Warren Mundine: Voice, a Power Grab by the Elites and Academics! By James Reed

We have talked said this about the Voice referendum, that it is a creation of the New Class elites, globalists and academics, and will not benefit the ordinary Aboriginal person, let alone the ordinary Australian.  The leader of the No campaign, Warren Mundine, who is of Aboriginal descent, and cannot be dismissed by the Yes proponents, has said that the voice is a power grab by these elites, and is cooked up to benefit them, not Indigenous Australians. And, with that wisdom, I agree.


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Trump’s Judge: Democrat Donor! A Wee Conflict of Interest By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This short note is of relevance as it shows how low the rule of law has fallen. While the New York AG cooked up a special law solely to nail Trump, Trump’s trial judge is a Democrat donor to an organisation that was set up to stop Trump, and the judge’s daughter once worked for Vice President Kamala Harris's presidential campaign! As leading lawyer Alan Dershowitz said, reflecting upon the absolute biases and prejudices of the case; even he could not successfully defend Trump in New York, and the actual evidence and law is the weakest that he has ever seen. We are seeing a once Western liberal democracy dissolve into South American style tyranny, overnight.


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mRNA Covid Vax in Cow’s Milk! I Will Drink Almond Milk! By Brian Simpson

A while back there were articles proposing that the mRNA vaxxes, not just for Covid, but for all new vax technology could be implanted in food, thus making vaccine resistance impossible. A true horror story. But, that time is now very close, as Chinese researchers, who seem to be doing an increased number of these Dr Frankenstein experiments, have successfully loaded cow’s milk with an mRNA vax. This raises the likelihood of the entire food supply being made into one giant mRNA vax. Perhaps the water supply as well, but the various decontamination chemicals might make this difficult, as most tap water is like drinking out of a swimming pol. Time to serious start growing as much of one’s food as one can, even using pots.


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Spike Proteins Accumulate in the Brain: New Study By Brian Simpson

Dr Makis summarizes the contents of a new paper from Germany, that presents evidence that the Covid spike protein accumulates in the brain where it can cause numerous diseases and disorders, including the death of neurons. It was found that an injection of the spike protein itself resulted in the death of brain tissue; “we observed the presence of spike protein in the skull of deceased long after their COVID-19 infection, suggesting that the spike’s persistence may contribute to long-term neurological symptoms.” This needs to be read in the context of the mainstream health care technocrats in Australia still downplaying any adverse effects of the vaxxes. Many used to hold that the spike protein just stayed at the injection site, and did not migrate around the body, but they do not talk about that now. If the spike protein, whether from the disease of the vax is toxic, then any presence in the brain is problematic.


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More Pfizer Documents Drop; More Concerns By Brian Simpson

The latest Pfizer document drop has occurred. This is all about Pfizer being, under court order releasing its file data on its Covid mRNA vax. Each one of these drops is revealing, for the dedicated researchers combing through thousand of pages of gunk. The description given by the Naked Emperor is complex, and perhaps only for the dedicated anti-vaxxer, and there are many out there, thirsty for information. The concise take is that the just released study is an animal study, using rats, and it was previously thought that these were not done. The study concluded that there were no adverse effects re inflammation and other pathological changes. However, as detailed below, there were a number of adverse effects and major differences between the vaxxed rats and the control group: “there were serious differences between the control group and the vaccine group that maybe should have been looked at further before injecting half the world. Just looking at a few rats and concluding the vaccine was safe maybe wasn’t the most truthful conclusion.”  


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White Poison; Sugar By Mrs Vera West

The evidence continues to mount, that sugar is literally a white poison, impacting upon multiple aspects of human health such as syndrome X and various metabolic diseases. Now, Chinese researchers have done a comprehensive study of the available literature on sugar consumption and health. It was found that eating more than 25 grams of sugar per day increases the risk of    45  chronic diseases, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, gout, tooth decay, depression, and pancreatic cancer. This is obviously bad, but what the paper does not go into is how to avoid reaching such levels of consumption, since even if one does not eat junk food, most processed foods, including even wholemeal bread has some sugar. Beer as well.

Clearly, to avoid these 45 chronic diseases, or minimise risks, will involve a rigorous overview of one’s view. In short, the movement to organic whole foods, fruit (in strict moderation), vegetables and lean meat. A modified paleo diet, eschewing grain. It is good for losing weight as well.

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A Secret Covid Tracking System; So Much for Privacy! By Brian Simpson

While this sort of investigative journalism is not done in Australia, the following story is still relevant, since it indicates that something like this may have existed.  The Epoch Times, usually behind a paywall, made Freedom of Information requests, that uncovered a CDC program to track the unvaxxed and those not fully vaxxed. Using new medical codes, the CDC compiled the lists of these individuals. When this came out, the CDC went into damage control saying that it did not have access to the data, even though they compiled it. You can’t beat them for bare-faced fibs, as our favourite journalist Ben Bartee writers. The question to ponder is whether something parallel to this occurred here in Australia, and if so, what future use will be made of it? In the next plandemic, will this condemn people like me, pure bloods, to be imprisoned in one of those massive concentration camps that were built, and are not discussed nowadays, sitting out there just waiting to go?


