- R. Nyquist has interviewed a “Mr Wang” of LUDE media who has accessed a recording of high level CCP/PLA communist Chinese who discuss plans to join with Russia and destroy the USA. Maybe cyber-attacks will lead the attack, since if this is true, they will want to preserve farmland and not get the place too radioactive. I imagine if this is true, the bulk of the population will be executed in typical communist style, and some kept for slavery. It would seem to me that taking down Australia would have been easier, but maybe that will come. In anycase here is the information you need to make your own decisions.
Covid critic Alex Berenson at his Substack delves into the issue not discussed in super-vaxxed Australia (95 percent), where there is a surge in excess mortality. Australia did not have these excess deaths in 2020 and 2021. This makes the standard explanations such as lack of medical care, most unlikely. Could it be that the vax may have something to do about it? Surely not, that would be misinformation conspiratorial thinking wouldn’t it?
There is a line of thought that Covid-19 arose from gain-of-function genetic engineering research at the Wuhan lab, which was funded in part by the US. Then there are Russian claims of Ukraine bioweapons labs that were discovered. Other claims that have been covered at this blog indicate that monkeypox was also genetically modified, since the current outbreak does not fit the West African pattern.
As discussed by Children Health Defense.com, gain of function genetic research is being conducted by labs across the world. As discussed, one virologist modified the H5N1 avian influenza virus, which is not readily spread from person-to-person, so that the virus could spread rapidly between humans, killing over 60 percent of people. One must wonder how many other Dr Frankenstein experiments are being conducted in labs across the world.
One frightening adverse effect of the Covid-19 vaxxes is the possibility of fatal prion diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), which causes brain degeneration, and death. A preprint French study led by Dr Jean-Claaude Perez proposes that the Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca vaccines may have contributed to the emergence of a new type of CJD that is much more aggressive than the traditional form of the disease. As this is very important, a fair swag of information is given, but here is the gist of it: “Though the Omicron variant of COVID-19 doesn’t carry a prion region in its spike protein, the original Wuhan COVID-19 variant had one. Therefore, when the Wuhan variant’s spike protein gene information was made into a vaccine as part of mRNA and adenoviral DNA vaccines, the prion region was also incorporated. A U.S. study published in the journal Microorganisms indicated that the prion area is able to interact with human cells.
After a patient takes an mRNA vaccine from Pfizer or Moderna, the mRNA is naturally incorporated into the person’s cells, which then use the mRNA instructions to produce a synthetic spike protein. This tricks the cells into believing that they have been infected so that they create an immunological memory against a component of the coronavirus.
With gun banning moves in full speed across the West, women are leading the charge, reacting based upon emotions, which are easily manipulated by the media, rather than cold logic. But, there is an emotional, but positive response where women have used guns to prevent themselves and their daughters from being raped. Here is one story. The clear lesson from the Texas mass shooting where the police waited outside for up to 75 minutes, so do not depend on the police to get there in time to save you. Women, even in jurisdictions that severely restrict firearms ownership need to begin thinking about individual personal defence and situational awareness.
Some fact checkers after debunking exaggerated claims, such as that anyone having a Covid vax will die in the next three years (certainly false) claim that there is no evidence of deaths or adverse effects from the Covid vaxxes. Numerous studies knock that claim over as “misinformation,” such as a study from Israel, published in the highly ranked journal Nature. This study was conducted by Israeli researchers, using data from Israel National Emergency Medical Services (EMS). It showed an increase “cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome EMS calls in the 16–39-year-old population” between 2019 and 2021. A 25 percent increase in cardiac arrests was found. According to the researchers: ““The findings raise concerns regarding vaccine-induced undetected severe cardiovascular side-effects and underscore the already established causal relationship between vaccines and myocarditis, a frequent cause of unexpected cardiac arrest in young individuals.”
The Left-wing fact checkers constantly need to be fact checked.
