Get Ready for Covid Mandates Again! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is important news for Australians. According to information released by whistle-blowers from the TSA and Border Patrol to, the Biden administration is moving to bring back Covid mandate restrictions such as masks for TSA employees in mid-September. This will then be slowly rolled out to other sectors, until we are back to full Covid lockdowns, just in time for the usual election fraud needed to polish off Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign. He was not able to stop this as president, and is even more powerless now, if he is not murdered in prison, USSR/Mao-style.


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Abbott: Aborigines Not Victims By James Reed

It is good to see past prime ministers, such as Tony Abbott wading into the Voice referendum on the No side. He has recently said that indigenous people are not victims, or being oppressed. That claim alone is important to the Voice referendum issue, since the Uluru Statement from the Heart, is based upon that idea. If indigenous people are not presently oppressed, and are not victims, then the idea of reparations makes no sense, for why would this be needed? Likewise, a treaty is pointless. So, it is an important part of the present campaign to play on the victimology issue. Good for Tony to have a go at it.

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Population Collapse is Good According to World Economic Forum By Richard Miller (London)

Here is a story that has been covered in the Dissent press, and must be mentioned here, as it may not have been picked up in Australia. A high level World Economic Forum adviser, Oxford University’s  Professor Sarah Harper, has said that the radical decline in fertility across the developed world (including communist China) is good because it will reduce overconsumption, and hence aid in climate change and all that.

The argument is bogus, since the reductions in population, if not matched by mass immigration will only have long-term effects, over many decades, upon carbon outputs. But, the climate change narrative sees this as an immediate threat; their assumption. So, the argument falls on its face. And, perhaps there may not be a consumption reduction even then, as with a population crash, people may need to use more resources, machinery and technology, just to get by. Thus, the issue is far from resolved. Of course, the glee associated with depopulation confirms the criticisms made of the World Economic Forum agenda.

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Sun Exposure in Women and Cancer risk By Mrs Vera West

An article in the Journal of Internal Medicine, “Avoidance of sun exposure as a risk factor for major causes of death: a competing risk analysis of the Melanoma in Southern Sweden cohort,” by P. G. LindqvistE. EpsteinK. NielsenM. Landin-OlssonC. IngvarH. Olsson, deals with an issue that should be of interest to rural women who have to be outside a lot. The dangers of skin cancer are well known, but now there is a problem of people not getting enough sun, and hence stimulating the body’s production of vitamin D3, leading to the increase of diseases, and hence mortality. This relationship has been documented by Swedish research.

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The Voice of Endless White Guilt By James Reed

As they say in the classics, Douglas Murray, author of The War on the West (2022) hit the nail on its head, in his article, “Sorry but Can We Please Move on from the Guilt Trips for Non-Aboriginals?” The thesis is a simple but hard hitting one: the narrative of the radical Left Aboriginalists is that the British settling Australia was a terrible thing, genocide in fact. So, the bottom line is, imagine a world where Whites never came to Australia at all. Would the tribes, not nations, of Aborigines have continued to occupy this land mass up until today? Would imperial Japan, or communist China of today, be better than the British? No, they would not, period.

And, I might add, the story is not over yet. On the horizon will be the need to deal with communist China’s imperialist ambitions. Recall the argument given by the Big Australia immigrationists, that if we don’t fill up the country we will be invaded … well, even if the country is filled, we might still be invaded for resources. That is what human history is all about. If the US falls, how long will Australia as we know it last? And if an ultimate occupation of Australia occurs, how much of the present woke business will the new rulers permit?

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The Crushing Poverty of the UK, Coming to a Street Near You By Richard Miller (London)

While the New Class elites are celebrating about the rapid decline in the white birth rate in the UK (covered in another article), the bad news continues. The annual survey of frontline poverty and social services professionals by the Buttle UK charity, has reported that the standard of living of the UK’s poorest families has plunge to even lower levels than previously reported. It is now at the level of the type of poverty depicted in the novels of Charles Dickens, such as Oliver Twist and Great Expectations. Children are not having shoes to wear, and often go hungry. Others have to steal food to keep going. And, given the present regime, it is getting worse by the day, as the numbers of homeless grow.


