The Victorian Covid Cases By Brian Simpson

Talk about generosity! The Victorian government is offering $ 5 million dollars to settle a class action regarding nine public housing towers that were locked down in 2020. The 3,000 residents were detained without notice in the residences, did not have fresh air, exercise, and deprived of medicines and adequate/ suitable food.

The offer to settle of $ 5 million is in my opinion an insult. I would argue that each deprived person should be awarded at a minimum of $ 5 million, for a fundamental violation of human rights, given that the facts are correct. But, the Victorian people returned the same government to power which did this, so I guess, that is just how it goes in the Covid state.

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The Southern Border Welcome Wagon By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Down south, Mexico way, 1,500 troopers have been sent by the Biden administration, as Title 42 has expired, and the flood of illegals becomes a super-storm. But, according to a Border Control informant, the troopers are being sent, not to control the border, but to help the illegals into the US. This is the Great Replacement in action, not only a racial one, but a replacement of voters too. Electoral fraud, done to perfection is simply not enough for this most evil of governments.

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The FBI: It Needs to be Closed Down By Chris Knight (Florida)

This one relates to the present controversy over the question of the corruption of President Joe Biden. The story goes that the FBI has refused to give US Congress an informant file alleging that President Biden took bribes while he was vice president; surely something of national interest.  The file is not classified. And, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) issued a legally binding subpoena last week requiring the FBI to turn over the file. But, the FBI has ignored this.

This, by definition makes the FBI an outlaw organisation, itself breaking the law. Clearly, with numerous other civil rights violations this secret police force in service of the globalists have committed, the whole thing needs to be closed down.

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Lab Grown Meat: More Carbon than Real Meat! By James Reed

The push for lab grown meat is being made on the grounds that real meat has an unacceptably high carbon footprint. However, the globalists such as Bill Gates, who push this line, and who have financial interests in such lab grown meat, never give their scientific proof that lab grown meat is “ecologically sustainable,” to use their buzz word.


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The Goodies the Biden Crime Family Received By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Material on the Biden crime family continues to pile up, but most, not all, of the mainstream media still protect their boy, Joe. Documents that the House oversight committee has, reveal that the Biden family received over $ 10 million from business deals in China and Romania, based upon influence peddling, the majority of companies formed during Joe Biden’s vice presidency. Most of the details summarised below relate to Hunter Biden, Joe’s son, but Emma-Jo Morris’s and Miranda Devine in examining  the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to get a ten percent stake in a company formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party. If that does not raise national security issues, nothing does, but the Democrats allow it to occur, also being corrupt.


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Ann Coulter on How the West Ends By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It must be apocalyptic Saturday, the weekend bringing out the inner sense of doom of dissent social critics, across the globe. Thus, Queen Ann Coulter has penned a piece now doing the rounds, on the US race situation, in the light, or is it shadow, of the drive to have reparations of billions for African Americans today, who while never slaves themselves, may have had a distant relative who was a slave, back centuries ago. Note that this is race-based, biased towards Black, when a large number of slaves in America were white indentured labour, who at the time were treated just as bad as actual Black slaves. But, that is an inconvenient truth, forgotten as the race narrative serves well the present globalist regime, in its Great Replacement agenda. Taking down the white race will leave no-one to oppose their quest for global totalitarianism.


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African Climatologist Attacks Climate Geoengineering By James Reed

Chukwumerije Okereke, an African climatologist, has strongly criticised proposals to geo-engineer the climate, to supposedly deal with the climate crisis. The professor does believe in climate change, but sees some so-called “solutions” as worse than the alleged initial problem, which we, of course, do not believe exists at all. These solar engineering technologies, which are surprisingly cheap, and could be implemented, aim to reflect sunlight back from the Earth, such as putting sulphur chemicals in the stratosphere. He points out that the technologies on a global scale are by definition unproven, and using the actual practice as an experiment is scientifically irrational. Africa’s climate is already somewhat chaotic, and it is possible that an interference with the present influx of solar radiation could have kick-on chaotic, unpredictable effects, endangering the lives of over a billion people.

It is a high cost to pay for conducting yet another grand experiment; the world should have had enough after Covid. Another take on this is that  global elites actually do not care about the possible death toll, adding this venture to the depopulation agenda.

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George Christensen: Soros Wants to Wipe Us Out! By James Reed

George Soros, speaking last month at the Munich Security conference, said that climate change was an existential threat to humanity, something that is fairly commonly said by the intellectual chattering class and World Economic Forum globalists today.  His “solution’ was to engage in geo-engineering to lower atmospheric temperature by reflecting back solar radiation into space. In my next article today, I refer to an African climatologist who sees this as a disaster in the waiting for Africa. As noted below, George Christensen pulls no punches, saying that a widespread use of these technologies could generate climatic instabilities, leading to global famines and the death of the bulk of humanity. Christensen sees this as a deliberate agenda of the globalists, a point of view which I think definitely has merit for consideration.

