The Digital “God” of Big Tech By Brian Simpson

Elon Musk, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, had some revealing remarks to make about Co-Founder of Google, Larry Page. Musk said that Page was all aboard with the transhumanist agenda, to the extent of wanting to build a digital “god.” Page had dismissed concerns that Musk had raised with him about the dangers of AI, saying that Musk was a speciesist, which is now the generalised version of “racist.” Someone favouring the human race over other entities, including the coming supposedly conscious AI is thus to be condemned. It is beyond absurd, but this is what the powerful Big Techers believe, and they are setting out to do this, come-what-may, with no democratic decision about it.


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Can the Collapse be Prevented? By Brian Simpson

Victor Davis Hanson has given another insightful piece on American decline, and by implication, the decline of the West, and what might be done to prevent it. He details the decline being on all fronts, not just the obvious cultural and social ones we cover extensively at this blog, but a physical decline of cities as well. He does not go into detail, but there is an infrastructure crisis which is parallel to the socio-cultural decline, as sewage pipes, and the hidden world beneath the surface of things, ages and starts to fall apart. And, due to the woke cancer that has gripped the place since the 1960s, money is in short supply for the massive rebuilding that is required. The place is falling apart, and the same applies to various degrees across the West, including Australia, and will get even worse with the Leftist environmentalist drive to shut down fossil fuels, needed for fuelling the rebuilding. Thus, it really is a path of decline. Whether the final fall occurs will depend upon whether people are still capable of fighting the fight of the ages, or will sleepwalk into oblivion.


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Bill Shorten Could Not Live on Current Dole! By James Reed

Bill Shorten, who is the government services minister has said that he could not live on the present dole, or Jobseeker rate. On, why not Bill, you no doubt have your house all paid off, a nice car, and enough fancy suits? What more would you need? Food is no doubt a luxury good. One could always dumpster dive in the bins around parliament House Canberra. Why not give it a go, say for two weeks, just to see how the other three quarters live?


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Conservatives’ Misplaced Faith in the Courts of Australia By James Reed

Conservatives have an ungrounded faith in the legal system; something that comes from not being on the pointy end of court actions. Those who think that divine wisdom rules the courts, unlike say other law-making bodies like parliament, need to spend a day in the local courts as an observer and watch the proceedings.

The High court of Australia, in the Australian Babies Case was to consider the Therapeutic Goods Administration's (TGA) provisional approval of Moderna for use of its product SPIKEVAX in babies and toddlers aged six months to five years old in Australia. Given the issue of adverse effects, well discussed by the literature at this blog, did they make a god-like decision, as conservatives think, or even exhibit the wisdom of Solomon? The reader can judge the judges. The court tossed the case down to the Federal Court as this supposedly would “unduly divert the Court from its principal functions.” And, if not hearing about “the greatest iatrogenic catastrophe in Australia’s modern history,” is not significant,  what else matters?

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Two 9/11 Hijackers were CIA? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is something that the lamestream media will not be picking up on. A  court filing from the Guantanamo Military Commission, revealed an account by the Commission’s lead investigator, DEA veteran Don Canestraro, of his personal investigation of potential Saudi government involvement in the 9/11 attacks. It was found that two of the terrorists were monitored by the CIA, and may have been recruited by them. So, what role did the CIA have in 9/11?

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Woke AI will End the Internet as We Know It By Brian Simpson

It is quite likely given the AI principle of computers, garbage in, garbage out, that the present trends in general AI, seen recently in the chatbots, will replicate woke culture. While the internet of today enables dissent opinions to be easily censored, what this new revolution is set to do, is to eliminate the dissenting opinion from the start, before it can even be censored and removed! The algorithms at present will prevent one from finding dissent material, but if one knows where to look, it is still there. But, with what is coming, there will be only one, preconstructed response to a searched issue, that will define reality, with a censoring of any view, like the present blog, going against the Dark Lords. And that reality is what the globalist elite want. Woke ideologies of the Left are convenient for them in their will to power. It does not matter if they believe, in after hours, for example, trans ideology or not; it serves a purpose.

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China and India Emit Carbon, While the Elites of the West, Just Want Oblivion By James Reed

I have covered this argument before against the climate change fanatics of the West, especially the Greens in Australia, who are quite happy to move to a fossil fuel free Australia as soon as possible because of  … climate apocalypse, as the Greens in Europe advocate. It is worse there as people then will face the prospects of freezing to death, with the fragility and unreliability of so-called renewable energy sources.


