Speech by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on the Survival of the West By Richard Miller (London)

The following is the text of the speech that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán delivered at the 31st Bálványos Summer Free University and Student Camp in Tusványos (Băile Tuşnad in Romanian), Transylvania, Romania on July 23, 2022. Orbán is one of the few leaders deeply concerned about the Great Replacement and the survival of Euro-whites, and the globalists like Soros, hate him.


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People for Safe Vaccines on Covid Errors and Inaccuracies By Brian Simpson

Nothing particularly new for those who follow the Covid vax debates daily, but sometimes a good summary document is very useful to pass onto those who are just awakening. People for Safe Vaccines have done a great job summarising the best arguments about the twists and turns of errors and inaccuracies in the establishment’s Covid narrative.


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Three Little Pigs and the Wolf on the Road By John Steele

Master Ken, who does hilarious satires of martial arts on YouTube does his version of the three little pigs and the wolf story. I won’t spoil it, but it does have a very happy ending for gun supporters. Who does not love a good heart-warming story with the smell of cordite in the air?


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Ireland’s Contribution to World Famine By Richard Miller (London)

The Great Famine of Ireland, 1845-1849, occurred due to a fungus-like organism called Phytophthora infestans (or P. infestans) throughout Ireland, the infestation ruining up to one-half of the potato crop. The Irish has put too much faith in mono-cropping, and this is what can happen when all of one’s potatoes are in one basket. Tragically, around one million people died, and over one million migrated. Thus, one would have hoped that the Irish above all people would be highly sensitive to any policies which threatened food resources.

But not so.  Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture, Charlie McConalogue, has already agreed to force a cut of either 27 or 28 per cent on the country’s farming sector, with pressure for cuts of up to 30 percent. It will devastate Ireland’s farming sector, as will be done in Canada and the Netherlands. It is all part of the unfolding plan of global famine to produce a global wide Great Hunger to dwarf the events of 1845-1849.

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Lockdowns Weakened Aussie Immunity: Mainstream Media Claim! By Brian Simpson

Surprise, surprise, something the Covid heretics have been saying, that lockdowns would weaken immunity, is now to be found in the mainstream media. A slab of text is quoted to give fair context, but here is what I zeroed in on: “But the brutal 'Zero Covid' policy — which it only ditched nearly two years into the pandemic — is thought to have left its population with subpar immunity.

Around 95 per cent of Australians have been double-vaccinated and 70 per cent boosted, but barely anyone had been exposed to the virus until this year.

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Look What They are Doing Now with Covid QR Codes! By James Reed

We all said that the QR codes would prove irresistible for the elites not to use and abuse. And, here we go. It appears that collapsed, or collapsing society, Sri Lanka is rationing fuel, using the Covid-19 QR codes. Well, one might say, they have to do something, the place is after all, a mess. Sure, but the precedence is set, and you can be sure that when the Covid freak-out is rolled back, we will see new and highly innovative uses made of the QR codes. With Covid cases exploding in Australia, all I can say is … get ready folks, physically, mentally and spiritually, as it is not over by a long shot/jab.


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China Goes for the Tanks to Protect Banks from Unarmed Customers! By James Reed

Communist China is almost a parody of an over-the-top totalitarian regime. At present multitudes of Chinese people are wanting to get their cash out of banks, on the verge of collapse. But the CCP will have none of that. Instead of using armed policemen, it sends out the hounds, no, not even that, they use tanks against unarmed people, which is their calling card; the CCP really has a thing for tanks. Imagine how friendly they will be in World War III. But even given such strong-armed measures, there is still a fair chance of China’s collapse.


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Almost One-in-Three Americans Believe Soon Necessary to Take Up Arms Against the Government By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is a clear and present sign of social disintegration, as according to a new poll from the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics, a majority of Americans have lost faith in the government, and see it as corrupt; two-thirds of Republicans and independents believe the government is “corrupt and rigged against everyday people like me,” compared to 51 percent of liberal voters. Almost a third say it may soon be necessary to take up arms against it. If these numbers continue to grow, civil war will become inevitable. It would come at a bad time, with World War III set to break out, but, it is, what it is.


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Dad’s Army: The Australian Military “Invade” Retirement Homes By James Reed

I suppose there is not much point training to defend the country in the coming World War III. Hence the military should muscle its energies on the home front where it is sorely needed, in retirement homes. Think of an update of the classic TV show Dad’s Army. No problem now emptying bed pans, if need be, as there is now plenty of muscle. Well, I am pleased for us oldies to get a strong arm.


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Pat Buchanan on the Gathering War Clouds By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Former US presidential candidate Pat Buchanan is always good measure on the present geo-political conflicts. Like us, he sees war between the US and China as a question of when, not if. China is getting powerful enough to throw its weight around, much like a school yard bully, while the US is in terminal decline, so given that conflict is inevitable, better sooner than later, so there is at least a chance before the dragon becomes unstoppable. There is nothing better for a bully than a good old-fashioned punch in the nose. But the problem is the nukes. Blame the globalists, it should never have got to this point, as Buchanan touches on.


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Hungary PM Viktor Orban Rejects Euro-Miscegenation By Richard Miller (London)

Whoa! And whoa again! Opposing one of the original ideologies of the post-World War II Older world order, Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban has said “We [Hungarians] are not a mixed race… and we do not want to become a mixed race.” Naturally this was like waving a red cloth, or is it white (?) in front of a bull, and the Leftist chattering class went for him, big time. But really, if he was in China, no-one would have batted an eye lid, so to speak. But, such is the cult of diversity in the West. Presumably it is racist for Euro-whites to want self-preservation, and to exist. If so, let all of the biodiversity on the planet perish; why bother?


