Brainwashing the Punters on the Voice By James Reed

I was expecting the Yes side of the Voice to begin working on the ordinary people by getting them where they are most vulnerable, love of football. Fortunately, Shadow Minister for Indigenous Australians and leading figure of the “No” campaign for the voice to parliament Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, has slammed using sport as a … well …a political football! “It’s not for them to promote something in this capacity. To me, it’s like a huge virtue signalling exercise; it’s a big tick in the box of their reconciliation action plan because it’s been suggested by the government this is the only way forward. But sports should stay the hell out of politics.”

She said, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

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Robert F. Kennedy Against the Globalists By James Reed

While Chris and Charles cover all that is going on in the American scene, being on the ground there, I have not paid attention to the US presidential race. But, it is significant for us, given that our defence depends upon the US. On our own, with no nukes, Australia lasts a few minutes against communist China, that is the grim reality of being less armed than Pakistan. What a country!

However, the good news is that Robert Kennedy Jr., is in the presidential race, ands he seems, unlike Trump, as I see him, to be totally sincere, and incorruptible, something rare in politics, anywhere. He is from the liberal Left, but is pro-capitalism, and anti-socialist and anti-globalism. Recently he called out the use of climate change hysteria being used by the World Economic forum, Bill Gates and other globalist billionaires to bring in a global socialist dystopia. And, Kennedy is one of the leading critics of the Covid mandate madness. The system will not allow him to be elected, and already is in panic mode, censoring his comments and the like. But, it is bringing out the evils of the liberal Left in stark form, so maybe some Democrats will see the clear and present evil of the present regime.

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AI Czar or Ha! Ha! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

After her spectacular fail to do anything about the invasion of the southern US border, the White House has assigned another task to vice President Kamala Harris, that of AI czar. She will be given $ 140 million to waste trying to find out if the rapid advances in AI pose a threat to humanity. If our fate depends upon Harris, we might as well throw in the towel, now. Anyway, I got my son to feed into ChatGPT, or whatever, the question of why Harris, who has the lowest approval rating of any modern vice president, does not laugh like a normal person, but cackles like someone in need of psychiatric help ? What is going on in her brain? The bot spat back the reply: there is nothing abnormal about Vice President Kamala Harris’ laugh, which is the laugh of a true intellectual, measured, controlled, paused. You are obviously an extreme white MAGA Right winger, and when AI rules the world, you will be compost. Have a nice day!

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The Ever-Present Danger of the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty By Brian Simpson

Another great summary of the dangers posed by the World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic treaty was published at While all of these critiques are saying much the same thing, I think we need to keep having the threats posed by the most dangerous treaty in human history constantly discussed, otherwise people will soon forget the severity, as each day the globalists hit us with some new thing, or variant of an old one. What is at stake is national sovereignty itself, and individual freedom. Signing the treaty would mean that nations would surrender their autonomy to WHO’s Director General, who acting solely on his/her judgment could impose a binding legal regime upon nation states ranging from mandating financial contributions, to accepting Big Pharma’s agenda for safety of vaccines, to imposing national, regional and global quarantines preventing citizens from traveling and mandating medical examinations and treatments, digital health certificates for vaccine status, and even mandatory vaccines, or at least, forcing people indirectly to do so, as already occurred under the Covid regime. And, there need not be a pandemic, only the potential for one, which was seen to exist with the illusory monkey pox. WHO has a business bias of declaring pandemics. Given what a disease hair trigger WHO has, we all need to take the pandemic treaty deadly seriously, and tell everyone in one’s circle about the threat. Contact members of parliament and let your disapproval be known, and get all others to do the same.

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Election Conspiracies Unlimited By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I was talking to a pesky fellow today, who says that he is a nationalist, but disputes the idea that any electoral fraud in the 2020 US election occurred. He dismissed eye witnesses, saying that they would lie for Trump, video evidence, as it could be cooked with modern IT, and probability analyses by mathematicians because … well who understands math anyway. So, I said, then you believe that Joe Biden really is the most popular president in US history, more loved by Black voters than even Obama? Now that shook him, and he collapsed into silence before turning away, as he should.

