UK: 98 Percent of Adverse Reactions to Vaccines May Not be Reported By Richard Miller (London)

Retired nurse educator Dr. John Campbell  has detailed how the Pandemic Response and Recovery Group, a bipartisan parliamentary group in the United Kingdom, has documented that 98 percent of adverse reactions to vaccines may not be recorded. They refer to Professor Carl Heneghan, Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford, who has analysed Britain’s Yellow Card System, and concluded that complexities and inefficiencies in the system indicate that only 2 percent of adverse vax reactions are being recorded. British MP and Pandemic Response and Recovery APPG Co-Chair Esther McVey, has said in relation to the Covid vaxxes in particular: “These vaccines seem to have a disproportionate adverse reaction rate, with injuries including strokes, blood clots, heart attacks, amputations, and neurological conditions. So a reporting system that misses as many as 98 out of 100 adverse reactions, inevitably misses safety signals.”

This bombshell news indicates that the Covid vax injury rate for the UK could be under-reported by 98 percent, making the adverse reaction rate enormous. It really is the scandal of the century.

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From Blocking Out the Sun, to Giant Atmospheric Vacuum Cleaners! By James Reed

First the White House, which under the Biden regime has become much like The House of the Rising Sun (1964, The Animals), was investigating blocking out the sun for the climate change crisis freak-out. Now they move up a level and set to endorse policies of the use giant vacuum cleaner devices, to suck carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The devices will cost $ 1.2 billion, and remove 2 million metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. Some are concerned that such a removal may influence plant growth in a time of a food crisis. However, doing the figures, the global emissions of carbon dioxide is 36.8 billion metric tons. So, the vacuum cleaner project really does not do much at all. For $ 1.2 billion, a mighty lot of trees could be planted which would do much more for the global ecosystem than show-and-tell high tech fix projects like this.     

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Behind the Voice: Malcolm Roberts Explains By James Reed

Malcom Roberts is doing a great job exposing the less than hidden agendas behind the Voice referendum and the deceptions of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister has gone to ground on issues such as the treaty, the South African-style Truth commission (which seems to be something of a woke inquisition), and reparations. Here is one to swallow: reparations that will be sought, a kind of white guilt tax, would be about one percent of GPD, around $ 20 billion, for starters.  It is all in the Uluru statement that the Prime Minister endorsed., as Roberts details. That there is no debate about this, is a deception perhaps greater than even the Covid scamdemic, and that is saying something!

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Despite Public Opposition UK Government Charges Ahead with Digital ID By Richard Miller (London)

As readers would know, across the world the globalist elites, and their puppets, our politicians, are moving ahead with a digital technocracy, with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) ending cash, and as a background to all of this, people being given a digital identity, to become part of the “matrix.”

The Cabinet Office ran a public consultation on its digital identification program, and has now published the results. There was overwhelming public opposition to the entire program, which seems to have put the government back into damage control mode. However, there is no indication that the program will be stopped; rather the government response was that “misinformation,” that individual liberties would be chopped under a communist Chinese style “social credit’ system would occur, damaged the program. It seems the drive now will be to counter this “misinformation.”

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Federal Court Case to Examine Covid Vaccines and Genetic Alteration By Brian Simpson

Leading dissent Aussie journalist Rebekah Barnett reports on a new case that has been filed in the Australian Federal Court, which will question the position of the Australian government, that the Covid mRNA vaccines do not alter the DNA of people who have been vaxxed by them. According to the government: “DNA is stored in the protected centre of our cells – the nucleus. The mRNA is broken down quickly by the body. It never enters the nucleus, and cannot affect or combine with our DNA in any way to change our genetic code.”

However, Victorian doctor and pharmacist Dr Julian Fidge is seeking an injunction to stop Big Pharma from distributing their mRNA vaccines in Australia. The argument is that the mRNA vaccines contain genetically modified organisms (GMO), and while Pfizer and Moderna obtained approval for their mRNA vaccines from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), they did not obtain a licence from the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR), and hence are in breach of the Gene Technology Act 2000. The technical arguments, for those interested, are expertly summarised by Barnett in the extract below, but what is at stake, if the plaintiffs are correct, is that the human DNA of most people on the planet has been altered, making much of the human race, now genetically modified organisms. It will certainly prove to be an interesting case, win or lose.

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Klaus Schwab in Action: Down with National Sovereignty! By James Reed

James Bond style character, Klaus Schwab, can be viewed in full flight, where he is quite open about national sovereignty being a threat to all-knowing globalist organisations, such as the World Economic Forum, solving all the world’s problems, such as the so-called climate change crisis. This is a concentrated form of technocracy, where individual freedom is eschewed, in favour of expert control. We do not get a say abut this, since these people despise democracy, and the ordinary person, who is seen as a useless eater, and fully disposable. This has been made quite clear with talks from the World Economic Forum platform, where ideas like spreading an allergy to red meat, get a serious discussion: Dr. Matthew Liao, speaking at the 2016 World Science Festival said: “People eat too much meat. And if they were to cut down on their consumption on meat, then it would actually really help the planet. But people are not willing to give up meat. Some people will be willing to, but other people – they may be willing to but they have a weakness of will. They say ‘this steak is just too juicy, I can’t do that.’ I’m one of those by the way.

