The Environmental Hazard of Environmentalism By James Reed

Daniel Greenfield does tremendous work debunking the myths of the Left, especially environmentalism. At present the climate change agenda is in full swing, intensified now as it is being directed against key aspects of ordinary life, such as eating meat, and driving cars, and as well, most dangerously, a full-scale attack upon energy resources. This alone will undermine Western industrialism, what remains of it. The so-called replacement is renewable energy such as solar and wind, and electric cars, of course. However, there are enormous environmental costs associated with all aspects of the renewable energy fanaticism. For example, wind turbines take an enormous quantity of energy and resources such a steel to construct, do not last very long, and do not generate enough energy over their life time to even match their environmental costs. And, there is the major problem of disposal of the turbines and blades when their life ends. But, this Green illusion is being used to shut down Western industrialism, while China builds coal-fired power stations like there is no tomorrow.

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Victor Davis Hanson: The Left have Their Man in Biden By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While the establishment is getting nervous about Biden’s performance, Victor Davis Hanson makes the point that Biden has given the Left everything that they want, short of total communism. In particular, the Biden administration has declared war upon conservative white America, and opened the southern border to beef up Democrat voters, just in case electoral fraud is not enough. In particular the Biden administration has destroyed the economy through inflation, and that excites the left most of all, so long as they do not suffer, and can sit back in academic offices, funded by the state, and enjoy the collapse.

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Covid Vaxxes were Never Going to Protect Against Infection: Trump’s Advisor Deborah Birx By Chris Knight (Florida)

Now that the majority of people have been vaxxed, the elites are relaxing and letting out truths, gloating. Deborah Birx, the White House COVID-19 response coordinator under former President Donald Trump, said on Fox News, “I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines. And it made people then worry that it’s not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization.” But at the time she said: “This is one of the most highly-effective vaccines we have in our infectious disease arsenal. And so that’s why I’m very enthusiastic about the vaccine.” So, she lied, nothing new about that. But, Trump, who let all of this happen, has said nothing about these revelations. Well, as least he has gone quiet promoting the goo.


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More Proof of Total Government Corruption of the Rule of Law By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Allegations have been made by Republican representative Jim Jordan that the FBI, a highly politicised Left-wing organisation, is giving orders to officers for crimes to be reclassified as domestic terrorism, even when there is no or little evidence for this. It is all part of the Satanically evil Democrat plan to treat Trump voters, and all who oppose them, as enemies to be destroyed by the power of the state. Genocide, impure and simple. The time for the breakup of America is long over-due.

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Opposing Shooting Up Infants to Four years By Mrs Vera West

Vaccine critical groups in both Canada and Australia have openly opposed the vaccine roll out for young children. Here in Australia, good work has been done by the  Australian Vaccine-risks Network (AVN), who have sent an open letter to the secretary of Australia’s Department of Health and Aged Care, giving the case against the vax roll out. The main reasons are:

  1. “Children don’t need COVID-19 vaccination because they are at extremely low riskof COVID-19.
  2. In any case, the mRNA shots don’t work well.
  3. The potential harm from the mRNA shots outweighs the benefits for young children.”

All good points, but offering reasons to a fanatical cult will not work as we have seen. And, the problem is that this has not ended, for new pandemics will give as a repeat of al that we have experienced, probably ramped up many levels. It is the greatest battle of all time, the fight for being even human; a battle of Biblical proportions, for the soul of man.

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And Now (Drum Roll) … Cannibalism! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is the latest trendy nonsense from The New York Times, a highly favourable review of rubbish books dealing with human cannibalism. At first, I passed over this, but came back to the story as I remembered the punchline of the movie Soylent Green (1973), starring the great Charlton Heston. That movie zeroes in on an over-populated world, where the elites have tasty food like strawberry jam, but the ordinary people eat Soylent Green, which we find out late in the movie is re-processed people. With the Great Reset push to eliminate animal meat, expect cannibalism to put meat, back on the menu, boys!

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Abortionism: An anti-Christian World View By Mrs Vera West

Daniel Greenfield goes into detail about the philosophical foundation of the abortion ideology. It is not about women’s choice, for the issues go much deeper, being linked to Darwinist ideas of human nature and worth. Such a philosophy, seeing humans as nothing more than biological organisms, readily justifies abortion, since there is nothing divine about man, and hence nothing sacred about the foetus. Hence, from this material perspective, the idea of the sanctity of life is nonsense. As shown by Greenfield this view point, part also of Marxist ideology, is completely non-Christian. This explains why the American Leftists are targeting churches with urban terrorist tactics.