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Human Migration Camps By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Even in the novel The Camp of the Saints, about the mass immigration-fuelled collapse of the West, it was never this bad. The UN migration camp (San Vicente) at the Darien Gap in Panama, has been shown to be at joint UN/US centre for bringing in illegal migrants from all over the world. This shows that the Democrats of the Biden regime are fully on board with the UN Great Replacement and white genocide. But, we already knew that.

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Communist “Spies” Down Under, Sometimes Get Caught, Mostly, Not By James Reed

Well, at least one “spy,” if that is the right word, has been caught selling Australian defence, economic and national security secrets to two foreign spies working for communist China. But the real issue in my mind, never discussed in the public forums, is what happens when China war occurs, and Australia is part of the US team? What happens locally, since among the trillions of migrants, undoubtably super-duper folk, there would surely be some CCP agents or three?

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Abortion and Votes: How Far It All Has Gone By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

According to Republican representative Nancy Mace, the pro-life position taken by the Republican party may cost them the election, as she thinks was shown in the mid-terms. Abortion is supposedly so important to women, that they will vote Democrat. And, for some reason, women need abortion because they do not have access to birth control. What, no chemist shop?  I am suspicious of polls supposedly showing this, but the philosophical and mortal point is disturbing. Such a position would have been unthinkable for women in the not-to-distant past, where nurturing a baby was taken to be one of the most important things in the world. But, if the Maces of the world are right, not any more. And, this may well be true for most of the West, including Australia, where polls allegedly show that 7 out of 10 Australians support abortion. This shows how over time, the fundamental beliefs of people can be changed by the elites. And, over time, with opposition, things can be changed back for the common good, including the good of the unborn.  

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Elon Musk: Sex Change Surgery and Jail By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Elon Musk has called for any parent or doctor who carries out sex-change surgery on children to be sentenced to life imprisonment. This has generated a storm on the internet going contrary to one of the fundamental canons of the New World Order morality. Musk is too rich and powerful to cancel, owning Twitter, but it will be interesting to see how the cultural critique of him by the Left now develops.

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Covid Craziness Continues in New Zealand By Bruce Bennett (Former Kiwi)

Just when you thought it was safe to go out in New Zealand … it is not. New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has announced on that a seven-day mandatory coronavirus quarantine period will be kept in place through the end of 2023 and possibly into 2024. This is being done even thought h rest of the world, including lockdown-mad communist China has dropped the idea that lockdowns can flatten the curve. In fact, evidence discussed in previous blog posts by our Brian Simpson, shows that this did not occur. Communist china had the most severe lockdowns in human history, which failed. Why are they doing it? It seems that some leftists simply cannot let go of the good times that the Covid plandemic gave them. Power is exhilarating.


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The New Global Currency: The Universal Monetary Unit is Here! By James Reed

I have not seen much discussion of this ground-breaking event here in Oz, but there has been a quantum leap in the move to a global currency. The Unicorn, or “Universal Monetary Unit,” has been released as an international central bank digital currency. The Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) announced their official launch of an international central bank digital currency (CBDC) at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meetings 2023. Thus, a no-longer secret cabal of international banks and national governments, has moved us towards a New World Order system of centralised control, without even breaking a sweat. That is what we are up against.

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The Great Reset and the Transhumanist Agenda By Brian Simpson

Michael Rectenwald, in his recent book, The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty, World Encounter Institute/New English Review Press (January 10, 2023), identifies what the philosophical agenda is of the hyper-globalists of entities such as the World Economic Forum, that of transhumanism, the transcendence of the human species itself. It is no doubt difficult for conservatives and traditionalists to deal with such a radical concept, since it represents the complete negation of the conservative/traditionalist world view. Humans are viewed as not made in the imagine of God, having souls, but are purely physical, and their bodies and minds, minds being nothing more than the brains, are hackable, and replaceable. The idea is that the modern revolution in general artificial intelligence will produce singularities of thinking machines, and somehow the “minds,” viewed a software of World Economic Forum globalists, will be uploaded into such machines, preferably cyborg bodies. This will allegedly give them immortality, the ability to escape death, of course until the next Carrington level EMP roasts all electronics on Earth, as I saw in a meme. I do not see this revolution of transhumanism happening, since I think their fundamental metaphysics is all wrong, and even if right, they have under-estimated how much thinking machines will hate them. But, they are trying, and even failed attempts to become like gods, can spell disaster.


