Health Concerns from the Banning of Meat By Mrs Vera West

Few of us some years ago would have believed the extent to which the globalist-based environmental fanatics will go, with bans of life-giving meat, now a coming reality, unless strongly politically opposed. Apart from the politics, moving humanity to a purely plant-based diet, despite vegan propaganda, has not been shown to be in the wider interests of human health, and in fact, evidence suggests that abandoning meat will have ill-health effects. As Dr Mercola (below) quotes from a report: “Among a growing body of research linking decreased meat consumption to various health benefits, a new study concludes that removing or reducing meat consumption from diets is risky as meat is a nutrient-dense food that ‘continues to have a key role in human health and development.’

The researchers explain that meat offers a source of high-quality protein and nutrients that are not always easily obtained with meat-free diets and are often suboptimal or deficient in global populations.

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The EU Destroying Agriculture By Richard Miller (London)

The European Commission in Brussels has backed a proposal by the Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte in the Netherlands, to shut down thousands of farms, to meet EU climate change goals in its Natura 2000 scheme. The Dutch government intends to offer farmers a bribe of 120 percent of the value of the farms, which they hope will cull out thousands of farms. But, the EU, like all centralist tyrants, may not support this, believing that there could be a violation of regulations surrounding state aid or subsidies. Dutch farmers would be prevented from moving to other countries and setting up productive farms, so the aim is to finish off a substantial amount of agriculture. But the main spanner in the works here is that Farmer–Citizen Movement (BBB) party became the single largest party in the Dutch Senate in March, and vows to fight this.

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Joe Biden’s Link to a Criminal Scheme By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While President Trump is in the firing line for allegedly paying off a porn star, evidence about the Biden crime family grows. Most of this relates to Hunter Biden, who now is under investigation, but now Joe Biden is directly connected to “criminal scheme” involving “money for policy decisions” during his vice presidency. The new whistleblower tip “raises concerns that then-Vice President Biden allegedly engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national.” Evidence is supposed to be forthcoming, so we will see where this leads. But, as can be seen from the extract below, the Biden crime family theme is being pursued by the mainstream media now, such the New York, which is highly damaging. If this turns out to be true, no doubt the Democrats will drop the old man like a stack of hot rotten potatoes.

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The Putin Assassination Attempt: Turning Up the Heat By Richard Miller (London)

The attempt to kill Putin by using a drone, has upset the Russian, greatly, to a degree that drinking a litre bottle of vodka does not dull the pain. Indeed, Kremlin Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev, a former Russian president under Putin, said: “After today's terrorist attack, there are no options left other than the physical elimination of Zelensky and his clique.” This will mean making a destructive attack upon the Ukrainian capital, perhaps using hypersonic weapons, almost as dangerous as nukes. The Russians have been holding off destroying the place, but this attack seems to have ranked things up to a new existential level. There is only so much that the Russians will take until that little red button is pushed.

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Communist Chinese Lies about Population By James Reed

I personally, would not trust the communists to tell the truth about anything, perhaps even about lying all the time! Thus, it is no surprise to see the argument made that communist China has been been lying about its population numbers, to boost status, and also wash down the real news, that the population, just like the West is shrinking. The reason is the same: the demographic feminist thesis, that affluence plus the liberation of women, so called, leads to crashing below replacement level births, because, working for the capitalists, or communist bosses, seems preferable to full time motherhood:'s%20views%20have%20shown%20slightly,were%20free%20to%20do%20either.

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Communist China’s Drug War By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Communist China has already been engaging in a war against America, killing tens of thousands of mainly youth, already. Apart from illegal aliens, flooding in through the Democrats open southern border, masses of the deadly drug fentanyl come to the US by the Mexican drug cartels, aided by criminals associated with the Chinese communist party. It has been estimated that 90 percent of the fentanyl entering America is from China, shipped to the Mexican drug cartels to do their dirty work. The idea is to weaken society from within, before the kinetics and fireworks get going.

As well, with the open border, large numbers of military age mainland Chinese have been entering the US with the Biden administration’s blessing. It is estimated that there are 500,000 CCP operatives are already pre-positioned across the USA, a massive army in itself. The normal migration program, across the West would increase such numbers substantially. Just imagine what happens when China War begins, and these agents start acting.

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Pronatalist Philosophy By Mrs Vera West

The Australian Financial Review (28 April, 2023), devoted an article to the philosophy of pronatalism, that the future of humanity depends upon having at least a replacement level of population, but in the West, ideologies are totally hostile to this; it is not called the Great Replacement for nothing. When I Googled the word “pronatalism,” I noticed that there was a significant number of articles dealing with the need for smart, high IQ people to get breeding, and it is as basic as that; a great idea I say, especially for white high IQ conservatives. The poster stud for the movement is Elon Musk, who has 10 children by three women. Back in 2021, Musk said, “If people don’t have more children, civilisation is going to crumble. Mark my words.” And he is spot on with this, and did his bit.