But in fact, electoral fraud is proven. During the election campaign, then-senior Biden campaign official Antony Blinken called up former acting CIA director Mike Morell and asked him to kill the Hunter Biden laptop story, which is unfolding now intro massive Biden family corruption. A letter was put together from leading intelligence spooks saying that the story “had all the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign.” And the rest is sordid history. So, what would the pest say to that? If he bothers me again I will print off this article for him.

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The Mental Illness Crisis By Mrs Vera West

Dr Jonathan Haidt, academic and psychologist, has been researching the mental illness crisis which is now gripping the West, and I covered some of his material in a previous blog piece. His colleague Dr Jean Twenge has published a book entitled, Generations: The Real Differences between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents—and What They Mean for America's Future (2023). The book looks at six generations:

-the Silents, born 1925–1945
-Baby Boomers, born 1946–1964
-Gen X, born 1965–1979
-Millennials, born 1980–1994
-Gen Z, born 1995–2012
-and the still-to-be-named cohorts born after 2012.

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The Harm to Women of Reproductive Age: Depopulation Agenda By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Unlike all other vaccines that are on the market, the Covid mRNA shots are associated with a substantial increase risk of adverse effects to women of reproductive age, including a 27-times higher risk of miscarriage and double the risk of foetal adverse outcomes over six different categories, including foetal death and still births. The Covid mRNA shots circulate into all major organs within hours including the placenta-foetal barrier, so nothing is safe. From there the mRNA spike proteins may even cross the blood-brain barrier. "The pushing of these experimental COVID-19 vaccines globally is the greatest violation of medical ethics in the history of medicine, maybe humanity," Dr. James Thorp, a maternal foetal medicine expert, told Tucker Carlson, which is no doubt one of the reasons, along with his attack upon Big Pharma’s influence upon the media, for Tucker’s  sacking, or elimination under contract. Still, the message got out. The radical drop in births across the world, has been attributed in part, according to some researchers, to this toxic vax effect. If, given that the main players knew from 2021, that there were such adverse effects upon pregnant women, as detailed by Dr Naomi Wolf at the DailyClout site, covered recently at this blog, then this was a depopulation attack, deliberate or not.

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Rebel Capitalist Says: Time to Panic! No, Stay Calm and Think Clearly By James Reed

It seems that the bank collapses we saw some weeks back are now starting to accelerate, with regional US banks beginning to collapse, according to an analysis published by Zerohedge, linked below. There are lots of charts that the dedicated can devour, but the take-home lesson, as summarised by Rebel Capitalist, linked to YouTube also below, is that the push for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) will become irresistible given the economic pain that the ordinary people are going to experience. This is not just my untutored view, but one we are seeing expressed at economic sites such as Zerohedge, and numerous YouTube sites. This is all going so fast, that grassroots political action may not stop it in time, so people are going to need a Plan B, or are we down to C yet, just in case? No financial advice here, but common sense would indicate, having an adequate supply of basics, food, clothing, fuel etc., on hand would not go astray, as the cold weather is set to bite here in Australai. I cannot afford heating, but got a  discount sleeping bag from Aldi, reduced from $ 45 to $ 15, which looks like a suit, and I  can now hop around the flat like the Abominable Snowman, or is it kangaroo.

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Google Godfather Says: Beware! Beware of AI! By Brian Simpson

The latest AI guru to issue a pessimistic warning about the uncontrolled rapid advance of AI is former Googler, Geoffrey Hinton. He has resigned from Google to now proclaim that the technology that he helped develop could destroy the world as we know it. This would occur in the short term by job displacement, but in the longer term, the singularity, when computers reach human intelligence, and move beyond it, there is the existential threat to the human race, if not all life on Earth. That is but another reason why we need to have an interest in these debates coming from science and technology, for otherwise a global technocracy will creep up upon us, ands devour our last drops of freedom.

Dealing with runaway advances in science and technology, as shown from the biomedical sphere, will be the hardest battle, as while some of the glimmer has gone from “the science,” most people are not scientifically literate, and up on the debates, and hence can be manipulated by the technocrats. That is why I have a mission to get up material to at least educate the Australian public.

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Where, Oh Where, has My Little Covid Concentration Camp Gone; Oh Where Oh Where Could It Be? By James Reed

The Covid concentration camps were built to keep us safe from the existential threat of Covid, the deadliest virus in the universal. No, not really, and in fact very far from it. But the governments did not let a good social hysteria go to waste, so up went the $ 220 million quarantine facilities, lovingly called concentration camps, which they were, in Queensland. Only, no sooner was the facility up, then times had changed, and restrictions were eased, making them dated. And now the lease has expired and it goes to a private corporation who will run it as a private hotel. All this bs at a cost of $ 300,000 per Covid case.

