The Marxist Foundation of Cancel Culture By Chris Knight (Florida)

Robert Merz gives a tremendous account of the Marxist foundations of woke/political correctness and cancel culture. He details the racism of Karl Marx, who got this cultural war going, and how the neo-Marxists of today have moved from class warfare to cultural wars, an attack upon tradition. Paradoxically Karl Marx himself supported European colonialism and should be cancelled by the standards of today. He is not because that would be inconvenient, if not embarrassing.

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Is the Ukraine Committing Nuclear Suicide? By Richard Miller (London)

If the pro-Russian site is to be believed, and on this one I don’t see a reason for doubt, the claim has been made that the Ukrainian military has fired multiple rockets directly at coolant systems and nuclear waste storage site inside the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant in Energodar. That seems to make perfectly good sense, since creating another Chernobyl would be a good move wouldn’t it? After all, if the Ukraine becomes a radioactive wasteland, the Russians just might go home!

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Breaking China By James Reed

While much of the lamestream media, especially from the Left, portrays communist China as economically unstoppable, there is another side. “China’s retail sector in steep decline, unemployment rising, and industrial productivity down. Hanging above it all was the guillotine blade of China’s jittery real estate market, which is threatened by imminent meltdowns from big property firms on one end, and a feisty “mortgage rebellion” by individual homeowners on the other.” The real estate market is in crisis, and then there are the banks and a jittery financial sector. It alone does not spell economic collapse, but it is another pressure upon the society. At times like this, governments often see war as a way of getting out of the mess. It involves exchanging one mess for a much bigger one, but which takes the people’s minds off of local miseries.


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One in Every 482 People Died After the mRNA Vax in the UK By Richard Miller (London)

The reality today is the Covid vaccinated are more likely to die than the unvaccinated, who may acquire natural immunity. This has been shown in detail by for the UK statistics. Of course, there is the rejoinder that since the vast majority of people are vaccinated, what else could one expect? Yet, that reply begs the question; namely that the vaxxes should have offered protection and safety from the disease in question in the first place. In the past establishment types like Joe Biden were on record for saying that if you got the vax, you would not get Covid. He got the vax, and the follow ups, and got Covid, as did his wife.

As for the UK: “[a]ccording to the Office for National Statistics between 1st Jan 21 and 31st March 22, a total of 9,891 people died with Covid-19 within 1 month of vaccination, and a total of 82,255 people died of any other cause within 1 month of vaccination.

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Covid King Dr Fauci on Menstrual Cycles and the Vaxxes By Mrs Vera West

Dr Anthony Fauci has recently said that while menstrual irregularities exist, it is “quite transient and temporary,” and “[w]e need to study it more.” But Fauci was criticised by a number of gynaecologists, such as Dr. Christiane Northrup, a former fellow in the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. She told The Epoch Times: “Unfortunately, the menstrual problems we are seeing are far from transient and temporary. … Many women have been bleeding daily or having heavy, irregular, painful periods for an entire year. And some of these are well past menopause. Something is way off here.” According to Dr James Thorpe, a maternal-foetal medicine expert, compared to the flu vaccines, the Covid-129 vaxxes have these risks:

“Abnormal uterine bleeding (menstrual irregularity), 1,000 times greater than for influenza vaccines

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The Insurance Payouts and the Vaxxes By Chris Knight (Florida)

Insurance companies do not mess around with letting wokeness get in front of the statistics, as their business depends upon having s clear idea of what is happening.  Thus, Lincoln National, the fifth largest life insurance company in the US, reported a 163 percent increase in death benefits paid out under its group life insurance policies in 2021 for people ages 18-64. The reasons for the loss is said by them to be "non-pandemic-related morbidity" and "unusual claims adjustments." In December 2021, One America CEO Scott Davison said that the increase in insurance payouts was industry-wide and that he described it as “unheard of” and “huge, huge numbers” and the highest death rates that have ever been seen in the history of the life insurance business. None of these companies have speculated about the ultimate cause of this excess mortality, which correlates perfectly with the Covid vaccine rollout.

