Chinese Warships Get Lonely Too, and Like to Follow Other Ships! By James Reed

If this was not so deadly, one could imagine a children’s cartoon being made of it, as lonely warships follow each other. But this is communist China in the real world, and that means using military might for intimidation. The Minister for Defence, and Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles, did not elaborate on the report that HMAS Parramatta was shadowed by a Type 052C “Luyang II” guided-missile destroyer and a Type 093-A “Shang II” nuclear-powered attack submarine, in international waters on its way to perform military exercises with the Japanese navy. Pretty obviously the message here was we could sink your totally dated war ship any time we like. And, it is probably true, too.

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Harassing the Justices: Not Free Speech By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A Harvard Law School instructor has tweeted that the conservative Supreme Court Justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 ruling that legalized abortion on demand in the U.S. “should never know peace again. “It is our civic duty to accost them every time they are in public. They are pariahs. Since women don't have their rights, these justices should never have a peaceful moment in public again.” This story, ironically broke at the same time that socialist Democrat AOC, was complaining about harassment as a comedian had trolled her on the steps of the Capitol Building, saying in jest that she was sexy and had a big “booty” even though she supports abortion. So, why isn’t the recommendation to accost the conservative justices in public, not intimidation and harassment? Well, it is, and recommending it is incitement to harassment.

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Elon Musk, the Kiss of Death By Brian Simpson

Elon Musk, who has just had his 10th child born, is attempting to wiggle out of the proposed Twitter sale, on the grounds of undisclosed bots everywhere, something one would have thought would have been checked out in the early stages, but it is probably 4 D chess, maybe to lower the share price of twitter and get a better deal, I don’t know. But I do know that there is a pattern with Elon. He embraced Bitcoin, then said that it was no good, leading to a fall. Elon seemed to support Trump, but then said that Trump needs to go. Trump called him out as a bs artist. Indeed, the finest there is in the corporate rest room!

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Good News! Good News! A Defeat for Macron By Richard Miller (London)

While there is a lot of bad news out there today that wee need to confront, let us start the ball rolling with some good news. We all know that France’s President Emmanuel Macron's ruling party lost its majority in elections last month. Now the true worth of having an independent voice in  parliament is being shown. The French National Assembly rejected Macron’s  proposal  to give the government powers to demand travellers show proof of vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test when entering France, a covid passport.


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The End of Cars, for Us, Anyway By James Reed

The pieces of the grand gothic picture of evil need to be put together so we can see the full agenda. As noted by Dr Mercola, the Green agenda is being used to shutdown conventional agricultural resources so that insect protein is put before the Populus, with only the rich being able to eat  normal meats. The fuel and energy crisis, also artificially produced by the globalist elites, serves the same purpose, to deprive the ordinary people of the use of cars, unless they can somehow afford, at a time when most of us can barely make it from week to week, an electric car. It has never been shown how the energy grid will cope with everyone, hypothetically, having an electric car, and with sky rocketing electric prices, it is clear that the ordinary person will have to take public transport or walk. Yet, cities have been built around the car, and doing activities such as shopping will become extremely difficult and time consuming. But, as outlined by Daniel Greenfield, that is the grand plan. For ordinary  people, as part of the Great Cancellation, the final act of the globalist tragicomedy, is the end of cars.

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Tennis Giant Denies the Vax! By James Reed

With the Covid vax cult being the dominant religion of the present Leftist regimes, and but one plank of the Great Reset New World Order, it is amazing to see a celebrity stand up to this tyranny. World number one tennis great,  Novak Djokovic, has said: “I’m not vaccinated and I’m not planning to get vaccinated,” Djokovic said at the Wimbledon Championship, “so the only good news I can have is them removing the mandate green vaccine card — or whatever you call it to enter the United States — or exemption.” Australia’s Covid elite were shown up by Djokovic, to be jokes really. Now the US is showing its absurdity worrying about a low-risk individual like Djokovic, while trillions of illegals, future Democrat voters in the great socialist welfare state, pour through an open southern border. The US fights to protect the Ukraine’s border, so to speak, to the tune of untold billions, but leaves its own back gate open, deliberate of course, since the potential voters coming in will help ensure ongoing Democrat dictatorship. If this is not a grand conspiracy, I will eat a dozen syringes of Covid vax goo, so long as sugar can be put on top!

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Dr Mercola’s Guide to Prepping By John Steele

While one could spend a lot of money shopping on-line for prepping books, there are some good introductory sources, such as those offered for free by Mike Adams at Natural and his associated news blogs. Dr Mercola has also addressed this personal prepping issue, and it is something that we hope you all deal with, since we have seen what happens with the lockdowns, and indications are things will get worse, either through a new round of lockdowns, and/or resource shortages. But, no need to panic, simply start stockpiling extra items at each shop. This is probably the only way to go now for most of us, with inflation eating away at our meagre financial resources.


