usual in Washington D.C. Don’t be naive and think that kickbacks, bribery and money laundering isn’t part of war. It has always been part of war.

And as is now reporting — a true bombshell – Viktor Bout flew an estimated 1,000 supply missions for the United States during the Iraq War. In other words, this guy has been in the USA payroll before. He’s an employee of the state who was made a scapegoat. Now they suddenly need him again.

Viktor Bout could soon be selling weapons to generate laundered slush fund money for Democrats

Viktor Bout, who was freed by Joe Biden, is an infamous international arms dealer. Convicted of arms trafficking and serving a 25-year prison sentence in the United States, he has the contacts, the know-how and the geopolitical knowledge to turn weapons into cash. I was told yesterday that Bout is being released under one condition: That he work for the Biden regime to sell US-supplied weapons to black market buyers around the world (including the Middle East), effectively laundering weapons sales into cash for Democrats and the crooked Biden crime family that’s already involved in similar schemes in Ukraine and China.

As you can see from the bombshell above, Viktor Bout has already worked for the United States in supplying weapons during the Iraq War. He’s been on the payroll before.


“Nigerian President Warns Western Weapons For Ukraine Are Ending Up In Africa,” says a recent article on

The government in Abuja claims that the weapons sent from the political West to the Kiev regime have started to appear in West Africa. According to the Nigerian authorities, illegal arms have begun to “filter” into the region. The urgent warning was recently issued by none other than President Muhammadu Buhari himself.

This indicates the black market for US weapons sent to Ukraine is already flourishing. Where there’s money to be made in offloading weapons, skilled weapons traffickers will find a way to cash in. That’s Viktor Bout’s specialty. He is widely regarded as one of the most capable people in the world in achieving weapons sales for untraceable cash.

In addition, we already know that Barack Obama and Eric Holder ran Operation Fast & Furious, which allowed the sales of high-caliber weapons to Mexican drug cartels. This was being deliberately encouraged by the Obama regime as part of his “gun control” agenda, hoping that these weapons would be used to carry out more mass shootings in America, giving Obama the leverage to demand a nationwide ban on assault rifles.

Yahoo News is even reporting today that the Pentagon “fears Viktor Bout… could restart his old arms business.” That piece of news was likely inserted into the corporate media news cycle as a cover story for the planned arms trafficking they want Bout to carry out:

“I think there is a concern that he would return to doing the same kind of work that he’s done in the past,” a senior defense officials told reporters at a Thursday briefing.

Well of course he will. That’s the point of releasing him. The pot-using, America-hating basketball player had zero value to the Biden regime. She was merely used as a cover story for the real goal: Recruiting Bout to work for the Biden regime itself, running weapons around the world for the corrupt U.S. government occupiers who also rigged the 2020 and 2022 elections and conspired with Big Tech to silence conservative voices across the country. (See the latest Twitter censorship conspiracy facts at

Victor Bout, in other words, is now working for the Democrats. If you thought the FTX money laundering operation via Ukraine was large-scale, wait until you see the tens of billions of dollars in slush fund money that’s about to be generated from illegal weapons sales routed through Ukraine.

Since the FTX collapse, the Democrats need a new large-scale slush money source to fund 2024 election rigging mules and bribes for election officials. They need “dark” campaign money. And Sam Bankman-Fried has worn out his usefulness. He is being apparently being replaced by Viktor Bout.

Does this analysis resonate with you? Or do you think Biden traded away Viktor Bout because the LGBTQ women’s basketball player was somehow politically and strategically equivalent in worth? These trades are not accidents. Biden’s handlers didn’t make a mistake. They made a deal. And they made a deal with a guy who has already been on the USA payroll trafficking weapons into the Middle East. Is anyone surprised?”





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