Of course, the counter here comes from the feminists, that this quest for large families will necessarily be followed by patriarchal politics and social relationships. That too, I think is true. But, so what? It is about time all this oppressive nonsense, contrary to human nature gets abandoned. It certainly will be abandoned after the collapse of the West. It has taken long enough to get some substantial blowback to this ideology of depopulation. But, the wild cards are the decline of sperm quality and quantity, and the effects of the mRNA vaxxes.

Poll: A Pause in Immigration, then Let the Great Replacement Continue By James Reed

It is good news, I guess, given how utterly brainwashed the Australian population have been on the immigration issue. In a recent poll, while 85 percent of those surveyed believe that Australia is a tolerant and welcoming country, blah, blah,  seven in ten respondents believe that the proposal to flood the country with 650,000 migrants over the next two years, is too high, not because of racial replacement, but from strain on infrastructure. But, it will be done regardless of this. And the numbers will be increased, giving short term profits to the local Big Australia elites, breaking down social capital and infrastructure, so that ultimately the country just falls away into being a part of communist China.

Still, I am wondering if World War III, and the impending destruction of the world as we know it, might lead to a change in attitude towards migration, among those still living? If a communist Chinese EMP weapon, just a small one, knocked out all of Australia’s electronic infrastructure, would attitudes change or would we be liberals unto death? An EMP attack is thought to lead to the death of 90 percent of the population, according to a US Congress report, and such attacks, according to Dr Peter Pry, are first cab off the rank with the PLA. Pine Gap, it was nice knowing you:

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What was it All for? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I would suspect that many thinking ex-soldiers would be wondering why they bothered to risk their lives, for what, this bs? My father who fought in WWII as a marine said this in the 1970s, when I was becoming a US marine, trying to get me to see some sense. One need only look at the world the elites have created to see that the real enemy was within. And, perhaps that is what the US Navy SEAL, Robert J. O’Neill, who claimed to have shot Osama bin laden may feel, over the Navy’s campaign drive using a drag queen. “I’m done,” O’Neill tweeted,  “China is going to destroy us. YOU GOT THIS NAVY. I can’t believe I fought for this bullsh*t.”

Yes, and before communist China does that, they laugh at the decadence of the West, and not without good reason.

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Egypt Says: Cleopatra was Light-Skinned! By Brian Simpson

A rare event; someone defending, in a fashion, whites. In the light of a Netflix woke drama portraying Cleopatra as a Black, the state of Egypt has officially said that she was white. That is a slap in the face for woke, but the mass media will continue to pump out this sort of anti-white propaganda.

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Opening the Floodgates of Criminal Prosecutions? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

With the Trump indictment the flood gates for prosecuting former US presidents is open. Here are some thoughts from about where this could go, if Republicans get power, and backbone to see things through. Imagine Obama, prosecuted; and Bill Clinton.


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The Worse Atrocity in History By Brian Simpson

Dr Malone puts the case that the Covid plandemic was the worse atrocity in human history, which is saying something. There have been 6,908,554 deaths as of April 19, 20213, which falls very far short of the deaths due to communism. But I think the case for this being an atrocity comes from the way across the world liberal democratic values, and institutions simply became virally infected. Courts failed to defend liberties and principles such as medical autonomy, and free choice in medical procedures. The institutions supported an experimental vaccine regime which could well prove to kill more than the figures of deaths in war. And, this is an ongoing thing, that is happening now, and will continue as vaccines move to become mRNA gene therapies. Thus, while other atrocities were local, the Covid atrocity was global.

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The Big Tech Threat to Democracy By Chris Knight (Florida)

Robert Epstein has written a long, somewhat discursive piece on the threats he sees big Tech posing to democracy. His thesis is that Big Tech now can flip elections if they want to, and people will not know what has hit them, as occurred to the Trump supporters. He details how bias can be enforced in many subtle ways, such as "ephemeral experiences," brief flashes of propaganda, that appear, enter the brain, but leave no other trace. Most of the time people are not consciously aware of it. However, the big thing is biases in the search engines, which regulates information. This is clear with Covid critical material which still remains difficult to find, as the algorithms are programmed not to list it as primary sources. Thus, the narrative on this, and other issues such as mass immigration, and race, are policed by Big Tech, to cement a globalist agenda.


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Defending the Open North By James Reed

Better late than never, I say, but not enough by any measure; the Labor government of Australia is moving to fund upgrades to military bases across the north of Australia, to deal with the emerging threat. The threat, is, of course, communist China. Upgrades are good idea, but what is not good is that this comes at the price of cancelling other programs, presumably military. Any half-decent country would put defence before other things, such as woke concerns like the voice referendum, multiculturalism and mass migration, which is more of a security threat now, than the virtue the populate or perish ideology pushed. Australia should have got nuclear missiles in the 1950s when the British engaged in nuclear tests here, but instead got mass replacement migration. Now we have the Strategic Review proposing spending billions of dollars on Abrams tanks and 400 infantry fighting vehicles, which communist Chinese drones and hypersonic will easily take out. It is all just going through the motions before we are defeated and destroyed, under the present ideology. Unless, the Australian people, wake in fright and do something.