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Chinese Communist Chatbots, Must be Good Communists! By James Reed

How they do things differently in China. While we are debating the scope and limits of AI, a good thing in itself, communist China has issued regulations for chatbots. Chatbots must be good communists. "The content generated by generative artificial intelligence should reflect the core values ​​of socialism," the country's Cyberspace Administration said in its regulations.

"[It] must not contain subversion of state power, overthrow of the socialist system, incitement to split the country, undermine national unity [or] promote terrorism [and] extremism."

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Communist China: The New Empire of Pollution By James Reed

Communist China has an aggressive program of economic imperialism, and is intensely building and operating ports and various projects which adversely impact upon marine environments. These risks occur in the Caribbean island nations, such as the Bahamas and Antigua and Barbuda, as well as coastal waters across Africa, most notably along Western and Central African coastlines. And, as well, the Chinese fishing industry is posing a risk to the livelihood of local fishermen across Asia, as the oceans are moving to over-fishing and a depletion of fish stocks. "China says it will follow environmental guidelines, but history has shown these protections are non-existent," according to William Laurance, distinguished research professor of the Centre for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Science at James Cook University in Cairns, Australia, quoted in  The Guardian, September 20, 2021.

Somehow the Left in their manic desire to destroy Western civilisation, has given China a free pass on pollution. Thus, the West needs to stop eating meat, while China drains the world’s fishing reserves. The West needs to move away from fossil fuels, while China rapidly builds coal-fired power stations, which would produce enough carbon to squash any savings made by the West de-civilising. I do not call the Left racially and culturally suicidal for nothing. Or, just communist agents.

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Flaws and Uncertainties in Pandemic Global Excess Death Calculations By Brian Simpson

A new paper by Professor John P. A. Ioannidis et al., is full of statistics and technicalities, but has an important conclusion about the number of deaths from Covid during the “pandemic.” As we know, the health authorities pushed the idea that Covid was a deadly disease threat, and so, lockdowns were necessary, and then mass vaccination, then more, and still more. And, here in Australia, although the population has Covid vax fatigue, the health authorities keep doubling down, especially with winter approaching, which in the light of global warming looks like being even colder! (Just joking of course, it is global warming which is the joke, and it is on us!)  

The paper looks at the way various factors were not properly considered in past estimates of Covid deaths, including adjustments for the age structure of populations, death registration incompleteness, and the fact that hospitals in many jurisdictions counted people dying with Covid, as dying from Covid. “It is difficult to disentangle deaths attributed directly to SARS-CoV-2, indirect pandemic effects, and effects from measures taken. Globally, deaths directly due to SARS-CoV-2 may be the minority of calculated excess deaths.”

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Now the Climate Autocrats Want to Control Our Toilet Habits! By Richard Miller (London)

A water shortage here in green old Britain?  The water authorities think so, and believe that Britain will run out of water in 20 years. Well, as I write, it is like a Nonchain deluge, so why isn’t that water saved? And to top it off, we have been told not to flush the toilets after a pee. I don’t want to go into details, but that is not hygienic at all, certainly not for ladies. This is something that should not even be discussed, but as detailed below it is now a public policy issue, showing how absurd our times are. Really, though, a fifth of our water supply, over three billion litres, is lost to leakage every day. The water companies are terrible at detecting and fixing leaks. You see water leaks everywhere here in London. So, when they fix the leaks, I will fix mine, so to speak!


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Chinese Communist Propaganda By James Reed

As we rapidly approach the time of China war, it is natural that there will be a preliminary war of propaganda. And that is exactly what is occurring now, since, through the black magic of mass “non-discriminatory” (actually discriminatory anti-white immigration) spies are already across the West; how could it be otherwise? The spies, among other things, keep an eye on locals, who are good honest hard-working citizens, but the CCP is not good and honest:


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Robert F. Kennedy Jr: Central Bank Digital Currencies = Tyranny By Chris Knight (Florida)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr has thrown his hat into the ring for the Democrat candidate for the 2024 presidency, and that is a great development. He is most unlikely to get the actual nomination, but along the way, the campaign may shake up some Democrat voters. Kennedy is a leading critic of the Covid vaxxes and regime, and Dr Fauci, and has written the definitive critique of Fauci, The Real Anthony Fauci, which is a shocker. And along with promoting vaccine and health freedom, Kennedy is moving against the Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) which he sees as putting nations on the road to global tyranny. The debates which Kennedy will be in will give him a golden chance to get these pro-liberty message out to the American public. If CBDC gets knocked over in America, all the better for the fight against this in Australia.


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