Veiko Hessler makes the excellent point that we are subjected to relentless doom and gloom and images of the coming apocalypse … unless, we, the ordinary people, submit to the schemes of the elites, who are proposing the visions of doom. The World Economic Forum, and the UN, through climate change organisations such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are examples. People are undermined by a disaster-overload, and become apathic, losing hope of opposing anything. This is the common response one gets when pointing out the globalist agenda to ordinary folk; well, it is hopeless, too big, what can we do?
While our struggle is not easily, we, of the freedom movement need to present alternatives to the worldview those such as the transhumanist World Economic Forum are presenting. As Hessler concludes: “The ingenious strategy of European evolution has always depended on the explosive imagination of a few heroic individuals, and it is time for us to accept this mantle of responsibility once again. If our people cannot envisage a future for themselves, it is time for us to articulate one for them to believe in. In a world of rack and ruin, where all seems lost, we must be the lighthouse, the shining beacon, guiding our people home and out of their deep despair in the age of apocalypses.”