The Abolition of Medical Ethics in Our Time By Mrs Vera West

At this time many Covid vax critics are conducting an aftermath analysis of what happened over the last three years, and in particular, how it could happen. There are many aspects to this, but one outstanding issue is how the fundamental pillars of medical ethics were thrown out the window, and the courts in the main supported this.  The most concerning violations related to patient autonomy, the right to not be subjected to coercive medical procedures. In fact, what we saw was the fast tracking of an experimental gene therapy, that the World Health Organization reclassified as a vaccine by redefining the term “vaccine.” The disclosures made under court order of Pfizer’s trials indicated, Dr Naomi Wolf and her team has argued at the Daily Clout, that the vaxxes should never have been released. That is the view of others such as Dr Robert Malone. And, that all assumes a standard narrative on this, that there is no globalist conspiracy to cull down human population numbers. If that proves to be so, and I think it is highly plausible, argued in many articles at this blog, then there not only an abandonment of medical ethics, but a code of evil was put in its place. I call it the rule of the demonic.


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Fake Science: Why “Trust the Science”? By Brian Simpson

Neuropsychologist Professor Bernhard Sabel investigated intellectual honesty in peer-reviewed neuroscience papers. As this is a STEM/ science field one might expect a higher degree of honesty that say the rat bag social sciences such as psychology. But no, after screening 5000 papers, he estimated up to 34 percent of neuroscience papers published in 2020 were likely fabricated or plagiarized; in medicine, the figure was 24 percent. Now we are not particularly interested in neuroscience here, but the take home lesson from this, is that the mantra of trusting the science, made in the Covid plandemic, and in the climate change cult, is nonsense, if so much academic research is either outrightly false, not capable of replication, or just faked.


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Niall Ferguson: The Most Spectacular Historical Folly of Australia By James Reed

Leading British historian Professor Niall Ferguson has a great interview on YouTube, where he frankly discusses Australia’s threat from China.  He asks: “how many more flashing red lights do you need.” He sees Australia’s military as vastly unprepared, and the population, generally oblivious to the extreme danger, something I have been saying about the “land of the long weekend” for years. We need as a nation to wake in fright, and run to get ready for what is coming, if we want to live, or be free to some degree. Time is running out for us Ferguson says.


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The Climate Change Cabal’s Destruction of Germany By Richard Miller (London)

If one wants to see the climate change cult working in its most destructive phase, Germany is the place to examine. First, this woke nation phased out nuclear energy during an energy crisis, and masses of people avoided death from freezing only because the weather was unexpectedly mild. Next season they may not be so lucky. Now changes are being made to the so-called Gebäudeenergiegesetz, or the Building Energy Act, which regulates energy consumption in residential and commercial structures. This begins the process of phasing out oil and gas heating, and the requirement will be made that by 2024, if there is a Germany, all heating systems must use at least 65 percent renewable energy.

No-one knows exactly where this energy will come from given that there is already an energy crisis. My guess, is from nowhere, and next time round, people will be left to freeze to death. After all it is not called the Great Replacement for nothing!

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Judge, Jury and Executioner, Without Mercy By Brian Simpson

The globalist elites are in the endgame of their mass genocide program, to not only depopulate the planet, but through transhumanism, to transform human nature. The first worldwide, gee whiz experiment was with the gene therapies, called mRNA vaccines. The next big step forward, is through AI, which is joining up with the biotech revolution, with the early steps in the fusing of man and machine.


