FBI’s Great Mar-a-Lago Fishing Expedition By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Babylon Bee.com did a satire of he FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago mansion, commenting on them taking McDonald’s receipts. They were not far off, as among the items taken were napkins that Trump wrote notes on. Clearly, they are searching for anything that they can to pin something on the overweight punching bag. As he does not fight back, they see him as classic school yard bullies see the fat kid in the playground, pure prey. Sad to see a former president so weak. Obama would never have suffered this. Or, even the Clintons.


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Australians Should be Furious! By James Reed

On Sky News Rowan Dean gives it to the vax mandates, and the ruling elites who did all of this. Worth a listen to see the rare thing of a journalist angry about the Covid tyranny. Still this madness continues, with firms demanding workers be fully vaxxed. I saw one job involving unloading trucks, and the manual labourer needed to be fully vaxxed. That makes no sense at all, but the Covid plandemic was never supposed to make sense. Today’s blog theme, I think.


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China Going Covid Fishing! By James Reed

When you have locked down entire cities, welded people into factories and thrown away the keys, what does a tyrannical totalitarian communist regime do to top that? Why, you begin projecting the Covid insanity onto the rest of the animal kingdom, and start testing fish!  Why? No-one really knows but it sounded like a good idea at the time. Next, once all marine life is locked down, the communists will move to test plants, then inanimate objects, such as rocks, oil, and desert sands. It makes as much nonsense as anything else in the modern Covid theatre of the absurd.


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Vaccines that Spread Like a Disease: “I am Legend” Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

This is a concerning piece of news. The latest Big Thing to make sure that no-one escapes the vax of Big Pharma is vaccines that are self-spreading, just like the disease. No-one escapes, eventually unless they retreat totally from mass society, and even then, the viral-vaccine might spread via air or animals. As usual there are dangers that will be ignored, such as mutations, which could result in the scenario depicted in the zombie-type movie, I am Legend (2007), wiping out humanity. There seems to be no end what the Dr Frankensteins get up to.


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Food Facility Fires By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is a summary of some of the food and processing facility fires that have occurred in the US recently. I have done some research trying to find if police actually nabbed someone, and in general these are all unsolved crimes. That is highly suspicious in itself, as is the fact that this is occurring at the time of a food and resource crisis. It is unlikely in my opinion, that this is all just happening, at random. That, is the idiot view of history.


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Surviving the Global Food Crisis By John Steele

The global food crisis is coming. No doubt we will  probably  not see people starving to death here in Australia, as food will be available in some form for some time, unlike in the Third world where, as discussed below food riots are beginning. But if The Camp of the Saints swamping mass migration occurs, then who know?

While most conservative blogs usually proclaim a political solution, for me as a survivalist, I think at the individual grass roots level, because the first rule of any war, is to survive. That is why I like sites like The Economic Collapse Blog.com, which has the same approach. Below is a useful guide of families on what to stock up on in your preps. Prepping for disaster is no longer something practiced by a crazy fringe, because as the Covid plandemic showed, within hours one can be forced to be drawing on one’s own stored resources. It is wise to be like Noah of old (Genesis 65-9), and while not needing any sort of literal ark, build up supplies all the same. Below is one useful guide, but there is plenty on YouTube. I like the Christian survivalists like The Prepared Homestead, where Travis, a deep thinker, has a nice Noah-like beard.

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The Great Replacement and the White Eternal Identity Crisis By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The white Left, while rejoicing in the coming of white minorities throughout the West, especially America, still go crazy, frothing at the mouth when this is discussed and proclaimed as genocide. If a media personality condemns the inconsistencies in so-called equalitarians putting forward an ethnic genocide thesis, well, they have to be cancelled. Tucker Carlson got up their snouts recently, and the Democrats, who are engaged in the actual Great Replacement with mass immigration since 1965, and the present open borders, bit back putting forth legislation to condemn the very idea. Yes, doing that while the borders are open.


