Rewriting mRNA History By Brian Simpson

The material below is for the very dedicated reader in critical Covid vax studies. Dr Robert Malone is perhaps the leading Covid vax critic and was one of the originators of the mRNA technology, having the patents and academic papers to prove it, all of which can be checked below. But, as documented, recent literature has written his undeniable role out of the mRNA history. It is not surprising, but it does show how the present system operates.


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Climate Change, the Legacy of White Racism, Blah, Blah By James Reed

Erin Fitz-Henry, who teaches anthropology and “development studies” at the University of Melbourne, has proclaimed that climate change is a product of white racism. Of course, for the Left, all things problematic in their paradigm are blamed upon whites, who else to blame? The argument is that the industrial world, the West is “white” hence whiteness is the fault. Wait, that is not a valid argument, even leaving aside that “yellow” China produces more greenhouse gases than anyone else. The argument is invalid in terms of logic, since one could equally argue that the fault lies in say technology, or anything else that the West has, like wokeness for example, or even Leftism! But, race and whiteness are the Big Things for academic types that keeps the system going.

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The Polycrisis of Doom Approaches By James Reed

This coverage was too good to let go by down the electronic river of daily oblivion, since it depicts the perfect storm of crises, all created by the Dark Lords, as a “polycrisis of doom.” This has been coined by Adam Tooze, a financial crisis historian and director of the European Institute at Columbia University. Tooze says that what the world faces now is more than a mere linear combination of separate crisis, but instead a series of compounding and mutually intertwined treats where the sum is greater than the union of the parts, and financial crisis feed upon say, resource crisis and vice versa, all of which could end up producing the grand crisis of them all, the one crisis to rule them all, nuclear war. As covered in today’s blog, he is not the only notable person prediction nuclear war, something security specialist Dr Peter Pry regards as 100 percent certain (see at 47.10):

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The Triple Vaxxed for Covid Recover More Slowly from Covid and are Contagious for Longer than the Unvaxxed By Brian Simpson

With the PM Albo pushing now for four jabs of the Covid vax goo, it is ironic that peer reviewed scientific studies, such as one recently published in the leading medical journal, The New England Journal of Medicine, are showing limitations of the vax, within a mainstream paradigm. Thus, a study based at the Mass General Brigham, Boston, showed that triple vaxxed people recovered slower than those who were unvaccinated, and the triple vaxxed were contagious for longer than the unvaccinated. Those who received a booster shot were five times more likely  to be contagious at ten days after infection than the unvaccinated.

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Covid Mandate Restrictions Set to Ride Again in New Zealand! By Bruce Bennett

Writers at the blog have been reporting the signs, the early warning shots, that the medical technocrats that now play an insanely over-extended part in Australian life, are hinting about a return to the past, with lockdowns if the present new wave of Covid, which surprise, surprise, is coming in the winter, just like the annual flu, does what it has done in other jurisdictions. New Zealand is a test case here, so above all else we should pay attention to what our essentially communist Great Reset neighbour is doing.

New Zealand is experiencing over 11,000 Covid cases a day and rising, and at present is returning to the mask fetish. The “danger” level on the Covid moral panic scale is now “orange” and could go to red alert freak out mode, at any time under New Zealand’s Great Reset version of Karma Harris, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. It has not happened yet, but in the Covid New World Order, lightning strikes not only twice in the same spot, but an infinity of times.

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Vice Presidential Brain Damage By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is worth thinking about, given that even The New York Times is coming to doubt the mental capabilities of senile, but corrupt, President Joe Biden. While Biden may read the prompts direct from the teleprompter, at least showing that he can still read, the vice president just goes out there and says whatever comes into her mind. This results in word salads that when looked at in the sober light of day, make no sense. This person is the one, in the short term, at last, likely to replace Biden with their finger on the nuclear button, when the massive quantities of drugs they must be pumping into sleepy Joe, no longer work. Of course, this has all been part of the globalist plan, through entities like the World Economic Forum, and those we do not know about, to dismantle the US for a communist China style regime to rule what is left of the ruins of modernity.

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mRNA Vaxxes and the Crash of Sperm By Mrs Vera West

According to a recent Israel study, there is a negative impact upon men’s sperm concentration and total motile count, at least temporarily, from the mRNA vaxxes. A statistically significant reduction in both sperm concentration and the total number of viable sperm. The ramifications of this, as noted below are frightening in a world where sperm quantity and quality is already declining: “With the combined effects on sperm quality from COVID-19 infection itself and COVID-19 vaccination, we may see the birth rate in every country declining even more than the “jaw-dropping global crash” that has already been predicted.