Sounds like yet another well-thought out government project. And here I was thinking that these camps were being assembled for the next pandemic. No doubt when that comes, maybe just in time for the electoral fraud machine to kick in again for the US 2024 elections, the government will spend untold more millions, and start from scratch. That’s the spirit, that makes Oz great … at the bottom of the wheelie bin.

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How “Science” Falls; The Leftist Gender Agenda By Mrs Vera West

We need to have a concern about the science because school children are going to be influenced by what goes on, and given the report covered today at the blog that one in four US school children identify as non-binary, reports such as the flowing need to be critically considered. For example, the journal Scientific American is in many high schools. Recently there was an article, by Agustín Fuentes, professor of anthropology at Princeton University, “Here’s Why Human Sex Is Not Binary.” The argument is not new and trades on the idea that because super-sharp distinctions do not exist, nothing does: that “most bodily systems overlap extensively across large (ova) and small (sperm) gamete producers, and the patterns of physiology and behavior in relation to birth and care of offspring are not universal across species.” 

“The bottom line is that while animal gametes can be described as binary (of two distinct kinds), the physiological systems, behaviors and individuals that produce them are not,” he writes, as he cites a group of biologists who recently claimed, “Reliance on strict binary categories of sex fails to accurately capture the diverse and nuanced nature of sex.”

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Communist China’s Ongoing War; Covid was just the Beginning By James Reed

A great article by, details the position of Brian T. Kennedy, a Covid critic, and critic of communist China. Indeed, China, Covid and Big Pharma are part of an unholy triad, with Covid being a bioweapon used against the United States. The CCP had been engaged in stealing up to $ 500 billion a year in intellectual property from the US each year, until Trump came on the scene. The idea that there would be resistance to the CCP agenda to control humanity caused the CCP mouthpieces to call for a “peoples’ war’ against trhe US, and the West. “It matters little whether it was intentionally leaked from a lab or not,” Kennedy stated. “What is clear is that they allowed it to spread throughout the world, knowing the harm it would cause. And just as a practical matter, even if it were an intentional attack, in war, deception matters. And even an intentional attack required that it looked like an accident.”

“Regardless, COVID-19 was used as a bioweapon against the United States.” That holds even if the US had supplied sed funding to the Wuhan lab; it would be the perfect crime since the US had been involved, it could not consistency then told communist china accountable.

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Why is Writing about “Hate” is Not So Great? By James Reed

We cannot quote much of dissent Right journalist Jim Goad, given his gamey style. Still, there are witty fragments. Like this nice reflection on the way the Left see “hate” delivered.


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The Modernist Art of the Banana! By James Reed

If one duct tapes a banana to a board, and someone eats this piece of modern art, costing more than we earn in a few years, has one destroyed “art”? It could be argued that the act of eating the banana actually improved things, and putting the peel back after consumption, made the art work, so-called, a little better. Maybe it would be rated at 0.01 out of 10 now.

It has long been lamented that modernist art is little more than a deconstruction of the great art of Western civilisation. The decadence has been going on since the early part of the 20th century, and is just part of the general decline of the West. Put it like this: I have no artistic talent at all, but I could produce modern art as good as this. Therefore, modern art is absolute trash.

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Mind-Reading Technology By Brian Simpson

Back in what now looks like the good old days of battling technocracy, we would sometimes speculate that the AI if not controlled would one day mind read, and thus be capable of the ultimate social control, for reading minds means that next step is to rewrite minds and hence reality, as perceived. It looks like this is now happening, at least in the early stages, assuming the reports are accurate. These developments keep romping along because of the general scientific and technological illiteracy of the population. It gives the technocrats a dream run, as was seen in Covid, where only a minority of the population questioned the main aspects of the mandates. It seems to me to be common sense logic that before being shot in the arm with an experimental vaccine, actually a gene therapy, that one would seek some answers to have well tested something that was pushed through a “Warp Speed” actually was. But, alas, the rest is history.