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The Great Chain of Woke Being and the “Weight Challenged” By Peter West

Ben Bartee, an independent Bangkok-based American journalist is someone we are following because he is delightfully politically incorrect and anti-woke, and writes well; I think the two qualities are positively correlated. Here he has some insights on the woke question of weight, we are not supposed to say “fat” nowadays, not illegal yet, but politically incorrect. I have some personal observations on this.

I understand; I was a “fatso” in my youth and suffered terribly at school, being poor at sports, and later not even being able to get a dance during school dances (after the first one I did not show up and got detention). Thus, being over-weight all my life, never marrying, and in fact, never having a girlfriend in my life (and I am not gay!), being described by one girl I asked out as a “slob’s slob,” I particular detest the slim and fit vilifying us; it has led to depression and suicide by some of my peer group, and I could have been one.

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Can You Trust a Lawyer? Does it Matter? By Ian Wilson LL.B

I have not seen the statistics for Australia, but my guess it will be not as bad as the litigious United States: 32 percent of adult Americans do not trust lawyers, 35 percent do trust lawyers, and 33 percent are undecided/uncertain.

Well, even here it could be worse, as at least a bare majority trust lawyers. But I wonder if this matters? In fact, not trusting lawyers is a good thing for clients since it will keep them alert, sharp and scrutinising, which is needed. Trust can at times be blind and dumb, and people may not get the legal service they deserve as the lawyer may go to sleep on the case, or drag his/her feet. So, I am not concerned about the age-old complaint that lawyers are not to be trusted. What matters, is not breaking the law, and getting the job done.

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Fussy Refugees By Richard Miller (London)

Once upon a time, after world War II, being a refugee meant being a displaced person who could not reside in their previous country because of a well-founded fear of persecution, or safety. No reference to weather sensitivity there. Now a refugee is just another name for someone coming to the West from the Third World, wanting a better life style. I don’t blame them, I want a better life style too, but where do I go? Surely somewhere with better weather.

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The CDC Does a 180 Degree Turn … Why? By Brian Simpson

This has been written about at the blog, that the US CDC has done a complete 180 degree on its Covid narrative, such as the isolation and distance requirements. This change has been celebrated by many critics, but I think one should be cautious in partying too soon. The CDC, as detailed in another article, is considering a range of new mRNA vaxxes, so what is likely to happen is that Covid issue will be multiplied by other mRNA vaccines. As well, there has been no change in the CDC’s stance on the effectiveness of the Covid vaxxes, or even comments on the revealing nature of the injuries in the initial trials. So, in short, I don’t trust them as far as I could throw them with my bad back!


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AI as Servant of the Satanic Beast By James Reed

Brandon Smith has expressed something that I have been thinking about for a long time, AI from a Christian perspective. Computers can become something of an obsession and fetish, as seen by the addictive nature of computer games on young men, disrupting normal mental development. But beyond that, for the first time, there is a possible means of replacing the human being itself. I believe that God would prevent something that radical, but there is another take, drawing from war experience, that human free will is going down this path, and if destruction comes, we brought it on ourselves. Challenges like this had never faced by humans.

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They Want to Execute Trump! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There are always plenty of crazies on both sides of the political out house who post death threat style messages, one being made recently against J. K. Rowling, over the Rushdie stabbing. But there is a difference with former CIA & NSA Director Michael Hayden and MSNBC contributor Michael Beschloss both posted tweets on Thursday promoting the execution of Donald Trump. No doubt, this is water-testing to see what response from the Trumpers it could produce. It is crazy since it would require Trump to be convicted of treason to have even a chance. It is possible, but will likely be the straw that breaks the conservative camel’s back, and that takes a lot of straws.


