The Dangers of the Covid Vaxxes to Pregnant Women By Mrs Vera West

Marc Girardot puts the case, something being made more frequently, that the Covid vaccines can be dangerous to pregnant women, babies and a threat to human reproduction. The material below is his hypothesis of how this would operate as a general theory. In summary, the idea is that injected vaccine material, whether mRNA or otherwise, will not stay at the deltoid muscle injection site, as has been shown by the early biodistribution studiers done by Pfizer, and demanded by the Japanese government.  Circulating biomaterial will disrupt the local endothelial ecosystem. Repair may not be possible and if as is occurring frequently, damage occurs in the heart, this will be to the aorta or the large arteries, leading to endothelial wall destruction, coagulation, progressive destruction of smooth muscle cells, subsequent arterial rupture, haemorrhage, as well as blood clots. The same sort of destructive process could operate in the reproductive system as well.

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BMJ: Covid-19 Vaccine Trials Cannot Tell Us if They Will Save Lives By Richard Miller (London)

Take it from The British Medical Journal, one of Britain’s leading general medical journals.None of the current trials are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospitalisations, intensive care use, or deaths.” This is according to the associate editor of that journal Professor Peter Doshi co-author of an article on the subject. “None of the trials currently underway are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospitalisations, intensive care use, or deaths. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus,” he wrote. “Hospitalisations and deaths from covid-19 are simply too uncommon in the population being studied for an effective vaccine to demonstrate statistically significant differences in a trial of 30,000 people,” he adds. “The same is true regarding whether it can save lives or prevent transmission: the trials are not designed to find out.” 

This is revealing coming from a mainstream source and certainly undermines the established narrative.

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The Police and the Raped Rotherham Children By Richard Miller (London)

Proof that the police do not serve and protect us, the “little people,” including, literal little people, children, comes from the Rotherham travesty where police knowingly allowed gangs of migrants to groom and rape children, turning a blind eye because of fear of “racism,” or so they say. Although officers were found by official investigations to have failed in their duty, apparently none have been sacked. It sounds a bit conspiratorial to me.

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The End of Japan By James Reed

Many of us lament about the decline of the white race, the dispossessed majority, with declining birth rates and the destruction of tradition. But, this is not merely a problem for whites, for exactly the same threat faces places like Japan, even though migration is not yet acting as a social weapon of mass destruction. Perhaps there is no need,  for the young Japanese are rejecting marriage, with 25.4 percent of women in their 30s and 26.5 percent of men in the same age group saying they do not want to get married. Slightly more than 19 percent of men in their 20s and 14 percent of women also no plans to wed. The current fertility rate for Japan in 2022 is 1.368 births per woman, which if unchanged will lead to extinction. Of course, as in the West, the elites will enforce mass migration to keep the system afloat a bit longer, but in the end, collapse is inevitable so long as the Liberal left feminist world view is accepted.


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Guns in Nigeria By John Steele

The classic gun control argument is that civilian do not need a gun for self-defence, since the police are there to protect one. No jurisdiction in Australia accepts self defence as a legitimate reason for owning a gun, which is contrary to most thinking across the world. The police have no legal right to protect one, and as the recent Uvalde Texas Robb Elementary School shooting showed, may be too scared to act anyway. So much for the police protection argument. This is recognised in places like Brazil and now Nigeria, where the level of violence and social disintegration has got so bad that the police cannot cope and it is every man for himself, so getting a gun for self-protection becomes recognised. So much then for the classical anti-gun argument; presumably in this situation of anarchy, the ordinary person is supposed to be prey, according to the Left.

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A Majority of Covid Deaths in NSW Among the Triple Vaxxed By Brian Simpson

Trial Site puts a strong case that even though Australia now has over 95 percent of people Covid vaccinated, Covid-19 fatalities in the first 14 weeks of 2022 were double that of 2020 and 2021 combined. With the in B.4 and B.5 Omicron subvariants the death toll continues to rise, regardless of the vax. I suppose the argument would be made that without the vax those dying may have died sooner, or had a more painful death, so be thankful, sheep!

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The Revenge of the Socialists By Charles Taylor (Florida)

With Roe v. Wade being overturned by SCOTUS, the world is being given a look at the mind and actions of socialists and the Left. The narrative is that abortion is now illegal, that women’s rights have been denied, but in reality, the constitutional right to abortion has gone, and the power to decide goes back to the states. Nothing prevents blue states from keeping their pro-abortion laws. But the Left demands that all must conform to them or be destroyed. Thus, acts of revenge against the Supreme Court justices, even after the decision, which serves no political point but can only be revenge. These are a nasty bunch of people, and really conservatives have lived with them in an abusive relationship for far too along. Time for the Great Divorce of secession, the breakup of nations. Let these urban creatures learn the art of feeding themselves.

