Mass Immigration Ended Australia’s Majority Christian Culture By James Reed

Alex Walsh in the, has presented a tremendous article, dear to one of my pet themes pursued over my writing time at, even before the internet stuff, back in the days of paper, that mass immigration has been a factor undermining Australia’s traditional culture. The focus is upon Christianity, which has declined during the time of mass immigration since the 1970s from around 86 percent, now down to 44 percent, and falling, making Christians a minority in a land founded upon Christianity. Running with this, the Census reported that around half of the population (48.2 per cent) had at least one overseas-born parent and 27.6 per cent of the population was not born in Australia.

Walsh shows that these changes are the product of mass immigration, especially from non-European sources which really kicked into gear under so-called conservative John Howard.

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Even Pfizer Found that Vaxxed Toddlers More Likely to Get Severely Ill with Covid than Unvaxxed By Chris Knight (Florida)

This one even got coverage in the most mainstream of mainstream media, The Wall Street Journal. It was found during the Pfizer trials, which have been revealing all matter of inconvenient facts, that toddlers vaccinated with the Pfizer goo were “more likely to get severely ill with Covid than those who received a placebo” and “most kids who developed multiple infections during the trial were vaccinated.” So, why then rush then to vaccinate the kiddies?

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Albo Says, Time for Fourth Booster Shots! By Brian Simpson

This will never end, and certainly not ending well. I have visions of the last of the elites proclaiming that the 600th booster shot for Covid is now required, but the bulk of the human race, including the meat robot vaccine-makers, have long departed this mortal coil.

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Pfizer and Vax Adverse Effects By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola, at a now deleted post, points out the alarming fact that Pfizer during its Phase 3 trials classified almost all adverse effects, some serious enough to be classified as “toxicity level 4,” and six deaths, as being unrelated to the vax. The adverse events acute respiratory failure, cardiac arrest, brain abscess, adrenal carcinoma (adrenal cancer) and chronic myeloid leukemia (blood and bone marrow cancer), a true list of horrors which should have enlivened concern from all health authorities, but did not.

Data re-examined  from the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccine trials found that, combined, Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 jabs were associated with a risk increase of serious adverse events of  of 12.5 per 10,000 vaccinated, but the risk reduction for Covid-19 hospitalization was  2.3 per 10,000 participants for Pfizer and 6.4 per 10,000 for Moderna.

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The Incredibly Disappearing Vaccine Mandates By Brian Simpson

Hats off to the, for doing what the rest of the MSM should have been doing, raising questions of public concern about the Covid mandates. It is incredible that such vast social changes, something that Australians have never experienced even in war time, were imposed with such limited media scrutiny. As noted by the, the Covid vaccine mandates have vanished as mysteriously as they appeared. Why is this? The article speculates that people who were unvaxxed, but had natural immunity were better protected than the double vaxxed, quoting a recent study from Israel. However, as has been reported at the blog, this result was known for some time. My alternative explanation is that there is awareness amongst the health care professionals that the vaxxes do not perform as they were initially advertised to do, and in fact, vax injuries are higher than expected. Thus, they are moving away very cautiously from what is going to be a disaster zone. My view, and that of many Covid critics such as Steve Kirsch.

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The New Horizon of Covid Vax Misery: Seizures in Kids By Chris Knight (Florida)

I have only this little bit of information from Covid critic Steve Kirsch, as obviously enough the MSM is not covering the issue. But there are reports that young children are experiencing seizures, and a range of less serious ailments, such as rashes. All have been vaccinated. We will see where this one leads, as the diabolical drive to vaccinate kiddies continues cross the insane vaxxed planet.

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The Next BLM Riot Issue By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This incidence has very bad optics. A Black man, said by some reports to be unarmed, but in others, to have has a gun which was used on police (but left in his car as he fled on foot), was killed in a lead storm of gunfire after a car chase. He was shot 60 times, and some reports state that 90 shots were fired, 30 of them missing. Full details are emerging, but I would be most surprised if this does not generate another George
Floyd-style riot scenario. Unloading 60 rounds into a person is over-the-top and shows the lack of training of police. The other 30 rounds could have killed any number of people. Police need to be better trained with firearms or not have them at all.

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What Will the Great Reset New World Order Do With We, Useless Eaters? By James Reed

The line taken by, is that the elites of the world Economic Forum Great Reset agenda plan for the useless eaters, people rendered unemployable by the advance of AI, is to play computer games, and get spaced out on drugs. It is totally implausible when one considers that many people now can only afford one meal a day in the present climate, let alone drugs.