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Opening a Pandora’s Box of Legal Problems By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There is no doubt that Australians, who cannot be expected to be up on the fine details of US law, have no appreciated just how weak the New York case again Donald Trump actually is. I am aware that leading US constitutional lawyer Alan Dershowitz believes that the case is the weakest he has seen, but given the biases present, Trump will be convicted, but win on appeal. I agree. Here is a concise outline of the flaws in the case against Trump, the most obvious being that there is no real crime particularised at all, so the case should be dismissed on that ground alone. This case is of interest across the globe, as it shows legal corruption at work, to cook up the law to take down a target, the total weaponization of law. It is a complete abandonment of the liberal-democratic rule of law position.


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Beyond Mass Formation Psychosis; Straight-out Witchcraft! By Brian Simpson

The disturbing social phenomenon of the Covid mandate years, which continue to roll on in some jurisdictions, has been depicted by Mattias Desmet in The Psychology of Totalitarianism (2022), and popularised by Dr Robert Malone on the Joe Rogen show, as a form of mass hysteria, produced by the system using pandemic fear to produce social conformity. However, there is another take on this along the same lines of hysteria, but going further, comparing the Covid frenzy to religious cults of the past, and events such as witchcraft trials, as seen in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692-1693. The persecution of people, the state violence, such as the brutal police actions in Australia and especially New York, speak of minions who had become mindless automata, doing the bidding of the globalist elites, who stand as a new dark priesthood. The article below by Dr Peter McCullough, has a photograph of a church, which has outside the notice: “The blood of Jesus will not save you from Covid. Get vaccinated.” Such open blasphemy clearly defines the new dark religion of the virus.  


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Long Covid … Or, Just a Big Guts? By Chris Knight (Florida)

The mainstream Covid narrative has made a big issue out of so-called long Covid, which is the supposed after-effects of the Covid infection, having, surprisingly enough, many of the effects also found in the Covid vax adverse effects. However, right from the start there has been scepticism about the existence of long Covid, whether it exists at all. A recent study published in the leading journal JAMA Network Open, has concluded that the people claiming to be suffering from long Covid, are afflicted with other medical and psychological problems, including diseases associated with obesity, and psychological factors such as loneliness. This is one more important study that unintentionally, in no way advanced by the researchers, but, I think independently arguable substantiated,  that knocks over one of the main shields raised by the mainstream Covid narrative to divert concerns from the vax effects.


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Vlad Putin Puts the Nukes on High Alert! By Richard Miller (London)

This should be more concerning news, but the mainstream media, when it reports it, seems to regard it a bluff. Putin has now moved to place Russia’s nuclear deterrent forces on high alert, meaning the nukes, if needed, could be fired immediately. Putin cited economic sanctions, and aggressive hawkish statements by NATO as moving the apocalypse to the next level. Given the destructive potential of Russia this is a situation of greater concern, comparatively, than the Cuban missile crisis was. I find the nuclear Poseidon torpedo, which can cover Britain in a tsunami of radioactive water, the worst nightmare. But Russia offers many to fear.


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The World Economic Forum: The Dark Agenda By James Reed

Dr Robert Malone, leading Covid vax critic, has prepared a long essay, which he asks his subscribers to pass on, detailing the agenda of the World Economic Forum, and I am pleased to do so here. We have covered this extensively at the blog, but it is good to have one essay by a leading intellectual, rather than nobodies like me, relay all the information in one bite. The short take is that the World Economic Forum is pursuing an advance stage of globalism, perhaps even going beyond world government beloved by the UN, seeking via transhumanism, which began with the gene therapy vaxxes, to transform the human species itself. Dr Malone recommends fighting this, legally of course, although methods are being limited by the day. But local self-reliance, especially in the face of the AI end of work scenario, is advised as well.


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Banning Easter Traditions By Richard Miller

With the woke, Great Replacement culture, to destroy everything that is sacred to the West, I am not surprised to read that a school has moved to ban Easter traditions, as these seem to offend the migrant community, and after all, they are the ones who really matter. Who remembers the propaganda in the early days, proclaiming hat multiculturalism would not challenge, or over-throw our culture, but only enrich it?


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The Feminist Equation: The Greater the Number of Females in Universities, the less Academic Freedom By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

As a female academic (STEM), I have noticed this, that with the large numbers of females in all US Universities, and also in Australia, there has been a corresponding decline in the ideal of free speech on campuses. I hypothesised tht this was due to women in general tending to be more to the Left than men, something observed in the social science literature. I certainly have seen this at my university, and a no nationwide survey of faculty conducted by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression and research confirms this.


