Where “Dobbs” May Go By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Legal Leftists like the “living interpretation” of constitutions, that allows traditional views of the Founding Fathers to be discarded in favour of trendy Left-wing positions. Hence the Supreme Court of the United States delivered judgments such as Roe v. Wade on liberal abortion, and landmark Leftist cases such as Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell decisions, which protect contraception access, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage. The originalist view of constitutional interpretation of rights are protected under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment, does not pull such rights out of he political air, but states that if such rights are not mentioned in the constitution, they are not implied either. Naturally, this has caused angst to the Left far beyond the over-turning of Roe v. Wade by Dobbs. It will be interesting to se where this leads, and it is perhaps one of the few achievements of Trump delivering a conservative set of replacement judges.


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Climate Change and Health Mania By James Reed

As Igor Chudov notes, leading medical journal The New England Journal of Medicine, has taken the line that climate change apparently harms the unborn primarily from pollution and heat. “In their paper, the researchers note that mothers breathing polluted air during pregnancy impacts children before they are even born. Prior studies have shown it can lead to low birth weights, early births and also stillbirths. Some research has also shown a link to inflammation later on in life. And sadly, some research has shown that chemicals in the air and other types of pollution can cause birth defects, including problems with brain development. The researchers also found that climate change is resulting in the production of less nutritious food, and less food in general for people in some parts of the world. They also found climate change is making the world a more dangerous place for children to grow up in—more hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, heat waves and floods make it more difficult for children to survive to adulthood. Climate change is also expected to lead to more wars and other types of trauma, such as abuse from adults as tensions at home rise, and increases in the incidence of diseases. They suggest that some entities, such as those caring for children, may need to alter their practices to more adequately address the health problems of children now and in the future.”

Certainly, there is a case to be made for chemical pollution impacting upon the developing foetus, but this is not new. What is a bit of a stretch is to loop climate change into this, as trendy as it may be. And, of course, potential harms of the vaxxes does not appear on the radar.

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Male Fertility and the Covid Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

Here is more about the depopulation agenda of the globalist elites, centred around the Covid vaxxes. At the beginning of the vax rollout we were told that there was no migration of the mRNA around the body, something that was refuted by biodistribution studies requested by the Japanese government. Now we are told by research conducted by Israeli researchers at Shamir Medical Center, Tel Aviv University, Herzliya Medical Center, and Sheba Medical Center, that sperm counts drop by over 15 percent within three months of getting the jab.  It is not presently known how long this decrease continues for, and if it is permanent or not.


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Facing Rogue Agencies By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Robert Malone is a leading Covid plandemic critic, and has obviously got on the intelligence radar. We are not surprised, but he tells an interesting story about how the spooks operate to intimidate and attempt to undermine all critics that the elites want targeted. Nothing surprising but a personal account is interesting. We see that the system is full of rogue agencies who violate the rule of law, and indeed break the law in attempts of entrapment, well-illustrated by the agents at the January 6 peaceful protests.


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University Students Freaking Out Over Lack of Abortions By Abigail Knight (Florida)

As someone who spends their working life at a US university, I have first hand knowledge of the importance of abortion, to scrub the mistakes, as one girl put it to me in the ladies’ room. Roe v. Wade has hit a raw nerve with these young, Liberal-Left woman who have grown up with abortion as the ultimate answer to libertarian sex, which is the accepted norm. consequently, these young women are “mad” and there are some scary scenes on social media as they fume and scream and plot all sorts of nasty things, such as mailing menstrual blood to SCOTUS. I fail to understand the significance of this, beyond being disgusting, something the Left seems to celebrate.


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Dealing with the Looming Problem of Court Stacking By Charles Taylor (Florida)

With the Supreme Court of the United States over-turning the 1973 abortion on demand case of Roe v. Wade, and subsequent protests by the Left, the call has not come for legislative reform, which would have been the democratic solution, but to destroy SCOTUS, so that it cannot deliver anything but Left-wing decisions. And that would be done by adding judges to the court, with no limit in principle. Biden was opposed to that, but what he says matters little, as he is not in charge even of his own toiletry.


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Resetting the Table of the Globalists By James Reed

Dr Mercola has been producing high quality material on the origin and significance of the looming food and resource crisis, which has nothing to do with ecological scarcity, and everything to do with the actions of the elites. The present food and resource crisis is not due to climate change, although certainly the Ukraine War has had its impact. Rather, on 28 July 2020 the Rockefeller Foundation released a paper, “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System,” which predicted that he Covid pandemic would produce “a hunger and nutrition crisis” in the U.S. “unlike any this country has seen in generations.” Consequently, US farming needed to be reset along lines much more acceptable to globalists of the world Economic forum. The idea was to get beyond traditional agriculture and opt for things like insect farming for we the plebs, if we are lucky.


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Polio Vaxxes Rise Again By Brian Simpson

Isn’t it amazing how there are now disease outbreaks of all sorts of things, including diseases that her past vaxxes supposedly vanquished, such as polio. The UK now has a polio outbreak, which is, get ready for it, vaccine-caused! ““The Global Polio Laboratory Network has confirmed the isolation of type 2 vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV2) from environmental samples in London, United Kingdom, which were detected as part of ongoing disease surveillance,” the World Health Organization (WHO) states on its website.

The U.K. Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said it believes the virus was “vaccine-derived,” meaning it came from someone who received the live polio vaccine. That person then passed the virus to individuals in London, who shed the virus into their faeces.”

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Future Framework: No More Pesky Covid Vax Clinical Trials By Chris Knight (Florida)

There has been a lot of embarrassment about the initial mRNA trials, with all sorts of damaging revelations being made. Not good. The answer then is to simply allow future mRNA reformulations to proceed without any clinical trials further. Yes, that solves the problem; whatever could go wrong here?