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Pfizer Lawsuit Fraud By Chris Knight (Florida)

Whistle-blower Brook Jackson, formerly with Pfizer, has had her lawsuit under the False Claims Act, alleging the Big Pharma giant committed fraud and manipulated data during its clinical trials, paused. The argument given by the Pfizer side is the fizzer that the US government knew that there was wrongdoing in the clinical trials, but still backed the vaccine producer. Now, as I see it, that establishes liability straight away, since the argument is based on conceding that wrong doing occurred. But, such wrong doing cannot be rebutted by saying that the government was in on the act, any more than wrong doing can be avoided in any crime merely by tag-teaming in someone else. That is known as complicity. We should be surprised to see such a defence being made, rather than biting the syringe and proclaiming that the vaccines are the best thing since mother’s milk.

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No One Does Oppression Like Communist China! By James Reed

One has to feel sorry for the Chinese people, who through no fault of their own, have had their bank accounts frozen by Yu Zhou Xin Min Sheng Village Bank, Shangcai Huimin Country Bank and Zhecheng Huanghuai Community Bank. These banks froze all deposits on April 18, telling customers they were upgrading internal systems, but have since gone silent, apparently simply stealing the accounts, what else does one call this? Naturally, the depositors took to protesting, but the communist government have used their “social credit” system to shut this down, by for example cutting of their transportation. It is a terrible society, and we must resist to the last breath, the Great Reset drive to make us into them. And as the Covid mandates showed, we are on the road to becoming a little communist China.

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Ultra-Leftist Bette Midler Goes Down the Woke Plug Hole By Mrs Vera West

We are observing the endgame of wokeness as Left-wing old school feminists, such as J. K. Rowling, are getting cancelled by the elites of the latest New Class chattering class, which is based upon the Big Thing of the total deconstruction of gender. Past feminism kept to the existence of woman as a real oppressed group, who could reap the benefits of affirmative action such as academic jobs over better male competition, but now the very idea of a woman is being deconstructed by post modern discourse. The latest rich old feminist to be attacked for thought crimes is Bette Midler, who has, ironically, constantly been proclaiming Leftist causes in the past. Now, the pack turns upon her. The children of the revolution do indeed eat the parents.

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Kamala Harris’ Pro-Abortion “Argument” By Abigail Knight (Florida)

US Vice President Kamal Harris has made her great “intellectual” contribution to the present abortion debate, which has now gone global. According to her, this is a continuation of the US activity of “trying to claim ownership over human bodies.” No doubt she was alluding to slavery, aiming to generate the typical knee jerk reaction, a lot of mileage for not much brain input. But really, abortion itself is perhaps the clearest example of a person making a death decision about another living thing. I don’t think the liberal-Left have yet denied that the foetus is at least living, otherwise what would be the point of murdering it? So, Harris’ argument really undermines itself. Who writes her stuff anyway? She needs a new writer?

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BRICS is a Brick (or Entire Brick Factory) Thrown at the West! By James Reed

Pro-Russian site, is always worth consulting to see how things on the other side of the fence are playing out. Here are their comments on the conclusion of the BRICS summit in Beijing. The aim is clearly stated of moving to a new multi-polar alternative to the United States-based international financial system. According to Putin, BRICS is developing a new global reserve currency to replace the Us dollar. Once it succeeds in this, and the present Ukraine was has ensured that it will, the financial stuffing will be knocked out of the US, which has happily frolicked along surviving on the magic of the printing presses, so to speak. The present age of shortages, will be like nothing then.


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The Laments of the Old Veteran By James Reed

The comments of an old 100-yeaold US veteran are gong viral on YouTube, saying that the US is not the country that he fought for. I heard the same from a number of World War II vets who fought the Japanese. They could not believe what had been done with the Asianisation program, the make Australia a part of Asia cult. One old timer said to me: “I would not fight again if I had my time over. I would disappear into the bush.”

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Putinalina: If Putin was a Woman! By Richard Miller (London)

It has taken a woman to restore a little bit of British credibility after Boris Johnson said this week that Russian president Putin would not have launched a “macho war of invasion” in Ukraine if he “were a woman,” and he also labelled Russia’s actions in Ukraine “a perfect example of toxic masculinity.”