The documents released by Pfizer from a court approved Freedom of information request, are stunning. Various Covid vax critics are pouring through them, uncovering revealing material about what Big Pharma knew, and what Operation Warp speed, Donald Trump’s baby, delivered. However, this is the tip of a dark iceberg, as a Texas judge has just ordered the release of redacted versions of the dossier, including 10,000 pages in April, 80,000 more pages by July, and the rest released at over 50,000 pages per month. Mike Adams has some thoughts on what might lurk in these documents, since what has already been released, as critics such as Dr Malone, Mercola and Jessica Rose have shown, indicate that the vaccines should not have been released. The following are the published opinion of Natural news.com, for information purposes.
Here is another update on the collapse of full vaxxed sports persons on the field, or sports grounds, including tennis players, track and field, and soccer players. A few have had heart attacks and died at the game. While there have been some reports of this in the mainstream media, in general the tone has been dismissive, nothing to see here. People die from heart attacks all the time, they have said. True, but that has not occurred with peak athletes before. I do not remember any reports of this happening in the past, and if the odd person did die, it was usually a weight lifter or body builder, from steroid use and abuse. Not so now.
I sat on this item for a while checking to see if the report of a whistle-blower, who blew off to Switzerland from the United States for security reasons really did have “450 gigabytes of deleted material” from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop, which he says he also gave the Washington Post, New York Times, and Senator Chuck Grassley. He was going to put this material on the net, and it should have been up by now, but nothing I could find. The story disappeared with no trace, like the whistle-blower. The moral of the story is if one does have dirt on the elites, and you intend to release it, don’t just talk about it, telegraphing the move, but go for it and do it.
Igor Chudov, “Ba.5 is a "Variant for Boosted People, South Africa vs. Portugal: Same Variant, Opposite Outcomes,” compares south Africa and Portugal re the Ba 4/5 sister variants of Covid-19. South Africa has a low Covid vaccination rate, with 35 percent having has a vaccine, and 5 percent a booster. Portugal is 95 percent vaccinated and 70 percent of people have had a booster. However, Ba 4/5 have had little impact upon South Africa, whereas Portugal is facing a new Covid crisis, with a arising death toll. According to official vaccine propaganda, the roles should be exactly reversed. The highly vaccinated population should be protected. Of course, it might be argued that the vaccines do not protect against the variants, which seems to be true. However, the only course will be for an eternity of vaxxes, all raising the chances of adverse effects, while the natural immunity road, shown by South Africa, is clearly superior.
I think the same decision applies to Australia as well. Namely, that courts have decided that the role of the police does not include a duty to protect ordinary people like you and me. Hence the failure to go into the school in Texas to deal with the shooter, and instead waiting outside for up to an hour, doing what – eating donuts? The role of the police, as seen in the Covid plandemic, is not to protect us, but to control us. Thus, the coppers at the Texas school readily handcuffed parents who were willing to go in unarmed to save their children, while waiting for the mass shooting to occur. The police are simply lower level agents of the Deep State.
How does one receive an invitation to the globalist Bilderberg meeting? Is it delivered by email, snail mail, or does someone pull up in a limo and hand one the gold-plated invitation? I don’t know, being a critic of globalism, and generally an unimportant person, they probably do not have me on their Christmas card list. But at least I thought that they might do a Rocky and invite me for comic relief. I would eat plenty of baked beans prior to attending too, just to remind everyone about the air pollution and climate change/gas issue.
It must surely be racism stopping the multitudes of migrant rocket scientists who flooded into Germany in 2015-16, almost all of whom are on social welfare still. Given a chance, they could make Germany great again … no, wait … do we want that?
There has been warning made by bands of French generals, that France is heading towards civil war from the diversity/mass immigration crisis. Now, former French intelligence chief Pierre Brochand has issued the same warning, but has also said that all societies on the same path of hyper-multiculturalism, are doomed. “All ‘multicultural’ societies are doomed to more or less deep rifts,” warned Brochand, saying, “In such a situation, it happens that minorities are violent winners, and majorities placid losers.” Of course, the white majorities are fast disappearing in the Great Replacement, making multicultural societies, not just diverse, but anarchic and chaotic. I wonder what happens to all the nukes when the breakdown is complete, zombie apocalypse style? I imagine some ethnic groups might want to fire them on perceived enemies, if they can work out how to do this!
