Some TikToking Gen Z Miss the Lockdowns; What Does this Say about Society? By James Reed

I read Chris’s article below about how the Covid lockdowns are being forgotten by many people, as the time was so terrible that a natural memory censoring mechanism come into play. I imagine that it is much like people being subjected to violence or other forms of misery and degradation; the mind moves to block out the horrors, so life in a fashion can go on. It is common with sexual assault victims.

Yet, having said that, there are always exceptions to almost every rule and generalisation made about human behaviour, which is one reason why the discipline of psychology fails to be a hard science. Some people on the dreaded CCP spy cite, TikTok, actually miss the lockdowns, as it gave then a well-deserved break from the rat race. This is not as silly as it might first seem, as for many people, lockdowns would have been preferable to the daily grind. But of course, numerous videos of the time showed the opposite, with people undergoing severe stress and psychological trauma, as their livelihoods were threatened through business closures. I think only a minority would have been in the TikTok camp, and while a break from the rat race is an understandable response, it just shows how alienated modern life has become, that a plandemic can offer relief from the existential pain of daily being.

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On Forgetting the Horror Years of the Covid Mandates By Chris Knight (Florida)

This information is based upon US studies, but it would be a sure bet that, given human nature, the same conclusion could be reached in other jurisdictions, such as Australia. It is hypothesised by psychologists that peoples’ memories of the lockdowns are now starting to fade. The main reason for this, apart from the fallibility of human memory over time, is that memory suppression is a psychological strategy for dealing with trauma, and most people, but not all, experienced considerable misery and pain during the lockdowns. They were meant to, as it was a manipulative strategy to force mass vaccination, and this was obvious from the proclamation, that if one got vaxxed, one could join society again. And, it worked. Australia is a prime example of this.


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Masks Made No Discernible Difference at All By Richard Miller (London)

So, now they tell us, or at least Britons! Researchers from St George's Hospital in south-west London analysed collected infection control data between December 4, 2021 and September 10, 2022. In the initial stage of the study, for December 4, 2021 to 1 June 2022, all staff and visitors were required to wear masks in both clinical and non-clinical settings. However, after that, the mask mandate was dropped and hospitals made their own decisions about mask wearing, usually with high-risk wards keeping the masks. It was found that dropping the mask policy did not result in a statistically significant change in the Covid infection rate in hospitals. This occurred even though the virus was still highly active in the community. So, one more study has shown that that masks are ineffective at preventing the transmission of Covid. Yet it would be a sure bet that most health care professions still, in their heart of hearts, believe in the masks, as seen by most GPs still wearing them. Masks have become a symbol of being on the high medical/moral ground, but it is a scientific delusion.

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The Shape of Climate Change Tyrannies to Come: Brazil By Chris Knight (Florida)

Across the West various governments have implemented climate change policies that to date have fallen short of a full-blown climate emergency, the equivalent of a type of wartime declaration. But, as part of the global system of control of the New World Order, it is no doubt coming. Looking for emerging evidence, Brazil serves as an early example of the shape of things to come, with Brazil’s Left-wing Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Marina Silva, saying that the government was seriously considering declaring a permanent state of climate emergency in over 1,038 areas allegedly most affected.


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Could AI, as Eliezer Yudkowsky Says, Kill “Every Single Member of the Human Species and All Biological Life on Earth”? By Brian Simpson

Eliezer Yudkowsky of the Machine Intelligence Research Institute, did not sign the document of computer technocrats calling for a pause in the advancement of general AI. Instead, he believes that there should be a total shutdown of AI more powerful that GPT-4 as there is the Terminator possibility that it could evolve to kill “every single member of the human species and al biological life on Earth.” He said: “To visualize a hostile superhuman AI, don’t imagine a lifeless book-smart thinker dwelling inside the internet and sending ill-intentioned emails. Visualize an entire alien civilization, thinking at millions of times human speeds, initially confined to computers—in a world of creatures that are, from its perspective, very stupid and very slow. A sufficiently intelligent AI won’t stay confined to computers for long. In today’s world you can email DNA strings to laboratories that will produce proteins on demand, allowing an AI initially confined to the internet to build artificial life forms or bootstrap straight to post-biological molecular manufacturing.

If somebody builds a too-powerful AI, under present conditions, I expect that every single member of the human species and all biological life on Earth dies shortly thereafter.”

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Transgender Day of Visibility By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The transgender Day of visibility has passed, but will be remembered as a day where President Joe Biden said that apart from the truism that trans people have the same human rights as us, proclaimed that “transgender Americans shape our Nation’s soul.” Beyond doing things that everyone else does, I do not see how this pans out. But fine rhetoric delivered by the speech writing department. I rewrote the same speech changing the words, adding in “Covid vax critics,” and that worked too.  Still, this was the president that came down to address the media about the Christian school shooting, where he decided to talk about chocolate chip ice cream and gun control.