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UK Police are in Clown World By Richard Miller (London)

We have seen in recent times the UK police being sent out to arrest a veteran for reposting a meme that was taking a dig at transgenders. He did not even make up the meme. None of this would have been conceivable to people who fought in World War II for freedoms, supposedly. There was once some degree of freedom of expression, but in our rich and diverse society … gone. Still, that is another issue. UK police have given up on responding to burglaries, since their time is now absorbed by woke. Meanwhile white children are groomed and raped, and knife crime really has led, not yet to the predicted rivers of blood of Enoch Powell, but certainly blood in the streets.


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Covid, Not Diamonds is Forever … Forever … By Brian Simpson

The Covid jab system is set to ensure that Covid will, like the common cold, be with humanity, forever, or at least 100 years or so. Dr Geert Vanden Bossche was spot-on in seeing the vaccines as sub-optimal, as well as seeing the evolutionary potential of the virus to mutate, as has been seen with the Covid variants, from Omicron and its descendants. There is the issue arising on many fronts, such as antibody enhanced dependence, arising form the vaxxes, allowing the virus to piggy back, and VAIDS, vaccine acquired deficiency syndrome, the endgame of all of this. Joining up the dots indicates that disease will be one of the main factors used by evil for domination of the human spirit and soul:


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The Covid Vaxxes and Heart Disease By Brian Simpson

The evidence continues to mount of the harms caused by the Covid vaxxes. In 2021, for example, there was observed to be almost a 50 percent increase in demands for cardiovascular imaging testing in Hong Kong hospitals. Hong Kong cardiologists said this phenomenon is related to Covid-19 vaccination as the main cause of referrals was chest pain related to vaccination, and heart failure related to vaccination. These concerns were expressed at the 15th Congress of Asian Society of Cardiovascular Imaging (ASCI 2022), co-organized by the Hong Kong College of Radiologists and Hong Kong College of Cardiology, indicating that there is some movement towards recognising the adverse effects of the Covid vaxxes within the mainstream medical regime.


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Coal-Fired Power Stations are Splendid! By James Reed

I saw this a time ago and have only just worked my way down to it. It is a beautiful piece on the delight of coal-fired power stations, which Greenies have given a bad rap to. Thee stations are highly energy efficient, and unlike the renewal so-called alternatives, deliver reliable power to keep us warm in the winter chill, and from dying of heat stroke when the summer blazes away. Make mine coal-fired power stations, any day!


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Wokeness Swamps Anthropology By Brian Simpson

Talk about projecting present day woke ideological biases back into the past. There is a debate at present within the largely radical Leftist discipline of anthropology, and all social sciences are similarly politically perverted, that ancient human remains should not be classified by biological gender, since, well, who knows, they may have been transgenders. This is the next step on from denying race, and the same social construction arguments are used, all subject to the same fallacies. Even more so, the distinction between male and female was clear up until recently, and anything on the sidelines was not a disproof of the generalisation. Anyway, when the final collapse comes, all of this will be washed away. Future anthropologists will be amazed at what was believed in 2022, if something like anthropology exists in the ruins of this world. But, I tend to think not, as survival will be the order of the day; agriculture, not anthropology.


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The Time of Covid: Report by Phillip M. Altman By Brian Simpson

An excellent report has been presented by Dr Phillip M. Altman, A Time of Covid (2022). This scholarly, scientific report consolidates most of the criticisms made of the Covid vaxxes by the leading Covid critics, and defends the thesis that the Covid vaccines, especially the mRNA ones, are far from safe, and indeed have numerous adverse effects. The merits of this report is that it sets the debate within the Australian context, while much of the time, due to limited technical data, we here deal with American and European material. A good reference guide for students who are pursuing this issue.


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mRNA Toxic Spike Proteins By Brian Simpson

Not so long ago the mainstream Covid narrative was that the mRNA matter stayed at the injection site. Biodistribution studies requested by the Japanese government of Pfizer, showed that this was questionable. Today the evidence is that the mRNA matter moves around the body, collecting in the ovaries, heart, and brain. Hence, the issues being raised about reproductive health, covered at the Alor.org blog yesterday. There is now evidence that the mRNA black magic brew can permanently alter genomic DNA. And, there is no strong empirical evidence to indicate that the mRNA is only produced for a brief period of time. Then there are still endless boosters, with four jabs being the thing now, meaning that no end is in sight. All up, this is not going to end well, and it was never intended to do so.