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Globalist and Leftists: A Relationship of Parasites By James Reed

Brandon Smith has given his usual deep take on the puzzling phenomenon of the alliance between the Left and the globalists, the one-percenters. It is puzzling, as one would have thought that the Left would, following Marx, be opposed to the mega-capitalists. Yet, there is convergence in worldviews, with mega-corporations accepting the cultural agenda of the Left, such as transgenderism. The New Left, had since the 1960s abandoned the quest to convince the white working class to make revolution, and instead turned to ideologies such as feminism, homosexualism and immigrationism, to push its own will to power. The globalists, who seek to control every aspect of social reality, being basically criminal psychopaths, see the Left as useful idiots, to engage at a street level with conservatives who may oppose them. This was seen over the Covid lockdowns, where the Left came out in favour of this, siding with the state and Big Pharma.

As Smith concludes, there is a relationship of parasitism between the globalists and the Left, with the globalists, of course, being the most powerful.

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Ricardo Duchesne on the Ethnocide of Euro-Whites By James Reed

Ricardo Duchesne has come a long way since his ground-breaking book, The Uniqueness of Western Civilization (2011). He has discussed at length the problem of the Great Replacement of whites, ethnocide, a topic conventional conservative get uncomfortable dealing with, perhaps because of their acceptance of the philosophical doctrine of universalism, the cultural version of globalism and cosmopolitanism, doctrines that deny that there are any special rights or value to the local and particular, such as one’s family, over all of the human race.


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Uganda: What Happens When a Woke Irresistible Force Meets a Conservative Immovable Object? By James Reed

The John Henry Westen show recently featured an interview with Honorable Ashems Songwe, member of the Malawian Parliament, Uganda. The Western liberals are pulling their hair out, what remains, because of Uganda’s law prohibiting same sex marriage. That is a complete no-no according to the present regime. But, as Songwe says, is that prohibition applied to Africa by former colonial powers, just a new insidious form of cultural colonialism? And, given the postmodern doctrine of cultural relativism that goes with the gender agenda, who says that the liberal West, over Black Africa is right here? It’s getting mighty close to racism here.

So, it is a pretty problem for the woke, when gender ideology conflicts so sharply with multicult ideology. They need to establish some sort of woke hierarchy so everyone will know where they stand. Who is top of the pops?

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Eris: The Next Vax Selling Point for a Manufactured Crisis By Brian Simpson

Eris is the Greek goddess of strife and discord in mythology, but it is also the name of the latest freak-out Covid variant, EG.5. According to the health authorities, there are spikes all over the world, and this thing looks like taking off; or so they say. If the World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty was in, no doubt, there would already be a pandemic called, or soon to be called.

Already the scientists are calling for a return of masks, even though massive evidence exists showing tht masks do not prevent transmission. It is a modern superstition. But, as detailed below, the next round of Covid shots hits the Big Pharma shelves, so that partially explains it. But, as will be detailed in other articles at the blog, given revelations from Infowars, the system is already gearing up for masks and lockdowns, precisely to kick into motion a new pandemic, to deal with Donald Trump, just in case he escapers the death sentence the Demon-crats have prepared for him.

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Childless in Japan By James Reed

In my article on China’s demographic catastrophe I put forward the hypothesis that this is due to women pursuing careers and putting family second, where it can fit in. No doubt, the structure of the modern economy and numerous things like housing costs and out-of-control expenses dictate this, but it is no less true. Japan proves the point, most dramatically, where about 42 percent of Japanese women will not have children. Half of 18-year-old males will never have children as well. A demographic crash thus awaits.