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said that such remarks were not helping the Ukraine. Putin himself deal the death blow to  Boris’ nonsense by pointing out that a female prime minister of Britain, Margaret Thatcher conducted a war in the Falklands. But, then again, our boy Boris is no iron lady.

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Everybody’s Transgender Now! By Abigail Knight (Florida)

The University of California, Los Angeles, Law School’s Williams Institute conducted a study based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data on the numbers of transgendered young people. It was found that the number of American young people identifying as transgender was1.4 percent of 13- to 17-year-olds, as well as 1.3 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds, while only 0.5 percent of all adults identify as transgender. The number of America’s young people identifying as transgender has almost doubled since 2017. Young teenagers represent about 7.6 percent of the total U.S. population, but constitute 18 percent of transgender-identifying youth. The 18- to 24-year-old age cohort makes up about 11 percent of the total U.S. population, they make up 24 percent of the total population identifying as transgender.

At this rate it will eventually be that every baby born will need to automatically have genital realignment surgery at birth! Plenty of money here for Big PHARMa and big medicine, until the cookie crumbles.

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Letter to the UK Government from 76 Doctors By Richard Miller (London)

Reproduced below is a letter signed by 76 doctors in the UK, to the Medical and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and other U.K. Government officials. The letter sets out reasons why the Covid vaccinations of infants and young children must not happen in the UK. I understand that nothing like this resistance is occurring among doctors in Australia. Disappointing indeed, but predictable.

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Who Done It? Covid-19’s Catastrophic Lab Leak Origin By Brian Simpson

A “senior European politician,” has said that World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, confided to him in private that he believes Covid-19 was the result of a catastrophic accident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. In public, the WHO big shot was more discrete, saying in a June 14, 2022, press conference, “We do not yet have the answers as to where it came from or how it entered the human population. Understanding the origins of the virus is very important scientifically to prevent future epidemics and pandemics. But morally, we also owe it to all those who have suffered and died and their families. The longer it takes, the harder it becomes. We need to speed up and act with a sense of urgency. All hypotheses must remain on the table until we have evidence that enables us to rule certain hypotheses in or out. This makes it all the more urgent that this scientific work be kept separate from politics. The way to prevent politicization is for countries to share data and samples with transparency and without interference from any government. The only way this scientific work can progress successfully is with full collaboration from all countries, including China, where the first cases of SARS-CoV-2 were reported.”

However, from the initial outbreak, China has not been transparent, and moved to lockdown its population, but still permitted moment of people out of China. The suspicious mind would count this as a strategy of “spreading the misery,” so to speak, even if the release of SARS-CoV-2 was accidental. In late 2020 WHO established a scientific advisory group to investigate the origin of SARS-CoV-2, which on the basis of no evidence dismissed the lab leak hypothesis. It was later revealed how compromised this group was. Likewise for a scientific paper at the time which did the same dismissal, with compromised authors as well. All this could be seen as letting communist China of the hook, and one leading scientist said then that the lab leak hypothesis would be damaging to China and so should not be pursued! Criticism of the first WHO report led to a second investigation which concluded that a lab leak was unlikely, and that the virus was species-jumper. However, there was no decisive proof offered for this, and no-one has identified the organisms involved, with speculation varying.

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US Hypersonic Test Failure By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The US is way behind the curve in getting up working hyper-sonic missiles, with yet another test failure. China and Russia have long got these unstoppable devices up, and are ready to go in blasting the West to atoms. How did all this happen? Well, the military were too busy worrying about the trans issue to think about seriously dealing with coming military threats, and in fact still does. One can see defeat just written all over the American project now, a great death wish given by the liberal-Left. At least they will perish with us, since their true master China, is not crazy and will not take in these Judases.


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Black vs Black Race War in South Africa By Paul Walker

The liberal-Left New Class chatterers in the West, and those of the political class like all of our PMs, looked to the new South Africa as a beacon of multiracial harmony, despite the odd motor tire being burnt around someone’s neck. What they did not see, with their standard anti-white racism, a cosy thing to have if you are in a protected woke job, is tribalism. With mass migration occurring within Africa, local South Africans are not pleased, even if skin colour is black all-round. Thus, diversity can cause chaos, even beyond broad racial categories, and goes right down the line to ethnicity, and tribe. Liberal individualism is much like the climate change ideology, and ignores fundamental aspects of nature. Will whites still be blamed if a black-on-black race war occurs in south Africa? Sure they will.

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