So here’s a thought. So it turns out that we know a lot about — we have these intolerances… For example, I have a milk intolerance. And some people are intolerant to crayfish. So possibly we can use human engineering to make the case that we’re intolerant to certain kinds of meat, to certain kinds of bovine proteins…

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USSR-Style Show Trial: Judge of Trump has Exhibited Open Bias By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Former President Trump will face trial with Obama-appointed migrant judge Tanya Chutkan. To see how far the rule of law has fallen, she previously was angered that Trump was not behind bars! Nothing here about a fair trial, or the innocent until proven guilty principle. As well she has been extremely harsh on all January 6 people that she has tried. Just imagine if say, antifa Leftists were tried by some deeply conservative judge who was strong on law and order. The Left would be screaming from the rooftops. But so far, not much comment from anyone; Trump was saying that the Supreme Court of the United States should intervene, but that is a court of appeal, primarily, and he needs to get action going before it gets to their bench. Less cheeseburgers and ego thumping, and more direct action I think.

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World Health Pandemic Treaty and Australian Sovereignty By Brian Simpson

According to the Australian government, the forthcoming World Health Organization’s pandemic Instrument does not override Australia’s national sovereignty. According to Senator Ralph Babet: “Australia would retain our powers to make decisions on our own borders and on our own public health and social measures, so I think that should give people the assurance that it's Australia and Australia's response that will guide future planning and future responses to disease outbreaks.”

The argument by Babet parallels the one presently being made by the Prime Minister to push the voice through, that the changes to the constitution are only cosmetic, tht there is nothing to see here. But, as with the pandemic treaty, if the treaty has no teeth, it would not be asking for nations to make WHO to be identified as the central coordination authority for future international health responses. So, I for one, am sceptical.

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AI Listening to the Sound of Typing By Brian Simpson

This is just a warning; AI has now been developed which can crack private information such as passwords, credit card numbers and private messages, just by the sound of key strokes. And, it can do this with up to 95 percent accuracy. That is a worry, but it was coming. Details from Yahoo below, but what to do about this is most important. As this is a problem, potentially with laptops in public spaces e.g. airports, methods of disguising the sounds might be made. Two-factor authentication using two forms of identification, such as a text sent to one’s mobile phone, could be used. Biometric authentication, such as fingerprint scans and facial recognition, are other possibilities.

Yet, there is now something of an AI arms race, and no doubt, all such detours will be frustrated given enough time. As I see it, this insecurity is an intrinsic part of the AI world that they have created for us.

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Cows, Bulls and the Transgender Agenda By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Kari Lake, whom many believe will be Trump’s running partner, was at an event where she milked a cow. While doing it, she turned to the audience and said to  the Leftist New York Times and Washington Post reporters, there are just two genders. “I challenge the New York Times reporter and the Washington Post reporter to” attempt milking a cow and then attempt milking a bull and seeing “how that goes.”

I think that that would be a good acid test for all postmodernists, who believe in the cultural relativity of all reality, including bovine.

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Much Ado about Global Average Temperatures By Brian Simpson

Dr Mike Hulme has come out against the reductionistic science that is embodied in the fetish for “average global temperatures,” and alleged rises in this, as pushed by the globalists such as the UN. He notes that even more so than the use of GPD in economic forecasting, which has clear limitations as well, global average temperatures are an abstraction from what exists in the real world. As he says: “Global temperature does not cause anything to happen. It has no material agency. It is an abstract proxy for the aggregated accumulation of heat in the surface boundary layer of the planet. It is far removed from revealing the physical realities of meteorological hazards occurring in particular places. And forecasts of global temperature threshold exceedance are even further removed from actionable early warning information upon which disaster risk management systems can work. Global temperature offers the ultimate view of the planet—and of meteorological hazard—from nowhere.”


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True Confessions of the Australian TGA By Brian Simpson

In testimony to the Education and Employment Legislation Committee inquiry on August 3, TGA Medicines Regulation Division Medical Officer Andrew Pengilley said there was “an abundance of evidence” that the mRNA vaccines can stop people catching Covid, that is, prevent transmission. That is directly contradicted by reality, as most people who were vaxxed, also became infected with Covid Omicron or other variants. Hence, refuted. And,  that is not to even deal with the evidence, summarised in a video featuring Dr Roger Hodkinson, as how the Covid vaxxes killed 20 million people globally:

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British Woke Police: Did English Police Arrest a Terrified Autistic Girl for Saying a Policewoman Looked Lesbian? By Richard Miller (London)

The British police have backed down from their arrest of an autistic girl who said one female officer looked like her lesbian nana. The West Yorkshire officer saw this as having committed “homophobic public order offence.” It is odd given the way the British police have swallowed whole the gender agenda, since the officer should be over-joyed to be in the good company of said autistic girl’s nana. But, there was a massive public backlash against this, and I suppose the woke police higher up thought that it was time to go into damage control.