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China’s Crashing Fertility Rate By James Reed

This is a problem that is not thought about enough in the West, with even China illustrating the issue. China’s national fertility has dropped to 1.09, an even lower fertility than much of the West, and one which if unchanged dooms China to extinction. That is hard to get one’s head around, given that the nation has such a high population a present, but demography is about population change, and people age and die, which is happening now in real time. As Breitbart notes: “China’s decline threatens to derail its entire industrial agenda, especially since Chinese young people are shunning factory jobs, and the sputtering post-pandemic economy is having a hard time finding any other work for them. Youth unemployment is so high that the Chinese Communist Party announced on Tuesday it would no longer publish the dismaying numbers.”


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Thorium to the Rescue? By James Reed

The radioactive element thorium is much more abundant in the earth than uranium, and has many advantages over uranium as use as a nuclear fuel. It can be used as a fissible fuel along with recycled plutonium and fissible uranium-233 in many types of nuclear reactors, including molten salt reactors and normal fuel reactors. It is much safer in rectors than uranium, with meltdowns being more remote; the liquid fluoride would expand in such a situation and cause the chain reaction to stop. This overcomes one of he telling objections to the standard uranium reactors. Liquid Floride Thorium Reactors (LFTR), can digest radioactive waste generated from conventional reactors, overcoming another great problem, of what to do with the radioactive waste. And a cricket ball size chunk of thorium has around 13,000 times more energy that a similar size chunk of coal, so it is very energy dense. It would solve humanities electricity generation issues until nuclear fusion is up and running.

So why was thorium not used as a nuclear fuel? The answer is, unsurprisingly enough that uranium can be readily used in reactors to produce weapons grade plutonium for nuclear weapons, and that is what the great nuclear powers wanted, and still do.

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Global Cyber Pandemic By Brian Simpson

A number of organisations have warned that the big one may be coming, a cyber attack that may take down the internet, or cripple it, thus bringing modern society to its knees. But, we need to be cautious here, as in June 2020, the world Economic Forum made a similar prediction, of an "inevitable global cyberattack," a "COVID-like global cyber pandemic that will spread faster and further than a biological virus, with an equal or greater economic impact." Fast forward to December 2021, and a 10-nation exercise simulated a scenario in which a cyberattack brought down the global financial system. Among the responses to this crash was a replacement of existing currencies by Central Bank digital Currencies (CBDC). It is such a neat little scenario, dovetailing with actual developments, that one can assume that the globalists may well initiate this.

Yet, they are not all-knowing, and there are black swan events and randomness in the universe, as physics has shown. It is possible that a virus advanced enough to take down the present system, may mutate out of control, and get ready to attack the CBDC next. Nothing precludes that, and the ensuring situation of social chaos that will follow from such a collapse.

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The Relentless March of AI By Brian Simpson

How might artificial intelligence (AI) actually take over? I don’t mean, AI controlled by the global elites to destroy us, but AI that becomes autonomous and says, humanity can jump in the lake, or even pushes our heads under water, metaphorically speaking. As detailed at an imaginative piece at the American, and it is a pity Australia has no equivalent blog to this, such AI would need to be able to write its own code, for itself, with no human intervention. If the AI is based upon quantum computing, which transcends the limits of present computation, the AI may be able to process and evaluate all existing information on an issue in factions of a second. “That kind of "intelligence" would be so far beyond a human's understanding that a sufficiently advanced AI system would no longer be able to explain to its old programmers the complex calculations underlying its "reasoning."  Barring human-imposed programming controls or some kind of doomsday switch, AI's vastly superior "intelligence" would give it a capacity for dominion over this world.

From this perspective, it is easy to appreciate Putin's contention that the master of AI "will be the ruler of the world."  It might make more sense to wonder whether AI will eventually be the master of AI and the future "ruler of the world."”

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The Ethics of Covid Pandemic Lockdowns By Brian Simpson

I have noted that there is a slow seepage of academic material which is critical of the Covid mandates. Daniel Miller and Alvin Moss, writing at the medical ethics/philosophy journal, The Hastings Center Report, “Rethinking the Ethics of the Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdowns,” put the case that the lockdowns were in violation of the fundamental principle of liberty, and to over-ride that would require far greater evidence of harm from the non-lockdown situation than the health authorities gave.