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The US Covid Vax Death and Adverse Effects Toll By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Covid establishment has vastly over-played the number of Covid-19 cases, especially before the vax rollout, to get a panicked population taking the jab, again and again … However, the numbers of Covid dead and injured has been vastly under-reported. VAERS might have an under-reporting factor of 41 to 100. To get a better idea of the Covid vax harms, Covid critic Steve Kirsch came up with the idea of doing his own survey. The results are stunning, with at least five million fully vaccinated Americans unable to work due to debilitation from the vaxxes, and 750,00 dead. It is likely that similar numbers, relative to the respective population sizes of various countries also holds. It is a heavy toll. That makes the claim that the vaxxes are safe, highly suspect to say the least.

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Entrapment by the January 6 Electronic Surveillance Unit By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While the January 6 committee of crazy Leftists are doing all that they can to try and pin something, anything, on Donald Trump so that he cannot run as president in 2024, they are not paying attention to the other crime, committed by the Deep State. As covered by The Epoch, “plainclothes” members of a special Electronic Surveillance Unit (ESU) were embedded among January 6, 2021 crowd, not merely for surveillance, which itself is arguably illegal, but for the purposes of entrapment, to egg on protester’s into entering the Capitol Building. As there was at the time no crime that had been committed, the Deep State agents were thus one of the primary causes of the peaceful storming of the Capitol anthill, and should be prosecuted first. But, as we have seen, Deep State agents were able to kill protesters on the day, without being punished. And, the January 6 kangaroo court never looked at the torture and denial of human rights that lockup protesters faced, and still face. Leftists are tyrannical and vicious.

At some point, there must be justice in accordance with the rule of law, not the present rule of the lawless!

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The January 6 Great Trump Lunging Hoax! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Even some segments of the mainstream media admit that the January 6 kangaroo court makes other kangaroo courts look tame. Even kangaroos are appalled. For example, see the comments by Megyn Kelly below, no friend of Trump, who compares them to undergrad law students, not a pretty thought. Basically, the Jan 6 committee listens to hearsay “evidence” from people like Cassidy Hutchinson, who was not an eye witness, not being with Trump at the time, but still claims Trump lunged at the steering wheel of the presidential car, desperate to get to his people to lead an insurrection. The idea of these crazed Leftoids is to prevent Trump from running in 2024, obviously enough. Yet the testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson was totally discredited when a head secret service agent said that the story was false, and he would say so under oath. Even a moment’s thought would indicate that a basic fat boy like Trump would be too soft and weak to get very far trying to grab a steering wheel, and if he did, what good would it do, since someone else is driving? And, he is in the back seat too, making the story more bs.

Clearly Trump needs to get busy and start suing these people, as far as that is possible. If the Republicans take office in the mid-terms, then it will be time to seek perjury charges against those now lying under oath. There should be impeachments, a plenty!

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The Migrant Gangs of Sweden, the Richness … the Diversity … By Richard Miller (London)

To be a moral super power Sweden decided to undertake a mass migration program. The results? Well, excitement, diversity and all that. Oh, there are also migrant urban crime gangs, often fighting with AK 47s in a highly gun regulated jurisdiction, and some use hand grenades. Why, there is even a Wikipedia page on this, cited below, so one can bet that this is just the tip of the bayonet:

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Covid and San Francisco By Chris Knight (Florida)

Like most cities in the West now, San Francisco has a highly Covid vaxxed population, over 90 percent. It has stopped counting Covid cases with the introduction of the appropriately named RAT test. Now, the city has a reputation for sewerage in the streets from masses of homeless people. And there is monitoring of the city’s sewerage too. It has been estimated from an analysis of viral RNA in wastewater, that there are   3,091 Covid cases per day instead of the reported 500 cases by the authorities. It shows the limited effectiveness the vaccines. This is yet another case of a highly vaccinated population with a large number of Covid cases.

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Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Apostolic Nuncio On the Covid Plandemic By Peter West

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 2011 to 2016, and   previously served as Secretary-General of the Governorate of the Vatican City State from 2009 to 2011.  He has been a fierce exposer of scandals and corruption within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church and in the world. He are some extracts of an interview he did with the War Room’s Steve Bannon, discussing, amongst things, the Covid plandemic. While the global conspiracy by the Satanic elite is in full force, man can survive by returning the God, and resisting the forces of darkness. His opposition to the Covid mandate tyranny is strong, and contrasts sharply with the Pope who says what the globalists want.


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The Ghislaine Maxwell Sentence By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Ghislaine Maxwell, the madam of Epstein’s paedophilia circle, which supplied children to the globalist elites, particularly on Epstein’s “paedo island,” has been given 20 years in a cosy low-security jail, something more like a holiday resort, complete with a garden. No doubt behind the scenes the elites who raped the children were contemplating whether it as necessary to “Epstein” her but she looks like keeping her mouth shut. What is interesting is that Epstein and her would have filmed, for blackmail purposes, all of the elites having illegal sex. The tapes were uncovered by the US authorities but now seem to have disappeared. No doubt in a few years’ time, once the public has forgotten about this, Maxwell will get released for good behaviour and retire in comfort. Who says that crime does not pay – but only in this world  ̶  not after God’s judgment!

