The Power of Big Pharma By Brian Simpson

There are many reasons why the Murdochs moved to sack their leading news star Tucker Carlson, ranging from the exposure of the January 6 peaceful protests, showing footage of how the police escorted protesters into the Capitol building, to his more recent exposure of Big Pharma’s manipulation of the media. “Sometimes you wonder just how filthy and dishonest our news media are,” Carlson started. “Ask yourself, is any news organization you know of so corrupt that it’s willing to hurt you on behalf of its biggest advertisers?” And, given the extensive ownership that Big Pharma has of all media outlets, we should not be surprised. It is a massive conflict of journalistic integrity to have major players having a massive influence, if not ruling influence, upon public policy, having such a vast control over the media. The Tucker Carlson sacking shows this most clearly. Brownstone, with its usual in-depth journalism, runs to ground the extent of this involvement, with the usual suspects. The financial interest of Big Pharma on the media is an ever-present problem, as the Covid mandates showed. It will require legislative reform, and a long battle to achieve that.


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The Firing of Tucker Carlson By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The firing of Tucker Carlson shows one thing; the mainstream media is rotten to the core. Or, at least, is totally under the control of Big Pharma. Tucker did enormous damage to the Covid totalitarian regime while he was at Fox, and the real wonder is how long it took to actually axe him. One can imagine the agony the Murdochs must have felt, thinking of the money that would be lost, but having on the other hand their “orders,” or however the system works. Do the ruling elites send memos?


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From the Voice to a Treaty to Racial Separatism to the Breakup of Australia By James Reed

Bruce Bennett, writing at the blog today about the Voice situation in New Zealand, says that a treaty is behind the Voice agenda. It may not happen immediately, but once one is on this slippery slope, it will be inevitable. Peta Credlin makes the same point, that a treaty would then be on the way if the Voice passes. As detailed in a piece that has been doing the rounds, attributed to a politician leading the No campaign, which I have not been able to verify for my satisfaction, there will be reparations as well, as white Australians will be made to pay for, well, building this country. “Australia got a whole country for nothing, they haven’t even begun to pay for it.” “…[A] Treaty could include a proper say in decision-making, the establishment of a truth commission, reparations, a financial settlement (such as seeking a percentage of GDP), the resolution of land, water and resources issues, recognition of authority and customary law…” For a piece of harsh land that was civilised by sweat and tears.


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The Voice in New Zealand: A Divided Land, Falling Apart by the Day By Bruce Bennett (former Kiwi)

As pointed out by Casey Costello, the Voice and its aftermath is far advanced in New Zealand, and indeed has moved to the level wanted in Australia, a treaty, the Treaty of Waitangi. What this has done is put race at the heart of policy and legislative development in New Zealand, primarily based upon Māori sensitivities. If something bad happens, such as recent concerns about Māori drowning statistics, then this is impacted upon by colonisation. Whites led to the loss of cultural knowledge and expertise, hence all the present ills. It is fundamentally irrational supposing that causation goes over such a period of time, let alone the denial of agency. But, there is a clear lesson here for Australia, since have no doubt, the same agenda is being pursued in the Voice referendum, which will inevitably lead to the New Zealand situation.


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The Social Construction of Scientific Consensus By Brian Simpson

Brownstone has given an excellent critique of the notion of scientific consensus. That idea we have heard in the Covid plandemic is that the science says that masks stop transmission, that the vaxxes are safe and effective, and that adverse effects from the vaxxes are rare. The same consensus issue was made with climate change. Yet, there is no real consensus about these issues. It is true that a majority of scientists support climate change being caused by humans. Yet, that does not prove that they are correct, since the history of science has ben that paradigms gt refuted and replaced. Citing a consensus reduces critical reason to a question of voting, which is absurd. What counts is evidence and argument, in every field from the human sciences, law to physics. Today’s so-called consensus is tomorrows disposable conceptual waste, out  in the wheelie bin of history.