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Going Easy on Ghislaine Maxwell By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Just as I predicted, Epstein’s madame groomer for the paedophilic rapes, Ghislaine Maxwell will be moved to a luxurious prison, with lots of fun things. It probably arises as she has the dirt on the elites who visited the paedophilic  Island of Epstein. I expect that she was smarter and ensured that if she got murdered in jail like her lover boss, someone out there would feed names to the media. Anyway, given a few years, when everyone has forgotten about this, she will conveniently escape or “die,” and will head back to the people who set this operation up. For the elites, crime always does pay.


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mRNA Shots and Fertility Problems By Mrs Vera West

The Covid shots are being revealed as having major effects upon human reproduction, both male and female. Research has shown that the vaxxes lower sperm quantity. Effects upon females seems to be much greater with the spike proteins lodging in the ovaries more than any other organ. The jabs may also cross-react with syncytin and reproductive genes in sperm, ova and placenta. The endgame of this is likely to be a radical fall in reproductive capacity, as the depopulation agenda rolls on.  Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., director of toxicology and molecular biology for Toxicology Support Services LLC has said: “We could potentially be sterilizing an entire generation.” This explains the radical drops in populations across the West that has been observed in recent months. It is all happening very quickly, almost as quick as the drive to World War III.

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The Gun as an Instrument of Peace By John Steele

Here is an interesting TED video by Peter van Uhm is the Netherlands' chief of defence, who puts the case that the gun is an instrument of peace, as well as war, a tool that can be used for preserving social order, but also defending freedoms, because mere talk for the violent, can be little more than hot air. Sometimes, a lot more is needed, often involving kinetic energy.

GP Liability for Covid Adverse Events: In Due Course, Sue Them! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dan Gelernter at American raises one issue that Covid critics have skated over, the compliance of the village level GP with the whole Covid narrative. In general, the average GP is narrowly trained, and conditioned like a Pavlovian dog to be faithful to Big Pharma. From my experience, few have even entertained the idea raised by Dan Gelernter, discussed below, that they are dealing with an experimental technology, that had not had adequate testing.

 Various drugs that GPs have freely prescribed, such as Ranitidine, have been found to be unsafe. Ranitidine for treating GERDS, was found to have low-level N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) presence. N-Nitrosamines have been marked as human carcinogens, associated with cancers of stomach, esophagus, nasopharynx, and bladder. One would have thought that there would be more caution in promoting the vaxxes with a religious zealousness, and driving people away from getting medical attention with their vaccine security gateway. Doctors are compliant as much as Big Pharma, and deserved to be future litigation targets.

“I was all primed to take the vaccine when it first became available, and might well have gotten it—were it not for the very religious character of the pressure to do so. That made me suspicious. We were repeatedly assured (remember the early days!) that those who took the vaccine were completely invincible to COVID, so I figured that by not taking it I could harm only myself. But, mysteriously, this was not the case: The vaccine was, on the one hand, completely effective. On the other hand, I was posing a danger to the vaccinated by not getting it. No doctor was willing to explain the contradiction to me. 

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Dr Robert Malone on the Genetic Bioweapons Threat By Brian Simpson

Things have moved on a lot beyond the lab origin of covid-19 debate, although, as covered in an article below, that issue is still debated. The hot topic now is about genetic and ethnic bioweapons that can target specific individuals and races. There is some thought that communist China is ahead of the curve, one begun in South Africa, to develop such weapons. There were many articles published a the site in the past arguing that there were racial and ethnic differences in susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2.  Dr Robert Malone gives as comprehensive summary of the present issue. It seems that claims that one’s DNA can be taken and a bioweapon then be designed to kill one is true, a theme dealt with in the last James bond movie, No Time to Die (2021). Thus, giving up DNA data to organisations tracing genealogy could lead to “a time to die.” Brought to you from those who gave us Covid.


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Former CDC Director Criticises Fauci’s Natural Origin of Covid Stance By Chris Knight (Florida)

As hard as it is to believe, there was some degree of free-thinking at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under Trump’s man Director Robert Redfield, who was replaced after Trump’s presidency was stolen. Redfield has recently rejected White House adviser Anthony Fauci’s claims that it is most likely that SARS-CoV-2 had a natural origin. “There’s very little evidence, if you really want to be critical, to support” the natural emergence theory, he said. Other viruses such as Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), were far less infectious than Covid-19. “So, it’s really exceptional that this virus is one of the most infectious viruses for man. And I still argue that’s because it was educated how to infect human tissue.” Of course, the issue then is where one goes with this, who made it, and for what purpose.