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The War on Farmers and Attack Upon Food Resources By Richard Miller (London)

The present situation in the Netherlands, perhaps more important to European food resources than even the Ukraine, needs to be seen in the context of what is as multi-faced attack upon food resources, under in the guise of saving the environment, something which has to be done as a matter of life or death. The Netherlands, for example, intends to halve its nitrogen and ammonia pollution by 2030, which will require reducing the number of livestock by 30 percent, and perhaps more. Many farmers will be driven out of business, their farms bought up by members of the Great Reset, globalist super-capitalists, as we are seeing Bill Gates do in the US with his congoing acquisition of masses of prime farm land. You can be sure he is not engaging in such buy ups to produce cheap food for the poor and homeless of America. Indeed, these elites are heavily investing in artificial meat, lab produced pseudo-food, and it is clear that people will only eat this mess, or even worse, insect protein, if meat is scarce. That is the agenda, as I see it behind this. Thus, it is no coincidence that food processing plants are being burnt down across the US and Europe.

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The Racist, Sexist Constitution By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is fair to say, that for countries with a written constitution, including both Australia and the US, most people love it, or at least respect it. That is, those who are not on the Left. For the Left, as seen with the radical wings various indigenous movements, the constitution represents genocide, since the settlers are defined as conquerors, and hence all that they have by way of symbols and culture must be deconstructed by the Leftist rainbow knights. Hence, the Left/diverse attacks upon both the 4th of July and Australia Day, and the drive to change the Australian constitution to give an “Aboriginal voice,” actually to soon become a third chamber of parliament, championed by the Left and multicults, who see this as increasing their power. It is unlikely anything will be done to improve the plight of outback indigenous people, while the urban white elites prosper. This all needs to be seen as part of the ongoing cultural war, which has taken a backstep during the Covid plandemic, but it still grows like all cultural pandemics.

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Big Agri Toxins, Even in Human Urine! By Mrs Vera West

It is like DDT before it, as Monsanto’s glyphosate has come to  be sprayed as much, due trod the fact that it complements the genetically modified crops that can survive glyphosate, while the weeds die. Consequently so much of this chemical has penetrated the food supply, and thus into humans, that according to one study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention program, this weedkiller, linked to cancer has been found in 80 percent of the urine samples of children and adults. Glyphosate is an active chemical in the weedkiller, Bayer’s Roundup, widely used in agriculture, including home gardens. “Bayer was subjected to pay $10.9 billion in 2020 to settle thousands of US lawsuits claiming Roundup causes cancer. At the time, Bayer had come to terms with about 75 percent of the 125,000 filed and unfiled claims. Under the agreement, the company agreed to pay $8.8 billion to $9.6 billion to resolve the litigation, including an allowance to cover unresolved claims. Bayer’s further agreed to pay $1.25 billion for future litigation.”

It makes one concerned, especially for children, how much toxic chemicals they are going to absorb over their lifetimes, however long that may be.

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There were More Freedoms During the Black Death in Europe than During the Covid Freak Out By Brian Simpson

Adam Van Buskirk, “Collapse Won’t Reset Society,” argues with two examples, the Black Death in Europe and the collapse of Nazi Germany, that social collapse is not as devastating as collapse theorists think. My point here is not to argue against that, which I think is dead wrong, and that his examples are simply not cases of the sort of collapse seen in say the fall of ancient Rome and Easter Island. Rather, what is interesting is that Van Buskirk shows that during the time of the Black Death English society did not lockdown, courts still operated, with some closures, and universities remained open. And the Black Death was, unlike Covid, a real plague. There was obviously no Great Reset agenda operating then!

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Countdown to Nuclear War By James Reed

What does one make of the recent public service announcement from New York, that offers advice on what to do in the event of a nuclear strike? The video by a trendy young lady says to basically take shelter, keep away from windows and wait for the authorities to come save you. Mike Adams takes this apart, which is not hard to do, since all the structure for support appealed to in the video may have been nuked. What is odd is that the authorities put out this modern day “duck and cover” video, so they are expecting it. But, it won’t do any good.

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The Camp of the Saints Great Replacement the Best Part of Wars for the Elites By Richard Miller (London)

Since World War II, one of the inevitable consequences of war, is the creation of millions of refugees, who always pour into once Euro-white countries. The present food and resource crises are set to generate perhaps the largest refugee exodus of all time, with at least 20 million Africans wanting to flee to Europe, primarily Western Europe, where the social welfare is good and thick. Who can blame them, if starvation is the result of not doing so. A survey of 15 African countries has revealed that over half of those questioned wanted to leave Africa for Europe. Given Europe’s weakness at resisting mass immigration, the scene is set for the collapse of the social welfare systems, and maybe even the sacred health care system, which was during the on-going Covid plandemic, protected at all costs. It is something the elites wanted as part of their drive to collapse existing societies, and rebuild them for the Great Reset.