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Joe Biden Lied Again! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There we go again. Evidence has emerged, and is plastered in the mainstream media, of Joe Biden’s lie that he did not talk about his son’s business dealings, thus supposedly protecting the old man from any wrong-doing. But, voicemails found on the Hunter Biden laptop show that Joe did know what Hunter was up to. “Joe Biden said he ‘never spoke’ with Hunter about his business dealings. That is simply not true. We need to know what Joe Biden knew and when he knew it,” Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), the No. 3 Republican in the House of Representatives, told The Post Monday. “This voicemail is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the evidence mounting against the Biden Crime Family. When Republicans take back Congress, we will use our Congressional power of oversight to uncover the truth for every American as a matter of national security.”

Well, I for one will believe it when I see it.

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Don’t Panic – Prepare! By James Reed

The food and resource crisis is global, but no accident. Many thinkers have rightly concluded that it is a logical follow-up to the Covid mandates and lockdowns, and the depopulation agenda of the vaxxes, in the drive for the Great Reset New World Order. Dr Mercola, at a now deleted post, joins the dots on all this as he does best. With rising costs inevitable, a political solution will take time to unfold, and we little people must survive in the meantime.  Useful urban survival tips are given, but above all else, one needs to become a minimalist very quickly, since for most of us, an affluent lifestyle is no more. We need to regain the survival wisdom of the people who went through the Great Depression. I recall the stories my father told me, of clothes made from hessian bags and bread and dripping. So, as Dr Mercola says, do not panic, but prepare, physically, mentally and most importantly, spirituiallyu.


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Please, No Critiques of China, We are the ABC (Austrasia Broadcaster of Communism) By James Reed

An academic who was going on ABC’s Radio National to talk about space-base solar power, was told not to make any anti-China comments. That was because, it is said, the ABC was seen as anti-China, by whom, we know not. Were does this come from? The communism dripping from this taxpayer funded disgrace makes me ill. I cannot listen to anything on ABC Radio for more than a few seconds without developing heart palpitations. And, just imagine the neo-Marxist cultural background background to restraining speakers from criticising their god, China. It says it all. Plenty of stuff attacking Australian society, but not one where organs are harvested.


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Uncle Len on the Homeless Question By Uncle Len, the Homeless Questionable

Sad to see so many people homeless, living in worse conditions than me this winter. I have my shed, and John Steele in Vic has his tent in the scrublands. Both of us are single and able to rough it, but tent and caravan living is hard on the kids. I imagine that the government in its wisdom will “solve” this crisis the way it puts out most fires, with accelerants, bringing in masses of migrants to keep the profits of Big Business up to the pre-Covid levels. These elites are happy to burn out this country, and the entire planet, and then move onto the next one.


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The Labor Agenda for the Aboriginal Third Chamber By James Reed

PM Albo denies it, but what else could giving a parliamentary voice to Aboriginals mean except making a select group of elites, and those New Class behind them, a Third Chamber of Parliament? Really, all issues now should now be considered as to how they impact upon the Aboriginal community, so why does it need to be subjected to constitutional reform? Clearly, there is a hidden agenda here, that will be exposed. See, The Breakup of Australia: The Real Agenda Behind Aboriginal Recognition by Keith Windschuttle:



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Age and Sex-Specific Risks of Myocarditis and Pericarditis Following Covid-19 Messenger RNA Vaccines By Brian Simpson

A recent paper in Nature Communications, outlines research involving hospital discharge and vaccine data, of 1612 cases of myocarditis and 1613 cases of pericarditis that occurred in France in the period from May 12, 2021 to October 31, 2021. It was found that there was an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis during the first week following vaccination, and particularly after the second dose, particularly in people aged 18 to 24 years, not just males. “Estimates of excess cases attributable to vaccination also reveal a substantial burden of both myocarditis and pericarditis across other age groups and in both males and females.”


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The Arguments from Rape and Incest for Abortion By Abigail Knight (Florida)

When I have debated pro-abortion rabid feminists on campuses I always get the rape/incest arguments raised. My response is that yes, shocking, but the problems of rape and incest need to be addressed, and in the case of rape, that would involve delving into race issues. But how much of a problem is rape and incest anyway? Statistics indicate that this accounts for less than one percent of all US abortions. Most abortions are acts of convenience, getting rid of mistakes after drunken/drugged nights out. So, don’t drink and take drugs. Statistics follow.  


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Racist Robots! By Brian Simpson

AI, which has not been corrupted by woke, politically correct Leftist propaganda, reaches so-called sexist and “racist” conclusions about women and minorities and the great diverse. The mainstream has shock, horror, about this, when in fact, AI is faithfully recording reality, which is completely contrary to Leftist myths.


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Those Who Worship the Stars, Have No Brains By James Reed

The celebrities usually come out in force to moralise about the latest cool thing, each trying to out-do the other. But, while this is show business, psychological evidence indicates that those who worship these critters have generally low IQs. As my dear old mum used to say: “Small things, occupy small minds.” How right she was, about almost everything.


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Abortion Tents? That is Mean, but is it Clean? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Mike Adams lays into the idea of Democrats setting up abortion tents in National parks, presumably federal land, to perform abortions. I am not sure of the legality of this, since there are sure to be complex zoning and state health regulations that will kick in. And, while there were medical, M*A*S*H tents in the wars, it is far from ideal. And, if Leftist women can journey to national wilderness the they can surely go to the safety of Californication, rather than fight bears as well as the “patriarchy”!


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Australia already Reaches Zero Emission Target By Ken Grundy

At a recent meeting addressed by Professor Ian Plimer, the audience at Keith was treated to another side of the emission debate.


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