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Hacking Starlink with $25 Homemade Device! By Brian Simpson

 I found this item, profound. With all the faith technos put in their computer society, there still remains the problem, that the more complex and sophisticated tech gets, the more possibilities for systems failure. Indeed, I was typing this article and suddenly Word crashed, losing even data I had saved. Then after turning the machine off, and on, it worked like a two-bob watch. Speaking of tech on the cheap, how is the guy who hacked Elon Musk’s Starlink with just a $ 25 device? Imagine if he could have afforded a $100 device! Clearly this high-tech society will face a major hacking disaster at some point, done by the nerd version of those who do school shootings. If the internet went down, we all would be in deep trouble today.

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FBI Misconduct By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Conservatives are at long last calling out the FBI as a rogue organisation, pursuing a Democrat political agenda. This has come to a head with the illegal raid upon the Mar-a-Largo home of former President Donald Trump, but this was only the latest event in a longer chain of mischief. For those needing convincing, the following material gives more details of the dirt that the FBI has been wallowing in, like the proverbial pigs, pun not intended.

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Global Covid Summit Physicians Declaration By James Reed

17,000 physicians and medical scientists declare that the state of medical emergency must be lifted, scientific integrity restored, and crimes against humanity addressed. Here is their open letter. Things are slowly turning.


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The Covid Origin Debate Continues By Brian Simpson

Some elites who once did not support the lab leak hypothesis on the origin of Covid now seem to have jumped ship and come over. Others are coming out and arguing for something which was once taboo, as President Donald Trump has proposed it. A recent take on this issue has been given by Neil Harrison and economist Jeffrey Sachs, but they are at pains to say that if SARS-CoV-2 did come from a lab, it was an accident. But, that is the unargued weak point in their paper. Why believe that? It makes more sense, and explains more of China’s covering up operations to see it as a deliberate release. And, if so,  they got away with it.

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Reinfections Due to the Vax By Brian Simpson

Our favourite Russian, Igor Chudov, makes the case which has now been made by many Covid critics, including Dr Robert Malone, that the vaccines are now causing reinfections. Rather, there is a weakening of the immune system, and a waning of the vaccine, assuming that it even worked in the first place, so that it is now a pandemic of the vaccinated. That perhaps explains why the US CDC has recently dropped its previous Covid narrative, which it once held with religious fervour.

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A Nation in an Advanced State of Decay By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Mark Steyn gives his view on the decay of American intuitions, prompted by the fall of the rule of law in the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Largo mansion. He notes that this trend has been going on for some time, and was only slightly delayed by the Trump presidency. It is likely to continue now the Democrats have got electoral fraud perfected. It is not clear what the answer is, and it looks like the fall of Rome repeated once more.

“When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing – When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors – When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you – When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice – You may know that your society is doomed.” Ayn Rand,  Atlas Shrugged

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Lessons from the Rabies Vaccine for Animals By Brian Simpson

An investigation has been launched into the NOBIVAC rabies vaccine for animals by Israel’s Minister of Agriculture after an adverse events report was higher than usual, of ten adverse events out of 100,000 vaccinations. No animal deaths occurred, but there was fever and local pain to allergy and shock symptoms. Compared to the human case of the mRNA vaxxes, it seems that the animals are being treated far better than the test subjects of the grand experiment on the human race.

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The Vaccine Depopulation Agenda By Brian Simpson

Here is more coverage on the issue examined yesterday, about how many people are actually dying from the Covid vaxxes. There has been observed a massive rise in the excess deaths in most jurisdictions, and this has not been accounted for by any common cause, and has occurred consistent with the Covid vaccine rollout. Correlation in itself does not prove causation, but suggests it, given further investigation. “In every single month since the beginning of 2022, partly vaccinated and double vaccinated 18-39-year-olds have been more likely to die than unvaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds,” reports Exposé News.

“Triple vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds however have had a mortality rate that has worsened by the month following the mass booster campaign that occurred in the UK in December 2021.”

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