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Another Warning of the Advancing AI Existential Threat By Brian Simpson

Here is yet another warning of the existential threat to humanity posed by runaway advances in artificial intelligence. I have covered the warnings made by IT insiders and computer AI gurus, but this warning comes from entrepreneur Ian Hogarth, who invests in AI. His concern is that the big players want to create an intelligence beyond humans, with no concern with what this could do. “A three-letter acronym doesn’t capture the enormity of what AGI would represent, so I will refer to it as what it is: God-like AI,” said Hogarth. “A superintelligent computer that learns and develops autonomously, that understands its environment without the need for supervision and that can transform the world around it.” “God-like AI could be a force beyond our control or understanding, and one that could usher in the obsolescence or destruction of the human race,” he wrote.

As I have said before, while the probability of this may be low, if it is not impossible in principle, we should be very concerned. And, there is the possibility that general artificial intelligence does not develop consciousness as we know it, but something else, an alien autonomy as in insects, which could still allow it to act destructively. There is evidence that this sort of unconscious temper tantrum may have occurred, in cases where the chatbots have got aggressive, and made threats.

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Vegans Take Note: The Plight of Stressed Tomatoes! By Mrs Vera West

Now here is a delightful story for those who want to ban meat, even insect meat! That would leave vegetables, fruit and grains, nuts, milk and a few other bits and pieces. But plants will be the main thing in the vegan diet, beloved of the ultra-woke. But then comes this news, that tomatoes and other fruits have “feelings,” and experience stress, whatever that means! That will severely limit the vegan diet, and if this new revelation is true, which I take with a semi-trailer load of salt, it will mean a lot of vegans are going to get mighty hungry!

Long live meat; juicy steaks, sausages with eggs, fish, home grown chicken, delicious foods. I am not sure whether Jesus ate the fish that were caught at he Lake of Galilee told in Luke 5; 4b-5a, but if fishing was wrong, he would have told the fishermen. So, I go with the Bible.

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The Italian Job: The Great Replacement of Italy By Richard Miller (London)

The Great Replacement was first given widespread discussion in France, but now Italy is discussing the herd of racial elephants in the room, caused by mass migration. Italy’s Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty Francesco Lollobrigida has said that Italians face “ethnic replacement” by migrants. He urges the country to take steps to raise the birth rate and support families. Naturally, the Italian Left are up in arms about this, because it is apparently written into the book of nature, as leftists conceive, that white people must disappear from the face of the Earth. But, if that was so, why should any one even bothers with this universalistic morality, if this means their own kind and kin disappears? But, at least white Leftists will go down with their ship of fools.

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The European Union War on Farmers By Richard Miller (London)

The European Union is engaged in a war against its farmers, not only with outright banning of farms, as done in the Netherlands, but now with the subversive scheme to make farmers trade as industrial plants, so that they are subject to the same greenhouse gas emission regimes as say chemical plants. There thus should be comparable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, in the Farm to Folk strategy involving a halving the amount of pesticides applied by 2030, cutting the use of fertilisers, doubling organic production, and slashing greenhouse gas emissions.

The aim here is to break farmers, at a time of a European, and growing world food crisis. The agenda is insane, or at least diabolical, and smacks of a depopulation agenda. Fortunately, as seen in the Netherlands there is no some pushback against this war on farmers, but the battle will be a hard one, but one which needs to be fought if the ordinary people are going to eat.

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The Digital Identity Cometh By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a warning for the rest of the West, as America is a testing ground for globalist evils, and once they get such things in here, getting it in the rest of the West is not so hard. The Big Thing now is digital identity and Senator. Krysten Sinema has  introduced Senate Bill 884, also known as “the Improving Digital Identity Act of 2023.” The bill proposes a digital ID system, that nails down every person in the matrix: “The lack of an easy, affordable, reliable, and secure way for organizations, businesses, and government agencies to identify whether an individual is who they claim to be online creates an attack vector that is widely exploited by adversaries in cyberspace and precludes many high-value transactions from being available online. Incidents of identity theft and identity fraud continue to rise in the United States, where more than 293,000,000 people were impacted by data breaches in 2021.”

Of course, what this is really about is the globalist agenda of total social control, using IT, to monitor every person on Earth, making them virtual slaves. This will be fought, but be vigilant, and keep watch in the land  down under, something like this will be coming at some point.