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Sheer Heart Attack! By Brian Simpson

Peak athletes, Covid vaxxed of course, are still being observed to collapse having heart attacks, some dying. Recently two high level soccer players collapsed on the field during play. 28-year-old Brazilian player Zé Carlos, from the club Ferroviário, collapsed on field, and was taken to hospital, but recovered after treatment. In Spain, 25-year-old Serbian defender Dragisa Gudelj collapsed on the pitch, suffering a cardiac arrest. Other players have collapsed and died. The media gives no explanation for these events which simply did not occur before the Covid vax rollout, nor were they seen pre-vax, during the Covid infection period. My guess: their hearts are being spiked by mRNA spike proteins, and collapse under the stress of the game.

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Anarcho-Tyranny Rules By Chris Knight (Florida)

I first encountered the term “anarcho-tyranny” in the writings of Thomas Fleming at Chronicles, the old paper version, but now on-line:

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The Burger and Fries Army By Charles Taylor (Florida)

My, how things have slipped since my day as a US marine. Blaming the Covid-19 lockdowns, Associated Press has reported that around 25 percent of US Army troops have developed obesity, to such a degree as to compromise their fighting ability. This is almost certainly not solely a product of the Covid lockdowns, but has been developing for some time, with the basic junk food diet soldiers are served up, as well as the decline in discipline in physical fitness. By contrast, the communist Chinese soldiers would be court marshalled if they turned in the same performance. So, the China war better be a high tech one, rather than the intense, often hand-to-hand fighting, seen now in the Ukraine war. Otherwise the US soldier will just “tank out” in exhaustion, his/her plump legs twitching, as the soldier rolls on his/her back with intense heart pains, probably Covid vax related as well.

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The Great Recycling of Elites By Bruce Bennett

Former New Zealand prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, who tearfully resigned in January 2023, has been recycled as Special Envoy for the Christchurch Call, to combat supposed online extremism. From her activities in draconian lockdowns, and her statements that  - "You Can Trust Us ... We Will Continue to Be Your Single Source of Truth" (July 2021) "Dismiss anything else. We will continue to be your single source of truth." "Everything else you see — a grain of salt." "Unless you hear it from us, it is not the truth." -  New Zealanders should be concerned. As an ultra-woke World Economic Forum member, she will obviously push the globalist line, so that online content disagreeing with that world view will be immediately classified as extreme. As said above, the only truth, is Their truth, not our truth, or even, the Truth. If anything is extreme, that expression of omnipotence is it.

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How Long Does the Spike Protein Stay in the Body? By Brian Simpson

With research showing the dangers of the mRNA spike protein, the question naturally arises as to how long it will remain in the body. Dr Peter McCullough had an article some months back, reviewed at the blog, showing that studies have found the mRNA spikes in organs at least a month after injection. But, as detailed below, the time frame based upon more recent research indicates that the spike protein can still be in the body 12 months after infection. The question remains whether this is also true for the spike protein generated by the Covid mRNA vaxxes. Probably this is true. We still do not know the exact life span of the spike proteins from either infection, or injection, and given the health ramifications, this is a research question needing an answer.

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“Notes from the Underground” and Woke By James Reed

An interesting article by Brett Stevens over at, linking woke with Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel, Notes from the Underground (1864). The novel is an intense Russian piece of philosophical prose, where an embittered narrator engages in a philosophical critique of Russian philosophies of the time, such as determinism (humans have no free will), and nihilism (there are no objective values and meaning to human life). Interesting as that is, Stevens draws a connection to modern day woke, or what back in the day we called political correctness.  The woke embody the same fatalistic sense of historical inevitability that the Russian nihilists had, and at the end of the day, their ultimate values are nihilistic too, as they embrace destruction with nothing of any substance to replace that which they break. “The woke live lives where their malfunctioning livers produce an overabundance of the all-consuming bile of envy. To avoid self-acidification, this corrosive envy is externalized via hostility to the people and the society around them. An ANTIFA meeting consisting of a few goofy guys munching Riot Ribs and killing brewskis utterly fails until another person’s property gets set aflame. It’s never a party for the woke until something winds up just as broken as they are.”

The events of 2020 with the burning down of cities by black clad, face masked antifa, could just as easily be bomb-throwing 19th century Russian nihilists.

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An Easter Message By James Reed

George Christensen has said it much better than most could, a profound Easter message that sums it all up, even for atheists! Now that is saying something! The universal message for all, is that good will triumph over evil, represented by the risen Christ; that after the storm  and the deluge, the rays of sunshine, metaphysically, will break through the darkness, and evil will flee.


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The Question of Cultural Collapse By Chris Knight (Florida)

A recent survey by The Wall Street Journal/NORC, about American values, found that after 25 years since the last survey, faith in God and country had plummeted. The survey found that  38 percent of Americans believed that patriotism is “very important” to them, down from 70 percent who said the same in 1998. As for faith, 39 percent of people reported that religion was very important to them, while a mere 25 years ago, 62 percent of people agreed tht religion was very important to them. That is a sad bit of news coming at Easter.