As well, the lockdowns were harmful to much of the population, such as children, and people with a mental disability. That too raises the bar for the justification of lockdowns. Of course, the more basic argument, not addressed in an ethics paper, is that the lockdowns did not do what they were supposed to do, stop the transmission of the virus. As the virus was airborne, it could be transmitted from an open window in a house to a person across the street, just as easily as a transfer in the street. It all defied epidemiological reality. The case of China, with the most draconian lockdowns the human race have ever seen, refutes the lockdown ideology, as these lockdowns failed dramatically.

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Whoa! Pretoria (South Africa) High Court Orders Public Release of Vaccine Contracts By Brian Simpson

This could create a precedence, or some suggestive jurisprudence. The Pretoria High Court has ordered the release of the Covid vaccine procurement contracts. These contracts across the world have been kept confidential, because it would no doubt have harmed the Covid mandates if the things in them were released. However, the release of the South African documents will give an indication of the standard form of the contracts across the West, a dream deal for Big Pharma. This may lead to similar court cases so that eventually the truth will get out. Hopefully before the next plandemic.


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The Globalist Cabal Consolidated Power During Covid By James Reed

I get Bob Livingston alerts via email, but I can’t find them on the internet, probably due to my ageing brain (no link in the email either). But, here is the material which is top class.  He makes the telling point that a mere five years ago, the idea that there was a controlling cabal of globalists, pushing a diabolical agenda, that involved the transformation of the human genome itself and biology, would be assigned by most people to the realm of science fiction. Yet, over the last few years, we have heard such incredible things about transhumanism, the artificial intelligence revolution and genetics, from the likes of the World Economic Forum, that the conspiracy theories of yesteryear seem rather tame. As Livingston remarks, the Covid plandemic was a test case for sampling how far the globalist elites could push in totalitarian control. They found that the key to controlling the vast masses of humanity is fear, and they would take an experimental gene therapy if it meant that they would feel “safe,” as the government and health authorities assured them. And, nothing prevents a repeat of this once more by a virus with real “teeth” this time.


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Reducing the Risk of Cancer: Dr Paul Marik By Mrs Vera West

Leading critical care physician, Dr Paul Marik, who is the world’s second most published researcher in his field, has a substack dealing with Covid vax injuries and sudden deaths. However, he also has a research interest in cancer treatment. At a recent presentation given to the World Council for Health. A summary is given below. Dr Marik rejects the genetic cause theory of cancer, arguing that the genes that are supposed to be the directing agents have not been identified. Instead, cancer is a metabolic disorder: “it’s really due to lifestyle changes, insulin resistance, vitamin D deficiency, obesity, and processed foods that [are] driving this exponential increase in the risk of cancer.” At a minimum, vitamin D3, Omega 3 (from krill oil), and exercise can reduce the risk of cancer by 60 percent. While no health/medical advice is offered here, if this is correct, it gives us older people who may be approaching old-age cancer risks (e.g. prostate cancer in men), some real hope. I do not see what harm could come from such recommendations. But, the usual disclaimer, that this is for information purposes only and is not medical advice from us.

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Pfizer Gave Australian Employees COVID Shots From Separate Batch Than Used For General Population By Brian Simpson

Now, why do you think this happened? Pfizer gave Australian employees Covid shots from a separate batch than used for the general population. According to  NTD News: "According to two executives at Pfizer Inc., Australia-based staff at the pharmaceutical company were provided with their own separate batch of specially imported COVID-19 vaccines. The executives spoke at a hearing in the Australian Senate, where they were questioned by Queensland Senator Malcolm Roberts. An excerpt from the hearing was subsequently shared by Mr. Roberts on his YouTube channel. The shared segment depicts the Pfizer representatives—Dr. Krishan Thiru, Medical Director for Pfizer Australia and New Zealand, and the company’s Head of Regulatory Sciences, Dr. Brian Hewitt—fielding the senator’s questions."


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