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Transgender Mob Assault Swimming Star, but No Arrests (Lucky Victim Not Arrested) By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This needs to be covered, as I did not find much discussion of this in the lamestream Australian media. A transgender mob assaulted US NCAA women’s swimming star, Riley Gaines, when she delivered a speech at San Francisco State University on trans in women’s swimming. This did not go down well at all, and she was punched by one protester, a man wearing a dress. As the authorities did nothing much, she is going to sue, and good for her.


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The Voice Will Change Democracy, for the Worst, Forever! By James Reed

Despite some equivocation, saying that he supports some constitutional recognition of Aborigines in the constitution, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton is doing good work undermining the Voice referendum. He is making sound, common-sense observations of the consequences of the Voice, the same made by Senator Price; namely that the Voice will not advance the interests of ordinary Aboriginal people, but instead will create a vast, costly bureaucracy, which will become a “new arm of government,” costing billions. That is just the cost of running the machine. There are the opportunity costs as well, of the influence that the Voice, an essential third chamber of parliament, will have upon the running of government, with the once “normal” parliament not daring to stand against the Voice. Be sure that any dissent will be met with a High Court challenge, and given that the Voice is important enough to change the constitution, a court would have the rebuttable presumption that what the Voice says, goes. What little democracy existed in Australia will evaporate as surely as water spilt in the Simpson desert.


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Viruses of the Mind By Brian Simpson

Dr Malone outlines his position on the massive psy-op that took place during the Covid plandemic. As he sees it, the state, through lies and coercion, engaged in a form of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato’s “noble lie,” a myth produced by the elites usually seen to be based upon the utilitarian idea of the greatest good for the greatest number. Actually, as Dr Malone says, Plato did not have this utilitarian notion, but instead saw the noble lie as needed to produce social conformity and harmony, to consolidate ruling elite power. In Plato’s case it was to reinforce class division in society; some people were made of “gold” and were naturally rulers, others made of “iron,” and naturally workers, or slaves. A similar version of this has been used by elites throughout history, ranging from predestined stations in life, to IQ divisions (loved by the Right), to today’s forms of social; control by propaganda viruses of the mind. What has been found out is that use of mind control through the mass media is one of the most effective forms of social control, because people internalise the messages, and think that it establishes normality, and do not even see that they are wearing chains. Except for red pilled people like us, and we hope all others, who, as in the Matrix movie, take the red pill over the blue pill.


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AI and the Globalist Control Grid By Brian Simpson

One of the clear and present dangers of developments such as OpenAI’s  ChatGPT comes as a spin off of its rapid adoption. It had one million users in the first five days, and over 100 million users in under two months. While technology critics have been concerned about traditional search engines, and how biased algorithms influenced elections through shaping opinion, ChatGPT platforms look to replace traditional search engines, which cannot give preformed answers, which ChatGPT can. There will be one true answer given to questions, where at present, there at least is some divergent, but limited, viewpoints presented. Yet ChatGPT has shown to have a Left-wing bias, being programmed that way. The greater danger still, is that with more advanced versions of this style of platform, it will ultimately be placed in the operation of numerous functions in society, and beyond critique and control, as it will define what information is “true,” and what is not. No-one will be able to control it, even if the singularity is not reached. If general AI achieves consciousness, given these powers, it could well turn out to be like Terminator movies, as Dr Mercola discusses.


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Professor Angus Dalgleish Rejects the Covid Narrative By Richard Miller (London)

Professor Angus Dalgleish is Professor of Oncology at St Georges Hospital Medical School London, and is a HIV/AIDS researcher. He is also yet another mainstream British scientist to speak out on the present Covid policies of our health authorities in the UK. He has published his doubts in the on-line version of The Express (UK), objecting to the further push of the Covid vaccine boosters now by the UK Minister of Health, who has proclaimed, as many did at the beginning of the rollout, that the vax will make one “safe.”

Professor Dalgleish points out that this proposal is at variance with the vaccine being withdrawn, or ended, in many places in Europe. The rise in Covid vax adverse effects led to this, along with the diminishing effectiveness of the vaccine. The number of adverse effects far exceeded the number of such effects seen with other vaccines such as the 1976 swine flu vaccine, which was withdrawn. Professor Dalgleish is astonished, that not only are the Covid vaxxes not being withdrawn here, but instead, the health authorities and government are doubling down on it. However, he does not examine why this is, what the agenda being played out here is. But, as I see it, it is just the Anglosphere strategy for the New World Order.

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Switzerland Halts the Covid Vaccinations By Richard Miller (London)

Switzerland has shown wisdom, at last, in stopping the Covid vaccinations, with doctors only able to administered the shots under special circumstances. While such a cessation has occurred now in other parts of Europe, what is newsworthy about this story is that doctors will face the risk of liability for damages arising from the vaccine, if they violate the principles of their duty of care to patients. The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) and the Federal Commission for Vaccination Issues (EKIF) now hold that there is no longer a positive benefit-risk ratio for the Covid vaxxes. While Big pharma swims free once more, all of this certainly ends the Covid narrative, at least for the Swiss. This should serve as a lesson for other vax-mad jurisdictions, such as Briton, and Australia, but it probably won’t.


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