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From Californian Insanity to the Voice Referendum By James Reed

In California, the maddest state of the US, a reparations panel has concluded that racial justice requires every Black citizen be paid $ 1.2 million to address past wrongs, presumably even if the ancestors of Blacks were Black slaver owners themselves. Oh yes, see: L. Koger, Black Slave Owners (2011). This is in a state which never had slavery at all. Anyway, that is the way of woke not reason. And "California has an annual budget of about $237 billion, but economists on the panel said reparations could cost the state more than $800 billion." When the masses of American Blacks move to California, the state will be bankrupt, which is great.

Now, it is early days yet, but if the Voice Referendum is successful, given the California precedent, we can bet that a reparations drive will kick in in Australia too. This needs to be discussed now.

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The Mythology of Carbon Dioxide By James Reed

The emperor is certainly naked on this one. Scientific studies of temperature changes over thousands of years, not the relatively short periods that is used in the climate change predictions of doom, show that between 8,000 – 5,000 years ago, the global average temperature was 2 C warmer than now, but then dropped 2.5 C over the next 3,000 years. So, temperatures go up and down, according to natural variation.

And, according to research by K. Skrable et al., published in Health Physics, February 2022, present day carbon dioxide produced by industrialism is only a small part of the global carbon footprint: “After 1750 and the onset of the industrial revolution, the anthropogenic fossil component and the non-fossil component in the total atmospheric CO2 concentration, C(t), began to increase. Despite the lack of knowledge of these two components, claims that all or most of the increase in C(t) since 1800 has been due to the anthropogenic fossil component have continued since they began in 1960 with “Keeling Curve: Increase in CO2 from burning fossil fuel.” Data and plots of annual anthropogenic fossil CO2 emissions and concentrations, C(t), published by the Energy Information Administration, are expanded in this paper. Additions include annual mean values in 1750 through 2018 of the 14C specific activity, concentrations of the two components, and their changes from values in 1750. The specific activity of 14C in the atmosphere gets reduced by a dilution effect when fossil CO2, which is devoid of 14C, enters the atmosphere. We have used the results of this effect to quantify the two components. All results covering the period from 1750 through 2018 are listed in a table and plotted in figures. These results negate claims that the increase in C(t) since 1800 has been dominated by the increase of the anthropogenic fossil component. We determined that in 2018, atmospheric anthropogenic fossil CO2 represented 23% of the total emissions since 1750 with the remaining 77% in the exchange reservoirs. Our results show that the percentage of the total CO2 due to the use of fossil fuels from 1750 to 2018 increased from 0% in 1750 to 12% in 2018, much too low to be the cause of global warming.”

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Australian Insurance Company Restricting Cover for Doctors Performing Child Sex Changes By Mrs Vera West

I did not see anything about this in our woke Australian mainstream media. Australia has some of the most “progressive,” in the Leftist sense, gender legislation in the world, being a real testing ground. But, the course of true ideology never runs smooth.  A medical indemnity insurer has issued an email to members stating that “in response to the high risk of claims arising from irreversible treatments provided to those who medically and surgically transition as children and adolescents,” it is “restricting cover for practitioners in private practice.”  From July 1, 2023, the insurer will not cover, or make a payment, when the claim arises “in any way” out of a doctor’s assessment that a patient under the age of 18 years is suitable for a “gender transition.”

Well, that throws a pretty spanner in the works.

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“At the Most Basic Level, the News You Consume is a Lie.” Tucker Flies to Twitter By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Tucker Carlson is moving to sue Fox, to presumably free himself up to move to a new news venue. At present, he has gone to Twitter, using the facilities that is open to anyone, but there is a hint of great things to come. In a recent comment he showed that he will be producing interesting commentary, saying “At the most basic level, the news you consume is a lie.” That should, to be self-consistent, be applied to the mainstream news, which is a sound reason for an alternative media to the legacy press.

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Pfizer and the Voice By James Reed

I am not surprised. Pfizer, those kind folks who gave us the life-saving vaxxes, now want us to vote YES in the Voice referendum. This goes with the packaging of Big Pharma as saving the world, so naturally, they say: “We believe the Voice will enable better health outcomes for First Nations communities in Australia and provide a route to help inform policy decisions that impact their lives.

Reconciliation helps to address the most significant disparity in Australia’s population: the health and wellbeing of First Nations peoples.

How this actually works is as much as mystery as the mRNA spike proteins. It would seem logical that health inequalities, if they exist, and that is an act of faith of the Left, should still be addressed, referendum or no referendum. Thus, if a NO vote succeeds, people should not wring their hands in white racial guilt, but still work to dealing with everything that supposedly would have been done (but won’t be) if the New World Order referendum had succeeded.

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The “Vaccines are Safe” Narrative: Scientific Proof? By Brian Simpson

One of the positions that circulated in the vaccine critique movement, like the idea that viruses do not exist, or if they do, don’t do what received biology says they do, is the idea that there is no scientific proof, by double-blind, gold standard tests, that vaccines actually are safe. As detailed below, Steve Kirsch follows this issue through with his request to have presented to him such studies. But, I suppose by default, there could not be any such study, as all medications for at least someone have possible adverse effects. One can see this with the nice printout that comes with medication, with a fine-print list of all that could go wrong. Thus, I would suggest that the real issue is the actual probability of specific harms, rather than finding some sort of total safety.