“Spike proteins from the vaccine go everywhere—your testes, your ovaries, your bone marrow,” said Dr. Osvaldo Villarreal, M.D., a pediatrician based in San Antonio, Texas and the owner of Abrazos Optimum Health. “The implications of this is huge. We should be very concerned,” he said. “We don’t know how it’s going to affect us.”

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More Election Fraud about to be Uncorked By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Most Americans,  according to a new poll by Rasmussen Reports sponsored by The National Pulse, believe that the coming midterm elections will have fraud, and a majority of Americans believe that the 2020 elections were also fraudulent. Fifty percent of U.S. voters believe that there will be “widespread cheating that will affect the outcome of this fall’s congressional elections,” including 24 percent of people who believe the prospect is very likely. This is a stunning political fact, for no so-called democracy is sustainable with such an erosion of faith in the political system. Clearly, it is time for secession, the Great divorce, the breakup of America, that I tirelessly proclaim to all who will listen. Look, if a conservative America is created, there is no reason why Australia could not join as part of some wider Anglo-federation; better than being absorbed into the Chinese empire. To be discussed further.

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The World Economic Forum … Cares about Democracy? Don’t You Believe It! By Richard Miller (London)

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has a new paper on its website linking climate change and the decline of democracy. At first glance conservatives might think there is something here, since the totalitarian tactics we are seeing such as the attack upon farming in both the Netherlands and Canada, and the movement to ban meat for the ordinary people forcing them to eat bugs, are not democratic decisions, but are imposed by the elites, including those Great Resetters of the World Economic Forum. So, they oppose democracy, right? But, no, in this fair is foul, and foul is fair world, the elites of the WEF link stopping supposed climate change with increasing democracy, as if there was a causal relationship. And, when did we get a say on the idea of owning nothing? I don’t recall being asked.


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What is a Woman? Don’t Ask the Woke Church of England By Mrs Vera West

The woke Church of England does not know what a woman is. But, the correct answer to put into the exam paper, is not what the vast majority of the human race today and in the past would say, but instead, a “woman” is whatever the Left globalist political elites say it is. Like the daily weather reports, a suitable definition should be issued each day. Hence, what we take to be fish, could well be women, one day, if politics demands it.

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No Abortion; No Uni! By Abigail Knight (Florida)

I saw this little item that came in my news feed, that many American girls are now re-evaluating their place of university study if that state in which the university is in, has a ban on abortion. Let that sink in; one would have thought university was about study and learning, not about sexual immorality …  but it is. In the remarks by girls quoted below, one struck me: “"I'm only in high school right now, and I'm still finding out who I am," said Samira Murad, 17, who will be a senior this fall at Stuyvesant High School in New York. "I don't want to move somewhere I can't be myself because of laws put in place." It shows how far we have fallen, when “finding oneself,” is no longer a spiritual journey, but involves having the abortion option as an escape clause. There is something desperately wrong here.

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Out of Gas By Richard Miller (London)

It defies comprehension that Western European countries, dependent upon Russia for gas, done because it was thought to be the cheap option, now face the prospects of Russia turning off the tap, for good. What do they think would happen in the war that the neo-cons so desperately want, occurs? Surely, they do not believe that it will be business as usual! Clearly if you want to make war, get your energy independence sorted out first.


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Canada’s Nitrogen Policy Set to Wreck Agriculture By Chris Knight (Florida)

The ban on agriculture through the nitrogen connection, as seen in the Netherlands is set to roll in Canada, with Justin Trudeau, ideological, if not natural son of Castro, bringing in a nitrogen emissions cap that will, as in the Netherlands, polish off farming, thus accelerating the global famine wing of the depopulation agenda. The totally disastrous goal is for reducing nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizer by 30 percent below 2020 levels by 2030, at a time when the world needs more food produced, not less. Worse, the goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40-45 percent by 2030, only eight years away. According to a report from Fertilizer Canada: “Total Emission Reduction puts a cap on the total emissions allowable from fertilizer at 30% below 2020 levels. As the yield of Canadian crops is directly linked to proper fertilizer application this creates a ceiling on Canadian agricultural productivity well below 2020 levels…

It is estimated that a 30% absolute emission reduction for a farmer with 1000 acres of canola and 1000 acres of wheat, stands to have their profit reduced by approximately $38,000 – $40,500/ annually.

