The Ideology of Gender Science By Mrs Vera West

In some respects, the intellectual foundations of the gender agenda are crumbling from within, but slowly. Thus, England's National Health Service (NHS) has held that children diagnosed with gender dysphoria will no longer receive puberty blockers because "there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness ... to make the treatment routinely available at this time." There have been other blows to the gender agendas, in Norway, Finland, France, Denmark, Sweden, and New Zealand. The premier of Alberta, Canada, has proposed legislation to restrict gender changing surgeries for children under 15 years. It is incredible that all this has occurred in the first place, but that's modernity for you. The entire culture of woke, especially at the schools had fallen in line with the ideology:

"Social authoritarianism became the order of the day. Many elementary and high schools were at the vanguard. Administrators ordered teachers not to alert parents to their child's gender confusion at the risk of job loss. Teachers were fired if they "mis-pronounced" a gender-confused student or used the child's "dead" (given) name instead of the gender-affirming name chosen by the child. Some teachers even proselytized gender ideology to their students, for example by placing LGBT flags in classrooms and assigning readings from pro-gender transitioning books."

This is still the order of the day, but there are, as has been discussed, some signs that an intellectual and policy backlash is occurring. But, all of this was only possible because of decades of work getting up the gender agenda in the 1960s, and intellectually entrenching its ideology in universities and schools, thus giving us what we face today. The real battle should have been noticed from square on back in the 1960s, and fought then, not left until the endgame. But here we are.

"Did you hear the news? England's National Health Service (NHS) has decided that children diagnosed with gender dysphoria will no longer receive puberty blockers because "there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness ... to make the treatment routinely available at this time."

The premier of Alberta, Canada, is planning legislation to restrict "gender-affirming" surgeries such as mastectomies for minors and puberty blockers for youth aged 15 and under. Other socially liberal nations have also hit the brakes on "gender affirmation," in children, including Norway, Finland, France, Denmark, Sweden, and New Zealand. So have a score of American states.

Why did it take so long for common sense to return to this contentious issue? Blame the cultural imperialism of gender ideologues who, while most of us were not paying attention, successfully instituted "treatment guidelines" that focused almost exclusively on "affirming" a child's gender confusion as medically necessary, while branding the more cautious approach of deeply exploring the mental health issues that could have contributed to the patient's confusion as "transphobic," and, even, likely to drive gender-confused children to suicide.

WPATH—which stands for the World Professional Association for Transgender Health—led the charge. Members of the organization are committed to the belief that "gender"—as opposed to sex—constitutes a human being's true self and that gender "identity" can be known by the child when very young—in some cases, even before starting school.

Moreover, when a child claims a particular gender identity different from that "assigned at birth"—male, female, nonbinary, transgender, etc.—that patient must be believed, "affirmed," and set on the road to an eventual "transition."

But gender ideologues didn't just promote their views about how gender dysphoric children should be treated in the marketplace of ideas. Rather, the entirety of the woke cultural infrastructure mobilized to punish those who challenged the new orthodoxy.

Social authoritarianism became the order of the day. Many elementary and high schools were at the vanguard. Administrators ordered teachers not to alert parents to their child's gender confusion at the risk of job loss. Teachers were fired if they "mis-pronouned" a gender-confused student or used the child's "dead" (given) name instead of the gender-affirming name chosen by the child. Some teachers even proselytized gender ideology to their students, for example by placing LGBT flags in classrooms and assigning readings from pro-gender transitioning books."



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