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CDC’s Flawed Data By Abigail Knight (Florida)

Children’s Health Defense has given an excellent summary of the flawed data that the US the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) used  from a flawed preprint study that exaggerated the risk of death for children from Covid-19. The errors were glaring, most notably that the UK  study, first published May 25 on the medRxiv preprint server, claimed that Covid-19 was a leading cause of death in US children. But, it is not. The CDC’s own data shows that Covid was only the eighth cause of death of children, hardly the threat that it was made out to roll out the vaxxes for children. For example, for children under age 1, Covid-19 ranks ninth, behind influenza and pneumonia, heart disease and homicide, and  accidents are almost 25 times more likely to kill an infant than Covid-19. The endless drive for profits for big Pharma, continues, unabated.

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Technocratic Tyranny: Against Expert Rule By James Reed

David Runciman published in 2018, How Democracy Ends, which The, has given a lengthy extract, so this is another book I do not have to read, even if I could afford to get books, but at present I am struggling to pay my power bill. Anyway, the wheels may have fallen of the chariot of democracy, as seen most clearly in the Great Divides in most of the West, but clearest in America, where the Biden regime is engaging in the Great replacement of white Americans. The open border is about replacing “we, the people,” the antithesis of democracy.


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Lawyers Say the Darndest, Postmodern, Deconstructive Things! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I have been around lawyers long enough to know that they will say … anything … much worse than even philosophers, who nobody takes any notice of any way. Thus, in the on-going defamation case made by Project Veritas against The New York Times, the defendant lawyers for the paper have argued that words such as “deceptive” and “verifiable” do not have a precise meaning! It seems to be drawing on postmodernist trends in law here, or maybe there is nothing sophisticated, just pulling any old argument out of thin air, or hot smelly air. Talk about “post truth,” literally.

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Are the Unvaccinated “Lead Victims” of Covid Now? By Brian Simpson

According to Michael Read, “Unvaccinated and elderly Lead Victims,” Australian Financial Review, July 23-24, 2022, p. 8, the unvaxxed and elderly are fuelling the present covid crisis, and when is there not a “crisis”? There have been 324,000 new Covid infections and 450 deaths over the seven days previous to the articles’ publication date. One could argue with the number of infections, raising well-known questions about the PCR and RAT tests, but I pass over it.


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Political Correctness and the Insects By Chris Knight (Florida)

One can see plenty of videos on YouTube with nasty Asian murder hornets in action killing European bees, perhaps nature’s warning. Still, the term “Asian” refers to the place of origin. But the woke Entomological Society of America has announced the new official name will be the “Northern giant hornet.” It is “racist’ to add the word “Asian,” as that might be taken as some sort of criticism of a non-white people, which is the ultimate sin. People as still going to call these insects what hey have been,  regardless, and I call them things that can’t be printed here. Stings are incredibly painful. The story shows how woke is creeping into science, but we saw that with the Wuhan flu, and previously the Spanish flu, which also arose in China. The Chinese would not be doing this if the roles were reversed.


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Attack of the Mysterious Killer Covid Clots! Roll out the Horror Movie Movie By Brian Simpson

This is well worth looking at, especially the video below where Mike Adams and Dr Jane Ruby, discuss the internal structure of the mysterious clots that US embalmers are finding. As I understand it, there is speculation that the material has some sort of nanowire structure. What exactly is going on here, if this is correct, is at present a mystery, but I see no reason why these people would lie or exaggerate. It takes on a science fiction “invasion of the body snatchers” scenario. If true, it would definitely indicate that some genocidal program is under way. At present I reserve my judgment until more is known.

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The Environmental Hazards Behind Electric Vehicles By James Reed

The Great Reset agenda, based in part upon the climate change crisis scam, offers electric cars as the grand answer to personal transportation. Such cars are said to be fully environmentally friendly. That is until one looks more closely at how these monstrosities are produced. The element lithium is extracted from salar brines; it is essential for batteries.   According to the Institute for Energy Research (IER), it takes approximately 500,000 gallons of water to extract one metric ton of lithium from salar brines. This in itself endangers environments which already face water shortages, and the mining process itself, has vast pollution. All of these inconvenient truths are ignored by the climate change fanatics.


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