The LGBTQ + Gen Z By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

One in four US high school students now identify as LGBTQ+; the US CDC says the number of US LGBTQ students went from 11 percent in 2015 to 26 percent in 2021. Are we to suppose that social conditioning had nothing to do with this? And, isn’t this the generation which feels that we are on the brink of a climate catastrophe, with what, 10 years to save the planet? Shouldn’t discovering one’s sexuality be put on the backburner if one truly believes that?

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Social Justice Brainwashing! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is how bad the present Leftist woke tyranny can get if not hosed down and extinguished by conservatives; in California, as a trial run in woke brainwashing, students were indoctrinated in promoting social justice causes like mass immigration and gun control. Naturally the line was for open borders, and the total elimination of private firearms ownership, with no debate of balance of reasons; it was just fanatical adherence to the “Message.” This, is a test run, and expect similar experiments to be conducted in Australia at some point in the near future.

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Britain to Close Down because of … the Carbon Cult! By Richard Miller (London)

We can see the implications of the UN and other globalists Agenda 2030, with respect to just one of the 17 so-called sustainable development goal, being dealing with supposed human-caused climate change. Of course, the blame for this illusion is placed upon the West, and nothing short of a radical dismantling of the modern Western way of life, a life style of comfort that past generations paid for in blood sweat, tears, and their lives, in many cases. Thus in Britian, to meet the 2050 zero emissions, which in itself is another illusiuon given the mantra tht there is “10 years to save the planet,” all airports must be shut down, ending air travel for all time for the ordinary people. And, we can be sure that the likes of soros and bill Gates and Rupert Murdoch wil stil be able to get around, if transhumanism and genetic engineering allows them to keep on living. New constructions come to an end; as infrastructure across the West isalready starting to disintegrate, we wil see a world tht wil resemble the collapsed landscapes of zmbie apovalypse fiction, only it wil be real. And, long before all of this takes place, meat eating would have enbded, as farms are closed down, sacriced to the dark gods of climate change on the altrar of woke. Aand, the UK government has recently sped up the agenda to get all of this done in a mere 12 more years.


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Accelerating the Implementation of Agenda 2030: World Economic Forum By James Reed

Is the World Economic Forum (WEF) getting a little worried about possible growing resistance to their diabolical plan for a one world totalitarian regime? One can only hope. The WEF has recently said that there have been setbacks to their Great Reset plan, due to Covid, the Ukraine war, and the negative impacts of climate change. Hence the WEF wants, world leaders need to double down on efforts to “accelerate the implementation of Agenda 2030,” which under the guise of so-called sustainable development goals will essentially change ever aspect of society towards deindustrialisation.      


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Dr Christian Buckland’s Open Letter to the UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Condemning Behavioural Science on the Unknowing and Non-Consenting UK Public By Richard Miller (London)

Below is a letter from Dr Christian Buckland, Chairman of the Board of the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP), to the UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.


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Experiment Extends Cell Lifespan, but so What? By Brian Simpson

There has been what the media are reporting an anti-ageing breakthrough. As usual the research has been with simple organisms, in this case yeast cells. The researchers were able to increase the lifespan of the cells by interfering with a “toggle switch” in the cells that controlled cell life, by causing the cell to switch between two ageing pathways, and in effect not being able to make up its mind what to do. It is hypothesised that the same process could be done in other organisms. It is a long shot to think that this, while interesting, is presenting some sort of fountain of youth for humans. Yeast are a fungus, and a much simpler organism than any animal. It is not known if the switching trick would work in an animal organism, or even plants, and if there could be cancer effects from it, actually lowering lifespan. So, the claim “I don’t see why it cannot be applied to more complex organisms,” remains unjustified.


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What is Long Covid? Does it Exist? By Mrs Vera West

Rebeka Barnett, who has the very good Dystopia Down Under substack, has an excellent article on the issue of long Covid, something which the mainstream medical profession seems to have an explanation of the astonishing excess mortality, and the “died suddenly” phenomenon. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines long COVID as, “the continuation or development of new symptoms 3 months after the initial SARS-CoV-2 infection, with these symptoms lasting for at least 2 months with no other explanation.” That is a broad and vague definition that Barnett points out, with 200 different symptoms. Thus, almost anything could be put into the long Covid category, so long as one had Covid. The problem here Barnett points out is that there are no studies showing that there is not the projected connection between having had Covid, and so-called long Covid.