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Problems for Australian “Green” Energy By James Reed

Oh, what a tangled web Green energy has spun, with seemingly more projects collapsing than getting up and running. For example, the latest failure is the cancellation by Atco, a Canadian gas company, of a green hydrogen project. The dream was for a 10 megawatt (MW) green hydrogen electrolyser next to Bright Energy’s 180 MW Warradarge wind farm in Western Australia. This was hoped to fuel the plant with renewable energy and produce 4.3 tonnes of green hydrogen annually. But, then reality bit; the hydrogen would have to be trucked to points where it could be put into the gas network, and that was not viable. Instead, the hydrogen facilities need to be near heavy industry for economy of scale advantages. Righty, Natural concludes: “The cancellation casts a negative light on Australia's alleged focus on renewable hydrogen.”

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The Mental Disorder of Climate Alarmism By James Reed

The Wall Street Journal is making some revealing exposures, first with an opinion piece expressing some concern about the ramifications of destroying President Trump, and now, concern that reports of climate change doomsday, as seen in the present northern hemisphere heatwaves, is fuelling mental derangements, as people get pushed over the edge. The writer Allysia Finley, gave some fresh air of reason about the so-called heat crisis: “If heat waves were as deadly as the press proclaims, Homo sapiens couldn’t have survived thousands of years without air conditioning. Yet here we are. Humans have shown remarkable resilience and adaptation—at least until modern times, when half of society lost its cool over climate change."

That is a piece of uncommon common sense from the other side of the fence on this issue. Expect when temperatures plunge in the northern winter, the chattering class, while nice and warm and cosy in their high carbon producing heating systems, will still be “chattering.”

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The Rush to a Cashless Australia; Were You ever Asked? By James Reed

The rush to produce a cashless Australia is moving ahead, Australia’s version of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), being tested by the Federal government and the Reserve Bank, and in partnership with the Bank of International Settlement. Pilot programs with companies like Mastercard are about to wrap up soon, so if successful, it won’t be long until cash will be made but a memory. Already many banks are not dealing in cash at all, and this trend will be worked on along with the bigger agenda. This issue is at least as threatening as the Voice issue, for it represents a creeping form of communist Chinese totalitarianism, and “social credit.” The power that would be created by such a centralisation of finance would stand as an irresistible temptation for the political class to move to a communist Chinese social credit system, where individual dissents could be controlled just as the Canadian trucker protesters were financially cancelled, and as individuals, company representatives and family of Dr Mercola, have now been de-banked,

Like the Voice, this must be defeated. Alert all the dissent politicians to this, as there does not seem to be much attention devoted to the issue now, with the Voice, naturally enough taking all attention.

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The De-Banking Agenda: Dr Mercola By Brian Simpson

We have covered the de-banking issue in general, but here is up-to-date information from a leading Covid critic with a health business, who was de-banked, along with his family and some members of his business. In mid-July 2023, JP Morgan Chase Bank cancelled all of Dr Mercola’s business bank accounts, along with the personal accounts of his CEO, CFO and their respective spouses and children. While numerous individuals who have had a public profile have been cancelled in the past by the banks, this move is new insofar as the attack goes to business associates, and even family, so the motive seems to be aggressive punishment. It is the beginnings of a Chinese communist bad “social credit’ system, which is a major step on the road to totalitarianism.

Dr Mercola gives details of his problem below, and it is a lesson in what is rapidly approaching.

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More Crazy Climate Change High Tech Fixes By Brian Simpson

I have mentioned this in another article, but here goes this latest piece of climate change absurdity. István Szapudi, an astronomer from the University of Hawaiʻi wants to see a giant solar shield made of graphene which would be like a giant umbrella, put into space to block out part of the sun. Problem is no-one has solved the problem of how to get such an enormous object into space (or to build it in space, away even from the moon), or how to stop solar “winds” blowing it away. It is a crazy idea but the climate change frenzy seems to be well suited for such madness.

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The Call to Genetically Modify Humans to Eliminate Meat has Already been Made By Brian Simpson

We have mentioned at the blog the issue of the Lone Star Tick, which when biting people can transfer the carbohydrate alpha-gal, that can cause a red meat allergy. We hypothesised that perhaps there will be research by the globalists who want meat banning to engineer in some bioweapons lab a more readily transferable version of this disease, say by transmission by mosquitoes, or aerosols. And blow me over, I just found that this idea has already been put forward by a bioethicist linked to the World Economic Forum. I can just see this happening, as after Covid, not even the sky is the limit; in another article we discuss how the climate change crazies are contemplating giant reflecting surfaces in outer space to reflect sunlight away from the Earth.


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The Political Weapon of De-Banking By Chris Knight (Florida)

A post at International, comments on the present globalist weapon to silence dissent, de-banking. The latest well-known figure to face having his accounts closed down is Covid vax critic Dr Mercola, but as pointed out below, this situation has been occurring for some time with lesser known people across the West being financially cancelled. It is a real and present danger, and does not necessarily mean that the de-banking is limited to Covid vax critics, critics of globalism and immigration. The system could get paranoid about the financial reform movement if it looked like progress is being made, as this too is a threat to globalists power. So, individuals and organisations who are generally financially vulnerable could be hit hard.


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