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Love and Chunder: A Review of the New Thor Movie By Abigail Knight (Florida)

The kids wanted to go to a movie in the school holidays, summer here in Florida, and waned a superhero movie. Thor: Love and Thunder looked like family friendly entertainment, but I soon found out that this was not the case. There were subtle gender agenda references in the movie. We did not stay to long; when I saw the woke coming I dragged the kids out, one crying, and left. A parent does not need this. Conservative reviewers have sat through the entire roll of garbage. Mercy on them. Really, the cultural wars have become quite mainstream and Christian conservatives probably need to avoid all movies and popular culture such as music if at all possible.

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Leftist Feminists Silent on China’s Bought Wives By Mrs Vera West

It all began with a video that went viral on Chinese social media of a woman, in a shed, with a chain around her neck. It is but one of China’s wife slaves, poor women kidnapped and sold off to men in more remote areas due to the demographic imbalance created by old Chairman Mao’s one child policy. The story of one such woman has been told in moving detail at “The Oz,” and the communist Chinese authorities have promised to crack down on this. But, this comes from a tyrannical mob of communists who foster organ harvesting, so I think, not likely. And notice how these women’s issues involving non-white countries never get attacked by Leftist feminists in the West. After all, they turned a blind eye to the migrant rapes in Europe, so why would they?


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A Leftist “Rewrites” the Constitution By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Some light relief, for a change. US Communist film maker Michael Moore, who has been anti-gun and anti-everything else involving conservative values, published his draft of a new constitutional amendment to repeal the Second Amendment. It is really the work of a legal amateur, with phrases such as “The inalienable right of a free people to be kept safe from gun violence and the fear thereof must not be infringed and shall be protected by the Congress and the States. This Amendment thus repeals and replaces the Second Amendment.” Well, just repeal it and get it over with, no introduction and preamble ramble needed. But rather than going out and explicitly saying that the people do not have a right to own firearms, and shall not own them, only the state, he waffles along and ends up with people actually being able to own firearms, something along the lines of Australian law, perhaps stricter, contradicting himself, and thus looking like a goose.


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Straight from the Vax Horse’s Mouth By Chris Knight (Florida)

I clearly remember, as it was not so long ago, after the Covid vax rollout, but before Omicron, that the medical technocrats were running the line that the vaxxes gave protection and stopped transmission of the disease. That idea has been knocked over now. Covid king Dr Fauci, mega-vaxxed, who seems to have Covid every time we look, has said that the vaxxes do not stop transmission, but help to prevent symptoms of the virus. That too is open to debate, as covered each day at this blog in news summaries. But even so, this approach puts the vax at the level of headache powders, rather than the supposed magic bullets that end “plagues.” A bit of a letdown, eh?


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How Do Masks Make You Sick? By Mrs Vera West

It is scary indeed, but leading medical technocrats are now pushing for a return of the mask mandates, just after we have begun to breathe the free air once more. All this supposes that masks actually work, and over the months the blog has recorded numerous critical studies showing that masks do not prevent the transmission of SARS CoV-2. However, the other dimension to this is that masks have negative health effects, as summarised by Dr Mercola at a now deleted post. There are numerous issues here, such as inhalation of plastics, increased levels of carbon dioxide, as well as the “Foegen effect,” where it is hypothesised that inhalation of droplets caught on face masks may act to make Covid infections more likely by concentration of disease viruses, and/or make infections more severe. Yet, none of this gets debated in Australia, with masks being an essential part of the cult of the Dark god, Covid, worshiped by the new technocratic priests.


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Electric Vehicles are an Environmental Disaster; Keep Glorious Petrol and Diesel! By James Reed

The evidence is in, that despite all of the hype from environmentalists, electric vehicles are environmentally damaging, far more so that petrol vehicles. A new study published by the US National Bureau of Economic Research found that electric vehicles are worse for the environment than petrol ones. Contrary to the Greens, these vehicles are not emission free. When all the costs, including production costs were quantified and compared, “electric vehicles generate a negative environmental benefit of about -0.5 cents per mile relative to comparable gasoline vehicles (-1.5 cents per mile for vehicles driven outside metropolitan areas).” Once more the environmentalists in their mad push to deconstruct and over-turn Western civilisation, are not considering the full picture of costs. It’s deliberate of course, since Leftists are never honest.

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Conspiracy or Cowardice, or Both? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Uvalde, Texas school shooting is something which I still regard as a conspiracy to allow a shooter to kill the children while police waited 77 minutes before acting, even though they were equipped and could have moved on the lone shooter. Now a clip has emerged showing police actually fleeing when shots were fired in their direction. Conservative sites have portrayed this as cowardice, which is true in a sense, but it is still completely consistent with the conspiracy view, that they were told to hold back until the dead had piled up. Will we ever know for sure? I doubt it, as already the case is getting cold, and the Deep State has moved on to its next conspiracy.

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