Bees are fish? That is a decision by a California appeals court for the purposes of getting protection of bees under the Endangered Species Act. Now for once, I think conservatives, who should also be conservationists of nature, would agree that bees need protection even more than cuddly furry creatures with sharp teeth and claws. Yet, couldn’t the Act be modified to include protection of insects, rather than an arbitrary redefining of words? After all, if courts can simply redefine words, then not only is new law created, but at a stretch any law could be created with enough imagination. And, guess where that goes? Thus, the “right to bare arms,” could be taken to meant the right to wear short sleeve shirts, tank tops, or no shirt at all! Did the founding Fasters (redefined as transgenders) therefore support a right to quasi-nudism?
While much critical attention has been devoted by Covid vax critics to the Pfizer shots, the non-mRNA adenovirus vector AstraZeneca jab has its problems too. Research here in London, about a 5,000-hour drive by car in peak hour traffic from my apartment, by the University College London, has found “small but significant” cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), which is a serious neurological disease, where the immune system attacks its own nerves. The research indicated that “the majority or all” of the 121 UK cases of GBS in March to April 2021 were associated with first doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine administered in January, but is not seen with a second dose. US studies have found that there were increased cases of GBS after all adenovirus vector jabs, and this has been observed with non-Covid 19 vaccines in the past, such as the swine flu one. A 2022 study found the incidence in receivers of Johnson & Johnson’s adenovirus vaccines to be 32.4 per 100,000 people within 3 weeks following the vaccine.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is the principal government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. New data shows a total of 1,287,595 reports of adverse events following Covid-19 vaccines were submitted between December 14, 2020, and May 27, 2022, an increase of 9,615 adverse events over last week. There was a total of 28,532 reports of deaths, an increase of 220 over last week and 235,041 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period, an increase of 2,347 compared with the previous week.
There is speculation that monkeypox could pass the baton from Covid as the next Big Plandemic. To do so though, the disease will need to have been subjected to gain-of-function genetic engineered research. The establishment have said that the monkeypox virus is the same as the one found in West Africa. However, a new study from Portugal’s National Institute of Health found evidence that the virus that is now doing the rounds, was created in a lab. The virus has 50 single nucleotide polymorphisms or genetic variations, indicating that this has been altered in a lab, as this number of mutations is unlikely to occur by random mutations. Get ready, because, here we go again folks!
With monkeypox now swinging through the trees of the urban jungle, and the smallpox vaccine about to be rolled out, said to be 85 percent effective against the circulating monkeypox (how exactly do they know this?) it is good to reflect upon the origins of vaccination, and the smallpox vaccine, going back to vaccines Founding Father, Edward Jenner (1749-1823). Natural News.com has done a great job of digging into the dirty history of Jenner, who never studied for a medical degree, and only much later actually bought one! As well, he did not make the observation that those who had cow pox were immune to smallpox, but took the idea from milk maids. Doctors at the time scoffed at the idea, as there were hundreds of cases of people getting cow pox, then getting smallpox. The vaccine faith was not off to a good start. Is it any surprise that with Covid, the mess continues?
Keeping with the flavour of the blog today, which is reporting on collapseology events, it should be noted that nuclear-armed Pakistan – how did they get nukes but Australia did not? – is on the abyss of economic collapse. Sri Lanka for example, if facing severe hyperinflation and food and fuel shortages, all underpinned with crushing debt levels. Pakistan seems to be falling down the same pit, only the difference is that it has about 165 nuclear weapons. The collapse of the nuclear-armed to the teeth USSR was a dangerous time for the world, and this could come around again if Pakistan destabilises, and it is in constant tension with India, having fought wars in 1947 and 1966, and a limited war in 1999, and could go nuclear.