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Australian Government to Drop Vax Injury Payouts, So, Just Sue Them! By Brian Simpson

The Covid vax machine rolls on. Now the Australian government is set to pay a smaller amount in Covid vaccination injury claims. The Federal government’s COVID-19 Vaccine Claim Scheme could cost taxpayers $76.9 million over the 2022-23 period, but this figure has since been revised to $28.8 million over the 2023-24 financial year. After that, well, the injured are on their own, I suppose, or at best get an even more reduced amount. It is an utterly contemptable response, given that the government acted as servants of Big Pharma, moved to suppress dissent, and assured the public that the vaccines were safe, and prevented transmission.  And state governments, such as Victoria and Western Australia, locked people up in home detention, some of the longest lockdowns on the planet, and the locked down were sometimes unable to get medicines and food, all to assure compliance. There is a Victorian case ongoing about this now, covered in the blog last week. It was a crime against humanity, violating fundamental human rights and principles of medical ethics, and they get away with it. Where is justice? Just sue them!


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Twitter and World Economic Forum’s Linda Yaccarino By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I was expecting Elon Musk to show his true globalist colours, but he is now exceeding all expectations, and they are low ones, at least for me given his commitment to technocracy and the World Economic Forum.  Twitter’s new CEO, Linda Yaccarino, is a World Economic Forum Executive Chair and NBCUniversal advertising executive. She recently tried to get Musk to self-censor himself, which he did not agree to. Talk about bare faced cheek, but, there you go. If she succeeds in bringing in the big bucks from woke advertisers, expect Musk to fall in line, more than he is doing now with his token lip-service to free speech, while still banning many social critics from the Dissent Right.

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Doctors on the Existential Threat of AI By Brian Simpson

Yesterday I covered financiers who were concerned about the social and existential threats of AI. Today there is more, as doctors and global health experts weigh in on the issue. Having covered the Covid plandemic for three years now at the blog, I have a healthy scepticism towards the health profession. Still, the concerns of this group on the AI issue, is sound. “The ability of AI to rapidly clean, organise and analyse massive data sets consisting of personal data, including images collected by the increasingly ubiquitous presence of cameras,” will reinforce power of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes to maintain power, as the example of communist China shows. Millions will lose their jobs as AI expands to replace an ever greater number of people, including the service industry. And, Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS), using AI to identify and destroy targets, also is a concern, if the systems get to be deployed against you.  These are all legitimate reasons for concern.

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The End of Tolerating Tolerance By Chris Knight (Florida)

Brandon Smith says what needs to be said, that the notion that we should be “tolerant,” of everything the Left and progressives  pushes, needs to be knocked over, and opposed by the strength of will. The issue is a clear one; why should there be tolerance of that which one believes is harmful to society and one’s community? Tolerance is only justified if that which is being put forward is actually acceptable for independent reasons. Certainly this is how the Left plays the game, as their tolerance does not extend to tolerating any disagreement with their agenda and ideologies. Tolerance and claims of “racism” and the likes serve to silence critics, and unfortunately it works given the social power the Left now has. But, all things must pass, and fade away:

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Multiculturalism and the Fall of Rome By James Reed

The Western Roman Empire lasted for about 1,000 years, which is astonishing given the vast number of existential threats that Rome faced, which eventually toppled it. As detailed at American, Rome successfully, at least for a considerable period of time, assimilated diverse ethnicities into Roman society, in a grand melting pot. This, no doubt forms an inspiration to mass immigration supporters today. Yet, the key here is assimilation, not multiculturalism. It was only when Roman began to permit the ethnicities to maintain their own distinct cultures, rather than full integrating into Roman society, that cracks began to develop, but this was inevitable because after a point, the foreigners outnumbered traditional Romans. As detailed by Peter Heather in his book Empires and Barbarians (2015), mass immigration of the barbarians usually took the form of invasions; the Empire was invaded in the second century by the Marcomani, in the 4th century by the Goths, and in the 5th century by the Franks. As the number of invasions increased, the Romans moved to stop fighting them, and ceded land to them. The barbarians did not like tax, so the Roman tax base decreased. Along with other financial woes, this weakened Rome’s military, until, the entire Empire collapsed.


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Goldman Sachs Equity on the AI Threat By Brian Simpson

I have been covering the possibility of an emerging threat to humanity by generative artificial intelligence, generally citing insiders who fear the direction that things are going. So far this has been individuals, but now Goldman Sachs equity research division has issued a study. It predicts that “AI will lead one-third of a billion layoffs (at least) in the US and Europe. Think of it as the robotization of the service sector.