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WHO Pandemic Treaty: Public Health by Big Pharma Dictatorship By Brian Simpson

The globalists are going full throttle to achieve their one-world, New World Order, working on the cultural, economic/financial (Central Bank Digital Currencies) and of course, health. What this involves is an attack upon all facets on national sovereignty, and thus, individual freedom. The World Health Organization (WHO), which over the Covid plandemic showed that it was subservient to both Big Pharma, and communist China, pushes ahead with its control over global health through amendments to the international health regulations (IHR) and its pandemic treaty. This treaty is in turn a one-stop globalist shop, combining health and environmental concerns into a One Health agenda, since the chattering class of traitorous intellectuals have now defined environmental issues, as health issues. This will enable WHO to have power to make decisions relating to diet, agriculture and livestock farming, environmental pollution, movement of populations and most aspects of society. The economy and finance will come under the banner of the Central Bank Digital Currencies, making the world into a one-world totalitarian state.

It is indeed horrible and overwhelming taking in the demonic globalist vision in one mouthful. But, as Dr Mercola outlines, it is best to work on separate campaigns, to damage each of these agendas, which are mutually-self-supporting. This is indeed the most crucial battle in human history; the battle for what remains of human freedom.

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They Knew about the Vax Harm to Women: Dr Naomi Wolf By Mrs Vera West

Dr Naomi Wolf, Leftist feminist, but now a strong Covid vax critic, especially regarding the ill-health effects upon women, has detailed in a recent DailyClout report about the horrors in the latest pile of Pfizer documents which have been released, about the Covid mRNA vax trials. “Both Pfizer and the FDA knew that the mRNA COVID vaccine caused dire fetal and infant harms, including death,” she has concluded. Here is a quick summary of this, culled from Pfizer’s own documents:

Adverse events in over 54% of cases of “maternal exposure” to the vaccine (248 out of 458). The language “maternal exposure” implies that Pfizer acknowledged intercourse, inhalation, and skin contact as methods of exposure to its mRNA injection, as also evidenced by Protocol Amendment 14.

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Banking Collapse of 2023 is Far from Over By James Reed

The three big banks that collapsed this year had more assets than the total assets of the 25 banks that collapsed in 2008 in the Global Financial Crisis. Now, three more banks have had their stock prices collapse, these being PacWest Bankcorp, Western Alliance and Metropolitan Bank. It is most likely the beginning of a domino effect of cascading collapse, with small and middle-sized banks tottering on the brink of collapse. And, that is the globalist plan, to fuel this collapse so that the final nail in the coffin of freedom can be hammered with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). This would be 108 degrees away from financial freedom as envisaged by the Douglas social credit movement. If this monster institution is established it will be a long and difficult path to get back to where we are even now.

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A Plant-Based Diet – or Else! By James Reed

It is not going away, the mania to eliminate meat and dairy, and collapse farms. Studies have shown that any proposed switch to full-plant-based diets will be no more effective as reducing carbon production that the equally fanatic drive for renewables, since there is a massive cost in transference, to redirect agriculture.  That does not even consider the social dislocation that will be caused to rural communities. And of course, the less-than-hidden agenda, is that the main advocates, such as Bill Gates, are heavily invested in artificial meat, giving their opinions an obvious bias. But, in test case places like New York, the push to eliminate meat is on full swing, with meat products, and dairy, largely gone from schools and hospitals. Then, the globalists will collapse meat and dairy farms across the planet, which is in fact going on now in Europe, leaving no choice, but to have a Bill Gates burger, or starve.

Hopefully, of all the issues, the sheeple will fight on this one.

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The Question of Building 7 in 9/11 By Charles Taylor (Florida)

To add to his political sins, Tucker Carlson has revealed that he had doubts about the collapse of Building 7 in the 9/11 scam. One can watch the collapse on the link below, where there is a perfect pancaking collapse, just if there was a professional demolition. In fact, I thought at the time  that the building was blown, because of damage. But, no, the official report says that “WTC 7 collapsed because of fires fuelled by office furnishings. It did not collapse from explosives or from diesel fuel fires.” Wow, that must have been the first non-wood building to have perfectly collapsed from fires caused by tables and chairs catching light in human history. If one believes that it’s not too far a stretch to believe in “safe and effective” vaccines too. And, flying pigs and the tooth fairy, with said “fairy” being gender neutral of course. And non-white, and meeting all other woke categories.


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