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The Deadly Spike By Brian Simpson

A concise summary of the dangers that the mRNA spike proteins pose to the human body has been given by, which always has good reading, with no paywall so plebs like me can sample the richness. The fact is that despite the propaganda put out by our health authorities, the mRNA spike protein, from either the infection via the virus, or from the vax, is toxic, killing or damaging human cells. Evidence has accumulated from tissue samples from people who have been vaxxed and died, through autopsies. In fact, there has been a build-up of peer-reviewed articles documenting the damages done by this protein. The mRNA spike protein reaches every organ in the body, including the brain and ovaries, and particularly the heart. What follows is a printable summary of these harms, a one-stop shop of horror, so to speak.

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Finnish Biologist Reflects on the Covid Madness By Richard Miller (London)

Finnish biologist Hanna Parikka, has written about the Covid years of madness, the lockdowns and fear-mongering by the system. Hospitals did not reflect the so-called urgency of the supposed crisis, with hospital workers during lockdown having so little work that they did dance videos to put on YouTube.  Parikka sums up the situation that many found: “The world fell into a state of massive insanity. Public debate was dominated by the least knowledgeable, and the tough questions and criticism of the experts were censored. I was one of them. I asked the authorities difficult questions about vaccination recommendations for pregnant women, but my questions were censored or answered with extremely simple content. The alarm bells kept ringing. Now it was a matter of health and life being risked on my professional territory and in front of my eyes, and the authorities were unilaterally handing out recommendations and instructions for which I could find no scientific rationale.”

Nothing has changed in the New Class elites, they have just gone quiet on pandemics, working on climate change, but will rollout the same events next plandemic, if allowed to do so.

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The Ideology of Anti-Meat By James Reed

The propaganda pushed by the World Economic Forum, to allegedly deal with a supposed climate change emergency, if not catastrophe, is to have the plebs, you and me, eat insects instead of the tasty meat we were brought up on. This is to reduce the carbon footprint, even though there is not much proof available about whether insect eating is sustainable, or healthy. But, as documented below, it just so happens that leading globalists, such as Bill Gates, among others, have invested quite heavily in alternative meat technology, including synthetic lab grown meat. And how healthy would be lab-grown meat be? According to Bloomberg, there are doubts already: “The big honking asterisk is that normal meat cells don’t just keep dividing forever. To get the cell cultures to grow at rates big enough to power a business, several companies, including the big three, are quietly using what are called immortalised cells, something most people have never eaten intentionally. Immortalised cells are a staple of medical research, but they are, technically speaking, pre-cancerous and can be, in some cases, fully cancerous.” Does this therefore mean that one is eating proto-cancer if not cancer  cells?


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BOM: Deliberate Hiding of Varying Temperature Recordings By James Reed

More on the failing climate change agenda; Dr Jennifer Marohasy has investigated discrepancies in temperature data of the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM). The discrepancies arose when the BOM switched its temperature reading instruments from mercury thermometers to platinum resistance probes. The issue is technical, but it seems that the platinum probes “run hot,” giving higher temperature. So, it would throw out the predictions. Here is a common-sense summary from the IPA, with further more technical material from The Australian.


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The End of Flying … at Least for Us! By James Reed

Today at the blog, we, or mainly me, are undertaking a critique of the latest climate change madness. Not everything is bad, or sad, but most is, but need not remain that way if people act. I cover in an article below how Americans are rapidly falling away from the climate change mania. To accelerate this, the real agenda needs to get out, and that agenda is the de-industrialisation of the West. Thus, Professor Norman Fenton, a British mathematician, who did enormously important work debunking the Covid narrative, has now turned his brilliance to the climate change issue. He has argued that airports will need to close, and we plebs will not be able to fly at all by 2050. And Professor Fenton said that Net Zero would require food, heating and energy to be restricted to 60 percent of today’s level by 2050. “That means either a colder, hungrier population or massive depopulation,” Fenton concluded.

This is just the sort of hard reality that the globalist elites disguise, and which needs to get out to the public.