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On the Brink of a Depopulation Collapse By James Reed

Elon Musk is right; forget about all the nonsense of a population bomb; the real problem is depopulation, and of all things, it is the existential concern, because it is really about long-term extinction of the human race. It is as stark as that; across the world, over all races and places, people are not having children at, or beyond the net reproductive rate. By 2050, the average woman will have only 2.1 children, compared to 3.1 in 1950. That includes Africa and South America well. Europe is predictably much worse; France had the highest fertility rate among the EU member states with 1.84 live births per woman and Malta had the lowest rate with 1.13 live births; the average for the EU as a whole was 1.53. So, as an average birth per woman figure of 2.3 is needed to prevent extinction, without some radical turnaround, the human race goes extinct.

Of course, the problem here is modernity, which is the force producing contraception via the pill, and hence the women’s lib. position. That system will long collapse first and is likely to in turn reverse all of this nonsense.

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Sudanese Rebels Hijack Biolab, Full of Nasties By Brian Simpson

Here is an update on the dangerous situation where Sudanese rebel fighters have taken control of a biolab in the capital city of Khartoum. There are apparently a wide range of dangerous viruses in the lab, that could get released, as the lab worker have been forced out, and the normal controls have gone. There does not seem to be reports of gain-of-function research with exotic viruses, but who knows what went on there in a place like this, for it would be the ideal place to try out such bioweaponry adventures. This, like the Ukraine, are good reasons for the need for tight controls upon this sort of research, which is now out of control.


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36 Percent Chance of AI Launching Nuclear Weapons By Brian Simpson

This is a worry; there is a 36 percent chance of artificial intelligence launching nuclear missiles, and hence entering a full-on nuclear war. Fortunately, a bill is being put forward in the US Congress to put at least one human in the chain of events that could lead to a nuclear holocaust. I don’t know about you, but somehow, I think even that leaves much to be desired. As a grassroots type, I feel frustrated about what can be done with these international geo-political situations, where Australia is just such a small fish.


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Musk on the Woke Mind Virus Endangering Civilisation By James Reed

Elon Musk seems to have been reading the blog  - wouldn’t that be grand – in his recent takes upon the near-apocalyptic fate the West is facing. For example, apart from his concern with the depopulation agenda, he has also said that the woke mind virus is another existential threat to Western civilisation. The main undermining effects are upon free speech: “I think we need to be very cautious about anything that is anti-meritocratic and anything that results in the suppression of free speech. So, those are two of the aspects of the woke mind virus that I think are very dangerous, is that it’s often very anti-meritocratic, and you can’t question things. Even the questioning is bad.” “I really can’t emphasize this enough, we must protect free speech. And free speech only matters — it’s only relevant when it’s someone you don’t like saying something you don’t like. Because, obviously, speech that you like, that’s easy. So, it’s — and it’s — the thing about censorship is that, for those who would advocate it, just remember, at some point, that will be turned on you.”


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Another Opinion: Ex-US Army Psyops Expert Wades in on Tucker Carlson Issue By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is yet another take on the Tucker Carlson, “sacking,” or displacement issue. Former US Army psychological warfare officer, Scott Bennett thinks that the regime has an agenda of maintaining an “uninformed semi lobotomized quasi retarded population.” Nice turn of phrase, that. That is no doubt part of it as well as everything else we have reported upon. Still, this function of Tucker Carlson was known long ago, so while it would be an ultimate explanation, the proximate cause would be his attack upon Big Pharma, and other sacred cows.


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Will There be Covid Justice? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Things are certainly moving along on the road to Covid justice.  Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton plans to investigate whether Big Pharma misrepresented the efficacy and safety of the Covid vaccines and manipulated vaccine trial data, and whether gain-of function research was engaged in. According to a statement tissued by the Texas Attorney General: “The catastrophic effects of the pandemic and subsequent interventions forced on our country and citizens deserve intense scrutiny, and we are pursuing any hint of wrongdoing to the fullest,” Paxton said in a statement. “This pandemic was a deeply challenging time for Americans. If any company illegally took advantage of consumers during this period or compromised people’s safety to increase their profits, they will be held responsible. “If public health policy was developed on the basis of flawed or misleading research, the public must know.”

Texas now joins out beautiful state of Florida in investigating the perils of the Covid Vaxxes. 

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The Danger of a Single Fiat World Currency By James Reed

Professor Thorsten Polleit has given an extensive review of the drive to put into place, very soon, the globalists hope, a one-world fiat world currency. Naturally, as with free trade, the conventional economists can roll out arguments for such a currency, in terms of efficiency for Big Capitalism. The point to be made is that such as program would be laying down the foundations for democratic, so-called socialism, as it would overcome typical national resistance by other routes. The EU is an example of how, once financial autonomy is surrendered, national autonomy is the next to go.