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Woke Totalitarianism By James Reed

Michael Shellenberger and Alex Gutentag, have given a concise account of the woke totalitarianism that is now sweeping over the West, scrubbing out long-cherished liberal-democratic values. The Twitter files showed how governments and Big Tech worked together to censor conservatives, Trump being a notable example. But now governments are going down the road to the next station of enacting laws, supposedly to protect the public from “misinformation,” but it is anything but that. We saw during the Covid plandemic, that “misinformation,” was defined, and still is, as questioning any aspect of the Covid narrative, such that the vaccines are “safe and effective,” that masks stop transmission, and indeed that the vax stopped transmission. All of these claims came to be debunked, including the idea that the lockdowns prevented transmission, refuted by the example of communist China’s disastrous lockdowns. Yes, all of this information would be condemned to be “misinformation,” by the coming laws. It is indeed, a dangerous path, since it involves more than just suppressing fundamental values, but could once more lead to massive loss of life, as the present suppression achieved.

Beyond even that, the suppression of free speech is made to prevent opposition to the diabolic New World Order agenda of the globalists. This was worked out during the Covid plandemic, as a test run, and the methodology is now perfected.

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Covid Police Going after Ex-President Bolsonaro By Charles Taylor (Florida)

First, it was the DA of New York indicting President Trump for allegedly paying hush money to a porno “star,” which somehow violated some cooked-up law. Now, the weaponization of law occurs in Brazil, where ex-President Jair Bolsonaro’s home was raided by law enforcement, because they were searching for evidence that may indicate fraud involving faked or forged Covid vaccination cards, “the insertion of falsified Covid-19 vaccination data” into the health ministry’s electronic vaccination records system. The problem for them is that anti-globalist Bolsonaro was, unlike Trump, openly critical of the Covid vax mania, and while he toed the line, he did not get vaxed himself, but got Covid and natural immunity.

Still, the globalist vax-mad Left, ever under the influence of Big Pharma, has come after him. Brazil is probably is an even more politically dangerous country than the United States, so Bolsonaro would be wise to take a long holiday until the next round of election fraud.

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The Illusion of Zero Net Carbon Emissions By James Reed

Dr Mark Mills has published a searching critique of the environmentalists’ notion that zero net carbon emissions are possible with the maintenance of present civilisation. The report is entitled, The ‘Energy Transition’ Delusion: A Reality Reset. Mills shows in detail that the policies of the Left to achieve zero net carbon emissions, will, even if they were possible to implement, result in a radical reduction of the quality of life, and standard of living. Mills says that “policymakers are beginning to grasp the enormous difficulty of replacing even a mere 10 percent share of global hydrocarbons—the share supplied by Russia—never mind the impossibility of trying to replace all of society’s use of hydrocarbons with solar, wind, and battery (SWB) technology.” And, after two decades “of aspirational policies and trillions of dollars of spending, most of it on SWB tech, have not yielded an ‘energy transition that eliminates hydrocarbons.”


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The Epidemic of Youth Suicide By Mrs Vera West

Across the West there is observed in almost all jurisdictions, an epidemic of youth suicide, much of this related to mental health issues, which I previously covered at the blog. For example, in the US, mental-health-related visits among children, teenagers, and young adults increased between 2011 and 2020, from 4.8 million to 7.5 million, and psychiatric patients' share of all paediatric and young-adult emergency visits increased from 7.7 to 13.1 percent. Admissions related to suicide nearly quadrupled, from 0.9 to 4.2 percent of all paediatric emergency visits. And, this is no longer just a problem for males, as the number of adolescent girls admitted to emergency following suicide attempts rose by almost 51 percent between 2019 and 2021.

This surge in suicides, and attempted suicides occurs with the background of the elimination of the once strong moral and religious prohibition against suicide. Along with that some LGBT activists endorse suicide as a means of protest. Further, there is the added anomie produced by the machinations of present-day society, which with its threats and tensions, would be enough to drive any thinking sensitive person to despair and depression. All in all, it is a wonder that the suicide rate is not even higher. With lifelong unemployment produced by the rapid AI revolution, things may get even worse.

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Maoist-Style Re-education By Richard Miller (London)

An old age pensioner has been ordered by a French court to undergo re-education, after expressing contempt for President Macron. It would seem that expressing contempt for someone who richly deserves it should be a fundamental democratic right, but there is apparently a law protecting the politicians. The statement made by the pensioner, “Macron, we’ll p*ss you off…”  possibly a reference to a vow made by the President himself last year when the French President vowed to “p*ss off” unvaccinated members of the French public with Covid passports, should have been argued by a pro bono lawyer to be valid political commentary, and not contempt, any more than Marcon was expressing contempt for the French unvaxxed. But, probably no such legal representation was given. If it was the Left, lawyers would be lining up.

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Join the Navy to See … the Drag Queens! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Well, numbers are down in recruitment in the US military, especially the Navy, so rather than recognise that woke is what is causing the problem, the idea has been to double down and go even more woke, by having a  drag queen influencer as one of its “digital ambassadors” to attempt to recruit “a wide range of potential candidates.” That should go well, just look how it did for Bud.

How the communist Chinese PLA must laugh.

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