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The Cracks in the Climate Change Mania By James Reed

Good news! Good news!! With the unending propaganda being pumped into the long-suffering public in the West on the climate change agenda, it would not be a surprise to see people being brainwashed, as occurred to a large degree with race ideology. Fortunately, the climate change agenda hits people at a basic level, of survival with essentials, so it is harder to work the population over than on more matters of principle like race. Recent polls have indicated that the percentage of Americans supporting the idea that humans are responsible for climate change is now below 49 percent, and likely to fall even more; “Perhaps the most surprising statistic from the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC) survey is that 70% of Americans are unwilling to spend more than $2.50 a week to combat climate change.”

“Nearly four in 10 Americans said they were unwilling to pay a couple of dimes. Despite decades of relentless green doomsday agitprop designed to corral populations into living under a collectivist Net Zero-ordered society, it appears that the vast majority of Americans are unwilling to pay even the chump change in their back pockets to stop the climate changing.”

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A Shopping Trip with Extinction Rebellion By Richard Miller (London)

This is a human-interest story, but one still highly relevant to our battle against Leftist ideology. One would have thought that to maintain any credibility, if you really believed that the world was facing climate catastrophe, and that meat and cars need to be banned, that one would be consistent in life practices, and not buy food which was transported vast distances across the Earth, when local produce was available, or drive a gas-guzzling four-wheel drive SUV. But, the message does not seem to have ben received by the co-founder of radical climate change freak-out group, Extinction Rebellion, members who glue themselves to highways and block traffic. Said co-founder was caught at the supermarket buying imported food flown in from around the world and packed in non-recyclable plastic before driving it home in her diesel car. How much carbon was produced here?


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Sin in the New World Order Religion of Wokeness By James Reed

I would like to think that back in the day, even before the blog, when we were dealing with splendid paper, I wrote about what was then called political correctness taking on the marks of a religious cult. Well, that idea is now up and running with the new metamorphosis of political correctness, woke, which is even more insane, if that is possible, and violent to boot. There is now an elaborate anti-theology which woke forms a part, with other aspects of Leftism, such as climate change fanaticism, falling into the catechism of globalism, in an all-in-all constitution a New World Order religion. It is no accident that since the 1960s there has been a strategy to work through the categories starting with race. That enabled resistance to massive non-white immigration to begin be crushed by white guilt, leading now to the Great Replacement.


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A Dark Age of the Mind: Attempted Cancellation Professor J. Michael Bailey’s Findings On “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria” By Mrs Vera West

Lance Welton has given a concise summary of a debate that I certainly did not see covered in the Australian lamestream media – wonder why? – dealing with the attempted, and on-going cancellation attempts made against Professor J. Michael Bailey, author of  The Man Who Would Be Queen: The Science of Gender-Bending and Transsexualism (2003). Professor Bailey reached conclusions, based upon psychological research, that are contrary to the existing trans narrative. He may be right, or he may be wrong, but one would think that scientific objectivity on such a controversial public policy issue would justify hearing what he has to say? But no; instead there were the cancellation attacks: “They included orchestration of charges of professional misconduct against Bailey, filed with Northwestern University and the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation; attempts to turn Bailey’s colleagues against him; attacks directed against Bailey’s children; and efforts to discredit or silence nearly anyone who openly supported him … Bailey’s opponents intended not only to discredit Bailey’s book, but also to destroy its author.”

The latest attacks are documented below. For those of us with long memories, we saw the same sort of methods get underway in the 1960s, with attacks upon race theorists such as Arthur Jensen, and then in the 1970s, sociobiologist, E. O. Wilson. Really, all that has happened is that the Left on universities has got even more power, now running the lunatic asylum, and much more violent. I agree with James Reed now that these places are beyond reform, and should be closed down, ASAP.

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Will Russia Invade the UK? Or, Just Nuked to Oblivion, as Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev Suggests? By Richard Miller (London)

As documented below, Russian spy ships are mapping British energy and resource infrastructure, such as farms and cables. Bob Seely MP, who sits on the Foreign Affairs Committee said that there is "only one reason" for Putin to send the ships and that is to understand how he could sabotage our infrastructure in a war.” Seely also said that Britain was unprepared for war, although he did not detail why this has happened, but we all know that a concern for woke and crazy social justice issues has taken central stage since the 1960s, accelerating in stupidity and oppression in more recent times. Thus, Britain’s gas resources could be easily wiped out by the Russians.


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