Specifically, according to Jan Hatzius, "using data on occupational tasks in both the US and Europe, we find that roughly two-thirds of current jobs are exposed to some degree of AI automation, and that generative AI could substitute up to one-fourth of current work. Extrapolating our estimates globally suggests that generative AI could expose the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs to automation" as up to "two thirds of occupations could be partially automated by AI." That means the end of work for these people, as there will be fierce competition for any jobs not displaced by AI, as long as such jobs last.

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A Communist Chinese Backdoor via TikTok By James Reed

People are right to be highly suspicious of TikTok, which US authorities say has direct connections to the CCP. Now it has been revealed, according to allegations in a lawsuit, that ByteDance allowed a Chinese Communist Party unit to censor content and access data. ByteDance even built a "backdoor channel" to enable CCP access to US user data, the suit alleges. Banning TikTok is not a free speech issue; it is a national security one, as information seems to be freely given to the CCP.


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Climate Change Death Cult Targets Agriculture By James Reed

The climate change cult means business; yes, harm to business if it is agriculture. While we have seen much of this “close down the farms movement” in Europe, especially the Netherlands, the same seems to be kicking over as well in the United States. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, has said that control of agriculture is essential for the climate change agenda, to end global warming. Supposedly, agricultural production accounts for 33 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, which to Kerry’s mind makes it a first priority. This is a problem though, as he recognised since the world’s population is growing, albeit at a decreasing rate, so the demand for food, and hence more agriculture, will increase as well. Lip service is given to improving efficiency, but that is just a fallacy as the Netherlands farms are highly efficient but are on the globalist agenda to be closed down.


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Dr David Barton: The Voice Referendum is about Power By James Reed

Most calls for Aboriginal self-determination, if not a return to tribal law and life, are made by Left-wing white fella academics and card-carrying communists, something noted early in the debate by Geoff McDonald in Red Over Black (1982), but a point made more recently by Dr David Barton regarding the Voice Referendum. Dr Barton notes that this past life has now gone as completely as say medieval life has gone for Europeans, to be replaced by a woke social construction, devised by the New Class intellectuals:


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Covid Vaxxes Could Cause Long-Term Brain Damage By Mrs Vera West

A recent peer-reviewed article in the European Journal of Medical Research has discussed the issue of the numerous adverse effects the Covid 19 vaccines may have on the human nervous system. These effects include cerebrovascular disorders including cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, transient ischemic attack, intracerebral haemorrhage, ischemic stroke, and demyelinating disorders including transverse myelitis, the first manifestation of MS, and neuromyelitis optica, to name but a few. Don’t worry, I had to look most of these up and it is bad. The article states that in various cases, these effects can be fatal. It appears that women are more affected by neurological adverse effects from the vaxxes than men, because women induce a stronger immune response against foreign antigens. It seems then that the mainstream scientific community is at long last publishing on the herd of elephants in the room regarding the safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaxxes. But, to continue the animal metaphors, the horses have long ago bolted.

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Women and the University’s Decline By Mrs Vera West and James Reed

Human biodiversity writer, Lance Welton, has been addressing the issue of the relationship between the decline of the liberal university, and the rise of women in positions of power within it, for some years. He recently returned to his theme, that the rise of women has played a large part in the fall of the universities, discussing a study by social psychologists at the State University of New York “The Value Gap: How Gender, Generation, Personality, and Politics Shape the Values of American University Students,” by Zachary Rausch et al., Journal of Open Inquiry in the Behavioral Sciences, 2023. The paper reported on a “value discrepancy” existing among 574 American university students by examining “the prioritization of five different academic values (academic freedom, advancing knowledge, academic rigor, social justice, and emotional well-being).” They also investigated how “gender, generation, personality, major, and conservatism predict each academic value.” The researchers  compared Gen Z subjects to 126 Millennials and some older people. It was found that Gen Z valued social justice goals over values such as truth. And, women were even more woke than men: “Gender demographics on college campuses have been reversed over the past sixty years. … Males dominated college campuses in the 1960s with a ratio of 1.6 male to 1 female undergraduate students, inverting, as of 2003, to become a ratio of 1.3 women to every 1 male undergraduate. … The change in gender demographics within colleges is significant, as gender has been linked to differences in personality traits, value orientation, and conservatism. … For example, men tend to be less liberal than women … men score lower on agreeableness and openness … and men have higher scores on emotional stability.”