 But, still over in my former home, Australia, due to mass immigration and general secularisation, the number of people reporting an affiliation with Christianity has declined, while those of other religions, and no religion, increased. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 43.9 percent of people reported being Christians in 2021, and falling.

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The Illegal Immigration Industry By Richard Miller (London)

A good piece at detailing how the Deep State, including government bureaucracy, the private sector, and non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), work to facilitate the mass movement of largely young illegal men into Britain, and I would expect the same organisational structure exists across the migration-mad West. How this system works is that Britain’s Border Force ignores the laws giving them the power to turn the boats around, and then escorts them to safe waters. Technically the border force, which could be better named, Border Farce, could return the illegals to the last safe country that they passed through, but they never do, being essentially a migration recruiting entity. The French even hand illegals to the eager Brits. The illegals have thrown away their passports making them undocumented, so now they are housed in private hotels, given mobile phones, money, you name it, and given on a prepaid (by the tax payer) debit card.


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Wokeness is Covering for Asian Grooming Gangs By Richard Miller (London)

Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and Britain's Home Secretary Suella Braverman, have announced a new police task force to help officers tackle grooming gangs, in Rochdale, England. The problem of grooming gangs of migrant males, who have targeted white British girls, has been going on for decades, and a number of commentators have said that British police had given the rapists a free pass, as it might stir up racism; rape being for them the lesser problem. This is, after all, a police force who devote almost as much energy to policing thought crimes than real world crimes. In any case, the non-white prime Minister of Britain has said what previous white PMs have not, that victims and whistle-blowers of grooming gangs, have often been ignored by authorities due to political correctness. We will now see if he can tackle this problem.

Beyond all else, this shows that Britain is a culturally collapsed society, allowing its children to be mass raped in war-time levels; it is hard to even believe that the British Empire even existed, and future history books, written by the non-white population, will write its existence out of history. In fact, this is well under way now.

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Beware of the Attack of Spiders! By Brian Simpson

Here we are worrying about all sorts of biosecurity threats, created by what Dr Naomi Wolf calls biofascism, and the most obvious and dangerous, sneaks under our guard. Spiders! Ugg! It scares the life out of some people like my wife, who goes hysterical even seeing one; a phobia known as arachnophobia. And the creepy crawlies that can kill you are hiding underwater, in swimming pools and other water sources. So, beware! It would be ironic to be gearing up to fight the New World Order, only to be taken out by the proverbial redback on the toilet seat. Remember that one by Slim Newton, not Dusty? Remember Anglo-Australian culture, anyone?    

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The Ruins of France By Richard Miller (London)

France is once more facing social chaos, with violent protests shaking the republic. On the face of things, the subject of the protests is the adoption of a reform to the pension system, something that was quietly done in Australia, raising the pension age from 65 years to 67, for some people born in years that would normally have yielded a pension. No doubt this game will be continued so pensions become only attainable at age 156 years. The retirement age that was previously set at 62 years, now is 64. Just imagine if the law was the same as in passive Australia! And, the truth is the same for both countries, and most of the West, that the social security systems are in crisis from mass overload, a product of mass immigration, although no-one will slam this until it is too late!

France though is ahead of the curve of collapse, with the health insurance system in bad shape as well; it is sick, if not dying. "A modest reform based on an implacable demographic observation has tipped France into an existential crisis in which everything is wavering... A much deeper malaise is rising to the surface. That of a country haunted by its decline". — Vincent Trémollet de Villers, Le Figaro, March 23, 2023. Guillaume Faye (1949-2019), was right; this is the general problem of the decline of the West.

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Punjabi, Australia’s Fastest Growing Language! By James Reed

Forget about the Voice and impending China war for the moment and consider that Punjabi is the fifth most spoken language in Australian homes, after English, and is Australia’s fastest growing language, but is not offered for study in Queensland schools. I checked and was horrified to see that Punjabi was not offered for study in Victorian schools either. Clearly something must be done about this!,offering%20Punjabi%20language%20study%20onsite

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The Rule by AI? An Alternative View By James Reed

Received by email, the latest Bob Livingston Alert, dealing with the AI takeover issue, which makes many good points, that may offer us some hope from the doom and gloom otherwise seen. His main point is that AI is over-rated, and is being deliberately propagandised by the technocrats making money from it. It is much like cancer researchers, who are always on the verge of a cure for cancer, if only the next funding grant is given. There is nothing about AI that is impressive when one considers what little it actually accomplishes.

It is a toy, a parlor trick built on software, not a living entity with independent observations and conclusions. And it's certainly not a god-like being capable of showering us with scientific ambrosia or building a perfect civilization.”

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