The Aftermath of the Trump-Harris Debate, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The first comments on X about the Trump-Harris debate were about how supporters of Trump were disappointed in his performance. Then the comments went along the lines of "three against one," rightly attacking the moderators who were beyond biased, and fact checked Trump, always distorting what he said (such as saying that babies born in abortions were not left to die, when evidence indicates that they are). Harris was not fact checked at all, and engaged in a carnival of lies. As well, she was quite unprofessional, pulling weird faces, and she seemed for once, not to be drunk.

Megyn Kelly, conservative commentator was so angry she was swearing "more than usual." She was still cute though. For her comments see: Dr Steve Turley, a MAGA Christian conservative is always good to watch for his optimism, cheering one up in these "insane times." He argued that the cheating backfired, and polls were showing either a Trump win on the night, or else, a Harris win, but no movement in voting at all.

In other words, the Harris side failed. That is good news. Better yet, Trump has just announced that he is through debating her. Seems he has learnt something at long last.



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