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Brutal Censorship of Presidential Candidate Robert Kenny Jr By Charles Taylor (Florida)

If Ron DeSantis runs for president, I will vote for him, as he has done enormous good for Florida, my home state. But if he does not, I am, perish forbid, considering a Democrat vote, for Robert Kennedy Jr. Unlike Trump, who still says that he is the father of the Covid vax, and by implication, father of the deaths and adverse effects, Kennedy fought, and is still fighting the vax tyranny, and wrote the best-selling book exposing Dr Fauci himself, The Real Anthony Fauci, (Skyhorse, 2021). The measure of how he is now being considered a problem from the Left, something that the system apparently did not consider, focussing full venom upon Trump, is seen in how an interview with the ABC was censored when he spoke of the vax. But, Kennedy is a sharp lawyer, and just happened to notice that censoring a presidential candidate in this way violates federal electoral law. So, go sue them; nothing teaches anyone a better lesson than being sued!


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The End of Any Free Speech in Ireland By Richard Miller (London)

It is the endgame of multicult diversity and ethnic power, as Ireland is set to eliminate free speech. The Incitement to Hatred and Hate Crime Bill, will be the strongest in the woke West, and vaguely worded, deliberately, so that “hate” will encompass anything the globalist regime does not like. Just see what their lawyers do with it. There is no reason why vaccination criticism could not fall under this, given the narrative during the Covid plandemic, that opponents to the vax were white supremacists, even if they were Black or Asian.

The West has fallen into a real pandemic, a pandemic of white pathology where things like this occur as multicult business as usual. The Great Replacement is not just of white people, but is of all the institutions and cultural products whites created.

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Who’s Afraid of Covid Arcturus? The Health Authorities Again By Richard Miller (London)

No doubt, everyone who is not dying, or has an adverse Covid vax event, is suffering from Covid fatigue. However, the health authorities, at least here in Britain, are moving back into Covid panic mode with the latest Covid variant, Arcturus (sharing the name of the brightest star in the northern sky), technically known as XBB.1.16. the variant is also present in Australia, and across the West, due to globalisation, naturally. Here in Britain, although there have been few adverse cases, the health authorities leave no stone unturned for a good freak-out, and are urging for more booster shots, and a return to masks on public transport. According to Professor Robert Dingwall, who advised ministers on the virus during the Covid pandemic: 'We have to stop jumping at every new Covid variant that comes along unless there is solid evidence that we have poor immunity to it.' 'We need to be treating Covid like any other flu-like illness. The influenza virus also changes fairly regularly but it is not headline news.”

That is sound scientific advice, but there is more to Covid than science, it is pure political power.

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Cunning as Fox News By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is more on the so-called sacking of media powerhouse Tucker Carlson by Fox. The hypothesis is that tucker has not been sacked at all, but still has his contract with Fox news. The story goes that fox is still holding him to neutralise his influence up to the 2024 election. I wonder how the lawyers will deal with this, it seems tht there must be some legal loophole.

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A Neurologist on Covid Vax Brain Injuries By Brian Simpson

It is well worth viewing the video that Steve Kirsch has with neurologist Suzanne Gazda, who discusses the neurological health of her 4,000 patients. She says that the vast majority of these patients are worse after receiving the Covid vax. What is also of interest is that she outlines a way of experimentally testing the neurological effects of the vax, using a test called NeuroQuant test, done on an MRI machine. Kirsch, as a millionaire is willing to fund research using the test, which just shows what can be done if one has money instead of operating at the chook raffle level. We will see if he has any takers.

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Exploited by the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates and All of These Big Mega-Billionaires: Robert Kennedy Jr. By James Reed


Democrat presidential candidate   Robert Kennedy believes in the occurrence of human-caused climate change, he is after all a liberal, but a rational one, something rare. Thus, even given his belief in global warming, climate change and all that jazz, he recognises that climate change like Covid, is being exploited by the globalists, such as Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum, to bring in, what we call the New world order, and what he calls a top-down controlled totalitarian society. “They’ve given climate chaos a bad name, you know, because people now see that it’s just another crisis that’s being used to strip mine the wealth of the poor and to, you know, to enrich billionaires and I for 40 years, have had the same policy on climate and engineering, you can go check my speeches from the 1980s and I’ve said, the most important solution for environmental issues, not top-down controls, is free market capitalism,” Kennedy said. As president, this may not be too bad, as he will take the line that there needs to be more efficient use of resources, rather than crazy things like outrightly banning fossil fuels and meat.

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