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US Medicine Goes Woke, as We Go Broke By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Like many people, I have lost what little faith I have had in the medical profession, right down from the institution to the local GP. At the top end of the system we have the Association of American Medical Colleges, releasing teaching standards that students to achieve “competencies” in “white privilege,” “anti-colonialism,” and “race as a social construct,” all from Critical Race Theory. And, like many, I think that these institutions and the medical   profession itself have blotted their copy book with their totalitarian endorsement of all that came with the Covid mandates. Thus, while endorsing Critical Race Theory, it is only the thin edge of a very thick wedge. What is needed now is the sort of deconstruction of medicine that was begun by people like Ivan Illich in Medical Nemesis (1974).


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On Keeling Over the Jab By Richard Miller (London)

Across the West, young and otherwise “healthy” presumably fully vaxxed up people have been collapsing, including sportspersons, journalists and TV folk, like Kate McCann, who collapsed in a recent tory leadership TV debate. The coverage of these events is suspicious, as the cause is never speculated about, nor is there follow up. You can bet your wisdom teeth, that it is the vax. We have not seen anything yet.


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On Eating Bugs: Our New World Order Meals! By James Reed

Marie Hawthorne over at the Organic Prepper.com, gives a good critique of the present push by the globalist elites for insect eating, to replace meat, all to “save the planet.” While we have covered the New World Order Great Reset agenda behind this, some interesting points are made about the possible health consequences of insect eating, since the little blighters like to wallow in filth, and collect all matter of parasites. The elites tell us that insect farms will be oh so clean, but expect the insect food to be mass produced in China, with the insects being fed sewerage! Clearly, we are being prepared for the Great Replacement, and insects are just our prison food! Execution via the vax and/or starvation via global famine to follow. Unless there is resistance!


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Novavax: What’s in This One? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Meryl Nass makes some observations about the contents of Novavax. Critics have focussed upon the mysterious sounding Matrix-M novel adjuvant, but there is the first issue about “1 mcg of insect (the fall armyworm) and baculovirus proteins and a bit of their DNA too.” I am not sure those scared of mRNA would find their fears stilled by armyworms, however friendly, not to forget the  baculovirus proteins.


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Crossing the Borders: If Only Australia Followed the Rest of the “Cool Countries” By James Reed

The following material has been circulating as an email, but I have not found the author, so my apologies. But I think he/her would want this message to get out, so we do our bit. All telling points about what a sucker Australia is re illegal aliens, called by the Left, “refugees.” Here is the message as I got it:

“The information below should be read by everyone, whether you agree to its contents, or not !!! 

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Electric Cars: Running on “Hot Air” By James Reed

To address the perennial problem of electric cars, of having small batteries and being short-range vehicles, manufactures have moved to producing large-battery, long-range vehicles. But, as detailed recently by The Wall Street Journal, this strategy falls a foul of the climate change ideology, failing to compensate for the emissions with respect to battery and manufacturing carbon emissions. But, it will not matter much, because it is all about making the lower-level elites, such as university professors who preach about climate change catastrophes, and the need for people to eat bugs, while enjoying high carbon-producing life styles, to feel morally superior, intellectual pigs wallowing in their own ideological night soil.


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Big Al Gore Wants to Gut Democracy for Climate Crisis, Blah, Blah By James Reed

Big Al Gore, and he is big compared to the man that lost to Bush in the 2000 presidential election, has said that “democracy is broken.” Conservatives have their own take on this, but that differs from Gore, who sees corporate interests acting against environmentalists, in the Left’s own conspiracy theory. As we see it, the higher-level elites are very much in favour of using the so-called climate crisis to their own use, and that is regardless of any merits in any arguments. It would not even matter if global cooling was occurring, for the Great Reset monster, global cooling would be the big crisis. Anything that can serve their malevolent purposes will do. In this respect, Gore is a mere sideline issue, not really in the main game now. Things have moved far beyond, An Inconvenient Truth (2006).


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What is a Woman? By Mrs Vera West

Matt Walsh has a film, called What is a Woman (2022)? It consists of him dead pan interviewing far Left gender agenda advocates where he asks the simple question: what is a woman? No-one gives a straight answer, because that is not what the deconstruction game is about; it is about destroying the concept, not clarifying it. It is amusing to watch how the woke wiggle under cross examination, which these critters do not get enough of. If you can’t find the movie, then watch Dr Steve give a great overview. Oh, and Joe Rogan gave a full-approving review.


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The Scam of Universities By James Reed

Chris Knight, former Aussie now living in Florida as one of our two Alor.org US correspondents, would know more about Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk than me. But, relevant to my concerns is Kirk’s new book, The College Scam (2022). It seems to be a well-rounded critique of the worthlessness of almost all university degrees, outside of professions like medicine. Even here, woke has invaded medicine and STEM, so probably all is hopeless with the universities. It is particularly relevant to US students with the heavy-duty fee structure. For individuals, the student debt and the amount of bs that young people need to put up with is not worth the effort Kirk argues. I have been making the same case here in Australia for at least a decade, the time Kirk has been working on his book.


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