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Danger Zone: The Coming Conflict with China By James Reed

A new book by Hal Brands and Michael Beckley, Danger Zone: The Coming Conflict with China, tells us what most of us know. Conflict, indeed, war, with China is coming. But  most who think, believe that this is due to china’s rise to affluence, and hence the quest for world domination. However, there is another take; Brands and Beckley present evidence indicating that “peak China” has already occurred, and China will decline now, just as Japan, which many of our local traitorous elites thought would rule the world (back in the heady days of the Multifunction Polis project, 30 years ago), rose and fell. But, a declining China, and arguably a declining US, will make even more danger, much like an injured tiger is more dangerous than a healthy one. So, whatever way it goes: danger!

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Even the Gay are Not Safe from Woke Brigade! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Coming your way Australia, as every weird thing that happens here in the US will be spread like a mind virus to Australia; once it took five years, now with social media brainwashing, maybe five days, or even minutes. Thus, Professor David Richardson, a tenured professor at Madera Community College, is a “self-described gay conservative.” Professor Richardson has been put on paid administrative leave pending an investigation into unspecified allegations of creating a “hostile work environment” and harassing and discriminating against colleagues “based on gender.” So, what horrible act did he do? Well, he had “manned’ a table featuring Jeremy’s Chocolates, which are explicitly anti-woke. Nothing else, just selling chocolates. And, now his job could very well go.


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Why We Can Judge Cultures: Beyond the Cultural Relativism of the Age By James Reed

Cultural relativism is the doctrine that there are no objective criteria by which to judge cultures; that values and philosophies are dependent upon the cultures that they are found in. That doctrine is the foundation of postmodernism and contemporary sociology. However, it is internally incoherent, and self-undermining, but not in the way that most anti-relativist philosophers attack it.  The fact is, that the cultural relativist Leftoid is assessing other cultures being equal, made naturally from their own position. Nothing else is possible. But that is the paradox, because an assessment of cultures is still being made, which is intellectual imperialism: who are they to make such pronouncements!  

If there is one culture which asserts that there are absolute truths, say Western Christian culture, then according to the relativist, that culture is true relative to its foundations. But, that means that Western Christian culture is absolutely true! Hence relativism collapses!

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The Environmental Threat of Recycled Plastic By James Reed

A recent article: Erina Brown et al, “The potential for a plastic recycling facility to release microplastic pollution and possible filtration remediation effectiveness,” Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.hazadv.2023.100309, has hammered some more nails, plastic ones, into the deep green coffin of recycling plastics. While is sounds like a good idea to do this to “save the environment,” in cold hard reality, recycling is a failure. Not only does most plastic not get recycled, once collected, but the process of recycling, involving industrial washing to remove gunk, also removes, believe it or not, plastic particles, which then as microplastics enter the environment, and do more harm that otherwise. As well, even though there is a lot of plastic in the ocean, cold but cuddly sea creatures are adapting to it, and making comfortable homes in the odd plastic drink container. Clean-up operations are disturbing this new micro-ecology, which is utterly shocking, at least for environmentalists.

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Cruise Missiles for the Ukraine; What Could Possibly Go Wrong Here? By Richard Miller (London)

The UK has delivered long-range cruise missiles to the Ukraine. Supposedly the missiles do not have the range to strike Moscow, but are still capable of striking deep within Russia, hitting strategic locations. The UK government “has received assurances from the Ukrainian government that these missiles will be used only within Ukrainian sovereign territory.” Of course, they know that President Zelensky, the man who dances so well in heels, will do the right thing here and keep his word; would he lie to you? That is the faith of the Western liberal progressive regime. But, too bad if some Ukrainian military operative did not get the memo, and blasts away anyway. One must ask: how long will the Russian bear continue to put up with being prodded with a red-hot poker?

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China’s War on Religion By James Reed

While the woke of the YES side in the Voice Referendum like to say that a NO vote would give the world a good reason to make Australia wear sack cloth and ashes for its white racial colonial sins, the counter is to cite the treatment of minorities in communist China, icon of the Australian woke Left. In particular, the neo-Buddhist religion, of Falun Gong has been subjected to a vicious crackdown since 1999. It has been regarded as a threat to the Chinese Communist Party, and hence something to be eliminated. Thousands of practitioners were arrested and subjected to abuse. Just how bad this was shown in the  the American Journal of Transplantation by Matthew Robertson, a Ph.D. student at Australian National University, and Dr. Jacob Lavee, the founder and former director of the Heart Transplantation Unit at the Sheba Medical Center in Israel. They found that organ procurement on an “industrial scale” was occurring, involving the extraction of organs from still living prisoners! This has not been refuted, and others have confirmed this. Thus, it hardly makes sense to condemn Australia for exercising a democratic right to vote, in a world where this genocide goes on, with the silence of the same woke Leftoids who would condemn us, but turn a blind eye to their icon of communism China. People in glass houses should not throw stones.,known%20as%20forced%20organ%20harvesting

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