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The Climate Change War on the West By James Reed

A Mid-Western doctor, always having something worth reading, has lamented at the way the globalist corporate elites have invaded, and taken over the environmental movement, or what used to be known as conservation. This has been done by down-playing real issues of pollution, such as persistent organic pollutants, and oestrogenic plastics, and elevating carbon dioxide as the villain of all villains. Now, as almost all of the dire predictions about global warming have failed to be confirmed, instead of admitting fault as good science should, a doubling down has occurred. On this point he agrees with Robert F. Kennedy who recently said: “The climate issues and pollution issues are being exploited by the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates and all of these big Mega billionaires the same way that COVID was exploited. To use it as an excuse to clamp down — top down totalitarian controls on society and to then to give us engineering solutions. And if you look closely as it turns out, the guys who are promoting those engineering solutions are the people who own the IPs, the patents for those solutions. It’s being used…

…They’ve given climate chaos a bad name because people now see that it’s just another crisis that’s being used to strip mine the wealth of the poor and to enrich billionaires.”

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The Vaccine Cult By Chris Knight

Here is a collection of film clips where the elites say that those unvaccinated against Covid, are the problem, spreading the disease and threatening the vaccinated. It is all past material, but it shows the fanaticism of these elites from government, the health sector and media. It really was a form of mass psychosis, since these chatters also held that the vaccines made one, as one doctor put it to me “a super-hero,” immune to Covid. But, as things played out it turned out that the multiple vaxxed were getting Covid more frequently than the unvaxxed, who by the time of Omicron, had natural immunity. However, there has been no retraction or apology by any of them, for any of this.


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The Globalist Strategy of Collapse By Chris Knight (Florida)

It seems that the coming collapse is all around us, and one can see this at a street level here in many parts of America; I get to travel in my paid job, and I have seen most of the things summarised below. What is obvious is uncontrolled crime in the Democrat run states, and regions. This is not restricted to major crimes against the person, but has expanded with go-soft measures to protect criminals, who are a “special” class to property crimes, such as shop stealing. I have seen many supermarket stores, with wall-to-wall lockups of even basic items such as tin meat, sweets, biscuits, breakfast cereal. As hard times are here, and inflation is killing the ordinary people, let alone those on welfare, stealing basics has become common. People need to eat before, say, using the latest cell phone. Homelessness is not dealt with as a social problem needing fixing, but instead, tent cities are allowed to grow like cancers on the landscape. This is not to degrade the homeless, many of whom have been made homeless by the globalist policies. All in all, there is a sense of deep cultural decline sweeping over many US places, which in turn are coming to resemble post-apocalyptic ruins.

And, this decay is part of a globalist plan, to collapse society, and level it, so that it can be rebuilt according to some demonic plan; if people do not resist as if their existence depended upon it. It does as this is the endgame now.

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The Woke Globalist Attack Upon Christianity By James Reed

We watch the US and Europe to see where the globalists will be taking us next; no longer can we be insular, since now the attack is fully global, and there is nowhere to hide any more. Christians are persecuted in many places in the Third world, such as Africa, such as the Congo. In a speech to the United Nations Human Rights Council's 23rd session in May 2013, then-Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations in GenevaSilvano Maria Tomasi claimed that "an estimate of more than 100,000 Christians are violently killed because of some relation to their faith every year."


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