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World Economic Forum Global Intelligence Collecting By James Reed

Globalist organisations such as the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum are disturbed about the limited free speech still offered by the internet. Unlike in the old days, where one had to use post, or hand out leaflets, the internet solves the problem of cheap publication. There is the new problem of getting people to see your site, but at least things have moved on.


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Do You See Any Moral Problems with Growing Headless Humans? By James Reed

Another Dr Frankenstein is hoping to do real world Frankenstein work, in growing human embryos in artificial wombs to supply organs. To avoid ethical problems, they suppose that growing the foetuses without heads solves everything. Of course, it does not, but the ideology behind this is of interest. It all fits into the transhuman agenda where the human body is just a machine, like a car, which can be made, parts removed, then junked. It is part of the trend epitomised by abortion, of disposable man. And, behind it all is the quest to supply spare parts to keep the ruling elites ticking on for added years of oppression, since they will be the only ones able to afford this.


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When Killer Kangaroos Attack! By John Steele

Giant aggressive kangaroos have been attacking people in the coastal town of Maaroom on Queensland's Fraser Coast. A number of people, older ones have been injured. It is odd, as I have noticed from my long time in the bush, encountering thousands of roos, that these are usually peaceful creatures, and only once did I have a King Kong size roo confront me, but wisely he soon backed down. Yes, people have died because of kangaroos, but this is usually from road accidents.

People in that little town are starting to carry big sticks but unless one is skilled in stick fighting, a determined roo will still wipe you out. And, it is likely that the roo will be injured if struck violently in the head, or not injured at all by a body strike, only made angrier. Since this is Australia, not America, the problem cannot be solved by the individual, beyond avoiding these fellows. People probably encouraged this behaviour by feeding them, which broke down the human/roo barrier. Treat roos as would other dangerous animals, ones which like bears in North America are a protected species, and illegal to kill, let alone harm. Even whacking one with a stick is legally problematic, and avoidance is the best option, as with any dangerous creatures, including bears and humans. However, I do not agree with the advice of rolling up into a ball, as a roo jumping on one’s back could break the spine.

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Could Donald Trump Still be President behind Bars? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

We have all heard the claim that he Deep State, and those not so deep, want to put Donald Trump behind bars so that he cannot run for president in 2024. But, according to former Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz, the elites have got it wrong. “He can run for president even if he’s indicted, convicted, and wearing striped shirts, prison garb.”  “The Constitution provides only four bases for disqualification for president, and being convicted of a crime is not one of them. Congress can’t change the criteria that are in the Constitution for the election of the president.”

I like the idea of having a president in a striped (prison) suit, not pin-striped, running the great criminal organisation known as the United States of America.    

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Why There is No Climate Change Crisis By Brian Simpson

The problem with climate change hysteria and the idea that we are moving into an era of runaway climate change, is that conditions much worse than the present climate have been experienced, and survived by relatively modern humans. There have been worse droughts in Europe than the one now being experienced, by implications that this is the worst drought in 500 years. Heat waves come and go. The point made below is that billions of dollars are invested in a climate change industry, with not a dollar going to research that just might question the received narrative. It is the same for the Covid narrative, so we should not be surprised about the state of modern, so-called “science.”


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The Impossibility of Replacing “Bad” Cars with “Good” Cars before the Supposed Climate Apocalypse By James Reed

Maker S. Mark, an unusual name, but a good one, discusses a simple mathematics problem, that the climate change fanatics need to address, but do not in their simplistic “solution” to the so-called climate crisis. Remember according to the priesthood there is 10 years to doomsday, although they have been rolling that out for years now. Anyway, getting all of the petrol-driven cars off of American roads within 20 years is impossible, so it looks like we will just have to keep business as usual, and put off the climate doomsday for some other time. Long live glorious petrol!


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