Labor Made it Illegal to Preach Christianity, By James Reed

Here is a point of concern for all Christians, and freedom defenders. Dave Pellowe reports that the Respect at Work and Other Matters Amendment Bill 2024, has passed through Queensland parliament. It is one of the most repressive pieces of law to be targeted against free speech in Australian history. Pellowe quotes Queensland Director of the Australian Christian Lobby, Rob Norman who said:

"Queensland Labor has pulled a death blanket over Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression of Religion with the late-night passage of the 'The Respect at Work and Other Matters Amendment Bill.'"

"The unelected bureaucrats of the Queensland Human Rights Commission will now have powers to deem any speech that 'offends, humiliates, or intimidates' any of a growing list of persons with 'protected attributes' as 'harassment' or 'hate speech." The problem with this is both obvious, and immense as Pellowe explains:

"The Queensland Human Rights Commission – unelected bureaucrats who incuriously accepted baseless and frivolous complaints against me personally – will now decide what is and isn't "respectful", and will punish anything they deem offensive.

Because "feelings."

That's right – if someone is simply offended because someone like me preaches the incompatibility of false religion and true religion, when they go crying to the feelings police (QHRC), I'll be in serious trouble.

When your preacher read the words of Jesus, "So God created man in His own Image, in the Image of God He created him; male and female He created them," you can expect a freaking human rights violation complaint – and he'll be "guilty"!

ACL's Mr. Norman said:

This new legislation means that religious people who refer to holy texts or religious teachings that challenge sexual orientation or gender identity are open to costly action at the hands of the Queensland Human Rights Commission.

We have entered a new dystopian era where frivolous and expensive claims, at the hands of hostile activists now hangs over the 2.5 million Queenslanders who identify as 'Christian'. May God help us!"

With an election coming for Queensland on October 26, 2024, it is time to throw out of office the Steve Mile's Labor Party and repeal this draconian violation of free speech. 



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