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A Research Bibliography Site on Covid Vax Adverse Effects By Brian Simpson

For those readers with a scientific and/or medical background, who may want more detailed material than news summaries, the site React19.orfg has 1,250 peer reviewed papers on all aspects of Covid adverse effects. Here is vbut a sample of the more medically exotic, dealing with just neurological disorders, which is less discussed in the popular literature:

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The Myth of Masks By Mrs Vera West

There are indications from some jurisdictions that the mask mandates may be coming back, if the new Omicron Covid variants get more widespread, New Zealand being one example, as was covered at the blog previously. But, there have been numerous studies questioning the effectiveness of masks, and where in fact, masks may act to concentrate the virus, and lead to more infection, since most people do not change those blue surgical masks frequently, and often touch and contaminate them. But, beyond that, we already have a fine air filtration system, which fits into the innate immune system.  As stated below, we have already, “nostrils, nasal hair, a vortex-creating topography, tonsils and a mucus to trap and to process most of the infectious material thrown at it.” This alone, while not 100 percent perfect, combined with common sense can minimise the risks of respiratory viral infection. Masks need to be kept for the theatre. As was said in the Two Towers film of The Lord of the Rings, we need, like King Theoden, freed by Gandalf, to “breathe the free air.”


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Changing the Vaccine Definitions for Big Pharma By Brian Simpson

It happened without any objection from mainstream doctors, but it was necessary to change the traditional definition of “vaccine, and “vaccinated” to fit the mRNA vaxxes. Thus, in the past, the CDC defined a vaccine as “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.” But, the CDC soon changed the definition to “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.” So, it was almost as if there was a cover for what we have seen, where there is an open admission even by those such a Covid king Dr Fauci, that the vaxxes do not act well to stop transmission, which is what should have happened in traditional vaccines. Talk about slippery.

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Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic: World War III is On! By James Reed

Some prominent members of the political class have already claimed that world War III has started. Here is the first, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. The second one is from the US, former congresswoman and 2020 presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard. Both agree that a proxy war is already being fought, using the Ukraine, and that at any second this could escalate. Russian mouth pieces have been giving chilling warnings that the West is moving towards warranting a nuclear exchange, which is possible since Russia does not accept the Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) doctrine, but maintains, like communist China, that as limited nuclear war is winnable.

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How the Elections Will be Stolen with Covid, Forever By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The idea is now circulating among US conservatives that the coming midterm elections will be stolen, just as the 2020 election was. Surely this is a no-brainer, as with Biden’s popularity now in the trash can, the Democrats are panicking just like they did with the prospect of a second term of Trump way back in 2020. One of the key mechanisms for this was mail-in voting, an open invitation for fraud, and this would occur through the Covid mandates coming back, especially nation-wide lockdowns. This is quite possible, with indications from other jurisdictions, such as New Zealand on the cusp of lockdowns. The population has already been well-conditioned to accepting lockdowns. But, it is possible that having subjected themselves to the vax, over and over again, people may be fed up being treated like battery hens. We will see.

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Falling, Just Like Rome By James Reed

Spencer Klavan has written a piece examining whether the present crisis of the US is parallel to the fall of ancient Rome, something that many internet commentators have supported, albeit briefly without the necessary historical argument and detail. In a nutshell: “[Both] republics have their own vulnerabilities, one of which is despotic ambition among the rich and powerful. As Machiavelli observed, the “corrupt and insolent behavior” of those “undertaking to retain power” can be fatal to a republic’s legitimacy. When state authority becomes a mere pretext for class hierarchy, as the Gracchi suggested it had in Rome, the system starts to look like a sham. Some would argue that this is exactly our situation. The ideological capture of major corporations and media outlets, the relentless exportation of American jobs and importation of foreign labor, the pretextual use of Covid-19 to transform election procedures, leaving them highly vulnerable to fraud — all these trends, and others besides, indicate that our elites are making a bid for oligarchic control.”

This is indeed exactly what we have seen through the Covid plandemic, which the elites see as a necessary part of the Great Reset. Ancient Rome has nothing on the level of corruption seen today, so is seems that on he present course, collapse will be inevitable.

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Deaths and Injuries Galore in Latest Pfizer Dump By Chris Knight (Florida)

The July dump, and that is the right word, of the latest Pfizer Covid vax documents by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has revealed another three more deaths from the initial vaccine trials. Incredibly Pfizer brushed these deaths under the carpet, stating that the injuries were not related to the vaccine. Proof? None is given, at least in any detail to satisfy critics. The report from Children’s Health, goes through each of these cases in detail below. What I find alarming is that even if the dead were said to be vaccine-related, the probable response that this was part of an acceptable risk, since you can’t make vaccine omelettes, without breaking some eggs.


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