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Saving the Planet by Starvation By Richard Miller (London)

The EU climate change fanatics in the Netherlands are seeking to reduce nitrogen, an inert gas, by culling 30 percent of al livestock. This will be done by the government either forcing sales of farmlands, no doubt to the elites who like Bill Gates are snapping up farmland everywhere, or from the mass disposal of livestock. This fits in with the globalist agenda of the elimination of animal meat and the replacement, so they say, of insects as food substitutes. However, as disgusting as that sounds, I don’t expect the elites to deliver on the insects, and instead, their agenda is to starve most of us to death as part of their depopulation agenda.  

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The SCOTUS Climate Change Case Goes to the Next Level By James Reed

The Left are still freaking out over the SCOTUS decision to over-turn the abortion on demand case of Roe v. Wade in Dobbs, but there is a new case which has upset the climate change fanatics, who might get angry too, maybe burning down things increasing carbon emissions. In West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency, the court said that a bureaucracy, the EPA lacks broad authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants under the Clean Air Act. In West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency, the court by a 6-3 decision, said that the EPA lacks broad authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants under the Clean Air Act. "Congress did not grant EPA ... the authority to devise emissions caps based on the generations shifting approach the Agency took in the Clean Power Plan," the court held. This is a continuation of the position that the majority took in Dobbs, returning power to congress rather than executive organisations, such as the EPA, who themselves have a climate change political agenda to regulate energy producers out of existence. It is a small fightback against the climate change tyranny in a time of energy crisis.

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The Flawed Covid Data of the CDC By Chris Knight (Florida)

There has been a desperate, frantic push by the Covid establishment, running from the health authorities to Big Pharma, to get the Covid vaxxes into the deltoid muscles of young children and babies, for not stone must be left unturned in their quest. However, as detailed by The, the CDC based its decision to recommend the vax for children under 5-years of age on a pre-print paper that alleged that Covi-19 was the leading cause of death of children in the US during the Covid pandemic. But there are numerous problems with this, the main one being as follows: “Another big issue with the CDC data presentation is the conflation of deaths caused directly by COVID-19 versus those for which COVID-19 was just a “contributing” factor. The authors state “we only consider Covid-19 as an underlying (and not contributing) cause of death,” but that is false. 

The paper cites data from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), which tabulates COVID-19 deaths by including any death certificate on which COVID-19 is mentioned, not just cases where it was the primary reason for death. The NCHS data cited by the researchers claims there have been 1,433 pediatric COVID-19 deaths through April 30, 2022. However, the CDC’s own data, which counts only deaths where the virus was the underlying cause, reported 1,088 pediatric deaths during that time period. That’s nearly 25% lower.

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My Body My Choice, but Not for the Vax! By Mrs Vera West

The pro-abortion lobby across the West primarily pushed the line that abortion is justified, as a woman has a right to choose what she does with her body, the principle of autonomy. Of course, there is the counter that there is another human inside her, but that has to be denied. But considering the autonomy argument, it is interesting how this argument was rejected by the Covid establishment, which includes the Left. Indeed, the radical Left were putting out leaflets and fliers around Melbourne proclaiming that those opposing the vaxxes, including people of colour were “racist.” Aussie Cossack even had a reply to them on his once active YouTube channel. That is the best that they have got, a tool for all seasons, trading on the generation of a Pavlovian response from decades of multicult brainwashing.

Yet, given that the mRNA vaxxes are experimental, on that basis alone one should have been able to succeed on the autonomy argument, not to submit by social force and coercion much greater than any so-called forced pregnancy, to being coerced to taking the jab, which becomes a form of state-enforced assault. And, now with the wealth of information, summarised each day at blog, of the adverse effects of the jabs, the argument for autonomy is far stronger than the same argument applied to abortion by the Liberal-Left. In the end, it is not  case of truth or reason, but political power, to which the scientists too, are slaves.

Commo China also Going into Abortion Withdrawal Mania By James Reed

The communist China CCP mouthpiece The Global Times, which is more appropriately called The CCP Times, but that would not be good propaganda, always has somewhat kooky but interesting takes on the US, their form of propaganda. Thus, whatever happens which is controversial in the US, they give their hate America spin, which makes good reading, since we all need a laugh or three in these hard stagflation times. Thus, the Dobbs decision of SCOTUS, overturning the 1973 abortion on demand case of Roe v. Wade, is said to make the US more warlike, and to seek overseas conflict to help ease the conflict within. But the fallacy here is that the US ever needed to ease any tensions within. Before Dobbs, the Biden regime had declared war upon Trump voters and is actually in the middle of a state-sponsored civil war. Democrats and the Liberal-Left tyranny never worry about internal tensions, as seen in the 2020  riots, and indeed  welcome it.

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Hunter Biden’s Prostitutes Paid for by Daddy Biden! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is the latest bit of sordid news to roll from the Hunter Biden laptop. Not only did pop Joe Biden know about Hunter’s business deals, contrary to what Biden has said on many occasions, but now it seems Joe paid thousands of dollars, perhaps unknown for Hunter’s prostitute bill. If this was the Trump presidency, it would have been ended by media outrage … but only mummers from a few presses.

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